Who on Fox News holds the Highest Education?

A fun thread.

Tell me who on Fox News has the highest level of education.

Monica Crowley has a PhD. There are a ton of hot blondes with JD's, like Meagan Kelly, Lis Wiehl, Ann Coulter, and Laura Ingraham.

In other words, any one of those lawyer babes is smarter than every lib on this forum combined.

Actually only a couple of those girls have a JD.....not a lot of them..Have you researched the history of those few women? :)

I just mentioned four of them with JDs. Someone else brought up Jeanne Pirro, who also has a JD and was a judge. What else do you want?
Glen Beck and Sean Hannity are college drop-outs. While they have some valid points, I'm curious why so many will follow their word as fact no matter what, cult style.

So let me get this straight. Because someone doesn't have a College education, little they say is valid?

You're treading on thin ice there bud.

We currently are enduring a "College educated" man in the White House that doesn't know how to "pour piss out of a boot - with the directions printed on the heel."

People place far too much value on a degree.
Glen Beck and Sean Hannity are college drop-outs. While they have some valid points, I'm curious why so many will follow their word as fact no matter what, cult style.

Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck, for whom you obviously have no respect, are self-made millionaires, or, if not millionaires, at least successful businessmen, the kind of which does not come with fancy degrees, but hard, honest work and perseverance.

You seem to be a snob, who has nothing but disdain for people who don't hold a college degree, which - in many cases - is about as useful as a bicycle is to a fish.

Snobs like you should be honest enough to call ONLY college graduates when you need a plumber, a carpenter, an electrician, a painter, a mechanic or a tailor.

Snobs like you think that no matter how stupid a kid is, he/she must get a college degree in order to succeed in life.

Snobs like you are firmly entrenched in the idiocy that everyone is equal, there are no winners, there can be no losers and everyone deserves a trophy.

Snobs like you are ready to ditch a kid with genius probability in order to promote a hopeless, medically diagnosed mentally handicapped kid, all in the name of equality and fairness.

Snobs like you would waste any and all amounts of taxpayers' money to send idiots to college, in a fanciful dream of chasing an undeserved degree, while trade schools can't get an apprentice.

Then snobs like you wonder why jobs are sent to China and India and Bangla Dash and Indonesia and Malaysia and Pakistan.

Then snobs like you bitch about states with "Right to Work" and bitch about unions cut down to their well deserved low status, because, in honesty they never cared about anyone but themselves.

If anyone who watches or listens to Hannity or Beck follows their lead, it may not be not because of their profound message, but because they know that the alternative message is from people like you.
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Does pig farming count?

of course it does leftard!!

so-called "brilliant" Progressives get beaten by just about anybody these days.

you cant even stop blaming the failures of the guy that sits in the White House on pig farmers and such; you know; other people you think you're better than?

idiots and hypocrites
O'Reilly is a Harvard grad; like the idiot in the White House now.
but o'reilly is successful unlike the failure obama.
i doubt if o'reilly wasnt successful he would be blaming his failures on others the way obama does
O'Reilly is a Harvard grad; like the idiot in the White House now.
but o'reilly is successful unlike the failure obama.
i doubt if o'reilly wasnt successful he would be blaming his failures on others the way obama does

Quick question................if Billo the Clown (aka Bill O'Reilly) is so much more successful than Obama, then a quick question......................

Why is Billo the Clown still riding the airwaves via radio, while Obama is President?

Billo the Clown is much less successful than Obama ever was.

Me personally? I'd like to see Bill O'reilly get the same karma that he's been putting out.

If that means his ass is kicked in front of cameras, so be it.
O'Reilly is a Harvard grad; like the idiot in the White House now.
but o'reilly is successful unlike the failure obama.
i doubt if o'reilly wasnt successful he would be blaming his failures on others the way obama does

Quick question................if Billo the Clown (aka Bill O'Reilly) is so much more successful than Obama, then a quick question......................

Why is Billo the Clown still riding the airwaves via radio, while Obama is President?

Billo the Clown is much less successful than Obama ever was.

Me personally? I'd like to see Bill O'reilly get the same karma that he's been putting out.

If that means his ass is kicked in front of cameras, so be it.

Is this part of your fantasy about women you disagree with getting hurt as well, little 'man'? You've got some issues to work out with your shrink, Pee-Wee.
I don't care how smart Anna Kooiman is when she looks like this


O'Reilly is a Harvard grad; like the idiot in the White House now.
but o'reilly is successful unlike the failure obama.
i doubt if o'reilly wasnt successful he would be blaming his failures on others the way obama does

Quick question................if Billo the Clown (aka Bill O'Reilly) is so much more successful than Obama, then a quick question......................

Why is Billo the Clown still riding the airwaves via radio, while Obama is President?

Billo the Clown is much less successful than Obama ever was.

Me personally? I'd like to see Bill O'reilly get the same karma that he's been putting out.

If that means his ass is kicked in front of cameras, so be it.

Radio and TV, fool. Care to compare salaries?
Now, becoming President of the United States is certainly a success for someone who set out to accomplish that, but barack obama has hardly been successful as POTUS whereas Bill O'Reilly has the largest audience on cable news and earns about $17 million/year.

I'd say in regards to their own definitions of success, Mr. O'Reilly has done a whole lot better than Mr. obama.

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