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Who Supports The Official 9/11 Gov’t Cover Stories

Do you support The Official 9/11 Gov't Cover Stories?

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Listen here: If anybody here want to believe this guy’s Official Cover Story NONSENSE, then go right ahead. All this guy can do is come out to this fine USMB Conspiracy Theories Board and tell Loyal Bushie LIES that have no basis in reality whatsoever.



Great job Terral on taking him to school and exposing him for the true liar and dis in fo agent he is.:clap2::clap2:He is obviously another dis in fo agent here like Big D who like you said,these loyal Bush dupes have allowed to come on here and brainwash them with their lies and propaganda about 9/11.Not hard to do since they ignore facts about ANY government conspiracy where the official version has been proven to be B.S.

Not only do you have that lady in that video saying it was a missile,come on EVERYBODY knows what a jet airliner looks like:cuckoo:but this dis in fo agent fails to show a video that is out there in one of my 47 videos at my canada wants the truth site where a newscaster comes on and says-a bomb must have been planted in the building because there is NO EVIDENCE of a jet airliner that hit the buildings,NO EVIDENCE of any airliner debris. Where is the tail section of the plane? He cant show it.where is the nose section? He wont show the pics. where are the pics of the bodies of the victems on the airliner? this guy wont show the pics.where are the pics of the luggage on the airliner? this guy wont post the pics. How come with the most sophisticated defense system in the world,the pentagon only produced 2 pics of an alleged airliner crashing into the wall which proves NOTHING that an airliner crashed there? :lol::cuckoo::cuckoo:

the pentagan has HUNDREDS of cameras in the building and yet he cant produce film showing the airliner coming into the pentagon hitting the complex.:just those two flimsy pis of an explosion that doesnt prove a damn thing.:lol:where is the airliner coming in? its not there. He fails to mention the pentagan has several survillience cameras in the buildings that they wont produce,he fails to mention the FBI illegally confiscated cameras from a gas station across the street under the attendents protests and at a hotel as well nearby.just like the dis in fo agent he is,he OMITS these little facts.He also conviently omits that if the airliner vaporized like they said it did,then how would they be able to identify the bodies of the people on the airliner which the government says they did,if they vaporized as well.that would be impossibe to do since the people on the airliner ALLEGEDLY vaporized also.:lol::cuckoo:lie after lie after lie this dis in fo agent spurs out that you loyal bush dupes have eaten up and blindly swallowed since your so much in denial.pitiful.
whats pitiful is you morons, if the pentagon had a camera that was capable of capturing an object moving over 300mph and show it clearly you guys would all claim it was fake
whats pitiful is you morons, if the pentagon had a camera that was capable of capturing an object moving over 300mph and show it clearly you guys would all claim it was fake

what is pitiful is you have to make up little ...what if scenarios...what is pitiful is the pentagon is reported to be one of the most secure and surveilled buildings in the country and there are at least 84 classified unreleased surveillance tapes..that for some reason the public cant view..and the one released was only because of lawsuits filed...
whats pitiful is you morons, if the pentagon had a camera that was capable of capturing an object moving over 300mph and show it clearly you guys would all claim it was fake

what is pitiful is you have to make up little ...what if scenarios...what is pitiful is the pentagon is reported to be one of the most secure and surveilled buildings in the country and there are at least 84 classified unreleased surveillance tapes..that for some reason the public cant view..and the one released was only because of lawsuits filed...
so, if they released them all, you would accept that flight 77 actually hit the pentagon?

i HIGHLY doubt it

and you claim only 84 videos
your moron buddy is claiming "hundreds"
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Hi C-101:

Let us all be absolutely sure of one thing: Those among you coming out here every damn day to run diversion for the Official Cover Story LIES are just as guilty as the Inside-job Bad Guys who murdered innocent Americans in the first place. You come out here to try and convince these readers that 100-ton Jetliners crashed where no such thing ever happened, even though you have NO EVIDENCE to support anything at all.

I'm sensing some desperation here.

This is a picture of the EMPTY HOLE that includes no crashed 100-ton Jetliner. :0) Thank you for helping to make ‘my’ case that Flight 93 Never Crashed here

Well, what can you say. If you acknowledge the obvious, that would mean the end of your flight 93 conspiracy theories.

The truth hurts, I know. But you must accept it for your sanity's sake.

This guy is supposed to be showing your photographs of a crashed 100-ton Jetliner, but instead he uses diversionary trickery by asking stupid rhetorical questions!

I'm just wondering if you have an ounce of common sense.

You keep posting these large pictures of commercial jet liners over the hole like it's somehow supposed to stay intact upon impact.

This is the Official Gov’t Evidence of THE EMPTY HOLE and this C-101 Gov’t Cover Story Crony can keep on asking his silly questions. :0)

Is there an echo in this thread?

Oh wait, it's just you repeating the same falsehood for the umpteenth time in this thread and many others.

Questions, questions and more silly/stupid/ignorant questions. You have ‘no physical evidence’ to prove a real 100-ton Jetliner crashed in the EMPTY HOLE in the EMPTY Shanksville field, so you quote other people without one clue. :0)

The pictures all show AN EMPTY HOLE:

Say this with me really show this time: “All of the pictures taken outside Shanksville show the same EMPTY HOLE.”

This is a close-up shot of THE EMPTY HOLE that shows grass growing on all the inclines. This little empty hole This C-101 guy is trying to ‘divide’ the reading audience by asking these stupid questions using ‘he-said, she-said’ nonsense, because ALL of the pictures show the same little EMPTY HOLE.

Go ahead and ask some more stupid questions.


Your last picture even has arrows pointing to debris and you still refuse to see it.

Look at the yellow ‘Do Not Cross’ Ribbon stretched across the crime scene just a few feet away from THE EMPTY HOLE behind the supervisor standing there with his hands crossed behind his back. That yellow tape represents the boundary between our EMPTY HOLE and NOTHING outside the hole but more growing grass. Go through and look at each so-called crash site worker to realize that practically every back is turned to the EMPTY HOLE, because there is nothing resembling a real 100-ton crashed Jetliner anywhere in this empty field. Some of you have been DUPED by Disinformation Operatives like C-101 here coming out to this fine USMB Board to boldly claim that 100-ton Jetliners crashed in EMPTY HOLES, when nothing like that ever happened at all. The Official Cover Story Grand Delusion is perpetuated by people like C-101, because some people have ‘an agenda’ to convince you of 911LIES with no basis in reality whatsoever. The question then concerns WHY some people are helping a rogue element inside our own U.S. Gov’t to convince people that 100-ton Jetliners crashed into empty fields. :0)

Well, I must admit that you're right.

I work for the CIA and I was employed shortly after 9/11 as a disinformation agent.

You got me.

. . .

Stop playing these readers as your FOOLS with nonsense about bouncing engines, when you are missing 100 tons of evidence that any Jetliner crashed here. Because C-101 is only going to keep LYING to your faces:

Feast your eyes once again upon THE EMPTY HOLE in the EMPTY FIELD that includes no 60-ton Titanium frame, no 6-ton Rolls-Royce Engines, no massive wing sections, no 200 seats, no cargo, no indestructible landing gear, no massive tail section standing almost 50 feet tall above the tarmac, because Fight 93 NEVER CRASHED HERE

And on that note, back to the pictures.






But of course as a CIA operative I know that this is all planted evidence designed to fool you.

Now this guy is insulting our collective intelligence by insisting that a 100-ton Jetliner ‘blew up’ (heh) “before it hit the ground OR after it hit the ground,” because he has no evidence that a real 100-ton Jetliner ever crashed into this little EMPTY HOLE at all. ZERO! :0) All of the Officially “Planted” evidence can fit into the back of a single pickup truck, which confirms the absolute fact that we have been looking at Inside-Job Attacks all along. C-101’s “It Blew Up!” theory defies common sense and all the laws of physics, because he must prove how the components of a real 100-ton Jetliner vaporized into thin air without leaving one ounce of ‘melted’ titanium, aluminum, steel or anything else. Now his missing 100-ton Jetliner simply ‘blew up’ (this guy has no shame), but the little empty hole still has grass growing on all the inclines ‘and’ was already in this empty field from a failed strip mining venture that went sour ‘before’ April 20, 1994

Uh, no.

All three planes at the WTC and Pentagon blew up. There are several pictures and video of these explosions.

Jet fuel is very voliatile and it would be of no surprise that the plane blew up, seeing how the plane is believed to have been flying errantly upside down into the field at an extreme angle.

There is also witness testimony for this.

Eric Peterson of Lambertsville was working with a friend in his auto shop this morning. They heard a plane and looked up and saw a large aircraft close to the ground. "I actually thought it was going to hit a house here in town," said Peterson. It blew out windows of a nearby farmhouse when it crashed. As it went over started going end over end, Peterson said, and then dropped below a tree line and exploded. Peterson saw a flash and then a mushroom cloud of smoke. The plane went down on a strip mine field. Peterson and his friend rushed to the field and looked for bodies, but couldn't find any. They called out, but heard nothing. There was a crater in the ground that was really burning. There were pieces of fuselage and clothing all over the area, burning, said Peterson. He said he didn't see any debris longer than a couple of feet long.[8]

Eric Peterson of Lambertsville looked up when he heard the plane. "It was low enough, I thought you could probably count the rivets," Peterson said. "You could see more of the roof of the plane than you could the belly. It was on its side. There was a great explosion and you could see the flames. It was a massive, massive explosion. Flames and then smoke and then a massive, massive mushroom cloud." Peterson called 9-1-1 and ran to the crash site but found only burning jet parts, pieces of clothing, and seat cushions.

United Airlines Flight 93 - Witnesses -Debunk 9/11 Myths

But of course, Mr. Peterson and every other "eyewittness" was planted by the government in preparation for 9/11 according to what the CIA told me.

No. The mushroom cloud was created by the Raytheon Missile that Senor Bushie, Karl Rove, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld shot into the center of the little empty hole.

So where did this missile launch from?

What was its flight path?

Was it a ACM missile or Tomahawk cruise missile?

How do you know the manufacturer is Raytheon?

What evidence is there that any government official ordered a missile strike?

Does a missile of this type create a mushroom cloud?

Is it so loud and powerful that it blows out of the windows of nearby buildings?

Does this missile scorch a forested area in a triangular plane shape?

Listen to the testimony from this lady to realize that she saw ‘a missile’ fly directly over her van and under the power lines to bank to the right and nosedive directly into the center of the little empty hole. The evidence will also show that the Pentagon case includes another Raytheon Missile that struck the Column Line 14 location at exactly 9:31:39 AM. This Susan McElwain is describing a ‘cylinder-shaped’ object between 20 and 25 feet long that is no larger than her van and no 100-ton Jetliner that Mr. C-101 here wants you to believe simply ‘blew up.’ :0)

The entire video she was talking about a triangular plane and then those guys were egging her on to say "missile" which is contrary to her previous testimony.

"It had two rear engines, a big fin on the back like a spoiler on the back of a car and with two upright fins at the side."

~Susan McElwain~

Last time I checked, a missile does not have two rear engines but the confirmed Dassault 20 falcon did.

She said that she "ducked down" when she wittnessed this and she also had a hard time explaining her experience at one point in the video; stopping mid sentence and starting her story over about three times.

Go to Raytheon's wikipedia page. They got links to all of their missile models both old, new, and experimental.

But of course, the CIA told me that they had a secret missile that looked like a plane to launch just for 9/11.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Some people like C-101 have speculated about a real 100-ton Jetliner blowing up too, but the eyewitness reports discredit that kind of nonsense; because people like Susan McElwain WERE THERE ‘and’ . . .

. . . the News Reports from the Empty Field include a 20-feet by 10 to 15-feet EMPTY HOLE. We are talking about a ‘crater in the ground,’ because the missile went BOOM. :0)

Edit: "because the plane went BOOM."

This is very funny coming from a guy declaring that a real 100-ton Jetliner ‘blew up’ to disappear into thin air. :0)

This is very funny from a guy who denies all eyewittness accounts, is blind to plane debris, and thinks that a plane will mysteriously crash unharmed into the ground.

Questions, questions and more stupid questions! You are here to defend Senor Bushie’s Official Cover Story without regard to the absolute fact that all the pictures show AN EMPTY HOLE! The News Reporter just said that there were no pieces larger than a phonebook, but then over in the trees somewhere the Gov’t finds a few little pieces that all combined can fit into the back of one pickup truck. Note that we have no burns on these ‘planted’ parts, but the remainder of the 100-ton Jetliner is missing. :0)


Again, this is the size of your missing 100-ton Jetliner in comparison to the size of your little EMPTY HOLE. And no, I do not think you care about telling ‘the’ 911Truth about the little EMPTY HOLE, because you are here to stand condemned with Senor Bushie, Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, the Wargame NORAD Gang, the corrupt FBI and CIA and NSA and all of their subordinate cartoon character agencies all telling the same 911LIES part of your DoD Counterintelligence/Disinformation Campaign that only makes you look like FOOLS.

Now we are looking at more ‘debunking’ (heh) stupidity from a guy without a case for a real 100-ton Jetliner crashing anywhere. Maybe your silly diversionary bait-and-switch mind tricks will work on some of these readers, but I can assure you with 100 percent assurance that none of your Official Cover Story NONSENSE will work on me. :0)

Again? Okie! (Click here). The little hole is already in this empty field when this US Geological Survey Photograph was taken on April 20, 1994, so Senor Bushie and his Inside-job Gang decided to detonate the payload of a Raytheon Missile in the middle of the hole to simulate ‘wings’ of a crashed Jetliner that ‘you say’ blew up. :0)


There is no evidence of any Jetliner debris in or around the little empty hole, but ‘your’ planted evidence showed up over in the trees. Okay hotshot, so explain why there is no debris ‘between’ the empty hole and your planted evidence that is not even burned. You are still missing 100 Tons of evidence. :0)

Asking the same stupid questions a thousand times is not going to make a case for a real 100-ton Jetliner crashing into this empty hole. :0)

C-101 needs to remove those rose-colored glasses that force him into seeing crashed 100-ton Jetliners where only AN EMPTY HOLE is present in the photographs. He is talking about ‘dirt,’ because of the absence of any crashed 100-ton Jetliner. :0)

That little piece of ‘planted’ rusty evidence (pic) has nothing to do with any crashed 100-ton Jetliner. Note how the little piece of planted evidence just happens to fit inside the backhoe bucket ‘and’ how all of the planted evidence can easily fit inside the bed of a single pickup truck ‘and’ was found a some distance ‘away’ from the little empty hole. Just one of the big problems facing this Gov’t Cover Story Crony is that the empty hole still has the grass growing on all the inclines (pic), which means this Official Gov’t Evidence was ‘planted’ after the fact.

4) You have serious problems if you think that a engine is going to stay in one piece after a crash like that.

This guy is trying to use one little piece of planted rusty engine to represent one of these babies:


Just forget about the fact that he is missing over 5 TONS from one of the Rolls-Royce engines ‘and’ that these Boeing 757-200 Jetliners come with a matching pair. :0) Let me guess! The remainder of the 100-ton Jetliner bounced out of this empty hole and out of this empty field to land over in the trees somewhere ‘and’ disappear into thin air; when the eyewitness above says that she saw a little white missile-like cylinder fly directly over her van and crash to explode. No sir. All of the evidence says no 100-ton Jetliner crashed here and C-101 is simply trying to tell the Official Cover Story LIE ‘and’ without much evidence for anything.

Also, it is important to note that 95% of the Flight 93 debris was recovered.

Now this guy is just being absurd and ridiculous! These massive 100-ton Jetliners have hundreds of ‘time-change parts’ (George Nelson Story) that include serial numbers recorded in log books that would allow for investigators to identify Flight 93 in about fifteen minutes after the cool-down period. And yet, the Gov’t has failed to turn over a single serial number from even one time-change part to prove the corrupt FBI is even in passion of one 9/11 Airliner. C-101 is obviously LYING right here in this post, because his first LIE is that Flight 93 ‘blew up,’ but now the Gov’t has recovered 95% of the 100-Ton Jetliner that somehow rematerialized from the little empty hole. :0)

This C-101 guy is nothing but a Loyal Bushie JOKE. :0)



Hi C-101:

Look above. The plane blew up, disintegrated, and crash investigators reported that countless pieces of debris were present with very few big pieces.

C-101 has no evidence that a real 100-ton Jetliner crashed anywhere, so his Jetliner ‘blew up’ and ‘disintegrated’ into thin air to leave only the little empty hole. :0)

Thanks for posting a video that lies right away about there being no plane at the Pentagon.

A DoD Jet ‘did’ hit the Pentagon at 9:36:27 AM (my thread), for which we have some debris (pic), but that has nothing to do with AA77 or any crashed 100-ton JETLINER.

No. What I need is for C-101 to begin producing pictures of a crashed 100-Ton Jetliner that ‘you say’ crashed . . .


. . . into this standing E-ring Wall! Let me take a wild guess! This C-101 guy is going to say that the 100-Ton Jetliner vaporized into thin air either ‘before’ or ‘after’ impact. :0) If you remember from the Fox News Clip above, then we are looking at a 20-feet diameter empty hole for the Shanksville Case ‘and’ now we are looking at another 18-feet 3-inch empty hole at the Pentagon!


Note the undamaged green SUV that C-101’s fantasy 100-ton Jetliner missed ‘and’ never even broke one window on the third floor (damage schematic pic). The two second-story windows to the left of the little impact hole are also unbroken, but this C-101 guy wants you to believe that a real 100-ton Jetliner did one of these numbers (pic) through this same E-ring wall going a whopping 530 miles per hour. :0)

Note how C-101’s 100-ton Jetliners have a habit of blowing up and vaporizing into thin air, but only on 9/11 for these related Inside-job attacks. :0)

Now what happens when a plane blows up?

It breaks apart into MILLIONS of pieces and those pieces often disintegrate in the instant heat of the blast and ensuing fire.


Yeah. Right! I supposed all of that disintegration took place ‘before’ your 100-ton Jetliner ever hit the Pentagon. :0) For your information, April Gallop and her son were sitting behind Column Line #6 (pic and pic = my thread), which is in the direct path of the port-side wing (pic) and she evacuated the building through the impact hole! Terry Cohen was sitting in a meeting inside one of those construction trailers just 100 feet from the impact hole. She grabbed her hardhat and ran to the impact hole within mere seconds ‘and’ reported “Just Smoke” (News Video). There was no massive fire that you are LYING about and no ‘intense heat’ that vaporized any 100-ton Jetliner . . .


. . . which we know by the fact that the black plastic remained unburned just outside the Pentagon. You see fire ‘now’ in this picture, because the DoD A-3 Jet returned exactly 4 minutes and 48 seconds ‘later’ to crash at this very same location in a second failed attempt to bring the E-ring roof down and simulate a real Jetliner crash.

So, no, the plane is not going to stay in one piece like some cartoon but rather burst apart.

Amazing, is it not?

Listen here: If anybody here want to believe this guy’s Official Cover Story NONSENSE, then go right ahead. All this guy can do is come out to this fine USMB Conspiracy Theories Board and tell Loyal Bushie LIES that have no basis in reality whatsoever.



Someone has entirely too much time on their hands.

I've already wasted a good two hours of my life in responding to this post, so I'll just ignore your second follow up post.
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Hi C-101

I'm sensing some desperation here.

That sounds funny from a guy trying to prove that this empty hole . . .


. . . equals a crashed 100-ton Jetliner :)eusa_liar:). :0)

Well, what can you say. If you acknowledge the obvious, that would mean the end of your flight 93 conspiracy theories.

The truth hurts, I know. But you must accept it for your sanity's sake.

Let’s get this straight right right now: C-101 is out here advocating the Official Cover Story that 19 Bearded Jihadist Radicals (pic) pulled off these 9/11 attacks and that this empty hole . . .


. . . equals a crashed 100-ton Jetliner. I am the guy pointing to the EMPTY HOLE . . .


. . . and you are the guy with the Official Cover Story Conspiracy Theory that a 100-ton Jetliner crashed here :)cuckoo:).

Oh wait, it's just you repeating the same falsehood for the umpteenth time in this thread and many others.

No sir. All of the Shanksville photographs show the SAME EMPTY HOLE . . .


. . . where ‘your’ Conspiracy Theory says a real 100-ton Jetliner crashed. Say this with me again, “All of the pictures show the same EMPTY HOLE.” You can keep claiming that a real 100-ton Jetliner vanished into this little hole if that makes C-101 all warm and fuzzy inside, but we are still looking at pictures of AN EMPTY HOLE . . .

Click Here (C-101 does this = what a joke!)

. . . that was already in this empty field 'before' April 20, 1994. :0)


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Hi C-101

I'm sensing some desperation here.

That sounds funny from a guy trying to prove that this empty hole . . .


. . . equals a crashed 100-ton Jetliner :)eusa_liar:). :0)

Well, what can you say. If you acknowledge the obvious, that would mean the end of your flight 93 conspiracy theories.

The truth hurts, I know. But you must accept it for your sanity's sake.

Let’s get this straight right right now: C-101 is out here advocating the Official Cover Story that 19 Bearded Jihadist Radicals (pic) pulled off these 9/11 attacks and that this empty hole . . .


. . . equals a crashed 100-ton Jetliner. I am the guy pointing to the EMPTY HOLE . . .


. . . and you are the guy with the Official Cover Story Conspiracy Theory that a 100-ton Jetliner crashed here :)cuckoo:).

Oh wait, it's just you repeating the same falsehood for the umpteenth time in this thread and many others.

No sir. All of the Shanksville photographs show the SAME EMPTY HOLE . . .


. . . where ‘your’ Conspiracy Theory says a real 100-ton Jetliner crashed. Say this with me again, “All of the pictures show the same EMPTY HOLE.” You can keep claiming that a real 100-ton Jetliner vanished into this little hole if that makes C-101 all warm and fuzzy inside, but we are still looking at pictures of AN EMPTY HOLE . . .

Click Here (C-101 does this = what a joke!)

. . . that was already in this empty field 'before' April 20, 1994. :0)


If all you're going to do is copy and paste the same stuff over and over and over again, then just forget it.

I think I have made a point here that any sane, rational person can see.

9/11 conspiracy theorists are not in search of the truth or even answers.

Rather, they take a tragedy such as 9/11 and attempt to conform it to their extreme paranoia of anything remotely resembling authority.

Therefore, they become oblivious to facts no matter how often they destroy their arguments.

Consequently, it progresses into a state of delusion; practically a separation from reality.

And there really is no sense that can be driven into these people.

They have their worldview and anything that contradicts that worldview cannot be accepted by them.

I will now take DiveCon's advice and conclude that debating Terral is nothing more than a waste of time.

Good day.
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Hi C-101

I'm sensing some desperation here.

That sounds funny from a guy trying to prove that this empty hole . . .


. . . equals a crashed 100-ton Jetliner :)eusa_liar:). :0)

Let’s get this straight right right now: C-101 is out here advocating the Official Cover Story that 19 Bearded Jihadist Radicals (pic) pulled off these 9/11 attacks and that this empty hole . . .


. . . equals a crashed 100-ton Jetliner. I am the guy pointing to the EMPTY HOLE . . .


. . . and you are the guy with the Official Cover Story Conspiracy Theory that a 100-ton Jetliner crashed here :)cuckoo:).

Oh wait, it's just you repeating the same falsehood for the umpteenth time in this thread and many others.

No sir. All of the Shanksville photographs show the SAME EMPTY HOLE . . .


. . . where ‘your’ Conspiracy Theory says a real 100-ton Jetliner crashed. Say this with me again, “All of the pictures show the same EMPTY HOLE.” You can keep claiming that a real 100-ton Jetliner vanished into this little hole if that makes C-101 all warm and fuzzy inside, but we are still looking at pictures of AN EMPTY HOLE . . .

Click Here (C-101 does this = what a joke!)

. . . that was already in this empty field 'before' April 20, 1994. :0)


If all you're going to do is copy and paste the same stuff over and over and over again, then just forget it.

I think I have made a point here that any sane, rational person can see.

9/11 conspiracy theorists are not in search of the truth or even answers.

Rather, they take a tragedy such as 9/11 and attempt to conform it to their extreme paranoia of anything remotely resembling authority.

Therefore, they become oblivious to facts no matter how often they destroy their arguments.

Consequently, it progresses into a state of delusion; practically a separation from reality.

And there really is no sense that can be driven into these people.

They have their worldview and anything that contradicts that worldview cannot be accepted by them.

I will now take DiveCon's advice and conclude that debating Terral is nothing more than a waste of time.

Good day.
yup, i told ya
Eots, at times will debate an issue, but then he falls back into the same pattern
Hi C-101:

If all you're going to do is copy and paste the same stuff over and over and over again, then just forget it.

Telling ‘the’ 911Truth means saying the same thing over and over and over again, when ‘all’ of the Official Photographs show the SAME EMPTY HOLE.


C-101 keeps saying that a real 100-ton Jetliner crashed into this empty hole, when all we are really looking at is AN . . . EMPTY . . . HOLE. Period. I cannot help the fact that C-101 wants to sell Loyal Bushie LIES. :0)

I think I have made a point here that any sane, rational person can see.

No. You have made the same point of delusional people beyond the reach of any 911Truth lifeline that this empty hole . . .


. . . equals a crashed 100-ton Jetliner. I am the guy telling ‘the’ 911Truth that we have been looking at the same EMPTY HOLE from day one. If you want to come out here and pretend that these pictures show anything but . . .


. . . AN EMPTY HOLE, then mo-powa-2-ya. :0)

9/11 conspiracy theorists are not in search of the truth or even answers.

C-101 is pushing the Official Cover Story Conspiracy Theory that a band of people like this . . .


. . . pulled off these related 9/11 Inside-Job Attacks, so never pretend to be selling anything but YOUR OWN Conspiracy Theory. Then send more of your Official Cover Story CRAP in my direction in the day that you really want to see more pictures of . . .


. . . the EMPTY HOLE where ‘you’ want us to believe a real 100-ton Jetliner crashed. :0)

Rather, they take a tragedy such as 9/11 and attempt to conform it to their extreme paranoia of anything remotely resembling authority.

In other words, I am supposed to be conformed into C-101’s IDIOT, because somehow my ability to recognize . . .


. . . AN EMPTY HOLE in the ground is somehow impaired. :0)

Therefore, they become oblivious to facts no matter how often they destroy their arguments.

Destroy my arguments? :0) Get Real Dude! You are telling the same LIES as Senor Bushie, Karl Rove, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld who murdered innocent Americans on 9/11 ‘and’ now hide behind LIES told by Cover Story Artists LIKE YOU.

Click Here (C-101 does this = what a joke!)

I have shown you the same picture of the EMPTY HOLE taken on April 20, 1994, but C-101 has no reply against the evidence at all. ZERO. Run away from 'the' 911Truth and never stop running there Forrest. :0) Now the funny part (this guy is a JOKE) is that C-101 has made himself worthy of the SAME FATE facing these murderers of innocent Americans (Rev. 21:8), because the people running diversion for the Cover Story LIARS are just as guilty as those doing the original deeds.

Consequently, it progresses into a state of delusion; practically a separation from reality.


Here is another picture of the EMPTY HOLE that somebody has tried to pass off as a crashed 100-ton Jetliner by adding a few numbers with arrows to help support ‘their’ version of the Official Cover Story LIE. C-101 says this picture shows a crashed 100-ton Jetliner ‘and’ I will continue to say to the end of time itself that everyone is looking at the picture of AN EMPTY HOLE. Now go back up to Post #88 to realize that C-101 is just ‘talking’ :)cuckoo:) and once again has offered up NO EVIDENCE to support any of his silly nonsense at all. C-101 is the one blinded by Loyal Bushie LIES and the one ‘deluded’ into believing AN EMPTY HOLE equals a crashed 100-ton Jetliner. Then he has the gall to come back out here to this fine USMB Conspiracy Theories Forum to pretend that I am the one in some state of delusion. :0)

And there really is no sense that can be driven into these people.

Some people (like me) are immune to your Loyal Bushie Bull Crap and will always see the same empty hole . . .

Click here << Do it! :0)

. . . that we see in all of the Shanksville Photographs. You see, we even have video clips of the same EMPTY HOLE proving beyond all doubt that NO 100-ton Jetliner crashed here (my thread). Period. BTW, where can we click on C-101's "Flight 93 Topic" where 'he' proves that this EMPTY HOLE equals a crashed 100-ton Jetliner? :0)

They have their worldview and anything that contradicts that worldview cannot be accepted by them.

Just keep moving your lips :)lol:) and just maybe one of these readers will believe &#8220;YOUR&#8221; stupid Cover Story version of what really happened in this empty Shanksville field.

I will now take DiveCon's advice and conclude that debating Terral is nothing more than a waste of time.

Good day.

Please come back and try to sell Loyal Bushie LIES again, whenever you want to see more pictures of the EMPTY HOLE where &#8216;you&#8217; want everyone to believe a real 100-ton Jetliner crashed. Those among you who cannot tell the difference between a little bitty EMPTY HOLE . . .




. . . and a real crashed Jetliner need to have those eyes checked, before you come out here again to sell Loyal Bushie/Obama LIES.


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sorry terral, no one is going to waste their time trying debunk your crap point by point
you cant even debate, you just keep throwing the same shit uop time after time even though it had been completely and thoroughly debunked numerous times
i'm still waiting for you to tell me where the plane went in the crash photo i posted
whats pitiful is you morons, if the pentagon had a camera that was capable of capturing an object moving over 300mph and show it clearly you guys would all claim it was fake

what is pitiful is you have to make up little ...what if scenarios...what is pitiful is the pentagon is reported to be one of the most secure and surveilled buildings in the country and there are at least 84 classified unreleased surveillance tapes..that for some reason the public cant view..and the one released was only because of lawsuits filed...

Its also pitiful that your so much afraid of the truth about government conspiracys divecon that you defend the shortcomings of them no matter how many times they have been proven to be a bunch of B.S.
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whats pitiful is you morons, if the pentagon had a camera that was capable of capturing an object moving over 300mph and show it clearly you guys would all claim it was fake

what is pitiful is you have to make up little ...what if scenarios...what is pitiful is the pentagon is reported to be one of the most secure and surveilled buildings in the country and there are at least 84 classified unreleased surveillance tapes..that for some reason the public cant view..and the one released was only because of lawsuits filed...

Its also pitiful that your so much afraid of the truth about government conspiracys divecon that you you defend the shortcomings of them no matter how many times they have been proven to be a bunch of B.S.
except they HAVENT been proven so
you morons claim it but have never proven it
Hi C-101

I'm sensing some desperation here.

That sounds funny from a guy trying to prove that this empty hole . . .


. . . equals a crashed 100-ton Jetliner :)eusa_liar:). :0)

The truth hurts, I know. But you must accept it for your sanity's sake.

. . . and you are the guy with the Official Cover Story Conspiracy Theory that a 100-ton Jetliner crashed here :)cuckoo:).

Oh wait, it's just you repeating the same falsehood for the umpteenth time in this thread and many others.

]what a joke![/URL])

this guy sure is a joke.We ask him to produce the photos of the aircraft of the tail section,the wings,the nose of it like you did when an airliner crashes.He CANT produce them.He CANT produce the footage with all those hundreds of pentagan cameras in the area of the airliner coming in.He ignores what the lady witness said in her video and he ignores the fact that a newscaster was on hand saying-there is NO EVIDENCE that an airliner crashed here.How pathetic this dis in fo agent is.and yet here he is saying Im sensing some desperation here when he cant prove that a 100 ton airliner crashed into that empty hole.this guy kills me.:lol:you dis in fo agents are so greedy for the money they will pay you to churn out such B.S. you dont realise how ludicrous you sound.:lol::cuckoo::cuckoo:
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Hi Dive:

sorry terral, no one is going to waste their time trying debunk your crap point by point

Dive has no pictures of Flight 93 or Flight 77 crashed anywhere and he very well knows it. I expect no kind of reasonable reply from Loyal Bushie/Obama LIARS, because you have no case for anything. I show you the pictures of the EMPTY HOLE . . .


. . . and that ends the argument. :0)

you cant even debate, you just keep throwing the same shit uop time after time even though it had been completely and thoroughly debunked numerous times

Dive is the guy coming to these 911Truth debates like this (pic) without an argument to support the Official Cover Story or anything else. Here is what 'you' say . . .


. . . represents a crashed 100-ton Jetliner. :0)

i'm still waiting for you to tell me where the plane went in the crash photo i posted

The Dive Conman runs around this place pretending that this . . .


. . . equals a crashed 100-ton Jetliner :)cuckoo:); so with that kind of disability, then we should not expect much more from the DiveCon man. I see unburned grass in the empty hole and some smoke, but nothing even remotely similar to any crashed 100-ton Jetliner . . .

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-59kouBgO_s"]The Flight 93 FRAUD[/ame]

. . . and yet, you guys believe the Official Cover Story LIES 'and' sell that Loyal Bushie/Obama CRAP to these readers every day. Flight 93 never answers the pilots or the control tower, because the Jetliner landed safely at Cleveland Airport, according to the testimony of Mayor Michael R. White (story).

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lObZaph7sQY&feature=response_watch"]This Guy Knows FAR More Than The DiveCon Man[/ame]

"Where is the JET, people?" . . . Never Happened . . . Wake The Hell Up Already! Six USMB registered members say they believe the Official Cover Story LIE 'and' they are coming here every damned day to try and sell you their absolute Loyal Bushie/Obama FBI/CIA/DoD Stupidity . . .


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Poll Options
Do you support The Official 9/11 Gov't Cover Stories?
Yes. I believe the Gov't explanations for the 9/11 attacks.
No. The evidence does not match the Gov't explanations.

Nothing like preparing a poll with loaded questions in order to obtain skewed results.
nothing like having a investigation that completely omits building 7...ignores wittness testimony..provides false information to the commission..keeps evidence like the 84 pentagon videos classified. has a smaller budget than the investigation of clinton's blow job .etc..etc
nothing like having a investigation that completely omits building 7...ignores wittness testimony..provides false information to the commission..keeps evidence like the 84 pentagon videos classified. has a smaller budget than the investigation of clinton's blow job .etc..etc
and if they released those 84 pentagon videos it wouldnt change a thing

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