Who killed Seth Rich?

Say you work for the government and you expose classified information. What do you think will happen? Any guesses?

Now you are NOT Cankles, so you will be looking at a prison sentence. She is protected however...why do you find it okay that the ruling class protects her? You have nothing in common with the ruling class.
Your security clearance would immediately be stripped, never allowed to have another ever again. Huge fines are a given, and you would most probably find yourself in jail.

That doesn't happen to Democrats, especially to the Clintons or their friends, though. Remember Sandy 'The Burglar' Burger? An ex-Clinton associate / friend, was caught trying to walk out of a facility with classified documents pertaining to the Clintons STUFFED DOWN HIS PANTS. More classified he had stolen were found at his home.

Whitewashed - no jail time....just like Obama/Holder/Lynch/Comey did with Hillary.

The amazing thing is some Americans like those in this thread who love Hillary, are fine with felonies being committed as long as the felon is a Democrat.

How crazy is that?
your literally making shit up about Hillary to accuse of her of doing what the current fucking president is openly doing, after how many years of trials and investigations and hearing all proving nothing and your still on about it? If trump is president why doesn't he arrest her?

you leg humpers would let Trump fuck your wives
Murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich had sent 44,000 internal emails to WikiLeaks: Report
Seth Rich, slain DNC staffer, had contact with WikiLeaks, say multiple sources

Like I said, working in IT-Security for years, the DNC server was never hacked. That was a cover story, and a political narrative to win a campaign and is only being promoted now to undermine a presidency.
The DNC knows it is a false narrative. Shummer knows, Pelosi knows, all of them know the Russian Narrative is a Convenient Lie for them.

As long as they promote that, no one has to look at what they are actually being paid to do which is NOTHING but sit on their asses and pontificate lies. If they get anywhere near to the truth of who ordered Seth Rich assassinated expect more "mysterious" deaths on The Left.
could you imagine if democrats were running around claiming Trump murdered over 100 people? the level of insanity that has just become normalized for the Republicans is getting out of control
No, the Democrats are running around falsely claiming 'Russian Collusion'...despite
The NSA and FBI saying there NEVER was any evidence to support the claim
The FBI declared 3 times there is no evidence
Obama's ex-Natl Intel Director testified there is no evidence
The chairman of the Intel Committee said there is no evidence
D-Feinstein, Intel Committee member, openly declared there is no evidence...
Everything Democratic, bad, bad, bad.

Everything Republican, good, good, good.


I feel bad for you, day after day demonstrating to the board how you are too afraid to face issues or enter into discussions. Instead you continue to post the same '4th grade' retort...from within your 'safe zone'. Poor snowflake.

Would you like me to post your cry of "Surrender" after you had absorbed yet another vicious tolchocking at my hands?

Hey Slim, :fu:
Stay Safe, Snowflake....
It's amazing how snowflakes so rabidly defend Hillary and what they have done for her despite the fact that she is a career, corrupt criminal politician.

The DNC rigged their primary, engaged in election fraud, and helped her cheat in the debates. Obama and his administration and loyalists committed Felony Espionage for her...Obama/Holder/Lynch/Comey kept her out of prison...The DNC allowed her to remain in the race despite being the 1st candidate to ever be under multiple FBI investigations days before the election....and now we all know she broke numerous laws...

...but all that is completely understood, though. After all, it was 'her turn'. :p

The DNC, Obama, Hillary, the Fake News Media, and the snowflakes are spewing venom daily at the right / Trump...and their misguided / misdirected anger should be aimed at the Party that forced Hillary on them and at Hillary, who was the worst candidate in US history. THEY are the reason Hillary lost, not Trump.
I think Trump should be impeached for NOT prosecuting Hillary. He clearly is ignoring the law and protecting a known felon.
Hardly. Up until recently he had a Director of the FBO who refused to recommend indictment. Now that Comey is gone, a new FBI Director will be hired, and he can review the case and recommend indictment. Trump's hands have been tied until now.

Consider the moment he and Sessions begin indictment / charges the rabid, insane anti-Trump will go so nuts it will make everything they have done so far look tame.
I doubt very much anything will be done legally against Hillary. The ruling class protects it's own (if they are Ds).
the democrats are the ruling class now? those rich wall st billionaire communists always asking for welfare and tax cuts
These people elected a Birther and still they wonder why we won't take their loony conspiracy theories seriously.
As already proven - as you KNOW - it has already beep proven - by Politifact - that Hillary's team 1st started the 'Birther' discussion in 2008. (Nice to see you are still in denial. :p )

You're denying that Trump is a Birther?

Goddam that's funny.
It's amazing how snowflakes so rabidly defend Hillary and what they have done for her despite the fact that she is a career, corrupt criminal politician.

The DNC rigged their primary, engaged in election fraud, and helped her cheat in the debates. Obama and his administration and loyalists committed Felony Espionage for her...Obama/Holder/Lynch/Comey kept her out of prison...The DNC allowed her to remain in the race despite being the 1st candidate to ever be under multiple FBI investigations days before the election....and now we all know she broke numerous laws...

...but all that is completely understood, though. After all, it was 'her turn'. :p

The DNC, Obama, Hillary, the Fake News Media, and the snowflakes are spewing venom daily at the right / Trump...and their misguided / misdirected anger should be aimed at the Party that forced Hillary on them and at Hillary, who was the worst candidate in US history. THEY are the reason Hillary lost, not Trump.
whats amazing is that you shitheads can really just make up lies about whoever you want, and it doesn't matter. You did this shit with obama for 8 years now all of a sudden its hillary whos the devil, if bernie had won you would be claiming he had a secret email server that he murdered 100 people to cover up and owned a sex slave dungeon in pizzashop or whatever schizo bullshit comes out of the right media empire this week
These people elected a Birther and still they wonder why we won't take their loony conspiracy theories seriously.
....meanwhile the Russians didit conspiracy runs rampant on the left after many months of investigation. Is it any wonder no one with a free mind takes the left seriously?
This T-rump Selling Out America sure has Central Command working overtime.....every imbecile cultist on these fora is dutifully recatapulting this FOX crap....

It's almost as if it was coordinated, or something.
These people elected a Birther and still they wonder why we won't take their loony conspiracy theories seriously.
....meanwhile the Russians didit conspiracy runs rampant on the left after many months of investigation. Is it any wonder no one with a free mind takes the left seriously?
How many Benghazi investigations before you concluded that the evidence was being uncooperative?
your literally making shit up about Hillary to accuse of her of doing what the current fucking president is openly doing, after how many years of trials and investigations and hearing all proving nothing and your still on about it? If trump is president why doesn't he arrest her?
No, snowflake. What you are experiencing is called 'Denial'.

We tried to tell you and the other snowflakes, but you would not listen.

Despite receiving training regarding the handling and protection of classified, despite warning her own State Dept personnel NOT to use their own server / e-mails...

Hillary used her own server / e-mails to avoid the FOIA and the Federal Records Act
- The State Dept declared during the investigation that some of the documents found on Hillary's server and released had NEVER been handed over to the State Dept - BUSTED. This is a CRIME, proof Hillary violated both the FOIA and Federal Records Act. Every document released / found not to have been turned over is 2 crimes each: 1 x Failure to comply with the FOIA and 1 x Failure to comply with the Federal Records Act.

- Hillary's server was 'unclassified' yet she stored both classified and unclassified on the same server. THIS IS A VIOLATION of classified regs and laws. They must be stored on separate servers.

- Hillary's server was not encrypted properly - violation of the law regarding handling of classified information.

- Hillary's server was found in the bathroom of an IT tech company, not stored in a secure space as required by the law - ANOTHER law broken.

- Hillary gave individuals without security clearances access to highly classified documents / e-mails: Her IT Tech, her lawyers, the IT Tech company who stored her server, HER MAID, etc... THIS IS A CRIME for EACH instance / person she gave access.

- Classified documents were transported / sent via un-classified means. State Dept personnel stated Hillary ordered them to strip the marking off of documents at times so they could be sent via an UN-classified Fax machine and that this was a pretty 'regular event' - A CRIME, 1 crime for each time it was done.

And on and on and on......HILLARY CLINTON BROKE NUMEROUS LAWS. FBI Director Comey testified to that under oath before Congress. Whether you want to embrace that reality or remain in denial does not matter - she broke numerous laws.
This T-rump Selling Out America sure has Central Command working overtime.....every imbecile cultist on these fora is dutifully recatapulting this FOX crap....

It's almost as if it was coordinated, or something.
Another day....Another false accusation
your literally making shit up about Hillary to accuse of her of doing what the current fucking president is openly doing, after how many years of trials and investigations and hearing all proving nothing and your still on about it? If trump is president why doesn't he arrest her?
No, snowflake. What you are experiencing is called 'Denial'.

We tried to tell you and the other snowflakes, but you would not listen.

Despite receiving training regarding the handling and protection of classified, despite warning her own State Dept personnel NOT to use their own server / e-mails...

Hillary used her own server / e-mails to avoid the FOIA and the Federal Records Act
- The State Dept declared during the investigation that some of the documents found on Hillary's server and released had NEVER been handed over to the State Dept - BUSTED. This is a CRIME, proof Hillary violated both the FOIA and Federal Records Act. Every document released / found not to have been turned over is 2 crimes each: 1 x Failure to comply with the FOIA and 1 x Failure to comply with the Federal Records Act.

- Hillary's server was 'unclassified' yet she stored both classified and unclassified on the same server. THIS IS A VIOLATION of classified regs and laws. They must be stored on separate servers.

- Hillary's server was not encrypted properly - violation of the law regarding handling of classified information.

- Hillary's server was found in the bathroom of an IT tech company, not stored in a secure space as required by the law - ANOTHER law broken.

- Hillary gave individuals without security clearances access to highly classified documents / e-mails: Her IT Tech, her lawyers, the IT Tech company who stored her server, HER MAID, etc... THIS IS A CRIME for EACH instance / person she gave access.

- Classified documents were transported / sent via un-classified means. State Dept personnel stated Hillary ordered them to strip the marking off of documents at times so they could be sent via an UN-classified Fax machine and that this was a pretty 'regular event' - A CRIME, 1 crime for each time it was done.

And on and on and on......HILLARY CLINTON BROKE NUMEROUS LAWS. FBI Director Comey testified to that under oath before Congress. Whether you want to embrace that reality or remain in denial does not matter - she broke numerous laws.
do you honestly think i read this bullshit?

Have you ever heard the story of the boy who cried wolf?
There is evidence that former DNC staffer Seth Rich was in contact with Wikileaks. Can't ask him because he was murdered and his killer hasn't been identified.
Seth Rich, slain DNC staffer, had contact with WikiLeaks, say multiple sources
How is the weather there in the alt-right bubble? Obviously, the oxygen is almost nonexistent.
I know you are but what am I.
You know I am what?

I think it's pretty obvious what you are. LOL.
The DC police continue to claim it was a robbery gone bad. When it was pointed out there is no evidence to support this, they stated they were told to drop the case, not to pursue it.

Nothing to see here...move along.

In this past election the DNC / Obama / Hillary rigged their primary, engaged in election fraud, cheated in elections, paid for violence against Trump supporters, violated a handful of laws regarding classified, perpetrated Felony Espionage, have waged a false info / accusation campaign with zero evidence... The idea that they potentially had someone killed to stp damaging leaks about them should surprise no one.

Democrats have proven they will say and DO ANYTHING for power.

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