Who should the House GOP elect as Speaker? (Poll)

Who should Republicans elect as the next Speaker of the House?

  • Kevin McCarthy

    Votes: 2 4.3%
  • Newt Gingrich

    Votes: 5 10.6%
  • Patrick McHenry

    Votes: 2 4.3%
  • Jim Jordan

    Votes: 18 38.3%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 4 8.5%
  • Someone else, see my post

    Votes: 16 34.0%

  • Total voters
How do you know they didn't lie? Are you clairvoyant?
I read their statement, and had paid attention to Trump's first impeachment. And they never said it WAS Russian propaganda....they said it appeared that it could be, based on their experience with it.

Also, coming from Giuliani and Bannon to the NYPOST as a last minute political October surprise for their candidate gives anyone with a brain, good reason to question its validity....especially since the Post at the time, refused to release the laptop files in whole, to any of the press.
I read their statement, and had paid attention to Trump's first impeachment. And they never said it WAS Russian propaganda....they said it appeared that it could be, based on their experience with it.

Also, coming from Giuliani and Bannon to the NYPOST as a last minute political October surprise for their candidate gives anyone with a brain, good reason to question its validity....especially since the Post at the time, refused to release the laptop files in whoke, to any of the press.
Weak sauce from you again.
"Bipartisan" support = A member of the Uni-Party.

I'm going with Jim Jordan, who's about the best we can hope for.
"Bipartisan" support = A member of the Uni-Party.

I'm going with Jim Jordan, who's about the best we can hope for.
It'll never happen. Jordan will not be Speaker, he already with drew after the secret vote in congress on his continuing run. More than 110 republican congressman voted NO, Jordan should NOT continue seeking the position.
It'll never happen. Jordan will not be Speaker, he already with drew after the secret vote in congress on his continuing run. More than 110 republican congressman voted NO, Jordan should NOT continue seeking the position.
Whether he seeks the position or not has nothing to do with whether he's the best man for the job or not. The poll asks: “who should be the Speaker.” Considering the current state of the House of Representatives, Jordan is about the best choice there is. Unfortunately ... not a single member of the House is fully in line with the Founding Fathers. Those days are gone!!
so you want a budget that puts us further in debt? We already owe 31 trillion to China and others, how much more do you want to owe?

they do talk about debt, sadly no one in DC is willing to do anything about it. and fools like you just help them by making it a polical issue rather than a fiscal issue.

The way to reduce debt is to increase revenue and decrease spending

Republicans need to be willing to NEGOTIATE with everything on the table

Instead, they just threaten default and government shutdown unless they get their way.
so you want a budget that puts us further in debt? We already owe 31 trillion to China and others, how much more do you want to owe?

they do talk about debt, sadly no one in DC is willing to do anything about it. and fools like you just help them by making it a polical issue rather than a fiscal issue.
The national debt is 33.6 trillion
The way to reduce debt is to increase revenue and decrease spending

Republicans need to be willing to NEGOTIATE with everything on the table

Instead, they just threaten default and government shutdown unless they get their way.
The Dems were when they held the gavel in the House………..
thats funny, you support the authoritarian dem/libs and attack those who support constitutional government and individual rights.


Funny, remind us again of which party sitting President called for the termination of the Constitution because they lost.

(And I'm not even a DEM.)


The former president holds a grudge against Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Minn.), who voted to uphold the 2020 election results.

House Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-Minn.) is the natural front-runner to be the next man up in the GOP’s three-week-long search for a new speaker, except for one glaring problem: former President Donald Trump.

Trump allies in the media started blitzing Emmer with attacks Friday, hoping to derail his House speakership bid before it can truly begin, all while boasting that the ex-president agrees with them. “Tom Emmer is Nancy Pelosi in a Suit,” one far-right news outlet declared, referring to the former Democratic speaker.

You are confused.

To clarify, I support certified democratic elections and the rule of law as the foundational precepts of the United States.

I oppose losers attacking outnumbered police in attempts to overthrow the will of the People, and the criminally-indicted maligning and threatening officers of the court, witnesses, and their families.

I oppose authoritarian politicians dictating to women and abrogating their personal freedom, as well as to doctors, scientists, educators, librarians, and the private sector.
nice try, but you failed. you support Hillary and Abrams who are still bitching that their elections were stolen. you oppose losers attacking police, but you approve the 2020 riots by BLM and Antifa. you oppose threatening officers of the court but approve of Schumer threatening SC justices on the steps of the supreme court. like all libs, you are a hypocrite.
The way to reduce debt is to increase revenue and decrease spending

Republicans need to be willing to NEGOTIATE with everything on the table

Instead, they just threaten default and government shutdown unless they get their way.
more BS, are the dems willing to negotiate with everything on the table? are they willing to remove their pork from the budget? The govt shutdowns in the past have happened because neither side is willing to compromise. Compromise has not happened since Clinton and Newt and Reagan and O'Neill. Those guys knew how to get things done, no one in DC today knows how.

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