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Who Supports The Official 9/11 Gov’t Cover Stories

Do you support The Official 9/11 Gov't Cover Stories?

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Just don't do what Republicans did to Dan Rather. Rove gave Rather a forged document KNOWING that it was a forgery. So when Rather came out with the story, Rove called him out on that forgery and that discredited the entire story.

The fact was, Bush was AWOL from the National Guard.

And I suspect that Cheney was in charge of NORAD on 9-11. I don't think the GOP would have let this rumor go on so long without challanging it if it were untrue.

PS. Bush would have known what waterboarding felt like had he shown up, because all airforce/navy men are waterboarded in basic training.
more complete and total BULLSHIT from bobo the moron
Rove had NOTHING to do with that
it was a TX democrat that faxed those in from a Kinkos

btw, moron, Bush DID his basic training and flight school and had enough flight hours to complete his obligations to TANG
so you just prove once again you will believe anything if its againts a republican and deny anything against a democrat
you are a fucking MORON

He stopped showing up after.

PS. Cheney also pulled strings to get out of NAM.

Fucking pussies. You too. You're probably a coward too. Most Republicans are. Just look at how tough Boehner looks but look how quickly he cries. :lol:
Bush completed his service
Cheney got LEGAL deferments
so you can save your ABDS filled rants
they might work at DU/KoS
but not with me
Hi C-101, DiveCon Man and Elvis:

What facts are these?
you dont have conflicting testimony, you have twisted crap
I still say eots is better than pee wee.


I see the Loyal Bush-Monkeys are still running out to this fine USMB Conspiracy Forums Board to try and convince everyone that “no conspiracy exists.” :0)

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2THs3oNooM"]Loyal Bush-Monkeys! :0)[/ame]

Now the 9/11 Cover Stories told by these cartoon characters are really funny . . .



You seriously need to crawl out of the basement sometime, Terral.
more complete and total BULLSHIT from bobo the moron
Rove had NOTHING to do with that
it was a TX democrat that faxed those in from a Kinkos

btw, moron, Bush DID his basic training and flight school and had enough flight hours to complete his obligations to TANG
so you just prove once again you will believe anything if its againts a republican and deny anything against a democrat
you are a fucking MORON

He stopped showing up after.

PS. Cheney also pulled strings to get out of NAM.

Fucking pussies. You too. You're probably a coward too. Most Republicans are. Just look at how tough Boehner looks but look how quickly he cries. :lol:
Bush completed his service
Cheney got LEGAL deferments
so you can save your ABDS filled rants
they might work at DU/KoS
but not with me

Ha! You don't really believe that. :lol:
Michael Ruppert is not a reliable source.[/QUOTE]

He's a 100 times better of a source than your Popular Mechanics source you want to so much believe in as the ultimate truth.:lol::lol::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
republicans like Bill clinton?[/QUOTE]

For once your correct about something in a 9/11 debate.Clinton is buddies with the Bushs.They have a friendship that goes way back to the 80's.The republicans-the reprocrats and democrats-the demopublicans are the same party here to serve the same agenda of the elite.
republicans like Bill clinton?

For once your correct about something in a 9/11 debate.Clinton is buddies with the Bushs.They have a friendship that goes way back to the 80's.The republicans-the reprocrats and democrats-the demopublicans are the same party here to serve the same agenda of the elite.[/QUOTE]

What about Republicans trying to protect the drug companies from being sued if their drugs kill?

What about obama reigning in the credit card companies?

Surely you see some differences in the two parties?
Hi C-101:

You seriously need to crawl out of the basement sometime, Terral.

You seriously need to explain to these readers how an empty hole . . .


. . . equals a crashed 100-ton Jetliner (my thread). Take your sorry behind over to my Flight 93 Topic and try to make 'your' Official Govt Cover Story Case! I double-dare you! :0)


Hey! There is that standing E-ring Wall at the Pentagon (What Really Happened) where 'you' say a real 100-ton Jetliner crashed going 530 miles per hour, according to the Official Govt Cover Story. Now is the perfect time for C-101 to explain to these readers 'his' reasons for believing that Official Cover Story LIE. The fact is that NONE of these deluded people 'agreeing' with the Official Cover Story can produce even one picture of Flight 93 nor Flight 77 crashed A.N.Y.W.H.E.R.E.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sm73wOuPL60"]Bush Is LYING About 9/11 And So Are "YOU"[/ame]

No steel-framed skyscraper has collapsed from building fires in the history of this world, but 'you' say this . . .

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LD06SAf0p9A"]This Is Controlled Demolition AND C-101 Is LYING[/ame]

. . . represents a 47-story overbuilt skyscraper collapsing into its own footprint . . .


. . . from building fires and debris (This Was 'Definitely' A Controlled Demolition). Look at the faces of the buildings next door to realize WTC-7 collapsed CD-style straight down at freefall speed into its own footprint!

Watch This Six-Minute WTC-7 Video

You certainly have a lot of nerve to come out here to make a completely Loyal Bush-Monkey FOOL out of yourself, when ALL of the 9/11 evidence agrees 100 percent with me.

Now C-101 can start his own Flight 93/Shanksville, Flight 77/Pentagon and WTC-7 "Building Fires Did It" threads, while supporting 'his' Official Cover Story LIES using whatever 'he' calls credible evidence.

This is the list of Loyal Bushie LIARS and DUPES agreeing that an empty hole . . .


. . . equals a crashed 100-ton Jetliner 'and' agreeing that . . .


. . . AA77 crashed into this wall going 530 miles per hour. However, how many of these members have posted 'their' Flight 93 threads and 'their' Pentagon threads and 'their' WTC-7 topics in support of the Official Cover Story LIE???

Good luck getting any of these yoyo's (pic and pic and pic) to give you one reason WHY they swallow the Official Cover Story, when the 'evidence' most certainly says something else . . .

9/11 Was DEFINITELY An Inside Job << Good little video


Hi C-101:

You seriously need to crawl out of the basement sometime, Terral.

You seriously need to explain to these readers how an empty hole . . .


. . . equals a crashed 100-ton Jetliner (my thread). Take your sorry behind over to my Flight 93 Topic and try to make 'your' Official Govt Cover Story Case! I double-dare you! :0)


Hey! There is that standing E-ring Wall at the Pentagon (What Really Happened) where 'you' say a real 100-ton Jetliner crashed going 530 miles per hour, according to the Official Govt Cover Story. Now is the perfect time for C-101 to explain to these readers 'his' reasons for believing that Official Cover Story LIE. The fact is that NONE of these deluded people 'agreeing' with the Official Cover Story can produce even one picture of Flight 93 nor Flight 77 crashed A.N.Y.W.H.E.R.E.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sm73wOuPL60"]Bush Is LYING About 9/11 And So Are "YOU"[/ame]

No steel-framed skyscraper has collapsed from building fires in the history of this world, but 'you' say this . . .

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LD06SAf0p9A"]This Is Controlled Demolition AND C-101 Is LYING[/ame]

. . . represents a 47-story overbuilt skyscraper collapsing into its own footprint . . .


. . . from building fires and debris (This Was 'Definitely' A Controlled Demolition). Look at the faces of the buildings next door to realize WTC-7 collapsed CD-style straight down at freefall speed into its own footprint!

Watch This Six-Minute WTC-7 Video

You certainly have a lot of nerve to come out here to make a completely Loyal Bush-Monkey FOOL out of yourself, when ALL of the 9/11 evidence agrees 100 percent with me.

Now C-101 can start his own Flight 93/Shanksville, Flight 77/Pentagon and WTC-7 "Building Fires Did It" threads, while supporting 'his' Official Cover Story LIES using whatever 'he' calls credible evidence.

This is the list of Loyal Bushie LIARS and DUPES agreeing that an empty hole . . .


. . . equals a crashed 100-ton Jetliner 'and' agreeing that . . .


. . . AA77 crashed into this wall going 530 miles per hour. However, how many of these members have posted 'their' Flight 93 threads and 'their' Pentagon threads and 'their' WTC-7 topics in support of the Official Cover Story LIE???

Good luck getting any of these yoyo's (pic and pic and pic) to give you one reason WHY they swallow the Official Cover Story, when the 'evidence' most certainly says something else . . .

9/11 Was DEFINITELY An Inside Job << Good little video


I've already told you that I've wasted enough time talking to you.

Merely laughing at your cartoon is not an invitation for you to post more nonsense.
republicans like Bill clinton?

For once your correct about something in a 9/11 debate.Clinton is buddies with the Bushs.They have a friendship that goes way back to the 80's.The republicans-the reprocrats and democrats-the demopublicans are the same party here to serve the same agenda of the elite.

What about Republicans trying to protect the drug companies from being sued if their drugs kill?

What about obama reigning in the credit card companies?

Surely you see some differences in the two parties?[/QUOTE]

of course their going to do a FEW things different than each other to give the impression their different parties,but in the end BOTH partys are corrupt and NEITHER represent the people or believe in the constitution which is the thing that counts.as I have said before,until we get a third party created,there is no hope for the future of the world.Anytime a good president gets in office,they get rid of him like they did with Lincoln and Kennedy.JFK was the last good president we had who wasnt corrupt and cared about the people and thats why they got rid of him.

Remember BEFORE 9/11 came along,THAT was my obsesssion was the JFK assassination.
you should check out my PICK YOUR POISON,OBAMA OR MCcain thread.Terral posted some great stuff there about how both partys are corrupt and neither are for the people and if you havent already,please watch THE OBAMA DECEPTION video.Terral has that in his link as well.Its great stuff,it even talks about the kennedy assassination.Im going to make copies of these DVD'S and put them on cars in malls.
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Bush completed his service
Cheney got LEGAL deferments
so you can save your ABDS filled rants
they might work at DU/KoS
but not with me[/QUOTE]

Ha! You don't really believe that. :lol:[/QUOTE]

obviously another one of his fairy tales like popular mechanics he so much wants to believe in as the ultimate truth.:lol::lol:
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something I dont get is WHY Divecon is so obsessed with 9/11 and none of the other conspiracy threads here .I mean come on,theres plenty of other conspiracy threads here.Like I just got finished posting on an Obama thread but Divecon only comes to THIS thread and only wants to post on this one.none of the others.LOL.
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something I dont get is WHY Divecon is so obsessed with 9/11 and none of the other conspiracy threads here .I mean come on,theres plenty of other conspiracy threads here.Like I just got finished posting on an Obama thread but Divecon only comes to THIS thread and only wants to post on this one.none of the others.LOL.

and since he has stopped posting popular mechanics all he does is say... no it isnt...or type moron or idiot.....as his only argument...lol
something I dont get is WHY Divecon is so obsessed with 9/11 and none of the other conspiracy threads here .I mean come on,theres plenty of other conspiracy threads here.Like I just got finished posting on an Obama thread but Divecon only comes to THIS thread and only wants to post on this one.none of the others.LOL.

and since he has stopped posting popular mechanics all he does is say... no it isnt...or type moron or idiot.....as his only argument...lol
i have given plenty of other sources other than the respected PM
something I dont get is WHY Divecon is so obsessed with 9/11 and none of the other conspiracy threads here .I mean come on,theres plenty of other conspiracy threads here.Like I just got finished posting on an Obama thread but Divecon only comes to THIS thread and only wants to post on this one.none of the others.LOL.
i have posted in other threads
unlike YOU morons
something I dont get is WHY Divecon is so obsessed with 9/11 and none of the other conspiracy threads here .I mean come on,theres plenty of other conspiracy threads here.Like I just got finished posting on an Obama thread but Divecon only comes to THIS thread and only wants to post on this one.none of the others.LOL.

and since he has stopped posting popular mechanics all he does is say... no it isnt...or type moron or idiot.....as his only argument...lol
i have given plenty of other sources other than the respected PM

NO you dont IDIOT LOL
something I dont get is WHY Divecon is so obsessed with 9/11 and none of the other conspiracy threads here .I mean come on,theres plenty of other conspiracy threads here.Like I just got finished posting on an Obama thread but Divecon only comes to THIS thread and only wants to post on this one.none of the others.LOL.
i have posted in other threads
unlike YOU morons


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