Who Is Your Favorite Fantasy Writer?

Who Is Your Favorite Fantasy Writer?

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Sep 12, 2008
With two teenagers, I am seeing more and more of this stuff. However, when I was that age, I detested the genre. But now I am a roaring Harry Potter and Terry Pratchett fan.

Anyway, who do you like and why

Paul Krugman came immediately to mind before I clicked on the thread! :rofl:
Do you know this?

With two teenagers, I am seeing more and more of this stuff. However, when I was that age, I detested the genre. But now I am a roaring Harry Potter and Terry Pratchett fan.

Anyway, who do you like and why

i thought of ayn rand as soon as i saw the thread. :)

but for real? tolkien. has to be.

my son loves rick riordan.
I LOVE Tolkien and Frank Herbert(Dune). Rowling has come up on my list also, i am quite the fan of the Potter series.
Bradbury... Asimov... Burroughs... Dick... There are others...
There are so many great authors it's hard to pick just a few... Piers Anthony, R.A. Salvatore, Robert Heinlein, David Eddings, Tamora Pierce, Robert Jordan. Just to name a very few.
Tolkien is king.

I've also enjoyed Piers Anthony (particularly the Incarnations series), Stephen R. Donaldson, Robert Jordan, Tad Williams, C. S. Lewis, David Eddings...and don't forget Ray Bradbury.

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