Who should the House GOP elect as Speaker? (Poll)

Who should Republicans elect as the next Speaker of the House?

  • Kevin McCarthy

    Votes: 2 4.3%
  • Newt Gingrich

    Votes: 5 10.6%
  • Patrick McHenry

    Votes: 2 4.3%
  • Jim Jordan

    Votes: 18 38.3%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 4 8.5%
  • Someone else, see my post

    Votes: 16 34.0%

  • Total voters
However, do not lister the Republicans on budget deficits for now on. joe is spending our tax money through the fiat printing press pretty fast. Hell, he supposed to ask for a hundred billion dollars from us again tonight from my understanding. For Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan supposedly. No more money for this. No in three years and he has destabilized the world and shit on his own citizens.
Trump destabilized the world with his 'locked and loaded' approach to world affairs, all due to his lack of diplomacy. His pugnacious approach to China and everyone else has created a military opponent that was once an economic opponent. His 25% tariffs on friends and foes alike has spiked inflation as those tariffs slowly kick in when inventories (before the tariffs) deplete.
nice try, but you failed. you support Hillary and Abrams who are still bitching that their elections were stolen. you oppose losers attacking police, but you approve the 2020 riots by BLM and Antifa. you oppose threatening officers of the court but approve of Schumer threatening SC justices on the steps of the supreme court. like all libs, you are a hypocrite.
You made that up. You can cite no instance of my doing so.

if you enjoyed watching Trump goons attacking outnumbered police defending democracy for hours after the sexual abuser lost, you are simpatico with the Loser who still cannon handle the certified election results.
I get that constantly. It does get old, and at some point I don't bother with them any more.
If you cannot defend your lies with any documentation, I understand.

How long do you expect that congressional Republicans will strut their impotence?

How many of the 91 felony counts do you think the sexual abuser will be able to evade?
How many of the 91 felony counts do you think the sexual abuser will be able to evade?
Until I see otherwise, I'm pretty sure that at least one True Believer will be able to make it onto ANY jury. So I won't be shocked if he's never convicted.

I've learned to drastically lower my standards over the last seven years.
more BS, are the dems willing to negotiate with everything on the table? are they willing to remove their pork from the budget? The govt shutdowns in the past have happened because neither side is willing to compromise. Compromise has not happened since Clinton and Newt and Reagan and O'Neill. Those guys knew how to get things done, no one in DC today knows how.

Thats what “Negotiation” means
Dems need to be able to reduce social spending, Repubs need to be able to reduce military spending. Pork is small potatoes.

Repubs need to be willing to increase taxes on the wealthy and corporations
Dems need to be willing to increase taxes on working people
Until I see otherwise, I'm pretty sure that at least one True Believer will be able to make it onto ANY jury. So I won't be shocked if he's never convicted.

I've learned to drastically lower my standards over the last seven years.
I have no idea if he can evade all charges, but am edified by the exposure of truth - all the documented evidence and confessions by his intimate toadies.
I have no idea is he can evade all charges, but am edified by the exposure of truth - all the documented evidence and confessions by his intimate toadies.

The Trump trials will be lengthy and boring. After months of testimony, Jurors will just want to go home.

With four trials and 91 counts, Jurors will be willing to negotiate to lesser charges just to go home
You made that up. You can cite no instance of my doing so.

if you enjoyed watching Trump goons attacking outnumbered police defending democracy for hours after the sexual abuser lost, you are simpatico with the Loser who still cannon handle the certified election results.
why did the police stand aside and wave the people into the capital? why did Pelosi refuse national guard troops when offered by Trump?
Thats what “Negotiation” means
Dems need to be able to reduce social spending, Repubs need to be able to reduce military spending. Pork is small potatoes.

Repubs need to be willing to increase taxes on the wealthy and corporations
Dems need to be willing to increase taxes on working people
the wealthy already pay most of the taxes collected by the government, you cannot tax corporations, taxes are considered "cost of goods sold
the wealthy already pay most of the taxes collected by the government, you cannot tax corporations, taxes are considered "cost of goods sold

Why do you think that would be?
Maybe because they have a disproportionate amount of wealth and income.

The wealthy and corporations are paying less in taxes than they have for generations
the wealthy already pay most of the taxes collected by the government, you cannot tax corporations, taxes are considered "cost of goods sold

Think the wealthy might already pay most of the taxes collected by government because 69% of the total wealth in the United States was owned by the top 10% of earners while only 2.5% of wealth is owned by the bottom 50% of earners?

Not say'n what is "right", just pointing out the consolidation.

Think the wealthy might already pay most of the taxes collected by government because 69% of the total wealth in the United States was owned by the top 10% of earners while only 2.5% of wealth is owned by the bottom 50% of earners?
Not say'n what is "right", just pointing out the consolidation.
Here is another representation showing that the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer, no matter who is in DC.

why did the police stand aside and wave the people into the capital? why did Pelosi refuse national guard troops when offered by Trump?
You are still parroting discredited lies.

One widespread narrative falsely alleges that a new video clip depicts police officers granting protesters permission to enter the Capitol. But the footage in question does not show that.

... A May 16 story on the website American Greatness — headlined, “Video Shows U.S. Capitol Police Gave Protesters OK to Enter” — was shared on Facebook more than 7,000 times, according to CrowdTangle analytics data.
The Gateway Pundit, a hub for misinformation, rehashed the claim in a story shared on Facebook about 1,600 times and repeated it in an Instagram post viewed more than 111,000 times. A radio show in Texas, “Walton & Johnson,” ran a similar May 18 headline.
The American Greatness story cites a 44-second video clip, which the website uploaded to Rumble, that was taken outside the Senate chambers of the Capitol. It shows a police officer, identified as Keith Robishaw, engaging with a group of protesters — who, we note, are shown already inside the Capitol building.
The article says that Robishaw “appears to tell” the “group they won’t stop them from entering the building.” But nowhere in the video clip does Robishaw say that.
The clip shows a man telling fellow protesters that “police here are willing to work with us and cooperate peacefully like our First Amendment allows,” and encourages the group to be peaceful. It soon moves to Robishaw urging the protesters to remain calm...
“We’re not against … you need to show … then show us, no attacking, no assault, remain calm,” Robishaw can be heard saying.
U.S. Capitol Police in an email statement to us denied that the clip showed anything inappropriate.
“There is no evidence of misconduct in the short video clip,” the statement said. “The officers are blocking the hallway and attempting to de-escalate the situation, as they are trained to, by telling the crowd to not attack or assault and to remain calm. The Department is working closely with its federal law enforcement officers to ensure the criminals who unlawfully broke into the U.S. [Capitol] during the Joint Session of Congress are successfully prosecuted.”
Trump never "offered national guard troops" to protect the capitol his goons attacked.

Former Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller... said Trump told him: "Do whatever is necessary to protect demonstrators that were executing their constitutionally protected rights."
Miller testified that the U.S. military was deliberately restrained that day when Trump's rally turned into an assault by hundreds of his followers that left five dead, including a Capitol Police officer.
This thread is about who the House Republicans should elect as Speaker.

It looks to me that no one will be.

So the US is basically toast, and the Republicans fucked-up another can't miss shot at getting the WH, the Senate, and the House in 2024, plus impeaching pedo Joe.

What a bunch of morons.
This thread is about who the House Republicans should elect as Speaker.

It looks to me that no one will be.

So the US is basically toast, and the Republicans fucked-up another can't miss shot at getting the WH, the Senate, and the House in 2024, plus impeaching pedo Joe.

What a bunch of morons.
Trump bum kissers must obey, even when the Loser/Sexual Abuser dictates self-harm.

You are still parroting discredited lies.

One widespread narrative falsely alleges that a new video clip depicts police officers granting protesters permission to enter the Capitol. But the footage in question does not show that.

... A May 16 story on the website American Greatness — headlined, “Video Shows U.S. Capitol Police Gave Protesters OK to Enter” — was shared on Facebook more than 7,000 times, according to CrowdTangle analytics data.
The Gateway Pundit, a hub for misinformation, rehashed the claim in a story shared on Facebook about 1,600 times and repeated it in an Instagram post viewed more than 111,000 times. A radio show in Texas, “Walton & Johnson,” ran a similar May 18 headline.
The American Greatness story cites a 44-second video clip, which the website uploaded to Rumble, that was taken outside the Senate chambers of the Capitol. It shows a police officer, identified as Keith Robishaw, engaging with a group of protesters — who, we note, are shown already inside the Capitol building.
The article says that Robishaw “appears to tell” the “group they won’t stop them from entering the building.” But nowhere in the video clip does Robishaw say that.
The clip shows a man telling fellow protesters that “police here are willing to work with us and cooperate peacefully like our First Amendment allows,” and encourages the group to be peaceful. It soon moves to Robishaw urging the protesters to remain calm...
“We’re not against … you need to show … then show us, no attacking, no assault, remain calm,” Robishaw can be heard saying.
U.S. Capitol Police in an email statement to us denied that the clip showed anything inappropriate.
“There is no evidence of misconduct in the short video clip,” the statement said. “The officers are blocking the hallway and attempting to de-escalate the situation, as they are trained to, by telling the crowd to not attack or assault and to remain calm. The Department is working closely with its federal law enforcement officers to ensure the criminals who unlawfully broke into the U.S. [Capitol] during the Joint Session of Congress are successfully prosecuted.”
Trump never "offered national guard troops" to protect the capitol his goons attacked.

Former Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller... said Trump told him: "Do whatever is necessary to protect demonstrators that were executing their constitutionally protected rights."
Miller testified that the U.S. military was deliberately restrained that day when Trump's rally turned into an assault by hundreds of his followers that left five dead, including a Capitol Police officer.
its on video, I don't care what any left wing blurb says I can see in with my own eyes and hear it with my own ears----------sorry that your eyes and ears don't work.

exactly how is "peacefully and patriotically" and assault or insurrection?
Why do you think that would be?
Maybe because they have a disproportionate amount of wealth and income.

The wealthy and corporations are paying less in taxes than they have for generations
who wrote the tax code that allows this? answer: the party that has controlled congress for most of the last 80 years-----------the dem/libs that you worship.

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