Who should the House GOP elect as Speaker? (Poll)

Who should Republicans elect as the next Speaker of the House?

  • Kevin McCarthy

    Votes: 2 4.3%
  • Newt Gingrich

    Votes: 5 10.6%
  • Patrick McHenry

    Votes: 2 4.3%
  • Jim Jordan

    Votes: 18 38.3%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 4 8.5%
  • Someone else, see my post

    Votes: 16 34.0%

  • Total voters
Why don’t they pass a budget instead of threatening debt default and shutting down the government
Why don’t Republicans talk about the debt when a Republican is President
Should the next budget have deep cuts or not?

Totally agree that Republicans don't talk about Budget cuts when they have a president.

Both parties are nothing but DC whores for their donors.
Susan Collins
However, do not lister the Republicans on budget deficits for now on. joe is spending our tax money through the fiat printing press pretty fast. Hell, he supposed to ask for a hundred billion dollars from us again tonight from my understanding. For Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan supposedly. No more money for this. No in three years and he has destabilized the world and shit on his own citizens.

They have now ratcheted the INTEREST costs on the $33T debt closer to $640 billion.

According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), annual net interest costs on the national debt are projected to total $640 billion in 2023. Interest payments will rise rapidly throughout the next decade, climbing from $745 billion in 2024 to $1.4 trillion in 2033. Net interest payments will total nearly $10.6 trillion over the next decade. Over the next 30 years, interest costs on the national debt will total around $69 trillion. Net interest payments on the debt are estimated to total $395.5 billion this fiscal year
You stupid Moon Bats are always in denial about the dishonesty of the filthy ass Democrats.

There is no doubt Trump "lost" when the Democrats and RINOs illegitimately certified the election without a Congressional audit, like was done in 1876.

What is also in no doubt are the fraudulent ballots in the Democrat swing districts that led the illigimate certification.

Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.

You fucking asshole Moon Bats, helped by a few weak traitorous RINOs, turned our Constitutional Republic into a Banana Republic because you hated Trump making this country great again. You shitheads are hell bent upon making this country a Banana Republic Socialist Shithole and Trump was standing in your way so you stole the election.
Your statement that Evangelicals venerate a sexual abuser fails.

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Your attempted diversion from the pedophile disaster occupying the Whitehouse fails.
You are mindlessly parroting a lie for which there is no credible documentation, no legal allegation, anywhere.

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You are mindlessly parroting a lie for which there is no credible documentation, no legal allegation, anywhere.
1. That photo is from when Trump was president dumbass. Evangelicals still prefer Trump to the deviant democrats.
Trump is still appealing that bullshit sexual abuse charge. You try raping someone in a busy department store. Total bullshit.

2. There is credible documentation that Joe showered with Ashley. Ashley's diary said so, the diary that the FBI had to go and track down.

1. That photo is from when Trump was president dumbass. Evangelicals still prefer Trump to the deviant democrats.
Trump is still appealing that bullshit sexual abuse charge. You try raping someone in a busy department store. Total bullshit.

2. There is credible documentation that Joe showered with Ashley. Ashley's diary said so, the diary that the FBI had to go and track down.

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Your fake story about the President who defeated the sexual abuser worshipped by White evangelicals is so bogus that not a single Republican anywhere, not even criminal indictees Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell or Lin Wood, has been able to contrive any legal charges.

The fake tale is only fed to gormless, diehard TrumpHumps by the Trump propaganda media.

We don't need both sides being a Borg Collective. Democrats should be allowed to think for themselves. They are not. They are told what to believe and how to vote.
McCarthy was pretty darn efficient in finding compromises to keep a GOP coalition unified enough to pass a lot of good legislation most of which died in the Senate because the Democrats do everything in lockstep.

The Speaker has to be able to do that as well as work with Democrats and be a money raising machine. McCarthy got it done on all levels but was condemned by a small coalition of hard right for his willingness to compromise on anything. I didn't agree with him on everything either but unless you want a bunch of brainwashed or controlled yes men/women, there are no two people on the planet that will agree on every single thing.
Your fake story about the President who defeated the sexual abuser worshipped by White evangelicals is so bogus that not a single Republican anywhere, not even criminal indictees Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell or Lin Wood, has been able to contrive any legal charges.
The fake tale is only fed to gormless, diehard TrumpHumps by the Trump propaganda media.

The shower with Ashley is only the tip of the Biden iceberg...
Don't forget all the illicit cash that the Biden Crime Family made selling us out to the Russians and Chinese.

Only one more year to go to see who wins the presidency in 2024, normal people or the democrat freak show...
You can vote with the freaks, perverts, narcissists and pedophiles.


The shower with Ashley is only the tip of the Biden iceberg...
Don't forget all the illicit cash that the Biden Crime Family made selling us out to the Russians and Chinese.

Only one more year to go to see who wins the presidency in 2024, normal people or the democrat freak show...
You can vote with the freaks, perverts, narcissists and pedophiles.

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Desperate, freedom-hating authoritarians, crapping on democratic elections and our justice system, have gotten nowhere by pleasuring themselves with their lurid fantasies about the popularly-elected President.

The tale of Eleanor Roosevelt being able to fly may be a more credible, wholesome alternative that they should try.

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Why don’t they pass a budget instead of threatening debt default and shutting down the government

Why don’t Republicans talk about the debt when a Republican is President
so you want a budget that puts us further in debt? We already owe 31 trillion to China and others, how much more do you want to owe?

they do talk about debt, sadly no one in DC is willing to do anything about it. and fools like you just help them by making it a polical issue rather than a fiscal issue.
Desperate, freedom-hating authoritarians, crapping on democratic elections and our justice system, have gotten nowhere by pleasuring themselves with their lurid fantasies about the popularly-elected President.

The tale of Eleanor Roosevelt being able to fly may be a more credible, wholesome alternative that they should try.

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thats funny, you support the authoritarian dem/libs and attack those who support constitutional government and individual rights.
Free speech kiddo! They are EX govt employees, not presently working for any agency. They did not lie....they believed that it COULD BE Russian propaganda, based on their experience. NY Post allowed no media, access to their alleged laptop files so other non partisan sources could not verify the partisan tabloid NY Post article in real time.
Free speech kiddo! They are EX govt employees, not presently working for any agency. They did not lie....they believed that it COULD BE Russian propaganda, based on their experience. NY Post allowed no media, access to their alleged laptop files so other non partisan sources could not verify the partisan tabloid NY Post article in real time.
Another petty excuse from you.
thats funny, you support the authoritarian dem/libs and attack those who support constitutional government and individual rights.
You are confused.

To clarify, I support certified democratic elections and the rule of law as the foundational precepts of the United States.

I oppose losers attacking outnumbered police in attempts to overthrow the will of the People, and the criminally-indicted maligning and threatening officers of the court, witnesses, and their families.

I oppose authoritarian politicians dictating to women and abrogating their personal freedom, as well as to doctors, scientists, educators, librarians, and the private sector.
Another petty excuse from you.
Not petty at all....what I wrote is factual.

And even if they did lie, which they did not....

Crooked Donald lies ALL THE TIME, 24/7 and states that he is allowed to lie, lies are his free speech right, so the crook says....

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