Who killed Seth Rich?

If the Russians killed Seth Rich, the FBI and the Washington D.C. police would not have been ordered to "stand down" their investigation, they would have pursued it and caught the murderers.

Only the Democrats have the power to stand down the FBI and the Washington D.C. police.

They are guilty of Seth Rich's murder, and soon all will be revealed.


"The Democrats" have the power to stand down the FBI?
If the Russians killed Seth Rich, the FBI and the Washington D.C. police would not have been ordered to "stand down" their investigation, they would have pursued it and caught the murderers.

Only the Democrats have the power to stand down the FBI and the Washington D.C. police.

They are guilty of Seth Rich's murder, and soon all will be revealed.


"The Democrats" have the power to stand down the FBI?
Absolutely, they stood down the FBI's investigation of Hillary Clinton. Have you already forgotten that?
Seth Rich wasn’t just another D.C. murder victim. He was a meme in the weirdest presidential election of our times.

By Manuel Roig-Franzia January 18

Mary Rich, the mother of slain DNC staffer Seth Rich, gives a press conference in Bloomingdale on August 1, 2016. Seth Rich was gunned down in the DC neighborhood in July. (Michael Robinson Chavez/The Washington Post)
The first instinct was to fight. He’d call their bluff. Come out swinging.

“Prove it,” Joel Rich wanted to say.

Prove my boy died because he was some kind of a mole, an email hacker, a cog in a conspiracy, a patsy in an international political intrigue.

Prove it!

Yet Joel Rich knew he wouldn’t get anywhere trying to knock down each new Internet rumor about the death this past summer of his son, Seth.

“People don’t care about the truth anymore,” the father lamented.

Seth Rich, the 27-year-old Democratic National Committee staffer with the straw-colored hair, American flag shirts and goofy grin, wasn’t just another D.C. murder victim. No. He was a meme in the weirdest presidential election of our times.

Somehow the bullets that took Rich’s life early that morning in July — two loud pops in the darkness — have continued to echo long after police officers found him bleeding in the streets of the District’s Bloomingdale neighborhood, chattering away but confused, unaware that his life was seeping away. In an era of reckless information, this is what it’s like when the fire hose gets turned on your family. Joel Rich wanted to move on to the next stage of grief, but it was too noisy out there, the allegations getting more and more far-fetched.

Seth was ordered killed by Hillary Clinton because he knew something about her email scandal.

Seth was killed by Russians posing as FBI agents investigating the Clintons.

Seth was killed because he slipped DNC emails to WikiLeaks.


Seth Rich was shot and killed July 10, 2016 in Washington, DC. (Democratic National Committee)
What seems painfully obvious to his family is that Seth Rich was, instead, the victim of a botched holdup, one of a series of armed robberies in the neighborhood around that time. Interviews with more than a dozen people who knew Rich well, including several who spoke to him in the final hours of his life — as well as a previously unreported minute-by-minute log of Rich’s phone calls — fill in some of the blanks of that night. But they offer no hint that a conspiracy was at play.

Seth Rich wasn’t just another D.C. murder victim. He was a meme in the weirdest presidential election of our times.
If the Russians killed Seth Rich, the FBI and the Washington D.C. police would not have been ordered to "stand down" their investigation, they would have pursued it and caught the murderers.

Only the Democrats have the power to stand down the FBI and the Washington D.C. police.

They are guilty of Seth Rich's murder, and soon all will be revealed.


"The Democrats" have the power to stand down the FBI?
Absolutely, they stood down the FBI's investigation of Hillary Clinton. Have you already forgotten that?


No, the FBI completed their investigation.

It was all over the news, I don't know how you could have missed it.
This robber wasn't much interested in material gain. He walked away from Seth Rich's body without taking his cash, credit cards or cell phone. Maybe it was a robber who doesn't mind spending 50 cents on a couple of bullets, and getting nothing in return.
If the Russians killed Seth Rich, the FBI and the Washington D.C. police would not have been ordered to "stand down" their investigation, they would have pursued it and caught the murderers.

Only the Democrats have the power to stand down the FBI and the Washington D.C. police.
Hey dumb ass, Tramp is president and if there is a stand down order it comes from Tramp and Sessions, the Dems are powerless. And it is pretty obvious why Tramp would have Sessions order the FBI to stand down!!!!!
If the Russians killed Seth Rich, the FBI and the Washington D.C. police would not have been ordered to "stand down" their investigation, they would have pursued it and caught the murderers.

Only the Democrats have the power to stand down the FBI and the Washington D.C. police.
Hey dumb ass, Tramp is president and if there is a stand down order it comes from Tramp and Sessions, the Dems are powerless. And it is pretty obvious why tramp would have Sessions order the FBI to stand down!!!!!
The Democrats were in charge of both the FBI and the Washington D.C. city police at the time Seth Rich was murdered.
If the Russians killed Seth Rich, the FBI and the Washington D.C. police would not have been ordered to "stand down" their investigation, they would have pursued it and caught the murderers.

Only the Democrats have the power to stand down the FBI and the Washington D.C. police.
Hey dumb ass, Tramp is president and if there is a stand down order it comes from Tramp and Sessions, the Dems are powerless. And it is pretty obvious why tramp would have Sessions order the FBI to stand down!!!!!
The Democrats were in charge of both the FBI and the Washington D.C. city police at the time Seth Rich was murdered.
They are not in charge now, so if they are actually standing down NOW it is due solely to Tramp covering for his Russian handlers!!!
Even YOU know that!!!
If the Russians killed Seth Rich, the FBI and the Washington D.C. police would not have been ordered to "stand down" their investigation, they would have pursued it and caught the murderers.

Only the Democrats have the power to stand down the FBI and the Washington D.C. police.
Hey dumb ass, Tramp is president and if there is a stand down order it comes from Tramp and Sessions, the Dems are powerless. And it is pretty obvious why tramp would have Sessions order the FBI to stand down!!!!!
The Democrats were in charge of both the FBI and the Washington D.C. city police at the time Seth Rich was murdered.
They are not in charge now, so if they are actually standing down NOW it is due solely to Tramp covering for his Russian handlers!!!
Even YOU know that!!!
Or, this was not on Trump's radar given all the other things he's doing right now.

But now that Drudge and FOX have broken the story, Seth Rich's murder will be looked into, and the truth will be revealed.

Is that what you are afraid of?

The truth?
The cops suspected Rich was a victim of an attempted robbery, one of many that plague the neighborhood. Strangely, however, they found his wallet, credit cards and cellphone on his body. The band of his wristwatch was torn but not broken.
The cops suspected Rich was a victim of an attempted robbery, one of many that plague the neighborhood. Strangely, however, they found his wallet, credit cards and cellphone on his body. The band of his wristwatch was torn but not broken.
the police were nearby and got there within a minute....seth was still alive and was talking to them....babbling to them is what 1 of the articles reported....he didn't even realize he was dying....so sad.... I wonder what he was ''babbling'' about....?

he was such a handsome young man, so young, and his whole life ahead of him..... :(
Someone is shutting down Seth Rich threads, no doubt under orders from the DNC to shut this down.
The cops suspected Rich was a victim of an attempted robbery, one of many that plague the neighborhood. Strangely, however, they found his wallet, credit cards and cellphone on his body. The band of his wristwatch was torn but not broken.
the police were nearby and got there within a minute....seth was still alive and was talking to them....babbling to them is what 1 of the articles reported....he didn't even realize he was dying....so sad.... I wonder what he was ''babbling'' about....?

he was such a handsome young man, so young, and his whole life ahead of him..... :(

Now, questions have been raised on why D.C. police, the lead agency on this murder investigation for the past ten months, have insisted this was a robbery gone bad when there appears to be no evidence to suggest that.

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