Who killed Seth Rich?

julian assange is an anti American piece of shit liar.

naturally, rethuglican trumpswab traitors take his word over the CIA & FBI :eusa_clap:

Awwww why because he informed the people of their Communist Government moving into action.
Go move the fk to China or N. Korea.
Half this world wouldn't have known just how much we were under attack by Democratic , and Repub. pos that had no interest in the people it's all about filling their pockets based off lies. Stooge.
julian assange is an anti American piece of shit liar.

naturally, rethuglican trumpswab traitors take his word over the CIA & FBI :eusa_clap:
Awww how cute. But didn't the head of the FBI just get fired? For incompetence?

dear mister big brain, GET A FUCKING CLUE. :eusa_clap:

We wouldn't know about :

#Vault7: Assange says WikiLeaks ‘Dark Matter’ leak ‘small example’ of what’s in store

Julian Assange answered questions on WikiLeaks latest release in ‘Vault 7,’ named ‘Dark Matter,' as well as the CIA’s ever-changing role and the impact this has on world affairs.
The second release in the series details the techniques that WikiLeaks claims are employed by CIA assets to compromise Apple devices between the manufacturing line and the end user.

READ MORE: #Vault7: WikiLeaks releases ‘Dark Matter’ batch of CIA hacking tactics for Apple products



LIVE NOW WikiLeaks press conf on CIA "Dark matter" #Vault7 questions #askWL https://www.pscp.tv/w/a6KYtTF6WUViR0R6bE1kUWV8MW1ueGVWT3FwQmJLWC19RFCSNwKWN2CTkV5Q5pKju1wqBfVdyshKuMMtKACn …

9:07 AM - 23 Mar 2017
WikiLeaks @WikiLeaks
LIVE NOW WikiLeaks press conf on CIA "Dark matter" #Vault7 questions #askWL


‘Dark Matter’ is just “a small example” of material to come, Assange said, speaking via Periscope.

In light of these leaks, Assange warned how the CIA continues to be an agency that reports on the world and then “commits actions to overthrow governments and influence elections.”

“Since 9/11 the CIA has overtaken the NSA as the budgetary dominant intelligence agency within the US,” Assange said, resulting in increased “institutional ambitions” for the CIA to the point where it is now commanding air force resources, Assange claimed, citing their control of drones as an example.

“It is in some ways rivaling the FBI,” he said, “by being an armed force outside the United States, conducting interrogations, renditions and torture.”

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Tech giants #Apple, #Samsung & #Microsoft express concern about #CIA hacking after #WikiLeaks dump https://on.rt.com/8550 #Vault7 #YearZero

3:25 PM - 8 Mar 2017

When answering a question from Fox News on so-called “demands” made by WikiLeaks to tech companies before handing over details of the alleged CIA exploits, Assange answered that “demands [is] a strange word to use.”

“These exploits that are used by the CIA can affect millions of people so it has to be done cautiously. There has to be security channels involved and there has to be agreements that the vendors will in fact be responsive.”

#Vault7: Assange says WikiLeaks ‘Dark Matter’ leak ‘small example’ of what’s in store
Who killed Seth Rich?
A Clinton hit team, financed by extraterrestrial Jews. They brought the second man on the grassy knoll out of retirement to coordinate the attack.

According to an anonymous FBI source I meet at McDonald's on the third Thursday of every month.

Seth Rich was emailing Vladimir Putin crush letters, too. Real steamy stuff.
Seth Rich is the new Vince Foster. The RWnuts' addiction to conspiracies continues.

Conspiracies like Bush knew about 911, Bush lied, Bush stole the 2000 election, Bush stole 2004 election and on and on. Yep, people are stupid and will believe anything.
Anything new on BenghaziBenghaziFast&FuriousTheJewKoskinen?

That has nothing to do with my response, but thanks for trying.
They were "conspiracies" peddled to the credulous........Should I go back over your archives to see if you played Useful Idiot to any of them?

NY claimed that only RW are addicted to conspiracies, I just proved the left has their addictions to conspiracies.

The Jew thing, I don't think I heard of, never believed in Benghazi and Fast and Furious happened and it was an incompetent Justice Dept. that was the cause, I don't think Obama was involved, he was totally clueless.

But, but, but.........Obama was the smartest President evah!!!
your literally making shit up about Hillary to accuse of her of doing what the current fucking president is openly doing, after how many years of trials and investigations and hearing all proving nothing and your still on about it? If trump is president why doesn't he arrest her?
No, snowflake. What you are experiencing is called 'Denial'.

We tried to tell you and the other snowflakes, but you would not listen.

Despite receiving training regarding the handling and protection of classified, despite warning her own State Dept personnel NOT to use their own server / e-mails...

Hillary used her own server / e-mails to avoid the FOIA and the Federal Records Act
- The State Dept declared during the investigation that some of the documents found on Hillary's server and released had NEVER been handed over to the State Dept - BUSTED. This is a CRIME, proof Hillary violated both the FOIA and Federal Records Act. Every document released / found not to have been turned over is 2 crimes each: 1 x Failure to comply with the FOIA and 1 x Failure to comply with the Federal Records Act.

- Hillary's server was 'unclassified' yet she stored both classified and unclassified on the same server. THIS IS A VIOLATION of classified regs and laws. They must be stored on separate servers.

- Hillary's server was not encrypted properly - violation of the law regarding handling of classified information.

- Hillary's server was found in the bathroom of an IT tech company, not stored in a secure space as required by the law - ANOTHER law broken.

- Hillary gave individuals without security clearances access to highly classified documents / e-mails: Her IT Tech, her lawyers, the IT Tech company who stored her server, HER MAID, etc... THIS IS A CRIME for EACH instance / person she gave access.

- Classified documents were transported / sent via un-classified means. State Dept personnel stated Hillary ordered them to strip the marking off of documents at times so they could be sent via an UN-classified Fax machine and that this was a pretty 'regular event' - A CRIME, 1 crime for each time it was done.

And on and on and on......HILLARY CLINTON BROKE NUMEROUS LAWS. FBI Director Comey testified to that under oath before Congress. Whether you want to embrace that reality or remain in denial does not matter - she broke numerous laws.
It is truly amazing ALL Americans do not know this. Hillary is without question, a FUCKING FELON.

I guess it is proof that the lib media pushing fake news, dupes millions of Americans.
No longer a conspiracy story.

Bombshell: Seth Rich sent 44,053 DNC emails to WikiLeaks.

“The federal investigator, who requested anonymity, said 44,053 emails and 17,761 attachments between Democratic National Committee leaders, spanning from January 2015 through late May 2016, were transferred from Rich to MacFadyen before May 21. On July 22, just 12 days after Rich was killed, WikiLeaks published internal DNC emails that appeared to show top party officials conspired to stop Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont from becoming the party’s presidential nominee.”

There are literally hundreds of stories about this on the internet today. (And everyone laughed when I posted this as a conspiracy theory)
#Vault7: Assange says WikiLeaks ‘Dark Matter’ leak ‘small example’ of what’s in store

How many times are you going to fall for that stunt? Assange says something incredible is coming out ... and then Lucy pulls the football away, and you land on your back.

Oh, I see you're proudly using Russia Times as your source now. Well done, comrade. Way to show you're not a Russian pawn.
in july of 2016 Seth a democrat staffer was gunned down in cold blood

as of late the family says they have proof he was emailing wikileaks

Marina Marraco on Twitter

The family back peddled-------------------- Think about why they went backwards because we can bet they were threatened over the bs.

View attachment 126927

the family may have back peddled

who can blame them

they dont want to end up dead

but the investigation moves forward

after all it wasnt the family that found the evidence

but rather investigators

looks like rich sent wikileaks 44 thousand emails plus

before he was whacked
There are literally hundreds of stories about this on the internet today.

And none of them provided any evidence to back up the fraud either.

Yet you believe anyways. Even FOX thinks this conspiracy babbling is too dopey to stand behind, but not you hardcore Trumptards. There's literally nothing too stupid for you to believe.
"Rod Wheeler, a private investigator hired by the Rich family, suggests there is tangible evidence on Rich's laptop that confirms he was communicating with WikiLeaks prior to his death."
Wheeler was NOT hired by the Rich family, so that's an obvious lie right there. He was hired by a third party and offered to the family under the guise of helping them find the killer of Seth and was contractually barred from speaking to press or anyone outside of law enforcement or the family unless explicitly authorized by the family, which the lying FOX scummy POS violated. He is just another worthless lying scum POS like Tramp, FOX and anyone on the Right who just use and exploit people for their own pleasure. Only equally worthless lying scum would spread their lies on a public forum like this!!!
WASHINGTON - It has been almost a year since Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich was murdered in the nation's capital. There have been no solid answers about why he was killed until now.

Rich was shot and killed last July in Northwest D.C and police have suggested the killing in the District's Bloomingdale neighborhood was a botched robbery. However, online conspiracy theories have tied the murder to Rich's work at the DNC.

Just two months shy of the one-year anniversary of Rich's death, FOX 5 has learned there is new information that could prove these theorists right.


Family's private investigator: There is evidence Seth Rich had contact with WikiLeaks prior to death
Rod Wheeler, a private investigator hired by the Rich family, suggests there is tangible evidence on Rich's laptop that confirms he was communicating with WikiLeaks prior to his death.

Family's private investigator: There is evidence Seth Rich had contact with WikiLeaks prior to death
According to your link, more information on his murder will be released this morning.

he sent 44 thousand plus emails to wikileaks
in july of 2016 Seth a democrat staffer was gunned down in cold blood

as of late the family says they have proof he was emailing wikileaks

Marina Marraco on Twitter

The family back peddled-------------------- Think about why they went backwards because we can bet they were threatened over the bs.

View attachment 126927

the family may have back peddled

who can blame them

they dont want to end up dead

but the investigation moves forward

after all it wasnt the family that found the evidence

but rather investigators

looks like rich sent wikileaks 44 thousand emails plus

before he was whacked
Yeah, and then the WaPo ran a story with no source that caused a bunch of hype on a day where this story is beyond just a bombshell.

It is an atomic bomb, and the left insulate the left.

We are beyond the point of using words. I fucking hate every last liberal.
Julian Assange, hero of the right, and we all know how much the orange buffoon loves wikileaks!

Provide the "evidence" in less than a year? Why is he waiting so long?
It will take the Russians that long to fabricate the "evidence."
[That isn't what I said, you made a claim that RWs are addicted to conspiracy theories and I simply pointed out that the left is to.

Nope. Not even close. The conspiracy theories you mentioned never had any traction on the left. Compare that to the way most every conservative auto-declares that anything negative about Trump is "fake news".

You're just running cover for Trump and the right again with some of your usual "but both sides do it!" bullshit. Nope. As is almost always the case, the left doesn't do it, and the right does.
We are beyond the point of using words. I fucking hate every last liberal.

So what are you gonna do, little snowflake, cry at us even harder?

Do you need a SafeSpace, where you'll be shielded from all those bad ol' liberals laughing at how ineptly you try to lie for TheParty?

Too bad. You won't get one. We enjoy laughing at Trump snowflakes too much to ever stop.
Remember when Assange said it wasn't the Russians, but a DNC staffer?

Now there is more ACTUAL evidence that it really was and it was the one who was "robbed"

"Rod Wheeler, a private investigator hired by the Rich family, suggests there is tangible evidence on Rich's laptop that confirms he was communicating with WikiLeaks prior to his death."

"Wheeler told FOX 5 that he will provide us with a full report with the new details."

Family's private investigator: There is evidence Seth Rich had contact with WikiLeaks prior to death

He is even going to provide the evidence in less than a year something Democrats have yet to do.
Julian Assange, hero of the right, and we all know how much the orange buffoon loves wikileaks!

Provide the "evidence" in less than a year? Why is he waiting so long?

Call us when the impeachment hearings start.
Stay by your phone. It should be soon.

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