*WHo Shot The Retired Military Girl In The Neck?*

Storming the Capitol is not a protest.. the first amendment guarantees the right to peaceful protest. NOT the right to use violence to prevent the EC verification.
Only in their drug-addled minds. Democrats force anything they wish on us against our will, and they accuse us of “violence” for voicing any disagreement with their vicious groupthink whatsoever.

… for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people. …

You are so dumb its scary.


“In the course of the insurrection, approximately 81 Capitol Police and 58 MPD officers were assaulted, including one Capitol Police officer who died,” prosecutors wrote, abbreviating the name of Washington, D.C.’s Metropolitan Police Department. “Additionally, four citizens died; many media members were assaulted and had cameras and other news gathering equipment destroyed; and the Capitol suffered substantial damage—including broken windows and doors, graffiti, and residue of various pepper sprays, tear gas, and fire extinguishers deployed both by insurgents who stormed the Capitol and by Capitol Police officers trying to restore order.”

Given the 139 assaulted law enforcement officers, and the widespread evidence of coordination, Rodgers predicted that any sedition charges against Munchel would have plenty of company.

“People arrived together on buses and other modes of transportation,” Rodgers added. “We had the Proud Boys there with their orange beanies. We had people in T-shirts that they had made. So there was definitely lots of group activity, so that suggest coordination.

And we also know there’s going to be plenty of evidence coming in the form of digital communications between these these people and these groups. So, the fact that they’re willing to go there and to bring us seditious conspiracy charge suggests to me that it’ll just be the first of many such charges they bring.”
Sorry bout that,

1. Some one shot and killed her, during Jan. 6th.
2. If it was clean kill, then why haven't we heard who did it?
3. Name rank and badge number, or was it some other?
4. Her death should really be pissing off the Veterans.
5. They want answers, I want answers.
6. The world wants answers.
7. Who fired that bullet???
8. It was a crime whoever shot her, she had no weapon, and was shot through a doorway. I viewed the video.

9. The cop, whom the President Trump was shamed in the White House, lowered the flag, well he died of a heart condition.
10. No word who the supposed capital cop was, politician, just he was put on administration leave.

Your concerns would have more merit if it wasn't 100% rooted in your worship of a cult leader....Instead of being rooted in the general opposition to excessive force.....

if it was, we would all be asking you, where the fuck have you been?? Because she isn't the first this has happened to....with even much less room to justify it...

But I am anti-Trump and am a far left liberal progressive, and still find this shooting by police very troubling.
It apparently has NOT been investigated at all.
Unlike the Breonna Taylor murder, there is no press coverage or even anyone suggesting it be investigated.
That makes it much more troubling.
As far as I understand law, public political protest is a protected right in a public building.
So shooting her was not just murder, but an attempt to intimidate and suppress political expression, which is a far greater crime even than murder.
I could easily excuse it if the person were scared or had no choice.
But they could easily have just instead fired a warning shot up or down, and did not have to fire 2 shots.
So this was deliberate.
Extremely troubling.
Then protest the event and petition Congress for redress like they did for Ms. Taylor.
He thinks continuously saying "I am a far left progressive" is supposed to change anything.....

A far left progressive already KNEW that violently storming the Capitol TO PREVENT the electoral count in hopes that would keep their preferred candidate in office wouldn't be met with roses and cupcakes...

A far left progressive has DECADES AND DECADES of case history to inform them of this......

View attachment 448340

These students weren't trying to storm the Federal Capitol to do anything.....and the police shootings that happened at a predominantly black Jackson State around that same time doesn't even get mentioned.....but you are acting shocked that a woman was shot by Capitol police...and you call yourself a "progressive"??

Ribgy is a Tim Pool style liberal in that he isn't.

No, I am about the ONLY real liberal, in that a real liberal does no only want his own desires protected, but all rights.
Like censorship of ideas you do not agree with is really stupid, because once you allow censorship at all, everyone can get censored.
You just do not know what liberalism means.
All sides of protected political expression has to be heard.
Not just the sides you like.

I disagree with everything you just said except that you have the right to say it.

And you are not a liberal unless you agree those occupying congress has the protected right to do so, as long as they were not harming individuals.

No, it's not liberal to interfer with the peaceful transfer of power, breaking doors, windows, ransacking Congress, stealing and shitting in the Capitol. None of that is liberal.

Its a public building, whose sole purpose is to get and implement the will of the people.

The will of the people elected Biden. You guys had your chance in court and state houses and either election fraud wasn't brought up, it was laughed out of court or in some cases like the Texas AG they brought lawsuits that obviously wouldn't have standing.

You lost. You lost every round in every way. A liberal knows to value the will of the people even when they disagree with it.

The people trying to occupy congress were wrong.
No doubt about it.

You need to be more specific. Who was wrong?

The ones who invaded the senate chamber?
The ones rifling through the belongings of Congress members and others?
The ones breaking windows and doors?
The ones who tried but failed to break into the House chamber?
The ones stealing laptops and other materials?
The ones who spread feces around the capitol?
The ones who planted bombs?
The ones who were beating up cops?

Which ones?

But that does NOT mean their protest should be censored by police violence.
That fact they were wrong does not mean we don't have to tolerate them.

Maybe do that on the outside of the capitol where they are free to look like a bunch of assholes all they want.

We do.
We have to let them be heard.
THEN everyone can decide who was right.

Not in the capitol, acting like that. Outside.

And the occupation did not interfere with anything.
It was over in a few hours.

They had to be thrown out. They failed to find who they were looking for. Thank god.

If you do not defend the right of opposing views to be heard, then you are not a liberal.

You're an idiot. Nobody is opposing their rights to express themselves.

I'd really like an answer to the questions I started off with. I'd really like to know which one of those actions you consider free speech.

All those who occupied congress were wrong in their belief the election had been stolen from Trump.
(It was actually stolen from Bernie Sanders, but that is not relevant.)

But YES they DID have the right to trash the congressional building.
That is what the building is intended for, so that everyone can express their political beliefs.

Almost all the actions listed that really happened, are protected political expression.
But some you listed did not happen.
No cops were injured and no bombs were planted.

The only crime you listed was the laptop thefts.
That is the only one that should be prosecuted.

Nothing I listed is protected speech.

The Capitol is not there to be trashed. It hasn't been attacked since 1814. Breaking down the door to anyone's office is a crime.

You're not a liberal, you're an anarchist who doesn't want a functioning government if you're just fine with the capitol being ransacked anytime someone wants to send a message.

Without that government tool you don't get to implement many of those things you as a liberal pretend you want to do.

Yes it is almost all protected political expression.
And clearly Congress greatly deserved to be trashed for a VERY long time.
The Spanish American War for example.
WWI, the Korean War, Vietnam, civil rights, federal gun laws, unfair tax laws, lack of health care, ridiculous student tuition, foreign aid to countries wealthier than we are, like Israel, the War on Drugs, 3 strikes laws, the invasion of Iraq, etc.
Congress is totally undefendable.
They clearly are felons under US and international law.
They are lying, stealing, and murdering.

And YES, any REAL liberal would defend the right to trash a public building in order to send a political message.
Anyone who would not, is a fascist who wants to prevent democracy with censorship.

Occupying congress for a day prevent nothing from being implemented.
That is obviously a totally false claim.

Nope, property damage and trespassing are not forms of protected speech. Neither is a mob chanting "Hang Mike Pence" as that is considered a threat.

I am open to you actually finding a link that demonstrates your point.
I actually agree with you, but none of that amounts to "insurrection." they are misdemeanors.



“In the course of the insurrection, approximately 81 Capitol Police and 58 MPD officers were assaulted, including one Capitol Police officer who died,” prosecutors wrote, abbreviating the name of Washington, D.C.’s Metropolitan Police Department. “Additionally, four citizens died; many media members were assaulted and had cameras and other news gathering equipment destroyed; and the Capitol suffered substantial damage—including broken windows and doors, graffiti, and residue of various pepper sprays, tear gas, and fire extinguishers deployed both by insurgents who stormed the Capitol and by Capitol Police officers trying to restore order.”

Given the 139 assaulted law enforcement officers, and the widespread evidence of coordination, Rodgers predicted that any sedition charges against Munchel would have plenty of company.

“People arrived together on buses and other modes of transportation,” Rodgers added. “We had the Proud Boys there with their orange beanies. We had people in T-shirts that they had made. So there was definitely lots of group activity, so that suggest coordination.

And we also know there’s going to be plenty of evidence coming in the form of digital communications between these these people and these groups. So, the fact that they’re willing to go there and to bring us seditious conspiracy charge suggests to me that it’ll just be the first of many such charges they bring.”
Any military veteran is familiar with areas where the use of deadly force is authorized ... walk out onto the flight line towards a B-2 bomber, chance there'll be a bullet in the brain case ... no questions asked ...

The OP is misleading ... are your sure the woman served 30 years and retired ... or did she just do the tour of duty gig and served a four year hitch? ...
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Some one shot and killed her, during Jan. 6th.
2. If it was clean kill, then why haven't we heard who did it?
3. Name rank and badge number, or was it some other?
4. Her death should really be pissing off the Veterans.
5. They want answers, I want answers.
6. The world wants answers.
7. Who fired that bullet???
8. It was a crime whoever shot her, she had no weapon, and was shot through a doorway. I viewed the video.

9. The cop, whom the President Trump was shamed in the White House, lowered the flag, well he died of a heart condition.
10. No word who the supposed capital cop was, politician, just he was put on administration leave.

Do you mean who shot one of the people committing a violent attack on the Congress of the United States in a failed attempt at overthrowing the legitimate government of the United States?

A HERO, that's who.

1. On the most part it was just a walk thru.
2. There was no intent, to do anything, those who did get in were surprised they got in.
3. No ones life was at risk, from those doing the walk thru.
4. If you view the entry of these walkers you will notice that they were permitted to come inside.
5. The police man, whoever he was, who shot the girl was like shooting fish in a barrel, that is what he did basically.
6. No one was in any danger of being harmed, just those there in the capital who didn't have guns.
7. These mostly Antifa, and BLM folks who were allowed in, had other, *non combatants* follow them, like lookie loo's site seeing at Lincoln's Memorial.
8. Likely having never even been in the Capital Building.
9. The chaos added to the confusion on what to do, those prescheduled to enter like clock work made it to these certain doors, where they were allowed in, and a bunch of amazed Trump followers were guiled to follow.
10. And the aftermath of how they blamed Trump was all planned, and drummed on the hour bases.
11. Trump never told them to attack the Capital,
I've seen a constant screaming of the left of more lies, cause it fits their agenda.
12. Trump tried to take over the government!!!! they yelled on media, still telling the lie, to cover up the fact that the election was indeed stolen.
13. You people have really blown my thread up, and I will likely never read all the posts.

Sorry bout that,

No, all political expression must not be tolerated......

Then you do not believe in a democratic republic and are a traitor.
So, you will keep that same energy with a group of muslims storm the DC capitol to prevent an electoral count, correct??

That's all just "political speech" that should be tolerated

Of course.
If Jihadists trash the capital building for a day, I would be applauding then as well.
No electoral count was prevented.
A one day delay is more than justified, given the confusion and false narratives circulating.
In fact, it is NOT delaying at least a day that would be illegal.

They tried.. Trump spent 8 weeks telling his radical nincompoops that the election was fraudulent and could be overturned if Pence stopped the EC verification.. They said their mission was to stop the EC. Trump put Pence's life in danger with his lies and incitement.

1. So the walkers were there to stop the EC from being done, and harm Pence who they knew wouldn't send back the EC to those states in question?
2. Really you want me to believe that BULLSHIT???
3. So they go there to do this with, get this, *no guns*.
4. The media is spinning this BS, I'm not buying the spin.

Sorry bout that,

1. We in America still don't know who shot that veteran in the neck murdering her.
2. Her constitutional rights have been trampled on.

Any military veteran is familiar with areas where the use of deadly force is authorized ... walk out onto the flight line towards a B-2 bomber, chance there'll be a bullet in the brain case ... no questions asked ...

The OP is misleading ... are your sure the woman served 30 years and retired ... or did she just do the tour of duty gig and served a four year hitch? ...
Horseshit, of course.
Sorry bout that,

1. Some one shot and killed her, during Jan. 6th.
2. If it was clean kill, then why haven't we heard who did it?
3. Name rank and badge number, or was it some other?
4. Her death should really be pissing off the Veterans.
5. They want answers, I want answers.
6. The world wants answers.
7. Who fired that bullet???
8. It was a crime whoever shot her, she had no weapon, and was shot through a doorway. I viewed the video.

9. The cop, whom the President Trump was shamed in the White House, lowered the flag, well he died of a heart condition.
10. No word who the supposed capital cop was, politician, just he was put on administration leave.

Your concerns would have more merit if it wasn't 100% rooted in your worship of a cult leader....Instead of being rooted in the general opposition to excessive force.....

if it was, we would all be asking you, where the fuck have you been?? Because she isn't the first this has happened to....with even much less room to justify it...

But I am anti-Trump and am a far left liberal progressive, and still find this shooting by police very troubling.
It apparently has NOT been investigated at all.
Unlike the Breonna Taylor murder, there is no press coverage or even anyone suggesting it be investigated.
That makes it much more troubling.
As far as I understand law, public political protest is a protected right in a public building.
So shooting her was not just murder, but an attempt to intimidate and suppress political expression, which is a far greater crime even than murder.
I could easily excuse it if the person were scared or had no choice.
But they could easily have just instead fired a warning shot up or down, and did not have to fire 2 shots.
So this was deliberate.
Extremely troubling.
Then protest the event and petition Congress for redress like they did for Ms. Taylor.
He thinks continuously saying "I am a far left progressive" is supposed to change anything.....

A far left progressive already KNEW that violently storming the Capitol TO PREVENT the electoral count in hopes that would keep their preferred candidate in office wouldn't be met with roses and cupcakes...

A far left progressive has DECADES AND DECADES of case history to inform them of this......

View attachment 448340

These students weren't trying to storm the Federal Capitol to do anything.....and the police shootings that happened at a predominantly black Jackson State around that same time doesn't even get mentioned.....but you are acting shocked that a woman was shot by Capitol police...and you call yourself a "progressive"??

Ribgy is a Tim Pool style liberal in that he isn't.

No, I am about the ONLY real liberal, in that a real liberal does no only want his own desires protected, but all rights.
Like censorship of ideas you do not agree with is really stupid, because once you allow censorship at all, everyone can get censored.
You just do not know what liberalism means.
All sides of protected political expression has to be heard.
Not just the sides you like.

I disagree with everything you just said except that you have the right to say it.

And you are not a liberal unless you agree those occupying congress has the protected right to do so, as long as they were not harming individuals.

No, it's not liberal to interfer with the peaceful transfer of power, breaking doors, windows, ransacking Congress, stealing and shitting in the Capitol. None of that is liberal.

Its a public building, whose sole purpose is to get and implement the will of the people.

The will of the people elected Biden. You guys had your chance in court and state houses and either election fraud wasn't brought up, it was laughed out of court or in some cases like the Texas AG they brought lawsuits that obviously wouldn't have standing.

You lost. You lost every round in every way. A liberal knows to value the will of the people even when they disagree with it.

The people trying to occupy congress were wrong.
No doubt about it.

You need to be more specific. Who was wrong?

The ones who invaded the senate chamber?
The ones rifling through the belongings of Congress members and others?
The ones breaking windows and doors?
The ones who tried but failed to break into the House chamber?
The ones stealing laptops and other materials?
The ones who spread feces around the capitol?
The ones who planted bombs?
The ones who were beating up cops?

Which ones?

But that does NOT mean their protest should be censored by police violence.
That fact they were wrong does not mean we don't have to tolerate them.

Maybe do that on the outside of the capitol where they are free to look like a bunch of assholes all they want.

We do.
We have to let them be heard.
THEN everyone can decide who was right.

Not in the capitol, acting like that. Outside.

And the occupation did not interfere with anything.
It was over in a few hours.

They had to be thrown out. They failed to find who they were looking for. Thank god.

If you do not defend the right of opposing views to be heard, then you are not a liberal.

You're an idiot. Nobody is opposing their rights to express themselves.

I'd really like an answer to the questions I started off with. I'd really like to know which one of those actions you consider free speech.

All those who occupied congress were wrong in their belief the election had been stolen from Trump.
(It was actually stolen from Bernie Sanders, but that is not relevant.)

But YES they DID have the right to trash the congressional building.
That is what the building is intended for, so that everyone can express their political beliefs.

Almost all the actions listed that really happened, are protected political expression.
But some you listed did not happen.
No cops were injured and no bombs were planted.

The only crime you listed was the laptop thefts.
That is the only one that should be prosecuted.

Nothing I listed is protected speech.

The Capitol is not there to be trashed. It hasn't been attacked since 1814. Breaking down the door to anyone's office is a crime.

You're not a liberal, you're an anarchist who doesn't want a functioning government if you're just fine with the capitol being ransacked anytime someone wants to send a message.

Without that government tool you don't get to implement many of those things you as a liberal pretend you want to do.

Yes it is almost all protected political expression.
And clearly Congress greatly deserved to be trashed for a VERY long time.
The Spanish American War for example.
WWI, the Korean War, Vietnam, civil rights, federal gun laws, unfair tax laws, lack of health care, ridiculous student tuition, foreign aid to countries wealthier than we are, like Israel, the War on Drugs, 3 strikes laws, the invasion of Iraq, etc.
Congress is totally undefendable.
They clearly are felons under US and international law.
They are lying, stealing, and murdering.

And YES, any REAL liberal would defend the right to trash a public building in order to send a political message.
Anyone who would not, is a fascist who wants to prevent democracy with censorship.

Occupying congress for a day prevent nothing from being implemented.
That is obviously a totally false claim.

Nope, property damage and trespassing are not forms of protected speech. Neither is a mob chanting "Hang Mike Pence" as that is considered a threat.

I am open to you actually finding a link that demonstrates your point.
I actually agree with you, but none of that amounts to "insurrection." they are misdemeanors.



“In the course of the insurrection, approximately 81 Capitol Police and 58 MPD officers were assaulted, including one Capitol Police officer who died,” prosecutors wrote, abbreviating the name of Washington, D.C.’s Metropolitan Police Department. “Additionally, four citizens died; many media members were assaulted and had cameras and other news gathering equipment destroyed; and the Capitol suffered substantial damage—including broken windows and doors, graffiti, and residue of various pepper sprays, tear gas, and fire extinguishers deployed both by insurgents who stormed the Capitol and by Capitol Police officers trying to restore order.”

Given the 139 assaulted law enforcement officers, and the widespread evidence of coordination, Rodgers predicted that any sedition charges against Munchel would have plenty of company.

“People arrived together on buses and other modes of transportation,” Rodgers added. “We had the Proud Boys there with their orange beanies. We had people in T-shirts that they had made. So there was definitely lots of group activity, so that suggest coordination.

And we also know there’s going to be plenty of evidence coming in the form of digital communications between these these people and these groups. So, the fact that they’re willing to go there and to bring us seditious conspiracy charge suggests to me that it’ll just be the first of many such charges they bring.”
No Republican is swallowing your theory that equal justice is being applied when they watched BLM and Antifa get away with cold blooded murder for 5 months.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Some one shot and killed her, during Jan. 6th.
2. If it was clean kill, then why haven't we heard who did it?
3. Name rank and badge number, or was it some other?
4. Her death should really be pissing off the Veterans.
5. They want answers, I want answers.
6. The world wants answers.
7. Who fired that bullet???
8. It was a crime whoever shot her, she had no weapon, and was shot through a doorway. I viewed the video.

9. The cop, whom the President Trump was shamed in the White House, lowered the flag, well he died of a heart condition.
10. No word who the supposed capital cop was, politician, just he was put on administration leave.

Do you mean who shot one of the people committing a violent attack on the Congress of the United States in a failed attempt at overthrowing the legitimate government of the United States?

A HERO, that's who.

1. On the most part it was just a walk thru.
2. There was no intent, to do anything, those who did get in were surprised they got in.
3. No ones life was at risk, from those doing the walk thru.
4. If you view the entry of these walkers you will notice that they were permitted to come inside.
5. The police man, whoever he was, who shot the girl was like shooting fish in a barrel, that is what he did basically.
6. No one was in any danger of being harmed, just those there in the capital who didn't have guns.
7. These mostly Antifa, and BLM folks who were allowed in, had other, *non combatants* follow them, like lookie loo's site seeing at Lincoln's Memorial.
8. Likely having never even been in the Capital Building.
9. The chaos added to the confusion on what to do, those prescheduled to enter like clock work made it to these certain doors, where they were allowed in, and a bunch of amazed Trump followers were guiled to follow.
10. And the aftermath of how they blamed Trump was all planned, and drummed on the hour bases.
11. Trump never told them to attack the Capital,
I've seen a constant screaming of the left of more lies, cause it fits their agenda.
12. Trump tried to take over the government!!!! they yelled on media, still telling the lie, to cover up the fact that the election was indeed stolen.
13. You people have really blown my thread up, and I will likely never read all the posts.


#3: Tell that to the dead copy. Tell that to the people shouting to hang Pence. Tell that to the people who were targeted.

Unless you were there and part of the planning and execution, for which you have just given the FBI a full confession, then you are just blowing smoke out your ass.

So, which is it?
Terrorist or
Mommy's boy sitting at home in the basement fantasizing about what you would do if...
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Some one shot and killed her, during Jan. 6th.
2. If it was clean kill, then why haven't we heard who did it?
3. Name rank and badge number, or was it some other?
4. Her death should really be pissing off the Veterans.
5. They want answers, I want answers.
6. The world wants answers.
7. Who fired that bullet???
8. It was a crime whoever shot her, she had no weapon, and was shot through a doorway. I viewed the video.

9. The cop, whom the President Trump was shamed in the White House, lowered the flag, well he died of a heart condition.
10. No word who the supposed capital cop was, politician, just he was put on administration leave.

Do you mean who shot one of the people committing a violent attack on the Congress of the United States in a failed attempt at overthrowing the legitimate government of the United States?

A HERO, that's who.

1. On the most part it was just a walk thru.
2. There was no intent, to do anything, those who did get in were surprised they got in.
3. No ones life was at risk, from those doing the walk thru.
4. If you view the entry of these walkers you will notice that they were permitted to come inside.
5. The police man, whoever he was, who shot the girl was like shooting fish in a barrel, that is what he did basically.
6. No one was in any danger of being harmed, just those there in the capital who didn't have guns.
7. These mostly Antifa, and BLM folks who were allowed in, had other, *non combatants* follow them, like lookie loo's site seeing at Lincoln's Memorial.
8. Likely having never even been in the Capital Building.
9. The chaos added to the confusion on what to do, those prescheduled to enter like clock work made it to these certain doors, where they were allowed in, and a bunch of amazed Trump followers were guiled to follow.
10. And the aftermath of how they blamed Trump was all planned, and drummed on the hour bases.
11. Trump never told them to attack the Capital,
I've seen a constant screaming of the left of more lies, cause it fits their agenda.
12. Trump tried to take over the government!!!! they yelled on media, still telling the lie, to cover up the fact that the election was indeed stolen.
13. You people have really blown my thread up, and I will likely never read all the posts.


#3: Tell that to the dead copy. Tell that to the people shouting to hang Pence. Tell that to the people who were targeted.

Unless you were there and part of the planning and execution, for which you have just given the FBI a full confession, then you are just blowing smoke out your ass.

So, which is it?
Terrorist or
Mommy's boy sitting at home in the basement fantasizing about what you would do if...

1. Its common sense, the walk thru folks, brought no guns.
2. In order to do harm they would of needed guns.
3. Seeing they brought no guns, they had no intent to do anyone harm, it was obviously a walk thru.
4. You spin shit to fit your agenda, you lie.
5. A veteran was murdered.
6. Her rights were trampled on.
7. And who were the other 3 so called people's names that were supposedly killed?
8. There was a dead cop, died of heart condition, first was reported he was murdered by rioters, truth was revealed later after the lie produced its wanted effects.

Last edited:
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Some one shot and killed her, during Jan. 6th.
2. If it was clean kill, then why haven't we heard who did it?
3. Name rank and badge number, or was it some other?
4. Her death should really be pissing off the Veterans.
5. They want answers, I want answers.
6. The world wants answers.
7. Who fired that bullet???
8. It was a crime whoever shot her, she had no weapon, and was shot through a doorway. I viewed the video.

9. The cop, whom the President Trump was shamed in the White House, lowered the flag, well he died of a heart condition.
10. No word who the supposed capital cop was, politician, just he was put on administration leave.

Do you mean who shot one of the people committing a violent attack on the Congress of the United States in a failed attempt at overthrowing the legitimate government of the United States?

A HERO, that's who.

1. On the most part it was just a walk thru.
2. There was no intent, to do anything, those who did get in were surprised they got in.
3. No ones life was at risk, from those doing the walk thru.
4. If you view the entry of these walkers you will notice that they were permitted to come inside.
5. The police man, whoever he was, who shot the girl was like shooting fish in a barrel, that is what he did basically.
6. No one was in any danger of being harmed, just those there in the capital who didn't have guns.
7. These mostly Antifa, and BLM folks who were allowed in, had other, *non combatants* follow them, like lookie loo's site seeing at Lincoln's Memorial.
8. Likely having never even been in the Capital Building.
9. The chaos added to the confusion on what to do, those prescheduled to enter like clock work made it to these certain doors, where they were allowed in, and a bunch of amazed Trump followers were guiled to follow.
10. And the aftermath of how they blamed Trump was all planned, and drummed on the hour bases.
11. Trump never told them to attack the Capital,
I've seen a constant screaming of the left of more lies, cause it fits their agenda.
12. Trump tried to take over the government!!!! they yelled on media, still telling the lie, to cover up the fact that the election was indeed stolen.
13. You people have really blown my thread up, and I will likely never read all the posts.


#3: Tell that to the dead copy. Tell that to the people shouting to hang Pence. Tell that to the people who were targeted.

Unless you were there and part of the planning and execution, for which you have just given the FBI a full confession, then you are just blowing smoke out your ass.

So, which is it?
Terrorist or
Mommy's boy sitting at home in the basement fantasizing about what you would do if...

1. Its common sense, the walk thru folks, brought no guns.
2. In order to do harm they would of needed guns.
3. Seeing they brought no guns, they had no intent to do anyone harm, it was obviously a walk thru.
4. You spin shit to fit your agenda, you lie.
5. A veteran was murdered.
6. Her rights were trampled on.
7. And who were the other 3 so called people's names that were supposedly killed?
8. There was a dead cop, died of heart condition, first was reported he was murdered by rioters, truth was revealed later after the lie produced its wanted effects.


You are seriously deluded.
The truth, facts, will not work for you.
So, just go be stupid elsewhere, please.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Some one shot and killed her, during Jan. 6th.
2. If it was clean kill, then why haven't we heard who did it?
3. Name rank and badge number, or was it some other?
4. Her death should really be pissing off the Veterans.
5. They want answers, I want answers.
6. The world wants answers.
7. Who fired that bullet???
8. It was a crime whoever shot her, she had no weapon, and was shot through a doorway. I viewed the video.

9. The cop, whom the President Trump was shamed in the White House, lowered the flag, well he died of a heart condition.
10. No word who the supposed capital cop was, politician, just he was put on administration leave.

Do you mean who shot one of the people committing a violent attack on the Congress of the United States in a failed attempt at overthrowing the legitimate government of the United States?

A HERO, that's who.

1. On the most part it was just a walk thru.
2. There was no intent, to do anything, those who did get in were surprised they got in.
3. No ones life was at risk, from those doing the walk thru.
4. If you view the entry of these walkers you will notice that they were permitted to come inside.
5. The police man, whoever he was, who shot the girl was like shooting fish in a barrel, that is what he did basically.
6. No one was in any danger of being harmed, just those there in the capital who didn't have guns.
7. These mostly Antifa, and BLM folks who were allowed in, had other, *non combatants* follow them, like lookie loo's site seeing at Lincoln's Memorial.
8. Likely having never even been in the Capital Building.
9. The chaos added to the confusion on what to do, those prescheduled to enter like clock work made it to these certain doors, where they were allowed in, and a bunch of amazed Trump followers were guiled to follow.
10. And the aftermath of how they blamed Trump was all planned, and drummed on the hour bases.
11. Trump never told them to attack the Capital,
I've seen a constant screaming of the left of more lies, cause it fits their agenda.
12. Trump tried to take over the government!!!! they yelled on media, still telling the lie, to cover up the fact that the election was indeed stolen.
13. You people have really blown my thread up, and I will likely never read all the posts.


#3: Tell that to the dead copy. Tell that to the people shouting to hang Pence. Tell that to the people who were targeted.

Unless you were there and part of the planning and execution, for which you have just given the FBI a full confession, then you are just blowing smoke out your ass.

So, which is it?
Terrorist or
Mommy's boy sitting at home in the basement fantasizing about what you would do if...

1. Its common sense, the walk thru folks, brought no guns.
2. In order to do harm they would of needed guns.
3. Seeing they brought no guns, they had no intent to do anyone harm, it was obviously a walk thru.
4. You spin shit to fit your agenda, you lie.
5. A veteran was murdered.
6. Her rights were trampled on.
7. And who were the other 3 so called people's names that were supposedly killed?
8. There was a dead cop, died of heart condition, first was reported he was murdered by rioters, truth was revealed later after the lie produced its wanted effects.


You are seriously deluded.
The truth, facts, will not work for you.
So, just go be stupid elsewhere, please.

1. Thats rich, coming from a posters whos names sounds more like a male laxative.
2. You seriously are full of shit.
3. Thats ok, you got that covered.
4. Your spin is a lie, you play act everybody agrees with you, which could be no further from the truth.
5. You are a stand alone kind of guy, please keep doing that, no one likes one word you have to say.
6. Sadly only the lowest of IQ are unable to recognize pure genus, your like the kid who thinks he has all the answers, and the adults here, just say, "Yeah sure son".
7. So get back out their to yourself, stand alone out there, its what you do.
8. No one suffers fools anymore.

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Some one shot and killed her, during Jan. 6th.
2. If it was clean kill, then why haven't we heard who did it?
3. Name rank and badge number, or was it some other?
4. Her death should really be pissing off the Veterans.
5. They want answers, I want answers.
6. The world wants answers.
7. Who fired that bullet???
8. It was a crime whoever shot her, she had no weapon, and was shot through a doorway. I viewed the video.

9. The cop, whom the President Trump was shamed in the White House, lowered the flag, well he died of a heart condition.
10. No word who the supposed capital cop was, politician, just he was put on administration leave.

Do you mean who shot one of the people committing a violent attack on the Congress of the United States in a failed attempt at overthrowing the legitimate government of the United States?

A HERO, that's who.

1. On the most part it was just a walk thru.
2. There was no intent, to do anything, those who did get in were surprised they got in.
3. No ones life was at risk, from those doing the walk thru.
4. If you view the entry of these walkers you will notice that they were permitted to come inside.
5. The police man, whoever he was, who shot the girl was like shooting fish in a barrel, that is what he did basically.
6. No one was in any danger of being harmed, just those there in the capital who didn't have guns.
7. These mostly Antifa, and BLM folks who were allowed in, had other, *non combatants* follow them, like lookie loo's site seeing at Lincoln's Memorial.
8. Likely having never even been in the Capital Building.
9. The chaos added to the confusion on what to do, those prescheduled to enter like clock work made it to these certain doors, where they were allowed in, and a bunch of amazed Trump followers were guiled to follow.
10. And the aftermath of how they blamed Trump was all planned, and drummed on the hour bases.
11. Trump never told them to attack the Capital,
I've seen a constant screaming of the left of more lies, cause it fits their agenda.
12. Trump tried to take over the government!!!! they yelled on media, still telling the lie, to cover up the fact that the election was indeed stolen.
13. You people have really blown my thread up, and I will likely never read all the posts.


#3: Tell that to the dead copy. Tell that to the people shouting to hang Pence. Tell that to the people who were targeted.

Unless you were there and part of the planning and execution, for which you have just given the FBI a full confession, then you are just blowing smoke out your ass.

So, which is it?
Terrorist or
Mommy's boy sitting at home in the basement fantasizing about what you would do if...

1. Its common sense, the walk thru folks, brought no guns.
2. In order to do harm they would of needed guns.
3. Seeing they brought no guns, they had no intent to do anyone harm, it was obviously a walk thru.
4. You spin shit to fit your agenda, you lie.
5. A veteran was murdered.
6. Her rights were trampled on.
7. And who were the other 3 so called people's names that were supposedly killed?
8. There was a dead cop, died of heart condition, first was reported he was murdered by rioters, truth was revealed later after the lie produced its wanted effects.


every Financial "Expert" and Publication on earth didn't try to manipulate the Presidential Election and Stock Prices by being vehemently anti-Trump.

1. Thats rich, coming from a posters whos names sounds more like a male laxative.
2. You seriously are full of shit.
3. Thats ok, you got that covered.
4. Your spin is a lie, you play act everybody agrees with you, which could be no further from the truth.
5. You are a stand alone kind of guy, please keep doing that, no one likes one word you have to say.
6. Sadly only the lowest of IQ are unable to recognize pure genus, your like the kid who thinks he has all the answers, and the adults here, just say, "Yeah sure son".
7. So get back out their to yourself, stand alone out there, its what you do.
8. No one suffers fools anymore.


You are seriously deluded.
Perhaps a visit to a place I call reality might help.
I doubt it but, who knows, your kind of stupid might be curable.
“In the course of the insurrection, approximately 81 Capitol Police and 58 MPD officers were assaulted, including one Capitol Police officer who died,” prosecutors wrote, abbreviating the name of Washington, D.C.’s Metropolitan Police Department. “Additionally, four citizens died; many media members were assaulted and had cameras and other news gathering equipment destroyed; and the Capitol suffered substantial damage—including broken windows and doors, graffiti, and residue of various pepper sprays, tear gas, and fire extinguishers deployed both by insurgents who stormed the Capitol and by Capitol Police officers trying to restore order.”
D.C.'s Metropolitan Police Department? 100% solid Democrat blue. City employees labor union. They came to the Capitol spoiling for a fight with chip on their shoulder on behalf of the Democrat Party to torture, imprison, and murder any Republicans they could.
Given the 139 assaulted law enforcement officers,
I don't want to read or hear about law enforcement officers with hurt feelings.
No, all political expression must not be tolerated......

Then you do not believe in a democratic republic and are a traitor.
So, you will keep that same energy with a group of muslims storm the DC capitol to prevent an electoral count, correct??

That's all just "political speech" that should be tolerated

Of course.
If Jihadists trash the capital building for a day, I would be applauding then as well.
No electoral count was prevented.
A one day delay is more than justified, given the confusion and false narratives circulating.

I didn't say jihadists -- I said muslims.......

Or do you automatically label any muslim "expressing their politics" as jihadists?

This is why your early claims of being at civil rights protests are full of shit
Muslims overwhelmingly support jihad and all jihadists are muslim.

YOU MORON.. Muslims don't support jihad. Crazy radicals are misfits and they kill Muslims. Radical Islam recruits the gutter people to violence on social media.. just like Trump has done.
Muslims support jihad.............they adhere to their koran down to the letter--with no deviation allowed or their fellow "radical" muslims will kill them as well. PROXIMITY is the # 1 characteristic in choosing a victim according to the FBI, so hence why usually whites kill whites and hispanics kill their fellow hispanics ---while blacks tend to kill who is closer but not necessarily by color. Those that kill will kill--family friends neighbors fellow religious fruitcups---doesn't matter.
I'd like to know why charges haven't been filed?

Let a jury hear the case, determine if it was homicide for a federal official to kill an unarmed Broad.
Should get a medal for defending democracy.
Interesting. So tell me what you think would be happening right now if a police officer at ANY of the riots that have been taking place in American cities across the nation had shot and killed an unarmed black female Black Lives Matter protester?
Sorry bout that,

1. Some one shot and killed her, during Jan. 6th.
2. If it was clean kill, then why haven't we heard who did it?
3. Name rank and badge number, or was it some other?
4. Her death should really be pissing off the Veterans.
5. They want answers, I want answers.
6. The world wants answers.
7. Who fired that bullet???
8. It was a crime whoever shot her, she had no weapon, and was shot through a doorway. I viewed the video.

9. The cop, whom the President Trump was shamed in the White House, lowered the flag, well he died of a heart condition.
10. No word who the supposed capital cop was, politician, just he was put on administration leave.


Indeed, not a justifiable shooting:

Sorry bout that,

1. If you look carefully at the hand holding the gun, its not a Capital Police, it was either CIA, or the much distrusted FBI, which along with the NSA are plain awful.


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