Who Is White House Visitor Hisham Altalib?

WHAT???!! More proof??????????!!!!!

1 This testimony draws heavily on the author’s chapter “Hizballah Finances: Funding the Party of God,” in Terrorism Financing and State Responses in Comparative Perspective (forthcoming 2006)
2 Julie Sawyer and Andrew Eastman, research assistants in The Washington Institute’s terrorism studies program, assisted in the preparation of this testimony.
3 . "U.S. Deputy Secretary of State: Hizbalah—"A Team of Terrorism," Middle East News & Arab Headlines From A Local Perspective | Al Bawaba, September 6, 2002; "Hezbollah Says Will Defend Lebanon from U.S. Threats," Reuters, September 6, 2002.
4 See Matthew Levitt, “Hizbullah’s African Activities Remain Undisrupted,” RUSI/Jane’s Homeland Security and Resilience Monitor, March 1, 2004 (posted online February 4, 2004); Matthew Levitt, “Smeared in Blood, Hezbollah Fingerprints All Over Globe,” The Australian, June 9, 2003; Ely Karmon, Fight on All Fronts: Hezballah, The War on Terror, and the War in Iraq, Policy Focus No. 46, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, December 2003.
5 “Current and Projected National Security Threats to the United States,” Hearing Before the Select Committee on Intelligence of the United States Senate, February 6, 2002 (see response number 3 to “Questions for the Record” on page 339 of GPO print edition).
6 “Threats to National Security,” Hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee of the United States Senate, February 12, 2003.
7 See Matthew Levitt, "Hezbollah: A Case Study of Global Reach" Remarks to a conference on "Post-Modern Terrorism: Trends, Scenarios, and Future Threats,” International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism, Herzliya, Israel, September 8, 2003 available online at http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/media/levitt/levitt090803.htm
8 “Treasury Designates Six Al-Qaeda Terrorists,” U.S. Department of the Treasury press release (JS-757), September 24, 2003. Available online: http://www.treasury.gov/press/releases/js757.htm
9 “Treasury Designates Six Al-Qaeda Terrorists,” U.S. Department of the Treasury press release (JS-757), September 24, 2003. Available online: http://www.treasury.gov/press/releases/js757.htm
10 The 9/11 Commission Report: Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, available online at National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States
11 Scott Wilson, “Lebanese Wary of a Rising Hezbollah,” The Washington Post, December 20, 2004, A17
12 “Iran Expands its Palestinian Control; Offers al-Khadoumi Five Million Dollars,” al-Watan (Kuwait), December 13, 2004.
13 "Iran Establishes Rocket Training Centers in Lebanon," Middle East Newsline, August 8, 2002.
14 Nicholas Blanford, "Report Claims Iran Running Bekaa Training Camp," Daily Star (Beirut), August 13, 2002 (the article also appeared in Arabic in the Beirut daily An Nahar, August 13, 2002).
15 Jorisch interview with Lebanese Hezbollah expert, October 11, 2002 in Avi Jorisch, Beacon of Hatred: Inside Hezbollah’s al-Manar Television (Washington, DC: Washington Institute for Near East Policy, 2004), Page 32. Nicholas Blanford, “Hezbullah Sharpens Its Weapons in Propoganda War,” Christian Science Monitor, December 28, 2001 in Jorisch, Page 32.
16 Robert Fisk, “Television News Is Secret Weapon of the Intifada,” The Independent (London), December 2, 2000 in Jorisch, Page 32.
17 Hamid Ghiryafi, 'Hizbullah Officials Carrying Donations Reportedly Killed in Lebanese Plane Crash,' al-Siyasah (Kuwait ) 29 December 2003 [FBIS].
18 Mark S. Steinitz, “Middle East Terrorist Activity in Latin America,” Policy Papers on the Americas, Vol. XIV, Study 7, Center for Strategic and International Studies, July 2003.
19 Hezbollah: A Case Study of Global Reach.
20 Copy of receipt, presented as evidence in U.S. v. Mohammed Hammoud, in author’s personal files.
21 Scott Wilson, “Lebanese Wary of a Rising Hezbollah,” The Washington Post, December 20, 2004, A17.
22 Mark S. Steinitz, “Middle East Terrorist Activity in Latin America,” Policy Papers on the Americas, Vol. XIV, Study 7, Center for Strategic and International Studies, July 2003.
23 Paul D. Taylor, Editor, “Latin American Security Challenges: A Collaborative Inquiry from North and South,” Newport Paper No. 21, Newport Papers, Naval War College, 2004.
24 Author interview with Israeli officials, Tel Aviv, May 2004.
25 Scott Wilson, “Lebanese Wary of a Rising Hezbollah,” The Washington Post, December 20, 2004, A17.
26 Hamid Ghiryafi, 'Hizbullah Officials Carrying Donations Reportedly Killed in Lebanese Plane Crash,' al-Siyasah (Kuwait ) 29 December 2003 [FBIS].
27 Hamid Ghiryafi, 'Hizbullah Officials Carrying Donations Reportedly Killed in Lebanese Plane Crash,' al-Siyasah (Kuwait ) 29 December 2003 [FBIS].
28 Miriam Karouny, 'Benin Plane Crash Deaths Rise to 111,' Reuters 26 December 2003.
29 Author interview with Israeli intelligence official, Tel Aviv, July 2003; also see Hizbullah (Part I),' op cit.
30 Hizbullah (Part I),' op cit.
31 Hizbullah (Part I): Profile of the Lebanese Shiite Terrorist Organization of Global Reach Sponsored by Iran and Supported by Syria,” Special Information Bulletin, Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center at the Center for Special Studies, (CSS), Israel, June 2003, available online at http://www.intelligence.org.il/eng/bu/hizbullah/hezbollah.htm.
32 United States v. Mohamad Youssef Hammoud, et al. United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth District.
33 Text of presentation by Chilean Police Intelligence, Department of Foreign Affairs, at a law enforcement conference in Santiago, Chile, March 2002, author’s personal files.
34 Sebastian Rotella, “Jungle Hub for World’s Outlaws,” Los Angeles Times, August 24, 1998, A1.
35 USA vs. MOHAMMED ALI HASAN AL-MOAYAD, Affidavit in Support of Arrest Warrant, E astern District of New York, January 5, 2003; Hizbullah (Part I): Profile of the Lebanese Shiite Terrorist Organization of Global Reach Sponsored by Iran and Supported by Syria,” Special Information Bulletin, Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center at the Center for Special Studies, (CSS), Israel, June 2003, available online at http://www.intelligence.org.il/eng/bu/hizbullah/hezbollah.htm.
36 Mark S. Steinitz, “Middle East Terrorist Activity in Latin America,” Policy Papers on the Americas, Vol. XIV, Study 7, Center for Strategic and International Studies, July 2003.
37 “PLO Bids to Win Back Refugee Support,” Agence France-Presse, July 5, 1994; Muntasser Abdallah, “Iran Pours Thousands of Dollars in Lebanon’s Palestinian Camps,” Agence France-Presse, June 21, 2002.
38 Hizbullah (Part I): Profile of the Lebanese Shiite Terrorist Organization of Global Reach Sponsored by Iran and Supported by Syria,” Special Information Bulletin, Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center at the Center for Special Studies, (CSS), Israel, June 2003, available online at http://www.intelligence.org.il/eng/bu/hizbullah/hezbollah.htm.
39 Scott Wilson, “Lebanese Wary of a Rising Hezbollah,” The Washington Post, December 20, 2004, A17.
40 Testimony of E. Anthony Wayne, Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs, Department of State, to the House of Representatives Committee on Financial Services, September 24, 2003.
41 Author interview with U.S. intelligence official, Washington, DC, July 2003.
42 Author interview with U.S. intelligence official, Washington, DC, July 2003.
43 Maurice R. Greenberg, Chair, “Terrorist Financing: Report of an Independent Task Force Sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations,” The Council on Foreign Relations, October 2002. Available online at Terrorist Financing - Council on Foreign Relations.
44 John Mintz and Douglas Farah, "Small Scams Probed for Terror Ties: Muslim-Arab Stores Monitored as Part of post-Sept. 11 Inquiry. the Washington Post, August 12, 2002.
45 John Solomon, "U.S. Builds Terror Funding Cases," the Associated Press, August 28, 2002.
46 “U.S. Drug Ring Tied to Aid for Hezbollah,” The New York Times, September 3, 2002.
47 United States v. Mohamad Youssef Hammoud, et al. United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth District.
48 United States v. Mohamad Youssef Hammoud, et al. United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth District; . Jeffrey Goldberg, 'In the Party of God, Hizbullah Sets Up Operations in South America and the United States', the New Yorker 28 October 2002.
49 United States v. Mohamad Youssef Hammoud, et al. United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth District.
50 Transcript of Canadian Secret Intelligence Service (CSIS) transcript for Wednesday, May 26, 1999, author’s personal files.
51 United States v. Mohamad Youssef Hammoud, et al. United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth District.
52 Jeffrey Goldberg, “The Party of God: Hezbollah Sets Up Operations in South America and the United States,” the New Yorker magazine, October 28, 2002.
53 Mark S. Steinitz, “Middle East Terrorist Activity in Latin America,” Policy Papers on the Americas, Vol. XIV, Study 7, Center for Strategic and International Studies, July 2003.
54 Paul D. Taylor, Editor, “Latin American Security Challenges: A Collaborative Inquiry from North and South,” Newport Paper No. 21, Newport Papers, Naval War College, 2004.
55 “Treasury Designates Islamic Extremist, Two Companies Supporting Hezbollah in Tri-border Area,” Office of Public Affairs, U.S. Department of the Treasury, June 10, 2004, available online at http://www.treas.gov/press/releases/js1720.htm
56 “Treasury Designates Islamic
Why does Miss Shootz Blankz post lots of meaningless crap?

To bury her lies and the fact that she can't prove any of crazy stuff she posts.

I still want to know who our "CIA and FBI" operative is!

Anyone wanna bet she won't answer?
Why does Miss Shootz Blankz post lots of meaningless crap?

To bury her lies and the fact that she can't prove any of crazy stuff she posts.

I still want to know who our "CIA and FBI" operative is!

Anyone wanna bet she won't answer?

Lol "she" calls "herself" a gun toting babe.:lol:. I like that nickname you gave to her miss shootz blankz :)
Why does Miss Shootz Blankz post lots of meaningless crap?

To bury her lies and the fact that she can't prove any of crazy stuff she posts.

I still want to know who our "CIA and FBI" operative is!

Anyone wanna bet she won't answer?

Lol "she" calls "herself" a gun toting babe.:lol:. I like that nickname you gave to her miss shootz blankz :)

I'm sure he/she/it will be along any moment to post PROOF of her silly rants and name calling.

The Muslim Brotherhood is the democratically elected government of Egypt.

So their representatives from that government should be welcomed for talks with the White House.

As for Hisham Alalib.

He has never been charged with any crime.

And is involved in several Islamic community organizations that are trying to help muslims in the U.S. assimilate into American culture and society.

Community Organizer.. It takes one to know one.
Any more of you liberals claiming to work with the FBI and CIA in this thread?? LMFAO

Who said they "work with the FBI and CIA"? Link please.

And, EXACTLY how does one work "with" BOTH the FBI and CIA?

I don't think that Lady Pole Smoker understands the difference between the FBI, the CIA, and the Secret Service. And, she thinks that unsourced allegations = proof.
LGS you have posted a ton of allegations and dubious circumstantial evidence against this person.

Yet, even under the post 9/11 Bush administration he was never indicted or charged with any crime.

When are you, and other people like you, going to finally acknowledge this guy is innocent of any wrong doing?
She is probably very offended right now every poster is against her craptalk.....too bad don't make a stupid thread next time as if this is 1930s Germany
Uht-Oh.. About to get ugly now in showing the lying MUSLIM PROPAGANDIST on this very forum.

Testimony of
Dr. Matthew Levitt2
Senior Fellow and Director of Terrorism Studies
The Washington Institute for Near East Policy
May 25, 2005
Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
United States Senate


The OH SHIT moment.. ROFLMAO

So, I've read this report. I could not find any mention of Dr. Al-Talib. Can you quote the section of the report that you feel is relevant to Dr. Al-Talib's visit to the White House (the alleged topic of this thread)?
Lol cats she won't open up until her fellow neo cons jump in with the same rants and silly name calling
Uht-Oh.. About to get ugly now in showing the lying MUSLIM PROPAGANDIST on this very forum.

Testimony of
Dr. Matthew Levitt2
Senior Fellow and Director of Terrorism Studies
The Washington Institute for Near East Policy
May 25, 2005
Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
United States Senate


The OH SHIT moment.. ROFLMAO

So, I've read this report. I could not find any mention of Dr. Al-Talib. Can you quote the section of the report that you feel is relevant to Dr. Al-Talib's visit to the White House (the alleged topic of this thread)?

there's a topic to this thread?
Uht-Oh.. About to get ugly now in showing the lying MUSLIM PROPAGANDIST on this very forum.

Testimony of
Dr. Matthew Levitt2
Senior Fellow and Director of Terrorism Studies
The Washington Institute for Near East Policy
May 25, 2005
Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
United States Senate


The OH SHIT moment.. ROFLMAO

So, I've read this report. I could not find any mention of Dr. Al-Talib. Can you quote the section of the report that you feel is relevant to Dr. Al-Talib's visit to the White House (the alleged topic of this thread)?

there's a topic to this thread?

Now jilly-come-lately is going to put her 2 cents in which are in essence worth a half cent. :clap2:
Uht-Oh.. About to get ugly now in showing the lying MUSLIM PROPAGANDIST on this very forum.

Testimony of
Dr. Matthew Levitt2
Senior Fellow and Director of Terrorism Studies
The Washington Institute for Near East Policy
May 25, 2005
Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
United States Senate


The OH SHIT moment.. ROFLMAO

So, I've read this report. I could not find any mention of Dr. Al-Talib. Can you quote the section of the report that you feel is relevant to Dr. Al-Talib's visit to the White House (the alleged topic of this thread)?

there's a topic to this thread?

I thought the topic of the thread was Dr. Al-Talib and his white house visit in March, 2012.

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