Who Signed the Agreement to Leave Iraq?

The BIGGEST Iraq mistake was Obama so desperate to get out of Iraq he didn't work at all on the Status of Forces Agreement.

Army planners have privately acknowledged they are examining projections that could see the number of Americans hovering between 30,000 and 50,000, but maybe as high as 70,000, for a substantial time beyond 2011. Pentagon planners say those currently counted as combat troops could be "re-missioned" and that their efforts could be redefined as training and support for the Iraqis.[40] Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen has also said "three years is a long time. Conditions could change in that period of time".[41]

U.S.?Iraq Status of Forces Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

President Obama ignored general’s pleas to keep American military forces in Iraq Ex-commander blames U.S. pullout for extremists’ advances

Obama ignored general's pleas to keep American forces in Iraq - Washington Times
Has anyone said otherwise? I mean that the terms of the withdrawal of U.S. troops in Iraq was agreed to by Bush and the Iraqi government prior to his leaving office? I haven't seen anyone saying otherwise...

So Obama stuck to the agreed to timeline, good... Bush set him up nicely for that one...

Seems to me that anything that happens after that is on Obama's watch, no?
Has anyone said otherwise? I mean that the terms of the withdrawal of U.S. troops in Iraq was agreed to by Bush and the Iraqi government prior to his leaving office? I haven't seen anyone saying otherwise...

So Obama stuck to the agreed to timeline, good... Bush set him up nicely for that one...

Seems to me that anything that happens after that is on Obama's watch, no?

Uh, the "war in Iraq" ended under Bush.

The total pullout happened under Obama in order to complete his campaign promise despite it being a dumbass move.

Bush was going to keep some troops in Iraq but of course that pesky 2-term limit prevented him from completing the job, that Obama failed to do.
Obama and Co. made no "status of forces" agreement. There should have been something like the Marshall Plan developed to maintain stability and put down any attempts by terrorists to grab power, but the Chimp-in-Chief is too smart for any of that nonsense.
Iraq refused to agree that no US troops would be tried for war crimes.
Bush knocks over a glass of milk and leaves the room. Obama walks into the room and republicans say Obama knocked it over.

Party of personal responsibility takes none
Bush knocks over a glass of milk and leaves the room. Obama walks into the room and republicans say Obama knocked it over.

Party of personal responsibility takes none

Obama knocked it over so an American soldier would slip & fall..........:eusa_angel:

Iraq wanted the US to extend the agreement to keep troops in Iraq. Obama claimed he anted to do the same thing, but never seriously negotiated an extension.

The consequences became clear when negotiations began over the crucial question of withdrawing American troops after 2011. The leaders of all the major Iraqi parties had privately told American commanders that they wanted several thousand military personnel to remain, to train Iraqi forces and to help track down insurgents. The commanders told me that Maliki, too, said that he wanted to keep troops in Iraq. But he argued that the long-standing agreement that gave American soldiers immunity from Iraqi courts was increasingly unpopular; parliament would forbid the troops to stay unless they were subject to local law.
President Obama, too, was ambivalent about retaining even a small force in Iraq. For several months, American officials told me, they were unable to answer basic questions in meetings with Iraqis—like how many troops they wanted to leave behind—because the Administration had not decided. “We got no guidance from the White House,” Jeffrey told me. “We didn’t know where the President was. Maliki kept saying, ‘I don’t know what I have to sell.’ ” At one meeting, Maliki said that he was willing to sign an executive agreement granting the soldiers permission to stay, if he didn’t have to persuade the parliament to accept immunity. The Obama Administration quickly rejected the idea. “The American attitude was: Let’s get out of here as quickly as possible,” Sami al-Askari, the Iraqi member of parliament, said.

Dexter Filkins: What We Left Behind in Iraq : The New Yorker

Any other questions?
Has anyone said otherwise? I mean that the terms of the withdrawal of U.S. troops in Iraq was agreed to by Bush and the Iraqi government prior to his leaving office? I haven't seen anyone saying otherwise...

So Obama stuck to the agreed to timeline, good... Bush set him up nicely for that one...

Seems to me that anything that happens after that is on Obama's watch, no?

yup they have

Who was in office when we left. Obama.. He is to blame . If he didnt want to leave he could have stopped it. Quit blaming a president who has not been in office for over 5 yrs. THis is on OBLAMOS watch it is his fault case closed

you are a retarded...if you wouldnt hurt yourself i would suggest taking off the helmet.
Bush signed SOFA because Iraqi wanted us gone. Obama tried to leave forces there and Iraq refused. I know reasoning with you is pointless, but you know....fuck you

Iraq wanted the US to extend the agreement to keep troops in Iraq. Obama claimed he anted to do the same thing, but never seriously negotiated an extension.

The consequences became clear when negotiations began over the crucial question of withdrawing American troops after 2011. The leaders of all the major Iraqi parties had privately told American commanders that they wanted several thousand military personnel to remain, to train Iraqi forces and to help track down insurgents. The commanders told me that Maliki, too, said that he wanted to keep troops in Iraq. But he argued that the long-standing agreement that gave American soldiers immunity from Iraqi courts was increasingly unpopular; parliament would forbid the troops to stay unless they were subject to local law.
President Obama, too, was ambivalent about retaining even a small force in Iraq. For several months, American officials told me, they were unable to answer basic questions in meetings with Iraqis—like how many troops they wanted to leave behind—because the Administration had not decided. “We got no guidance from the White House,” Jeffrey told me. “We didn’t know where the President was. Maliki kept saying, ‘I don’t know what I have to sell.’ ” At one meeting, Maliki said that he was willing to sign an executive agreement granting the soldiers permission to stay, if he didn’t have to persuade the parliament to accept immunity. The Obama Administration quickly rejected the idea. “The American attitude was: Let’s get out of here as quickly as possible,” Sami al-Askari, the Iraqi member of parliament, said.

Dexter Filkins: What We Left Behind in Iraq : The New Yorker

Any other questions?

well no...Troops staying was vastly unpopular among Iraqis. Of course you need to filter what this guy said. Other reports showed Obama was willing to leave troops there as so long as they had immunity.
That didnt happen, just like when Bush tried the samething. So we left.

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