Who let this happen?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
Saddam was secularizing Iraq and women there wore western clothing and went to disco bars in the evenings and had more comparative freedom than they did later under the insurgency when Saddam was removed from power. Before the Islamic Revolution women were wearing makeup and were involved in business. Who were the idiots that let the Islamic primitives in power?
Who cares what Iraqi women could or could not do. They were sitting on oil and had to be removed out of the way. Who cares if they're now dead and rotting under the ground, or looking like letterbox ladies? Does not looking like a letterbox lady reduce oil prices? DOES IT?

The ONLY important thing here are oil prices.

US Soldiers' lives are not important.
Iraqi people's lives are not important.
No one's life is more important than cheaper oil.

(Written by the Ministry of Get Rich Now)

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