Who Is The Worst President Since WWII?

Lets face it.....anybody with half a brain knew from the outset that this presidency was going to be a fucking disaster.

Who didn't?

Mostly uninformed half-wits that voted for him only because the government is paying their bills. The others are a few trial attorneys, some in academia and the unions. Oh.....and the internet k00ks like Franco who read a few pages of Hobbes and Sir Thomas Moore and has been in spaceland ever since..

This presidency is one that it will take a long, long time to recover from.....if ever. IM just happy this fraud has finally been fully exposed.
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RR, the napper. Obviously, those polled did not live through 1/1981-1/1989.

He only defeated the Evil Empire, while Liberals shook in their boots.....had didn't fire a shot

Then he provided the golden age of economic improvement for Americans.

And he fled the Democrat Party.

The three main reasons that the Liberal hate the man, and never miss an opportunity to fabricate lies about him.

The USSR didn't break up until 1991. Raygun left office in 1989.

He took the cheap imported oil route. By increasing our dependence on foreign sources of energy he decreased our long term national security. Times were good. Gas was cheap and cocaine was too. Good time brother, good times........

Once a corporate shill always a corporate shill. Didn't matter which coat tale he rode on.
Yes, and Ronnie ran up the debt, while decreasing spending for everything BUT Defense HARDWARE. Still, how Presidents make individuals feel is incalcuable, thus I do not challenge the results of the poll.
He only defeated the Evil Empire, while Liberals shook in their boots.....had didn't fire a shot

Then he provided the golden age of economic improvement for Americans.

And he fled the Democrat Party.

The three main reasons that the Liberal hate the man, and never miss an opportunity to fabricate lies about him.

The USSR didn't break up until 1991. Raygun left office in 1989.

He took the cheap imported oil route. By increasing our dependence on foreign sources of energy he decreased our long term national security. Times were good. Gas was cheap and cocaine was too. Good time brother, good times........

Once a corporate shill always a corporate shill. Didn't matter which coat tale he rode on.
Yes, and Ronnie ran up the debt, while decreasing spending for everything BUT Defense HARDWARE. Still, how Presidents make individuals feel is incalcuable, thus I do not challenge the results of the poll.

You cant.

Me and my fellow conservative peeps had to get our teeth kicked in from 2005-2008 and then the real nut sack kick in late 2008....

But the worm has certainly turned!!!

Their turn to get their balls kicked in.

And Im laughing......waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in early 2009, Rush Limbaugh said it was only a matter of time before this fraud was exposed and the polls would go in the crapper.

Take a gander over to DRUDGE right now and behold........its a Jonestown going on down in So Cal. This fraud of a president is lighting up another cig and sipping on a latte.. When you are an incompetent, you always end up getting exposed.
Who Is The Worst President Since WWII?


Why? Because he's corrupt, incompetent, a failure, a fraud, a liar, and not to mention it but a piece-of-shit as well.
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Well, the thread started as kind of an informational thread (well, kinda) about a poll.

But it's kinda degenerated into a RW-circlejerk now. How quaint.

Carry on.


Whomever follows will looked upon as worse than the President before, no matter what political stripe.
Well, the thread started as kind of an informational thread (well, kinda) about a poll.

But it's kinda degenerated into a RW-circlejerk now. How quaint.

Carry on.


The far left Taliban still can not admit they backed worse than Bush.

Oh well until they grow up and can admit it then we may have made some real progress.
Well, the thread started as kind of an informational thread (well, kinda) about a poll.

But it's kinda degenerated into a RW-circlejerk now. How quaint.

Carry on.


Whomever follows will looked upon as worse than the President before, no matter what political stripe.

Ah, a glimmer of hope on this thread....

Well Obama being the worst president should not surprise anyone.

A small uneducated and low info type of person may disagree with this.

My top three are:

3. GW Bush
2. Carter
1. Obama

and if Hillary is the next pres.......well, as they say in golf, need a forth
How pathetic.......the k00ks have to go back to referencing Rutherford B Hayes to try and level the playing field at this point.

Look.....if you are a far lefty and still supporting this fraud, you might as well be standing stark naked out in the middle of Siberia in Januray screaming "FIRE!!!"

Nobody cares.

Now.....I was a G W Bush supporter but after he left office I took a closer look at his record.......he was a clown too. A NWO guy.......never saw a regulation he didn't like. Conservative my ass. Also owned by the big banks like Obama. But we will find out years from now that Obamas spent most of his time smoking in the White House and drinking latte's......he couldn't give a flying fuck about anything and clearly.......loaths his own country. He came in like a hero.......he's going out like a rodeo clown.
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The USSR didn't break up until 1991. Raygun left office in 1989.

He took the cheap imported oil route. By increasing our dependence on foreign sources of energy he decreased our long term national security. Times were good. Gas was cheap and cocaine was too. Good time brother, good times........

Once a corporate shill always a corporate shill. Didn't matter which coat tale he rode on.
Yes, and Ronnie ran up the debt, while decreasing spending for everything BUT Defense HARDWARE. Still, how Presidents make individuals feel is incalcuable, thus I do not challenge the results of the poll.

You cant.

Me and my fellow conservative peeps had to get our teeth kicked in from 2005-2008 and then the real nut sack kick in late 2008....

But the worm has certainly turned!!!

Their turn to get their balls kicked in.

And Im laughing......waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in early 2009, Rush Limbaugh said it was only a matter of time before this fraud was exposed and the polls would go in the crapper.


You are WINNING by what you describeas the American people losing; I know Rush buttpimple cares nothing about this nation, I am surprised you are elated when America suffers as you believe we are.
1) Jimmy Carter - made Americans feel worse about America. No one likes a weakling
2) George Bush, Jr. - military adventures in the Middle East?
3) Barak Obama - had a tremendous handicap with a divided, unworkable congress, but even so has underperformed.

Nixon gets honorable mention for Watergate, but was not bad otherwise.

Clinton should get high marks.
Yes, and Ronnie ran up the debt, while decreasing spending for everything BUT Defense HARDWARE. Still, how Presidents make individuals feel is incalcuable, thus I do not challenge the results of the poll.

You cant.

Me and my fellow conservative peeps had to get our teeth kicked in from 2005-2008 and then the real nut sack kick in late 2008....

But the worm has certainly turned!!!

Their turn to get their balls kicked in.

And Im laughing......waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in early 2009, Rush Limbaugh said it was only a matter of time before this fraud was exposed and the polls would go in the crapper.


You are WINNING by what you describeas the American people losing; I know Rush buttpimple cares nothing about this nation, I am surprised you are elated when America suffers as you believe we are.

Nah.....its all good sweets. Seems every 30-40 years, time goes by and people forget that liberal public policy is a sham. I saw it in the late 70's......it was a joke. Figured we were done with that......but folks can be duped and lets face it.........there are ALOT of highly uninformed people in 2014.......most who just want a handout so they go pull a lever every 4 years. Leaves the rest of us with a lot of fuckedupedness to deal with.

The country had to see that you don't put a community organizer in charge of anything much less a country. That shit going on in Chicago is as crooked as it gets. Of course this guy was going to make this country like a fucking Jonestown!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

I guess it is the nature of politics....a necessary evil...but you're damn right Im estatic this cheesedick has been exposed as a fraud.:up:
1) Jimmy Carter - made Americans feel worse about America. No one likes a weakling
2) George Bush, Jr. - military adventures in the Middle East?
3) Barak Obama - had a tremendous handicap with a divided, unworkable congress, but even so has underperformed.

Nixon gets honorable mention for Watergate, but was not bad otherwise.

Clinton should get high marks.

Now heres a guy with the political IQ of a small soap dish.

"Unworkable congress":wtf::wtf::wtf::wtf: He had two years of being able to do anything he wanted and he did one thing. Passed the most laughable legislation the country has ever seen!! Like 179 people wanted Obamacare.:D:D Reagan and Clinton worked congress magically. This guy just doesn't give a shit.:coffee: Obama couldn't lead a group of homeless people to a porta potty!!
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Obama is the worst for the following reasons.

A second 9/11, Benghazi.

The highest gas prices for the longest time in History.

Longest period of time with no economic growth.

Longest Recession in History.

Highest prices for food in History.

Highest prices for Electricity in History.

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