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Who Supports The Official 9/11 Gov’t Cover Stories

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The evidence indicates that the little empty hole has grass growing on all the slopes/inclines . . .

Little empty hole?
was taken on 4/20/1994. You Gov’t Cover Story Ops talk about the size of the empty ‘hole,’ because of the lack of evidence for any crashed 100-ton Jetliner.

No. The empty hole . . .
. . . is definitely cut into an empty field. I see a man wearing a dark shirt and light-colored pair of pants walking to our left about noontime, but no signs of any crashed 100-ton Jetliner. In fact, we see grass growing on all the inclines/slopes . . .

Try again.


. . . you want to skin this 9/11 cat. Do not come to one of my 9/11 threads like this using nonsense and stupidity by asking silly straw man questions. You are missing about 100 tons of Jetliner evidence, because the Gov’t has been LYING from day one.

Ooh, it appears I have touched a nerve.

Explain these eyewitness accounts.

Crash Witnesses Accounts:

"I heard like a boom and the engine sounded funny," she told the Daily News. "I heard two more booms - and then I did not hear anything."

What does Temyer think she heard? "I think the plane was shot down,"

"It came in low over the trees and started wobbling," said Tim Thornsberg, a resident of Somerset County, who was working near an old strip mine when he saw the plane.

"Then it just rolled over and was flying upside down for a few seconds ... and then it kind of stalled and did a nose dive over the trees. It was just unreal to see something like that."

Eric Peterson, 28, was working in his shop in the Somerset County village of Lambertsville yesterday morning when he heard a plane, looked up and saw one fly over unusually low.

The plane continued on beyond a nearby hill, then dropped out of sight behind a tree line. As it did so, Peterson said it seemed to be turning end-over-end.

Then Peterson said he saw a fireball, heard an explosion and saw a mushroom cloud of smoke rise into the sky.
Day of Terror: Outside tiny Shanksville, a fourth deadly stroke

“I saw the plane flying upside down overhead and crash into the nearby trees. My buddy, Doug, and I grabbed our fire extinguishers and ran to the scene,” said Blair.

Eric Peterson of Lambertsville looked up when he heard the plane. "It was low enough, I thought you could probably count the rivets," Peterson said. "You could see more of the roof of the plane than you could the belly. It was on its side."

"There was a great explosion and you could see the flames. It was a massive, massive explosion. Flames and then smoke and then a massive, massive mushroom cloud."

“Normally I wouldn’t look up, but I just heard on the news that all the planes were grounded and thought this was probably the last one I would see for a while, so I looked up,” she said. “I didn’t see the plane but I heard the plane’s engine. Then I heard a loud thump that echoed off the hills and then I heard the plane’s engine. I heard two more loud thumps and didn’t hear the plane’s engine anymore after that.”

"We didn't hear that plane coming until it was right on top of us," she said. "Then there was a roar." She said the plane appeared to be gliding into the ground. "All at once it just stopped. There was no engine noise, nothing. Someone hollered, Oh my God!' and then there was a real loud thud."

Shortly after 10 a.m., workers on farms and scrap yards in Somerset County looked up to see an airliner flying low and erratic at an estimated 450 mph.

Bob Blair of Stoystown was driving a coal truck on state Route 30 when he saw the jet plummet "straight down." Barn windowpanes for half a mile around shattered as the jet dived into a reclaimed strip mine and exploded at 10:10 a. m.
Bound by fate, determination / The final hours of the passengers aboard S.F.-bound Flight 93

A witness told WTAE-TV's Paul Van Osdol that she saw the plane overhead. It made a high-pitched, screeching sound. The plane then made a sharp, 90-degree downward turn and crashed.

Bob Blair was completing a routine drive to Shade Creek just after 10 a.m. Tuesday, when he saw a huge silver plane fly past him just above the treetops and crash into the woods along Lambertsville Road.
Blair, of Stoystown, a driver with Jim Barron Trucking of Somerset, was traveling in a coal truck along with Doug Miller of Somerset, when they saw the plane spiraling to the ground and then explode on the outskirts of Lambertsville.
“I saw the plane flying upside down overhead and crash into the nearby trees. My buddy, Doug, and I grabbed our fire extinguishers and ran to the scene,” said Blair.

Another witness, Michael Merringer, said he was out on a mountain bike ride with his wife, Amy, about two miles from the crash site.

"(I) heard the engine gun two different times," he said. "(I) heard a loud bang and the windows of the houses all around rattled."

Larry Williams, a former state police trooper who is now a private investigator, was golfing on the 17th green at Oakbrook Golf Course about eight miles away when he heard the engines “roar real loud and shut off.”

"We got the call about 9:58 this morning from a male passenger stating that he was locked in the bathroom of United Flight 93 traveling from Newark to San Francisco, and they were being hijacked," said Glenn Cramer, a 911 supervisor.

"We confirmed that with him several times and we asked him to repeat what he said. He was very distraught. He said he believed the plane was going down. He did hear some sort of an explosion and saw white smoke coming from the plane, but he didn't know where.

"And then we lost contact with him."
Day of Terror: Outside tiny Shanksville, a fourth deadly stroke

Meanwhile, investigators also are combing a second crime scene in nearby Indian Lake (2.5 miles from main crash site), where residents reported hearing the doomed jetliner flying over at a low altitude before "falling apart on their homes."

"People were calling in and reporting pieces of plane falling," a state trooper said. Jim Stop reported he had seen the hijacked Boeing 757 fly over him as he was fishing. He said he could see parts falling from the plane.
I lost this link.. but since the witness name is there I've left it up.

Some witnesses reported that the plane was flying upside down for a time before the crash; others said they heard up to three loud booms before the jetliner went down.
Day of Terror: Outside tiny Shanksville, a fourth deadly stroke

"There was no way anything was left," Pluta added. "There was just charred pieces of metal and a big hole. The plane didn't slide into the crash. It went straight into the ground. Wings out. Nose down."

Bits of metal were thrown against a tree line like shrapnel, said state police spokesman Trooper Thomas Spallone of Troop A in Greensburg.

"Once it hit, everything just disintegrated," he said. "There are just shreds of metal. The longest piece I saw was 2 feet long."
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LOL! This guy has no pictures of Flight 93 or AA77 crashed anywhere, but he has the wherewithal to recognize the little strip mine hole in the empty Shanksville field from 4/20/1994 . This is the same little empty hole in the same empty field that we see in all the Flight 93 pictures of the empty hole:

And yet, C-101 wants to claim that we have tons and tons and tons of Jetliner debris in and around this little empty hole. No, that is not even a nice try . . . :0)




The Official Cover Story says AA77 crashed into the west side of the Pentagon at 9:38 AM, which is either ‘the truth’ OR a fabricated LIE. Do not sit there and talk about missing wings, when you are missing a 100-ton Jetliner! You do NOT even have the massive impact hole saying a real 100-ton Jetliner crashed into the Pentagon ‘and’ you are missing the cotton picking Jetliner too! :0)








Perhaps you should take a time out.

Now this guy is passing from realm nonsense to the absolute ridiculous! The Official Cover Story says WTC-7 collapsed from building fires/debris and WTC-1 is 350 feet away from WTC-7

Here is a picture of WTC-7 collapsing ‘and’ you see no fire through the unbroken windows saying there is NO damage from either Twin Towers collapse. And yet . . .

. . . “all” of the WTC-7 2800-degree columns, beams, girders and bar-joists were ‘severed’ to send the overbuilt skyscraper down into its own footprint in just 6.6 seconds. No building fire and no building debris can ‘cut’ all of these ‘Compartmentalized’ steel supports at the very same ‘time’ to create a CD-like Implosion, unless a Demolition Crew wired the building for the CD Implosion. :0) The silly “pancake” argument has no merit at all, because we are not looking at 47 concrete slabs piled one atop the other; because we are looking at a typical Controlled Demolition Job carried out with military precision.

The little video was taped in Italian, but the 911Truth of WTC-7 Controlled Demolition remains perfectly clear . . .

LOL! WTC-7 was brought down into its own footprint in 6.6 seconds, when the FDNY predicted the collapse amid many CD pre-explosions. You are making my CD case (my thread), because WTC-7 collapsed ‘symmetrically’ straight down; which means the massive steel supported were ‘severed’ simultaneously like in any CD Implosion Job. A chunk of WTC-7 missing would force the massive skyscraper to lean in a particular direction ‘and’ that never happened in this ‘symmetrical collapse.’

I can believe that C-101 is here to defend the Official Cover Story LIES, even though all of the ‘evidence’ clearly shows the Govt is LYING (like you). Typical building fires burn at around 800 degrees ‘and’ for an average of only 20 minutes , but WTC-7 shows no fires through the unbroken windows anyway. :0)



There is no heat source in WTC-7 to melt or soften one pound of 2800-degree red-iron structural steel. Period! I have over 30 years of General Contracting/Demolition experience (#3), so do not try to lecture me about the structural integrity of anything. Heat energy travels from the hot to the cold areas of the massive steel-framed network far quicker than any single component can be soften to buckle. That means the massive steel columns directly adjacent to the heat source will transfer that heat energy to adjacent beams and columns, before one pound of 2800-degree steel is softened. Even if you had sufficient 2800-degree heat energy applied directly to every WTC-7 column at the same time (and you did not), then the heat energy would be absorbed by the entire steel-framed network to be transferred to the ground through the massive concrete/steel pads supporting each column. Your problem is that all WTC-7 columns included 3-hour spray-on fireproofing insulation and all steel supports were ‘Compartmentalized’ by solid concrete slabs horizontally ‘and’ curtain walls vertically; not to mention the gypsum wallboard encasing each column from any potential fire. This C-101 guy obviously has no idea about what he is talking about . . .

The fire raged for 7 hours, not three so fire proofing is not sufficient. Furthermore, diesel fuel tanks were present in all apartments with one large tank at the center, fueling the fire.

Fuel-fed fires along with as much as 25% structural damage from the collapse of WTC1 combined with the fact that WTC7 support columns were unusually stressed through poor design is plenty cause for the tower to collapse.

If even one column fails the rest of the structure will systematically crash due to the unfortunate design of the building.

Bullony! Once again this guy has no clue . . . First of all, WTC-7 was NOT struck by any Jetliner. Secondly, any diesel fuel hydrocarbon fire burns at FAR below the required temperatures . Your hydrocarbon fire ‘maximum gas temperature’ is still more than 1000 degrees too low ‘and’ the massive steel-frame network still transports any heat energy ‘away’ from the heat source to the cooler areas more quickly than any single component can be heated beyond even the ‘fire’ temperature. This guy is pretending that I can place diesel fuel inside a 47-story overbuilt skyscraper, toss in a match, and run away, for the entire structure to implode into a neat little pile.

No, instead it was struck by the collapse of a 110 story building.

Once again you are spewing that melting nonsense.

Steel does not have to melt in order for it to give away.

And if you classify the WTC7 as a "neat" collapse when it clearly took a large chunk of a nearby building, you have serious problems with facts.

Anyone with any doubt about open-air hydrocarbon fires taking down skyscrapers should watch this little short video.

Why do you ignore existing structural damage? This is not a stupid building fire. Two jet liners hit the WTC and the twin towers collapse severely damaged WTC7.

If you refuse to consider that a massive jet liner might do some harm to the structural integrity of building then you are just irrational.
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The evidence indicates that the little empty hole has grass growing on all the slopes/inclines . . .

Little empty hole?
was taken on 4/20/1994. You Gov’t Cover Story Ops talk about the size of the empty ‘hole,’ because of the lack of evidence for any crashed 100-ton Jetliner.

No. The empty hole . . .
. . . is definitely cut into an empty field. I see a man wearing a dark shirt and light-colored pair of pants walking to our left about noontime, but no signs of any crashed 100-ton Jetliner. In fact, we see grass growing on all the inclines/slopes . . .

Try again.


. . . you want to skin this 9/11 cat. Do not come to one of my 9/11 threads like this using nonsense and stupidity by asking silly straw man questions. You are missing about 100 tons of Jetliner evidence, because the Gov’t has been LYING from day one.

Ooh, it appears I have touched a nerve.

Explain these eyewitness accounts.










Perhaps you should take a time out.



there are many eyewitnesses that report a different story...so why would we not take sworn statements under oath..determine the identity of these people like any other crime investigation

The fire raged for 7 hours, not three so fire proofing is not sufficient. Furthermore, diesel fuel tanks were present in all apartments with one large tank at the center, fueling the fire.

Fuel-fed fires along with as much as 25% structural damage from the collapse of WTC1 combined with the fact that WTC7 support columns were unusually stressed through poor design is plenty cause for the tower to collapse.

If even one column fails the rest of the structure will systematically crash due to the unfortunate design of the building.
is that what popular mechanics told you..if there was structural damage to that extent why did building 7 not fall in that direction ? as is logical...unless the fires where all even everywhere how could all thesupports fail simultaneously...ridiculous

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBwJnYOf3Ag]YouTube - WTC designer about the durability of buildings (PL)[/ame]

Bullony! Once again this guy has no clue . . . First of all, WTC-7 was NOT struck by any Jetliner. Secondly, any diesel fuel hydrocarbon fire burns at FAR below the required temperatures . Your hydrocarbon fire ‘maximum gas temperature’ is still more than 1000 degrees too low ‘and’ the massive steel-frame network still transports any heat energy ‘away’ from the heat source to the cooler areas more quickly than any single component can be heated beyond even the ‘fire’ temperature. This guy is pretending that I can place diesel fuel inside a 47-story overbuilt skyscraper, toss in a match, and run away, for the entire structure to implode into a neat little pile.

No, instead it was struck by the collapse of a 110 story building.

Once again you are spewing that melting nonsense.

Steel does not have to melt in order for it to give away.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IACdhpfZjk]YouTube - Steven Jones & Kevin Ryan Debunk the NIST Report part 1 of 2[/ame]

And if you classify the WTC7 as a "neat" collapse when it clearly took a large chunk of a nearby building, you have serious problems with facts.

Anyone with any doubt about open-air hydrocarbon fires taking down skyscrapers should watch this little short video.

Why do you ignore existing structural damage? This is not a stupid building fire. Two jet liners hit the WTC and the twin towers collapse severely damaged WTC7.

If you refuse to consider that a massive jet liner might do some harm to the structural integrity of building then you are just irrational.

and cause all three buildings to collapse at free fall speed into its own footprint...irrational
so Kevin Ryan of underwriters the suppliers of the steel for wtc....finds your facts..ridiculous ..as does the designer of the building...but popular mechanics,,,has other ideas

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBwJnYOf3Ag]YouTube - WTC designer about the durability of buildings (PL)[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IACdhpfZjk]YouTube - Steven Jones & Kevin Ryan Debunk the NIST Report part 1 of 2[/ame]

so how did popular mechanics tell you to spin this one ???
eots said:
and cause all three buildings to collapse at free fall speed into its own footprint...irrational

You should look at this picture again.


And notice that

A) A small portion of WTC 6 is standing.

B) WTC 5 is severely damaged but for the most part is still standing.

C) The debris from WTC 1 is everywhere, indicating that damage was indeed done to the surrounding buildings and

D) This picture . . .


Indicates that WTC 7 took on a huge amount of falling debris from the twin towers.

Edit: More info.

In this picture you can clearly see the structural failure of WTC 7.


Referring to this diagram, you can see why the fault caused the collapse.


The fault line goes through Truss 1 and Truss 2 on the east side of WTC 7.

This failure transferred unbearable weight to nearby columns above and below the trusses which then gave away followed by a chain reaction of support failure throughout the building.

There were no explosives. All it took was for one section of the building to give away and the resulting load transfer was too much for the remaining supports to handle.

Hence, a chain reaction free fall originating from the fault which is clearly visible in the pictures.
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No, no, no, no!

WTC 1, 5 & 6 were all blown up too!

For example, they turned the power off in those buildings occasionally I'm pretty sure, and Larry Silverstein also said "pull" on those buildings, or if he didn't, he thought he would say it...
so Kevin Ryan of underwriters the suppliers of the steel for wtc....finds your facts..ridiculous ..as does the designer of the building...but popular mechanics,,,has other ideas

YouTube - WTC designer about the durability of buildings (PL)

YouTube - Steven Jones & Kevin Ryan Debunk the NIST Report part 1 of 2

so how did popular mechanics tell you to spin this one ???
except Kevin Ryan was fired from UL because he was lying

really do you8 have a link for that shit for brains ?..that said he was fired for lying
no,,,of course you don't
No, no, no, no!

WTC 1, 5 & 6 were all blown up too!

For example, they turned the power off in those buildings occasionally I'm pretty sure, and Larry Silverstein also said "pull" on those buildings, or if he didn't, he thought he would say it...

do you think your...funny...witty...because your not... you are idiot...that cant address facts.... so you make flailing attempts to distracted from that reality...with your nonsense.
so Kevin Ryan of underwriters the suppliers of the steel for wtc....finds your facts..ridiculous ..as does the designer of the building...but popular mechanics,,,has other ideas

YouTube - WTC designer about the durability of buildings (PL)

YouTube - Steven Jones & Kevin Ryan Debunk the NIST Report part 1 of 2

so how did popular mechanics tell you to spin this one ???
except Kevin Ryan was fired from UL because he was lying

really do you8 have a link for that shit for brains ?..that said he was fired for lying
no,,,of course you don't
even if i had one, i wouldnt post it for you
you guys would only find another excuse to ignore the facts
No, no, no, no!

WTC 1, 5 & 6 were all blown up too!

For example, they turned the power off in those buildings occasionally I'm pretty sure, and Larry Silverstein also said "pull" on those buildings, or if he didn't, he thought he would say it...

do you think your...funny...witty...because your not... you are idiot...that cant address facts.... so you make flailing attempts to distracted from that reality...with your nonsense.

I've addressed the WTC7 nonsense repeatedly, but you foilers keep repeating the same silliness over and over.

And yes, I do think I'm funny.
really do you8 have a link for that shit for brains ?..that said he was fired for lying
no,,,of course you don't
even if i had one, i wouldnt post it for you
you guys would only find another excuse to ignore the facts

thats the way shit for brains supports all his lies...pathetic
not only have i done it before, i've seen TONS of others do it
and you do the same thing for every post
you claim its a PM or government cover story
so, why should i bother to take the time to actually do research for you and your idiot minions to dismiss just as you have all the rest

sorry, but doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different results is a sign of insannity

i refuse to play your game of insannity
No, no, no, no!

WTC 1, 5 & 6 were all blown up too!

For example, they turned the power off in those buildings occasionally I'm pretty sure, and Larry Silverstein also said "pull" on those buildings, or if he didn't, he thought he would say it...

do you think your...funny...witty...because your not... you are idiot...that cant address facts.... so you make flailing attempts to distracted from that reality...with your nonsense.

I've addressed the WTC7 nonsense repeatedly, but you foilers keep repeating the same silliness over and over.

And yes, I do think I'm funny.

no you ignored the science and the patriots expertise in favor of regurgitating popular mechanics...because you put more faith in what is essentially entertainment magazine sub-contracted by the government to spread dis-info...over these men of service and conscience...and that is all you have done.....

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report
no you ignored the science and the patriots expertise in favor of regurgitating popular mechanics...because you put more faith in what is essentially entertainment magazine sub-contracted by the government to spread dis-info...over these men of service and conscience...and that is all you have done.....

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

I have not ignored science and I have not ignored any patriots. Repeatedly, academic studies from the sciences and engineering departments and firms have been posted here refuting what you are arguing, yet we continue to have these inane discussions.
even if i had one, i wouldnt post it for you
you guys would only find another excuse to ignore the facts

thats the way shit for brains supports all his lies...pathetic

big difference in being fired for lying...and being terminated for violating company
confidentiality agreements and speaking out...and putting big fat government contracts at risk....but one I would not expect someone of your limitations to understand

and you do the same thing for every post
you claim its a PM or government cover story
it is they that claim they alone where given unprecidented acess to evidence not seen by the public not me...

i refuse to play your game of insannity

good... f-off.....
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no you ignored the science and the patriots expertise in favor of regurgitating popular mechanics...because you put more faith in what is essentially entertainment magazine sub-contracted by the government to spread dis-info...over these men of service and conscience...and that is all you have done.....

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

I have not ignored science and I have not ignored any patriots. Repeatedly, academic studies from the sciences and engineering departments and firms have been posted here refuting what you are arguing, yet we continue to have these inane discussions.

none of your so called academic studies are peer reviewed..they have no access to classified information and more often than not link right back to the so called experts used by.....popular mechanics....and yes you do ingnore these real life experts and patriots

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report
no you ignored the science and the patriots expertise in favor of regurgitating popular mechanics...because you put more faith in what is essentially entertainment magazine sub-contracted by the government to spread dis-info...over these men of service and conscience...and that is all you have done.....

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

I have not ignored science and I have not ignored any patriots. Repeatedly, academic studies from the sciences and engineering departments and firms have been posted here refuting what you are arguing, yet we continue to have these inane discussions.

none of your so called academic studies are peer reviewed..they have no access to classified information and more often than not link right back to the so called experts used by.....popular mechanics....and yes you do ingnore these real life experts and patriots

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report
if PM links to "peer reviewed experts" then its not PM making that call
i have not ignored science and i have not ignored any patriots. Repeatedly, academic studies from the sciences and engineering departments and firms have been posted here refuting what you are arguing, yet we continue to have these inane discussions.

none of your so called academic studies are peer reviewed..they have no access to classified information and more often than not link right back to the so called experts used by.....popular mechanics....and yes you do ingnore these real life experts and patriots

patriots question 9/11 - responsible criticism of the 9/11 commission report
if pm links to "peer reviewed experts" then its not pm making that call

i thought i told you to f-off ?

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