Who punched out Dirty Harry?

I believe Reid used to be an amateur boxer in his younger days.

In his later days he became a professional douchebag.
Harry Reid Breaks Number of Ribs and Bones in His Face While Exercising The Weekly Standard
That's right. A piece of exercise equipment broke and Dirty Harry had his face mangled.
I wonder what the name of the (cough) exercise machine is.
Maybe one of the thousands of suckers Dirty Harry and his Nevada mafia ripped off over the years.
Couldn't have happened to a sweeter man.
I thought you meant Clint Eastwood. That would be wrong to punch out an Alzheimer patient.
Booming market, unemployment going down, Putin looking like an ass as Russia goes broke. Renewable energy achieving parity with fossil fuel, and the cost for the Renewables continueing to decline. What the hell else do our 'Conservatives' have to cheer themselves up with other than other people's misfortune?
Did they now? A bunch of Germans gassed a bunch of people of Jewish descent. So that makes it ok for others to do the same? Well, for sure, we now understand your level of morality and ethics.

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