Who really poses the greater threat: Putin or the anti-American Left?


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
It's always the left - nasty people and their existence is a hate crime...

Who really poses the greater threat: Putin or the anti-American Left?
July 18, 2017

Dennis Prager


But it wasn't the ad hominem insults that I found troubling. What was troubling was the low state of logical thinking that so many responses reflected. This was exemplified by their reminding me how important a free press is to democracy (as if attacking the behavior of the media were the same as denying the need for a free press); their asking how many nukes the media have compared with Russia (as if a threat to lives were the same as a threat to a civilization); and their thinking that my tweet was about President Donald Trump (he was never mentioned, and the words were just as true when Barack Obama was president).

My tweet was about the Western left undoing Western civilization. My one regret is that I did not mention universities along with the media.

The tweet had nothing to do with the existence of a free press. Attacking what the media is doing is not the same as attacking the existence of the media — any more than attacking Trump is attacking the existence of the presidency.


The smoking gun was provided just two weeks ago in the media's reactions to President Trump's speech in Warsaw, Poland, in which he called for protecting Western civilization. Virtually the entire Western media said it was a call to protect white racism — because the media deem Western civilization to be nothing more than a euphemism for white supremacy.

That's what my tweet was about.

Nukes Threaten People; Ideas Threaten Civilizations
Here's the list of pictures of journalists who criticized Putin who all died mysterious deaths.
Putin invaded the soveignity of our democracy.
Everyone agrees he'll do it again.
The fat bastard has not done even one thing to protect our country. That's a dereliction of duty..
Meanwhile this blubbering idiot we have still calls it " The Russian Hoax."
He's been laughed at, mocked, ridiculed and isolated during his trips abroad.
The world no longer respects the United States because of him.


President Donald Trump is a Threat to World Peace | Reinventing Peace
America can never fall from an attack outside our borders.

Our Revolution proved that.

however, the left is trying to prove that we can fall from within, and are clearly winning.

open hate for the unborn
complete disregard for the Constitution
disgust at the 'free' market

on and on
This is dumb. Had this been a democratic president these guys would not be asking this type of question.
It's always the left - nasty people and their existence is a hate crime...

Who really poses the greater threat: Putin or the anti-American Left?
July 18, 2017

Dennis Prager


But it wasn't the ad hominem insults that I found troubling. What was troubling was the low state of logical thinking that so many responses reflected. This was exemplified by their reminding me how important a free press is to democracy (as if attacking the behavior of the media were the same as denying the need for a free press); their asking how many nukes the media have compared with Russia (as if a threat to lives were the same as a threat to a civilization); and their thinking that my tweet was about President Donald Trump (he was never mentioned, and the words were just as true when Barack Obama was president).

My tweet was about the Western left undoing Western civilization. My one regret is that I did not mention universities along with the media.

The tweet had nothing to do with the existence of a free press. Attacking what the media is doing is not the same as attacking the existence of the media — any more than attacking Trump is attacking the existence of the presidency.


The smoking gun was provided just two weeks ago in the media's reactions to President Trump's speech in Warsaw, Poland, in which he called for protecting Western civilization. Virtually the entire Western media said it was a call to protect white racism — because the media deem Western civilization to be nothing more than a euphemism for white supremacy.

That's what my tweet was about.

Nukes Threaten People; Ideas Threaten Civilizations
Republicans are by far the greatest threat. It's known the world over.

It's always the left - nasty people and their existence is a hate crime...

Who really poses the greater threat: Putin or the anti-American Left?
July 18, 2017

Dennis Prager


But it wasn't the ad hominem insults that I found troubling. What was troubling was the low state of logical thinking that so many responses reflected. This was exemplified by their reminding me how important a free press is to democracy (as if attacking the behavior of the media were the same as denying the need for a free press); their asking how many nukes the media have compared with Russia (as if a threat to lives were the same as a threat to a civilization); and their thinking that my tweet was about President Donald Trump (he was never mentioned, and the words were just as true when Barack Obama was president).

My tweet was about the Western left undoing Western civilization. My one regret is that I did not mention universities along with the media.

The tweet had nothing to do with the existence of a free press. Attacking what the media is doing is not the same as attacking the existence of the media — any more than attacking Trump is attacking the existence of the presidency.


The smoking gun was provided just two weeks ago in the media's reactions to President Trump's speech in Warsaw, Poland, in which he called for protecting Western civilization. Virtually the entire Western media said it was a call to protect white racism — because the media deem Western civilization to be nothing more than a euphemism for white supremacy.

That's what my tweet was about.

Nukes Threaten People; Ideas Threaten Civilizations
Islam remains the main threat to the west.
It's always the left - nasty people and their existence is a hate crime...

Who really poses the greater threat: Putin or the anti-American Left?
July 18, 2017

Dennis Prager


But it wasn't the ad hominem insults that I found troubling. What was troubling was the low state of logical thinking that so many responses reflected. This was exemplified by their reminding me how important a free press is to democracy (as if attacking the behavior of the media were the same as denying the need for a free press); their asking how many nukes the media have compared with Russia (as if a threat to lives were the same as a threat to a civilization); and their thinking that my tweet was about President Donald Trump (he was never mentioned, and the words were just as true when Barack Obama was president).

My tweet was about the Western left undoing Western civilization. My one regret is that I did not mention universities along with the media.

The tweet had nothing to do with the existence of a free press. Attacking what the media is doing is not the same as attacking the existence of the media — any more than attacking Trump is attacking the existence of the presidency.


The smoking gun was provided just two weeks ago in the media's reactions to President Trump's speech in Warsaw, Poland, in which he called for protecting Western civilization. Virtually the entire Western media said it was a call to protect white racism — because the media deem Western civilization to be nothing more than a euphemism for white supremacy.

That's what my tweet was about.

Nukes Threaten People; Ideas Threaten Civilizations
Islam remains the main threat to the west.
That includes the left because of their lovey dovey relationship radical islam. The left would sell us out in a heart beat and then their heads would roll because islam hates them worst...
It's always the left - nasty people and their existence is a hate crime...

Who really poses the greater threat: Putin or the anti-American Left?
July 18, 2017

Dennis Prager


But it wasn't the ad hominem insults that I found troubling. What was troubling was the low state of logical thinking that so many responses reflected. This was exemplified by their reminding me how important a free press is to democracy (as if attacking the behavior of the media were the same as denying the need for a free press); their asking how many nukes the media have compared with Russia (as if a threat to lives were the same as a threat to a civilization); and their thinking that my tweet was about President Donald Trump (he was never mentioned, and the words were just as true when Barack Obama was president).

My tweet was about the Western left undoing Western civilization. My one regret is that I did not mention universities along with the media.

The tweet had nothing to do with the existence of a free press. Attacking what the media is doing is not the same as attacking the existence of the media — any more than attacking Trump is attacking the existence of the presidency.


The smoking gun was provided just two weeks ago in the media's reactions to President Trump's speech in Warsaw, Poland, in which he called for protecting Western civilization. Virtually the entire Western media said it was a call to protect white racism — because the media deem Western civilization to be nothing more than a euphemism for white supremacy.

That's what my tweet was about.

Nukes Threaten People; Ideas Threaten Civilizations
Islam remains the main threat to the west.
That includes the left because of their lovey dovey relationship radical islam. The left would sell us out in a heart beat and then their heads would roll because islam hates them worst...
It's always the left - nasty people and their existence is a hate crime...

Who really poses the greater threat: Putin or the anti-American Left?
July 18, 2017

Dennis Prager


But it wasn't the ad hominem insults that I found troubling. What was troubling was the low state of logical thinking that so many responses reflected. This was exemplified by their reminding me how important a free press is to democracy (as if attacking the behavior of the media were the same as denying the need for a free press); their asking how many nukes the media have compared with Russia (as if a threat to lives were the same as a threat to a civilization); and their thinking that my tweet was about President Donald Trump (he was never mentioned, and the words were just as true when Barack Obama was president).

My tweet was about the Western left undoing Western civilization. My one regret is that I did not mention universities along with the media.

The tweet had nothing to do with the existence of a free press. Attacking what the media is doing is not the same as attacking the existence of the media — any more than attacking Trump is attacking the existence of the presidency.


The smoking gun was provided just two weeks ago in the media's reactions to President Trump's speech in Warsaw, Poland, in which he called for protecting Western civilization. Virtually the entire Western media said it was a call to protect white racism — because the media deem Western civilization to be nothing more than a euphemism for white supremacy.

That's what my tweet was about.

Nukes Threaten People; Ideas Threaten Civilizations
Islam remains the main threat to the west.
That includes the left because of their lovey dovey relationship radical islam. The left would sell us out in a heart beat and then their heads would roll because islam hates them worst...


It's always the left - nasty people and their existence is a hate crime...

Who really poses the greater threat: Putin or the anti-American Left?
July 18, 2017

Dennis Prager


But it wasn't the ad hominem insults that I found troubling. What was troubling was the low state of logical thinking that so many responses reflected. This was exemplified by their reminding me how important a free press is to democracy (as if attacking the behavior of the media were the same as denying the need for a free press); their asking how many nukes the media have compared with Russia (as if a threat to lives were the same as a threat to a civilization); and their thinking that my tweet was about President Donald Trump (he was never mentioned, and the words were just as true when Barack Obama was president).

My tweet was about the Western left undoing Western civilization. My one regret is that I did not mention universities along with the media.

The tweet had nothing to do with the existence of a free press. Attacking what the media is doing is not the same as attacking the existence of the media — any more than attacking Trump is attacking the existence of the presidency.


The smoking gun was provided just two weeks ago in the media's reactions to President Trump's speech in Warsaw, Poland, in which he called for protecting Western civilization. Virtually the entire Western media said it was a call to protect white racism — because the media deem Western civilization to be nothing more than a euphemism for white supremacy.

That's what my tweet was about.

Nukes Threaten People; Ideas Threaten Civilizations
Islam remains the main threat to the west.
That includes the left because of their lovey dovey relationship radical islam. The left would sell us out in a heart beat and then their heads would roll because islam hates them worst...



we all can do that one fuckwad,

It's always the left - nasty people and their existence is a hate crime...

Who really poses the greater threat: Putin or the anti-American Left?
July 18, 2017

Dennis Prager


But it wasn't the ad hominem insults that I found troubling. What was troubling was the low state of logical thinking that so many responses reflected. This was exemplified by their reminding me how important a free press is to democracy (as if attacking the behavior of the media were the same as denying the need for a free press); their asking how many nukes the media have compared with Russia (as if a threat to lives were the same as a threat to a civilization); and their thinking that my tweet was about President Donald Trump (he was never mentioned, and the words were just as true when Barack Obama was president).

My tweet was about the Western left undoing Western civilization. My one regret is that I did not mention universities along with the media.

The tweet had nothing to do with the existence of a free press. Attacking what the media is doing is not the same as attacking the existence of the media — any more than attacking Trump is attacking the existence of the presidency.


The smoking gun was provided just two weeks ago in the media's reactions to President Trump's speech in Warsaw, Poland, in which he called for protecting Western civilization. Virtually the entire Western media said it was a call to protect white racism — because the media deem Western civilization to be nothing more than a euphemism for white supremacy.

That's what my tweet was about.

Nukes Threaten People; Ideas Threaten Civilizations
Islam remains the main threat to the west.
That includes the left because of their lovey dovey relationship radical islam. The left would sell us out in a heart beat and then their heads would roll because islam hates them worst...
Yeah. I don't understand the left's self-destructive mentality. All they would have to do is go to any ex-Muslim organization(s) and talk with ex-Muslims about Islam, its followers and goals and actually do some independent research, plus learn what "taqiyya" is and how it applies to Muslim-infidel interaction and they might wake up.
Ex-Muslims have been trying to warn the west and the left acts like children who put their hands over their ears and repeat the mantra...."la la la la la la, I'm not listening!"
It's always the left - nasty people and their existence is a hate crime...

Who really poses the greater threat: Putin or the anti-American Left?
July 18, 2017

Dennis Prager


But it wasn't the ad hominem insults that I found troubling. What was troubling was the low state of logical thinking that so many responses reflected. This was exemplified by their reminding me how important a free press is to democracy (as if attacking the behavior of the media were the same as denying the need for a free press); their asking how many nukes the media have compared with Russia (as if a threat to lives were the same as a threat to a civilization); and their thinking that my tweet was about President Donald Trump (he was never mentioned, and the words were just as true when Barack Obama was president).

My tweet was about the Western left undoing Western civilization. My one regret is that I did not mention universities along with the media.

The tweet had nothing to do with the existence of a free press. Attacking what the media is doing is not the same as attacking the existence of the media — any more than attacking Trump is attacking the existence of the presidency.


The smoking gun was provided just two weeks ago in the media's reactions to President Trump's speech in Warsaw, Poland, in which he called for protecting Western civilization. Virtually the entire Western media said it was a call to protect white racism — because the media deem Western civilization to be nothing more than a euphemism for white supremacy.

That's what my tweet was about.

Nukes Threaten People; Ideas Threaten Civilizations
Islam remains the main threat to the west.
That includes the left because of their lovey dovey relationship radical islam. The left would sell us out in a heart beat and then their heads would roll because islam hates them worst...



we all can do that one fuckwad,

You want to know whos a pos snowflake fucktart, YOU...

DJT is the biggest threat to our sovereignty that we've ever had in our history....or at least in our lifetimes! :eek: I ain't turning Russian for him ....he can lick Putin's boot all by himself!
Here's the list of pictures of journalists who criticized Putin who all died mysterious deaths.
Putin invaded the soveignity of our democracy.
Everyone agrees he'll do it again.
The fat bastard has not done even one thing to protect our country. That's a dereliction of duty..
Meanwhile this blubbering idiot we have still calls it " The Russian Hoax."
He's been laughed at, mocked, ridiculed and isolated during his trips abroad.
The world no longer respects the United States because of him.

View attachment 139316

President Donald Trump is a Threat to World Peace | Reinventing Peace
Kinda reminds us of all the mysterious Clinton murders ever since the whitewater scandal broke.
Here's the list of pictures of journalists who criticized Putin who all died mysterious deaths.
Putin invaded the soveignity of our democracy.
Everyone agrees he'll do it again.
The fat bastard has not done even one thing to protect our country. That's a dereliction of duty..
Meanwhile this blubbering idiot we have still calls it " The Russian Hoax."
He's been laughed at, mocked, ridiculed and isolated during his trips abroad.
The world no longer respects the United States because of him.

View attachment 139316

President Donald Trump is a Threat to World Peace | Reinventing Peace
Kinda reminds us of all the mysterious Clinton murders ever since the whitewater scandal broke.
You should make a Thread on that, it would be never ending...
America can never fall from an attack outside our borders.

Our Revolution proved that.

however, the left is trying to prove that we can fall from within, and are clearly winning.

open hate for the unborn
complete disregard for the Constitution
disgust at the 'free' market

on and on
You want to talk " disregard for the Constitution?"
Thefat man has been in violation of the Constitution since the second he took the oath of office with the Emolument clause.
And your so-called revolution is over.
Trump is toast.

John Dean: Thisrussian scandal is worse thanWatergate.
Bob Woodward: It took 2 years to take down Nixon. Trump is way ahead of schedule.
CarlBernstein: Trump does not act like an innocent man. Just the opposite.

But what do these guys know, right?
Here's the list of pictures of journalists who criticized Putin who all died mysterious deaths.
Putin invaded the soveignity of our democracy.
Everyone agrees he'll do it again.
The fat bastard has not done even one thing to protect our country. That's a dereliction of duty..
Meanwhile this blubbering idiot we have still calls it " The Russian Hoax."
He's been laughed at, mocked, ridiculed and isolated during his trips abroad.
The world no longer respects the United States because of him.

View attachment 139316

President Donald Trump is a Threat to World Peace | Reinventing Peace
Kinda reminds us of all the mysterious Clinton murders ever since the whitewater scandal broke.
You mean all your fantasyland hallucinations that's been all debunked?

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