Who killed Seth Rich?

No longer a conspiracy story.

Bombshell: Seth Rich sent 44,053 DNC emails to WikiLeaks.

“The federal investigator, who requested anonymity, said 44,053 emails and 17,761 attachments between Democratic National Committee leaders, spanning from January 2015 through late May 2016, were transferred from Rich to MacFadyen before May 21. On July 22, just 12 days after Rich was killed, WikiLeaks published internal DNC emails that appeared to show top party officials conspired to stop Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont from becoming the party’s presidential nominee.”

And Podesta made an example of him.

This is YUGE!
This is really biggly. Honestly. Really yuge.

Trump needs to have DOJ take charge of this investigation. Where's Seth's laptop?
Hopefully, Putin really does have the contents of Hillary's server and can present the Podesta and Hillarys orders to whack Seth to a court at their criminal trial
I foresee many Ds making plea deals. If Trump grants Schumer's wish of an independent counsel but with a broader mandate to investigate everyone's campaigns for any irregularities the Democratic party might just be toast.
No longer a conspiracy story.

Bombshell: Seth Rich sent 44,053 DNC emails to WikiLeaks.

“The federal investigator, who requested anonymity, said 44,053 emails and 17,761 attachments between Democratic National Committee leaders, spanning from January 2015 through late May 2016, were transferred from Rich to MacFadyen before May 21. On July 22, just 12 days after Rich was killed, WikiLeaks published internal DNC emails that appeared to show top party officials conspired to stop Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont from becoming the party’s presidential nominee.”

And Podesta made an example of him.

This is YUGE!
This is really biggly. Honestly. Really yuge.
Just go with the Flo
of course he sent them to a man who is now dead, so it can't b verified by him..... :rolleyes:

Yet the man who is now dead from cancer, never spoke up to anyone after seth was killed, why is that?
His poor parents, having to put up with this crud....every couple of months a new conspiracy!!! :(
of course he sent them to a man who is now dead, so it can't b verified by him..... :rolleyes:

Yet the man who is now dead from cancer, never spoke up to anyone after seth was killed, why is that?
i see you are technically ignorant.

it's very easy to read e-mail headers and know where they came from, when they came from there and under who's account they were sent. as long as the original messages are in there, evidence is very easy to show at this point.
Family's private investigator: There is evidence Seth Rich had contact with WikiLeaks prior to death

WASHINGTON - It has been almost a year since Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich was murdered in the nation's capital. There have been no solid answers about why he was killed until now.

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Family's private investigator: There is evidence Seth Rich had contact with WikiLeaks prior to death

Another crooked cover up the guy got to close to getting information out there, and those little Clintons, and Obama asses didn't want that out . Just as they do to all whistleblowers they suddenly have deaths, Ooops suicide , ooops car accident, oooops suicidal murder.

Maybe when sheep can see how the shadow Gov is no different than the Mafia maybe it would sink just how low these bastards will go to keep information from getting out.

Former DC homicide detective Rod Wheeler joined Fox 5 DC Tuesday to reveal more about his investigation into the murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich.

Wheeler, hired as a private investigator by a third party, says in the process of investigating Seth’s murder he’s come across disturbing information which may point to evidence of a wider criminal organization.

“What’s really interesting since I’ve been looking into this case, I’ve uncovered quite a few things, but not necessarily related to Seth’s death, but related to an underground – a possible – underground corruption, organized crime corruption group that may be operating in the District,” Wheeler said.

“Cause I’ve started looking at other homicides and deaths, that were called “accidental deaths,” but could have been homicides. So this case, Allison, may actually open up a can of worms as far as what’s been going on here in DC.”

On Monday, Wheeler came forward claiming the late DNC staffer may, as speculated, actually have had contact with the anti-secrecy group Wikileaks.

“My investigation up to this point shows there was some degree of email exchange between Seth Rich and WikiLeaks,” Wheeler said. “I do believe that the answers to who murdered Seth Rich sits on his computer on a shelf at the DC police or FBI headquarters.”

Seth is widely believed to have been the possible source behind the DNC email leak which Wikileaks published on July 22, 2016

Video: Seth Rich Investigator Says He’s Uncovered ‘Possible Underground Organized Crime Corruption Group’
of course he sent them to a man who is now dead, so it can't b verified by him..... :rolleyes:

Yet the man who is now dead from cancer, never spoke up to anyone after seth was killed, why is that?
It can be verified by Sessions getting Seth's computer or subpoenaing his IP address.
Well, I see the treasonous media worthy of a traitors death (all of them) has managed to draw attention away from what is an actual unreal BOMBSHELL of a story, to this utter bullshit story about Trump leaking classified secrets.

I just cannot believe how blatant and open they are about it and obvious of a ploy it is and the left still carry on to their fucking drumbeat.

Such a sad commentary on the reality of the human species.
Well, I see the treasonous media worthy of a traitors death (all of them) has managed to draw attention away from what is an actual unreal BOMBSHELL of a story, to this utter bullshit story about Trump leaking classified secrets.

I just cannot believe how blatant and open they are about it and obvious of a ploy it is and the left still carry on to their fucking drumbeat.

Such a sad commentary on the reality of the human species.
until you "execute" someone, the crimes will just get bolder and bolder.

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