Who killed Seth Rich?

Seth Rich is the new Vince Foster. The RWnuts' addiction to conspiracies continues.

Right, and the left wing nuts never indulge in conspiracy. Hypocritical much?

Twin Towers cameraman claims the Bush administration was behind terror attacks

So you admit this is just a crazy conspiracy theory.

That was what I was going for.

Actually, what I wrote was "conspiracy". Crazy is your word. So you didnt get what you were going for. Wrong again!

Aren't conspiracy theories crazy by nature?

You compared it to the 9/11 truthers. Are you saying that is a SANE conspiracy theory?

Well no, not all conspiracies are crazy. That would imply that conspiracies can't exist, which they can and do. Some are just more far fetched than others, and many are proposed with no supporting evidence. The 911 truthers are trying to fill holes with ideas without corroborating evidence. And their theories look more like Swiss cheese than the official government explanation.
WASHINGTON - It has been almost a year since Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich was murdered in the nation's capital. There have been no solid answers about why he was killed until now.

Rich was shot and killed last July in Northwest D.C and police have suggested the killing in the District's Bloomingdale neighborhood was a botched robbery. However, online conspiracy theories have tied the murder to Rich's work at the DNC.

Just two months shy of the one-year anniversary of Rich's death, FOX 5 has learned there is new information that could prove these theorists right.


Family's private investigator: There is evidence Seth Rich had contact with WikiLeaks prior to death
Rod Wheeler, a private investigator hired by the Rich family, suggests there is tangible evidence on Rich's laptop that confirms he was communicating with WikiLeaks prior to his death.

Family's private investigator: There is evidence Seth Rich had contact with WikiLeaks prior to death

Click on this link to Wikileaks


and you will have the same evidence on your computer of contact with Wikileaks too.

WASHINGTON - It has been almost a year since Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich was murdered in the nation's capital. There have been no solid answers about why he was killed until now.

Rich was shot and killed last July in Northwest D.C and police have suggested the killing in the District's Bloomingdale neighborhood was a botched robbery. However, online conspiracy theories have tied the murder to Rich's work at the DNC.

Just two months shy of the one-year anniversary of Rich's death, FOX 5 has learned there is new information that could prove these theorists right.


Family's private investigator: There is evidence Seth Rich had contact with WikiLeaks prior to death
Rod Wheeler, a private investigator hired by the Rich family, suggests there is tangible evidence on Rich's laptop that confirms he was communicating with WikiLeaks prior to his death.

Family's private investigator: There is evidence Seth Rich had contact with WikiLeaks prior to death

Click on this link to Wikileaks


and you will have the same evidence on your computer of contact with Wikileaks too.

REALLY? You are full of shit. The private detective can't get his hands on the computer, yet somehow you know what's on it. You people never cease to amaze me, did you not think anybody would call you out on your idiot post?

The private detective can't get his hands on the computer, yet somehow he thinks he knows what's on it. You people never cease to amaze me, did you not think anybody would call you out on your idiot post?

His theory is that there is evidence on the computer. Read.
WASHINGTON - It has been almost a year since Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich was murdered in the nation's capital. There have been no solid answers about why he was killed until now.

Rich was shot and killed last July in Northwest D.C and police have suggested the killing in the District's Bloomingdale neighborhood was a botched robbery. However, online conspiracy theories have tied the murder to Rich's work at the DNC.

Just two months shy of the one-year anniversary of Rich's death, FOX 5 has learned there is new information that could prove these theorists right.


Family's private investigator: There is evidence Seth Rich had contact with WikiLeaks prior to death
Rod Wheeler, a private investigator hired by the Rich family, suggests there is tangible evidence on Rich's laptop that confirms he was communicating with WikiLeaks prior to his death.

Family's private investigator: There is evidence Seth Rich had contact with WikiLeaks prior to death

Click on this link to Wikileaks


and you will have the same evidence on your computer of contact with Wikileaks too.

WASHINGTON - It has been almost a year since Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich was murdered in the nation's capital. There have been no solid answers about why he was killed until now.

Rich was shot and killed last July in Northwest D.C and police have suggested the killing in the District's Bloomingdale neighborhood was a botched robbery. However, online conspiracy theories have tied the murder to Rich's work at the DNC.

Just two months shy of the one-year anniversary of Rich's death, FOX 5 has learned there is new information that could prove these theorists right.


Family's private investigator: There is evidence Seth Rich had contact with WikiLeaks prior to death
Rod Wheeler, a private investigator hired by the Rich family, suggests there is tangible evidence on Rich's laptop that confirms he was communicating with WikiLeaks prior to his death.

Family's private investigator: There is evidence Seth Rich had contact with WikiLeaks prior to death

Click on this link to Wikileaks


and you will have the same evidence on your computer of contact with Wikileaks too.

REALLY? You are full of shit. The private detective can't get his hands on the computer, yet somehow you know what's on it. You people never cease to amaze me, did you not think anybody would call you out on your idiot post?

The private detective can't get his hands on the computer, yet somehow he thinks he knows what's on it. You people never cease to amaze me, did you not think anybody would call you out on your idiot post?

His theory is that there is evidence on the computer. Read.

I did read it. It's stupid.
not the family PI, the guy lied about that....family came out and said that was NOT TRUE....
WASHINGTON - It has been almost a year since Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich was murdered in the nation's capital. There have been no solid answers about why he was killed until now.

Rich was shot and killed last July in Northwest D.C and police have suggested the killing in the District's Bloomingdale neighborhood was a botched robbery. However, online conspiracy theories have tied the murder to Rich's work at the DNC.

Just two months shy of the one-year anniversary of Rich's death, FOX 5 has learned there is new information that could prove these theorists right.


Family's private investigator: There is evidence Seth Rich had contact with WikiLeaks prior to death
Rod Wheeler, a private investigator hired by the Rich family, suggests there is tangible evidence on Rich's laptop that confirms he was communicating with WikiLeaks prior to his death.

Family's private investigator: There is evidence Seth Rich had contact with WikiLeaks prior to death

Click on this link to Wikileaks


and you will have the same evidence on your computer of contact with Wikileaks too.

WASHINGTON - It has been almost a year since Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich was murdered in the nation's capital. There have been no solid answers about why he was killed until now.

Rich was shot and killed last July in Northwest D.C and police have suggested the killing in the District's Bloomingdale neighborhood was a botched robbery. However, online conspiracy theories have tied the murder to Rich's work at the DNC.

Just two months shy of the one-year anniversary of Rich's death, FOX 5 has learned there is new information that could prove these theorists right.


Family's private investigator: There is evidence Seth Rich had contact with WikiLeaks prior to death
Rod Wheeler, a private investigator hired by the Rich family, suggests there is tangible evidence on Rich's laptop that confirms he was communicating with WikiLeaks prior to his death.

Family's private investigator: There is evidence Seth Rich had contact with WikiLeaks prior to death

Click on this link to Wikileaks


and you will have the same evidence on your computer of contact with Wikileaks too.

REALLY? You are full of shit. The private detective can't get his hands on the computer, yet somehow you know what's on it. You people never cease to amaze me, did you not think anybody would call you out on your idiot post?

The private detective can't get his hands on the computer, yet somehow he thinks he knows what's on it. You people never cease to amaze me, did you not think anybody would call you out on your idiot post?

His theory is that there is evidence on the computer. Read.

I did read it. It's stupid.

Yea, well you are the resident expert on stupid.
Click on this link to Wikileaks


and you will have the same evidence on your computer of contact with Wikileaks too.

Click on this link to Wikileaks


and you will have the same evidence on your computer of contact with Wikileaks too.

REALLY? You are full of shit. The private detective can't get his hands on the computer, yet somehow you know what's on it. You people never cease to amaze me, did you not think anybody would call you out on your idiot post?

The private detective can't get his hands on the computer, yet somehow he thinks he knows what's on it. You people never cease to amaze me, did you not think anybody would call you out on your idiot post?

His theory is that there is evidence on the computer. Read.

I did read it. It's stupid.

Yea, well you are the resident expert on stupid.

Far from an expert, but you and others like you are certainly providing an education on the subject.
Conspiracies like Bush knew about 911, Bush lied, Bush stole the 2000 election, Bush stole 2004 election and on and on. Yep, people are stupid and will believe anything.
Anything new on BenghaziBenghaziFast&FuriousTheJewKoskinen?

That has nothing to do with my response, but thanks for trying.
They were "conspiracies" peddled to the credulous........Should I go back over your archives to see if you played Useful Idiot to any of them?

NY claimed that only RW are addicted to conspiracies, I just proved the left has their addictions to conspiracies.

The Jew thing, I don't think I heard of, never believed in Benghazi and Fast and Furious happened and it was an incompetent Justice Dept. that was the cause, I don't think Obama was involved, he was totally clueless.

But, but, but.........Obama was the smartest President evah!!!
With nothing more than a humble background as a Community Organizer, Obama made more consequential, and correct, decisions in his first 40 days than the vaunted Artist of the Deal Smartest Guy Evah has even hinted at.....
Who killed Seth Rich?

Jennifer Palmieri ordered the hit with blessing from Hillary and Podesta.

By the way, does anyone knows where Podesta works now?
[That isn't what I said, you made a claim that RWs are addicted to conspiracy theories and I simply pointed out that the left is to.

Nope. Not even close. The conspiracy theories you mentioned never had any traction on the left. Compare that to the way most every conservative auto-declares that anything negative about Trump is "fake news".

You're just running cover for Trump and the right again with some of your usual "but both sides do it!" bullshit. Nope. As is almost always the case, the left doesn't do it, and the right does.

Nope not even close. The left is just as predictable as the right. The left has tons of conspiracy theories as does the right it just depends on what partisan bull shit you want to believe, I don't believe any of it. You whackadoodles are all too far out there.

So you deny the left conspiracies? Bush stole 2000, 2004, Bush caused 911, Bush lied and on and on. It is all so comical how each side defends their BS. Now I will wait because I know damn well you nuts will defend your conspiracy theories.
Anything new on BenghaziBenghaziFast&FuriousTheJewKoskinen?

That has nothing to do with my response, but thanks for trying.
They were "conspiracies" peddled to the credulous........Should I go back over your archives to see if you played Useful Idiot to any of them?

NY claimed that only RW are addicted to conspiracies, I just proved the left has their addictions to conspiracies.

The Jew thing, I don't think I heard of, never believed in Benghazi and Fast and Furious happened and it was an incompetent Justice Dept. that was the cause, I don't think Obama was involved, he was totally clueless.

But, but, but.........Obama was the smartest President evah!!!
With nothing more than a humble background as a Community Organizer, Obama made more consequential, and correct, decisions in his first 40 days than the vaunted Artist of the Deal Smartest Guy Evah has even hinted at.....

Obama was a disaster, Trump maybe worse.
So you deny the left conspiracies? Bush stole 2000,

That's history, not a conspiracy. Gore had more legal votes in Florida than Bush, by any counting standard. If you're denying that, you're engaging in a right-wing conspiracy theory.

Never got any traction.

Bush caused 911,

That conspiracy theory was favored more by the far right than by the left.

Bush lied

That's also not arguable. If you're denying Bush lied, you're pushing a right-wing conspiracy theory.

and on and on. It is all so comical how each side defends their BS. Now I will wait because I know damn well you nuts will defend your conspiracy theories.

Yet you can't show any such conspiracy theories that ever had signficant support on the left. At one time you could have pointed to antivaxxism or antinukism, but both of those conspiracy theories have migrated to the right. We on the left rip into anyone on the left who babbles conspiracy theories. The right forms support groups for their conspiracy nutters, and calls people RINOs if they don't go along with the conspiracies.

Almost every conservative here, right now, says that anything critical of Trump is "fake news". Almost the entire right is composed of active conspiracy nutters, as opposed to almost none of the left.
So you deny the left conspiracies? Bush stole 2000,

That's history, not a conspiracy. Gore had more legal votes in Florida than Bush, by any counting standard. If you're denying that, you're engaging in a right-wing conspiracy theory.

Never got any traction.

Bush caused 911,

That conspiracy theory was favored more by the far right than by the left.

Bush lied

That's also not arguable. If you're denying Bush lied, you're pushing a right-wing conspiracy theory.

and on and on. It is all so comical how each side defends their BS. Now I will wait because I know damn well you nuts will defend your conspiracy theories.

Yet you can't show any such conspiracy theories that ever had signficant support on the left. At one time you could have pointed to antivaxxism or antinukism, but both of those conspiracy theories have migrated to the right. We on the left rip into anyone on the left who babbles conspiracy theories. The right forms support groups for their conspiracy nutters, and calls people RINOs if they don't go along with the conspiracies.

Almost every conservative here, right now, says that anything critical of Trump is "fake news". Almost the entire right is composed of active conspiracy nutters, as opposed to almost none of the left.

See thanks for proving my point, both left and right wing whackos are conspiracy lovers. Take care whacko!

BTW, a poll showed that over half the democrats believed Bush was complicit in 911, over half so spare me your partisan BS.
Breaking Update

Turn on Hannity now. Hes fixing to interview the Seth Rich investigator, Rod Wheeler.
Remember when Assange said it wasn't the Russians, but a DNC staffer?

Now there is more ACTUAL evidence that it really was and it was the one who was "robbed"

"Rod Wheeler, a private investigator hired by the Rich family, suggests there is tangible evidence on Rich's laptop that confirms he was communicating with WikiLeaks prior to his death."

"Wheeler told FOX 5 that he will provide us with a full report with the new details."

Family's private investigator: There is evidence Seth Rich had contact with WikiLeaks prior to death

He is even going to provide the evidence in less than a year something Democrats have yet to do.

"... in less than a year ..."

There's no time like the present, except if he doesn't have anything.


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