Who said Republicans don’t believe in regulation?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
It’s a flat out lie when people say Republicans don’t believe in regulation or don’t want to regulate anything.

Publicans want to regulate which of age Americans get to vote.

Republicans want to regulate which of age adults of sound mind can get married.

Republicans want to regulate women’s bodies.

Republicans want to regulate which Americans get healthcare.


So what else do Republicans want to regulate? Anyone?
Anyone believing it is ok to tear this baby out of the womb and it is not murder, is nuts
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One of the most reflexively-accepted principles of conventional political wisdom is that the American right loathes regulation and that conservatives will do everything in their power to get rid of as much government as possible. Ever since the Reagan Presidency, Republicans have developed this anti-government narrative, claiming that government treads on personal freedom, destroys jobs, and hampers economic growth.
The claim that they don’t is simply a smoke-screen that allows them to advance their own substantive political agenda.

Texas governor Rick Perry agrees: "It's the regulatory world that is killing America," he told a debate audience in November (the transcript tells us that this line was greeted with "applause"). Perry's fellow Texan, representative Ron Paul, tells us we need to repeal not only Dodd-Frank but also the feeble regulatory law enacted in the wake of the Enron disaster a decade ago. Rick Santorum, former senator of Pennsylvania, has informed the nation, "I'm going to repeal every single Obama-era regulation that costs the business over a hundred million dollars. Repeal them all." So intolerable is it that former speaker of the house Newt Gingrich suggests that we need to put the bill's authors – Christopher Dodd and Barney Frank – in prison.
The worst thing about republicrats is that they try and regulate shit like bed wetters.

I think the world would be a much better place if parasitic pieces of shit like Deanturd were eaten by a rat in the dumpster behind a Planned Unparenthood clinic.

It’s a flat out lie when people say Republicans don’t believe in regulation or don’t want to regulate anything.

Publicans want to regulate which of age Americans get to vote.

Republicans want to regulate which of age adults of sound mind can get married.

Republicans want to regulate women’s bodies.

Republicans want to regulate which Americans get healthcare.


So what else do Republicans want to regulate? Anyone?
Are you a retard? That is a life
It’s a flat out lie when people say Republicans don’t believe in regulation or don’t want to regulate anything.


YOU JUST CALLED YOURSELF A LIAR! Too funny. But then you just called yourself a person, too.

Show us ONE republican who says, believes or wants to do ANY much less ALL of that bullshit you claim.

MEANTIME, you assholes are the ones trying to regulate everything!

Government report finds regulations have spiked under Obama

20,642 New Regulations Added in the Obama Presidency
It’s a flat out lie when people say Republicans don’t believe in regulation or don’t want to regulate anything.

Publicans want to regulate which of age Americans get to vote.

Republicans want to regulate which of age adults of sound mind can get married.

Republicans want to regulate women’s bodies.

Republicans want to regulate which Americans get healthcare.


So what else do Republicans want to regulate? Anyone?

It was a Repuican that help lower the voting age! ( Nixon )

It was a Republican that gave us the EPA! ( Nixon )

What is the age of legal consent that you prefer so you can marry someone or do you think any age is appropriate?

Also 18 years or age should be the lowest age to be allow to vote and not some 16 year old that is thinking with their private parts...
It’s a flat out lie when people say Republicans don’t believe in regulation or don’t want to regulate anything.

Publicans want to regulate which of age Americans get to vote.

Republicans want to regulate which of age adults of sound mind can get married.

Republicans want to regulate women’s bodies.

Republicans want to regulate which Americans get healthcare.


So what else do Republicans want to regulate? Anyone?

It was a Repuican that help lower the voting age! ( Nixon )

It was a Republican that gave us the EPA! ( Nixon )

What is the age of legal consent that you prefer so you can marry someone or do you think any age is appropriate?

Also 18 years or age should be the lowest age to be allow to vote and not some 16 year old that is thinking with their private parts...

Also let me add it was Nixon that wanted to give better Healthcare coverage than what you got from Romneycare...

Oh, the ACA is based off a Republican plan from Massachusetts, so again Republicans gave you something again...
It’s a flat out lie when people say Republicans don’t believe in regulation or don’t want to regulate anything.

Publicans want to regulate which of age Americans get to vote.

Republicans want to regulate which of age adults of sound mind can get married.

Republicans want to regulate women’s bodies.

Republicans want to regulate which Americans get healthcare.


So what else do Republicans want to regulate? Anyone?
Oddball is right, you ARE terrible at memes. Mostly b/c what you post is demonstrably false.



Vaginas are powerful things. Too bad they all come pre-installed with glitchy firmware.

If Trump introduced legislation for Medicare For All, the dems led by Bernie Sanders would vote against it. That is just how deranged politics have become.

Sure the GOP supports some regulations, just as the DNC supports selective liberty. On balance, they are both broken parties.
It’s a flat out lie when people say Republicans don’t believe in regulation or don’t want to regulate anything.

Publicans want to regulate which of age Americans get to vote.

Republicans want to regulate which of age adults of sound mind can get married.

Republicans want to regulate women’s bodies.

Republicans want to regulate which Americans get healthcare.


So what else do Republicans want to regulate? Anyone?
Oddball is right, you ARE terrible at memes. Mostly b/c what you post is demonstrably false.




Lincoln, Grant, Teddy Roosevelt, Ike, Nixon and Bush Sr. seem to have been more liberal minded than the Op'er...

It is funny how Dean forgets who gave him the EPA or how the ACA is modeled after Romneycare...
It’s a flat out lie when people say Republicans don’t believe in regulation or don’t want to regulate anything.

Publicans want to regulate which of age Americans get to vote.

Republicans want to regulate which of age adults of sound mind can get married.

Republicans want to regulate women’s bodies.

Republicans want to regulate which Americans get healthcare.


So what else do Republicans want to regulate? Anyone?
Oddball is right, you ARE terrible at memes. Mostly b/c what you post is demonstrably false.




Lincoln, Grant, Teddy Roosevelt, Ike, Nixon and Bush Sr. seem to have been more liberal minded than the Op'er...

It is funny how Dean forgets who gave him the EPA or how the ACA is modeled after Romneycare...
That's because Deano watches too much TEE VEE, and it has convinced him that the two parties are in some significant way different from each other in any substantive way.

They aren't.

Their leaders have only one goal. . . . . POWER.

The programming will parrot the leaders talking points to convince him of these leaders promises and corresponding lies about each other, and he will believe it all. :45:

. . . and then come here to parrot it to us. :20:

I don't think he has ever questioned a thing he has seen or been told.
Vaginas are powerful things. Too bad they all come pre-installed with glitchy firmware.

If Trump introduced legislation for Medicare For All, the dems led by Bernie Sanders would vote against it. That is just how deranged politics have become.

Sure the GOP supports some regulations, just as the DNC supports selective liberty. On balance, they are both broken parties.

You are correct about how the Democrats would vote against it like they refused to vote for the Nixon-Kenndy plan in 1974...
It’s a flat out lie when people say Republicans don’t believe in regulation or don’t want to regulate anything.

Publicans want to regulate which of age Americans get to vote.

Republicans want to regulate which of age adults of sound mind can get married.

Republicans want to regulate women’s bodies.

Republicans want to regulate which Americans get healthcare.


So what else do Republicans want to regulate? Anyone?
And Facebook and Twitter. They want to regulate those too.
It’s a flat out lie when people say Republicans don’t believe in regulation or don’t want to regulate anything.

Publicans want to regulate which of age Americans get to vote.

Republicans want to regulate which of age adults of sound mind can get married.

Republicans want to regulate women’s bodies.

Republicans want to regulate which Americans get healthcare.


So what else do Republicans want to regulate? Anyone?
Oddball is right, you ARE terrible at memes. Mostly b/c what you post is demonstrably false.




Lincoln, Grant, Teddy Roosevelt, Ike, Nixon and Bush Sr. seem to have been more liberal minded than the Op'er...

It is funny how Dean forgets who gave him the EPA or how the ACA is modeled after Romneycare...
That's because Deano watches too much TEE VEE, and it has convinced him that the two parties are in some significant way different from each other in any substantive way.

They aren't.

Their leaders have only one goal. . . . . POWER.

The programming will parrot the leaders talking points to convince him of these leaders promises and corresponding lies about each other, and he will believe it all. :45:

. . . and then come here to parrot it to us. :20:

I don't think he has ever questioned a thing he has seen or been told.

I believe too many people are like that and they should educate themselves about things before spewing their political party talking notes...
It’s a flat out lie when people say Republicans don’t believe in regulation or don’t want to regulate anything.

Publicans want to regulate which of age Americans get to vote.

Republicans want to regulate which of age adults of sound mind can get married.

Republicans want to regulate women’s bodies.

Republicans want to regulate which Americans get healthcare.


So what else do Republicans want to regulate? Anyone?
And Facebook and Twitter. They want to regulate those too.

I don't...

They are private companies and Conservatives can create their own platform to get their message out.

Hell USMB could become it..
Actually, aca is not based off Romneycare. They pushed that fake meme trying to sell it.
It’s a flat out lie when people say Republicans don’t believe in regulation or don’t want to regulate anything.

Publicans want to regulate which of age Americans get to vote.

Republicans want to regulate which of age adults of sound mind can get married.

Republicans want to regulate women’s bodies.

Republicans want to regulate which Americans get healthcare.


So what else do Republicans want to regulate? Anyone?

It was a Repuican that help lower the voting age! ( Nixon )

It was a Republican that gave us the EPA! ( Nixon )

What is the age of legal consent that you prefer so you can marry someone or do you think any age is appropriate?

Also 18 years or age should be the lowest age to be allow to vote and not some 16 year old that is thinking with their private parts...

Also let me add it was Nixon that wanted to give better Healthcare coverage than what you got from Romneycare...

Oh, the ACA is based off a Republican plan from Massachusetts, so again Republicans gave you something again...
It’s a flat out lie when people say Republicans don’t believe in regulation or don’t want to regulate anything.

Publicans want to regulate which of age Americans get to vote.

Republicans want to regulate which of age adults of sound mind can get married.

Republicans want to regulate women’s bodies.

Republicans want to regulate which Americans get healthcare.


So what else do Republicans want to regulate? Anyone?
And Facebook and Twitter. They want to regulate those too.
Facebook wants Facebook regulated. The CIA, FBI, and NSA want Facebook regulated.

The entire establishment have a vested interest in making sure that Facebook does NOT go the way of MySpace.

If Facebook becomes regulated, it will become even more wealthy and powerful, not less.

If it hadn't been for regulation, the monopolies that control our world today would not exist.

Folks don't like to admit it, but that is what the ACA is, it is FASCISM. See Dirigisme

People don't want to have a free market.

It’s a flat out lie when people say Republicans don’t believe in regulation or don’t want to regulate anything.

Publicans want to regulate which of age Americans get to vote.

Republicans want to regulate which of age adults of sound mind can get married.

Republicans want to regulate women’s bodies.

Republicans want to regulate which Americans get healthcare.


So what else do Republicans want to regulate? Anyone?

Publicans want to regulate which of age Americans get to vote.
Republicans want to regulate which of age adults of sound mind can get married.

so democrats dont set age limits for these two?....

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