Who Really Always Benefits From So-Called Terrorism?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWUB4MCLsHg]A retired Lieutenant Colonel in the Army weighs in on Boston. - YouTube[/ame]
It's common knowledge that governments need enemies.

What better way to impose controls on the people than to instill fear?
another nut job with a camera! just because he held an officer's rank in the army does not make him an authority or any less prone to paranoia....
It's not really meant for you daws101. We already know your feelings on the matter. It's information, meant for others who care about the nation and are already awake.

Why do you insist on making an ass of yourself?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSDj7bjAv2s]Statler & Waldorf: Meh - YouTube[/ame]
another nut job with a camera! just because he held an officer's rank in the army does not make him an authority or any less prone to paranoia....
It's not really meant for you daws101. We already know your feelings on the matter. It's information, meant for others who care about the nation and are already awake.

Why do you insist on making an ass of yourself?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSDj7bjAv2s]Statler & Waldorf: Meh - YouTube[/ame]
wrong slapdick ! this is a public forum.
as to the rest of you yammering ,the reality is people like you don't give as shit about this country .
how could you, since everything you post is in the negative.
as to being awake not a chance, your indoctrination is far to powerful.
to be truly aware takes objectivity and clarity not paranoia and gullibility.
The End of the Illusion: America Finally Learns Its Limits
Apr 30, 2013 4:45 AM EDT
As America pulls back from Afghanistan and looks at more than a decade of war, major thinkers are beginning to say that it’s time for humility, restraint, and realism when it comes to our foreign policy. Jacob Heilbrunn on the new debate.


It's an interesting read:
The End of the Illusion: America Finally Learns Its Limits - The Daily Beast
DEA makes living on drug case. FBI makes living on terror case. Without these cases, they lose value to exist. So if there is none, they create one.

To expand their power, DEA invented "War on drugs"; FBI and Pentagon invented "War on Terror". Under those two wars, drug business and terror activities become prosperous. So are the DEA, FBI and Pentagon. They got fat budget and expanded power - Patriot Act and NDAA.
DEA makes living on drug case. FBI makes living on terror case. Without these cases, they lose value to exist. So if there is none, they create one.

To expand their power, DEA invented "War on drugs"; FBI and Pentagon invented "War on Terror". Under those two wars, drug business and terror activities become prosperous. So are the DEA, FBI and Pentagon. They got fat budget and expanded power - Patriot Act and NDAA.

If anyone is interested in hearing the thoughts of a complete moron, read the quoted post above. :lol:
DEA makes living on drug case. FBI makes living on terror case. Without these cases, they lose value to exist. So if there is none, they create one.

To expand their power, DEA invented "War on drugs"; FBI and Pentagon invented "War on Terror". Under those two wars, drug business and terror activities become prosperous. So are the DEA, FBI and Pentagon. They got fat budget and expanded power - Patriot Act and NDAA.

If anyone is interested in hearing the thoughts of a complete moron, read the quoted post above. :lol:

No all we got to do is read YOUR posts God KID.:D:lol:
so says the brainwshed troll who cowardly runs off with his tail between his legs when cornered with these facts in these 5 videos that he has no answers or rebutalls to.:lmao:


The next time there is a mass murder or terrorist attack, you guys will make a conspiracy out of it. That is a fact you have no rebuttal too. Do you disagree? If so, how about you and i make an account ban bet. The next time one of these events happens inside the US, i gauruntee there will be a thread in the conspiracy section about it being an inside job. If im right, you never post with that account ever again. If you win, i wont ever post with this account again.

Want to bet, or do you want to admit you guys make a conspiracy out of everything?

You're good. Living in a real state of denial, but good. But the clear fact is, there is something going on, and I think deep down, you know it. You just don't like people reminding you of it. I noticed you added, "inside the US." You know why? Because the fact is this is where the shadow government is operating with it's political goals to scare the populace.

Why would there be a terror event in say. . . The Caribbean? Oh yeah, I forgot, it would be a perfect place for REAL terrorists to strike. It is a soft target with lots of rich white Americans. But nope, they won't strike there. Or how about the South Pacific, say Fiji? Again, not gonna happen. Brazil? Argentina? Nope, don't think so.

But yeah, if we have a terrorist strike at a crowded tourist get away, we'll go away too.

But the police state doesn't give a shit about those places. In fact, the people that rule over us all, that is where they go to get away from it all, so you can bet nothing will be going down there. But if there were real terrorists wishing to make a point, you bet they would strike there. If "terrorists" poison the water supply of British Virgin Islands or release sarin gas someway, yeah, then I'll believe that's real . . . :cool:

But it is just a matter of the sloppy job the people doing these so called "attacks" that make the populace incredulous. You want to label people who don't believe mainstream media. The fact of the matter is, the whole reason gun control didn't gain the head of steam it was supposed to after the Sandy Hooke incident, is because not everyone was convinced that the incident was unaided by covert intelligence agencies. There were too many anomalies, IN OUR OWN PRESS. If you want to call people nutters, abuse them, what ever, that is your right. But that is also reality. I talk to everyday people who saw and heard a lot of things when these incidents first happen, and then they just go away, no explanation.

That is the sort of shit they used to do in the old Soviet Union. You know, rewrite history, pretend things don't exist or didn't occur. So if you don't want people to pretend along with you, forget it. People aren't going to go away b/c they won't believe in America's version of "PRAVDA" just to make you feel more comfortable with your version of reality.

I just listened to Coast to Coast Am on Saturday. Good show. You should give it a listen some time. Some crazy stuff. But you might become more aware what is going on. Sometimes I really think that show is a lot more believable than the MSM though. :cool:


that God Kid for ya.Lives in a state of denial and ignores reality.It makes god kid felle good about himself calling them nutter or whatever because the truth is too scary of a thought for him to want to confront.
Who always benefits?

The National Security and Military-Industrial Establishments ---

--- and Totalitarianism, in general.

Obviously !!!
The End of the Illusion: America Finally Learns Its Limits

As America pulls back from Afghanistan and looks at more than a decade of war, major thinkers are beginning to say that it’s time for humility, restraint, and realism when it comes to our foreign policy.
Fat chance. Not as long as the Brainwashing Establishment and the Military-Industrial Complex find it so easy to scam the government and the people.

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