Who Supports The Official 9/11 Gov’t Cover Stories

Do you support The Official 9/11 Gov't Cover Stories?

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Hi Dive:

sorry terral, no one is going to waste their time trying debunk your crap point by point

Dive has no pictures of Flight 93 or Flight 77 crashed anywhere and he very well knows it. I expect no kind of reasonable reply from Loyal Bushie/Obama LIARS, because you have no case for anything. I show you the pictures of the EMPTY HOLE . . .

. . . and that ends the argument. :0)

you cant even debate, you just keep throwing the same shit uop time after time even though it had been completely and thoroughly debunked numerous times

Dive is the guy coming to these 911Truth debates like this (pic) without an argument to support the Official Cover Story or anything else. Here is what 'you' say . . .

. . . represents a crashed 100-ton Jetliner. :0)

i'm still waiting for you to tell me where the plane went in the crash photo i posted

The Dive Conman runs around this place pretending that this . . .

. . . equals a crashed 100-ton Jetliner :)cuckoo:); so with that kind of disability, then we should not expect much more from the DiveCon man. I see unburned grass in the empty hole and some smoke, but nothing even remotely similar to any crashed 100-ton Jetliner . . .

. . . and yet, you guys believe the Official Cover Story LIES 'and' sell that Loyal Bushie/Obama CRAP to these readers every day. Flight 93 never answers the pilots or the control tower, because the Jetliner landed safely at Cleveland Airport, according to the testimony of Mayor Michael R. White (story).

"Where is the JET, people?" . . . Never Happened . . . Wake The Hell Up Already! Six USMB registered members say they believe the Official Cover Story LIE 'and' they are coming here every damned day to try and sell you their absolute Loyal Bushie/Obama FBI/CIA/DoD Stupidity . . .


stop posting the same fucking pictures and claiming lies with them when you are too fucking stupid to understand the ground conditions and why you dont see a complete undamaged 757 in that hole
you have been show NUMOROUS photos of the debris of the plane having been DUG out of the ground at that site and numorous other photos of the debris that had been scattered by the explosion of the crash

you also ignored the photo of the valujet crash in 1992 that i posted, where is the plane in THAT crash?
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hey terral, where is the jet in this crash site?

terral, here is a REAL jet crash site
answer this one
Hi Biz:

Poll Options
Do you support The Official 9/11 Gov't Cover Stories?
Yes. I believe the Gov't explanations for the 9/11 attacks.
No. The evidence does not match the Gov't explanations.

Nothing like preparing a poll with loaded questions in order to obtain skewed results.

AllBiz either believes the Gov't explanations for the 9/11 attacks (Yes), OR the evidence simply does NOT match the Gov't explanations (No). The OP Poll is based upon the fact that some people believe the Official Cover Story LIES for some reason having NOTHING whatsoever to do with 'the evidence,' which means you might fit into that category. Let's try a simple demonstration that your pal C-101 could not answer honestly:


Okay, hotshot, I see an EMPTY HOLE, but what does AllBiz see? :0) You can vote "Yes" that you believe the Loyal Bushie/Obama LIE that we are looking at the picture of a crashed 100-ton Jetliner (Yes), OR you can vote "No" that the 'evidence' does not match the Official Cover Story. The reason that I insist that we are looking at an "Official Cover Story LIE," is because of the 'evidence' of . . .


. . . THE EMPTY HOLE. Try clicking here (Video Clip) from my thread (here) to see the short video clip 'before' actually making up your mind. But wait! Be sure to click here (US Geological Survey pic) to see the 'evidence' that the little empty hole was created LONG before the 9/11 attacks. I am making the links to the 'evidence' very LARGE so you can be sure to click and view the 'evidence' for yourself. :0)

BTW, this Poll thread was started to answer the Retired Guy's slanted Poll thread here. Now compare the evidentiary support in my OP versus what you see in the Retired Guy's OP. :0)


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Col. George Nelson, MBA, U.S. Air Force (ret) – Former U.S. Air Force aircraft accident investigator and airplane parts authority. Graduate, U.S. Air Force War College. 34-year Air Force career.

Licensed commercial pilot. Licensed airframe and powerplant mechanic.

Essay: "In all my years of direct and indirect participation, I never witnessed nor even heard of an aircraft loss, where the wreckage was accessible, that prevented investigators from finding enough hard evidence to positively identify the make, model, and specific registration number of the aircraft -- and in most cases the precise cause of the accident. ...

The government alleges that four wide-body airliners crashed on the morning of September 11 2001, resulting in the deaths of more than 3,000 human beings, yet not one piece of hard aircraft evidence has been produced in an attempt to positively identify any of the four aircraft. On the contrary, it seems only that all potential evidence was deliberately kept hidden from public view. …

With all the evidence readily available at the Pentagon crash site, any unbiased rational investigator could only conclude that a Boeing 757 did not fly into the Pentagon as alleged. Similarly, with all the evidence available at the Pennsylvania crash site, it was most doubtful that a passenger airliner caused the obvious hole in the ground and certainly not the Boeing 757 as alleged. …

As painful and heartbreaking as was the loss of innocent lives and the lingering health problems of thousands more, a most troublesome and nightmarish probability remains that so many Americans appear to be involved in the most heinous conspiracy in our country's history." Physics911, by Scientific Panel Investigating Nine-Eleven, 9/11/2001

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report
nothing like having a investigation that completely omits building 7...ignores wittness testimony..provides false information to the commission..keeps evidence like the 84 pentagon videos classified. has a smaller budget than the investigation of clinton's blow job .etc..etc
except it didnt completely omit it
nothing like having a investigation that completely omits building 7...ignores wittness testimony..provides false information to the commission..keeps evidence like the 84 pentagon videos classified. has a smaller budget than the investigation of clinton's blow job .etc..etc

and dont forget illegally destroys evidence.too bad dive wasnt there to try and pick up some debris in 86 when the space shuttle travesty occured.He would have been making his next phone call from a jail cell and been in prison for years.wish that had happened.He is just as bad a person living in denial as the bush administration and the other politicians are for pulling this off
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nothing like having a investigation that completely omits building 7...ignores wittness testimony..provides false information to the commission..keeps evidence like the 84 pentagon videos classified. has a smaller budget than the investigation of clinton's blow job .etc..etc
and if they released those 84 pentagon videos it wouldnt change a thing

really ....so why dont they release them ..????????????....what is your diveconspiracy to explain away this ?????
nothing like having a investigation that completely omits building 7...ignores wittness testimony..provides false information to the commission..keeps evidence like the 84 pentagon videos classified. has a smaller budget than the investigation of clinton's blow job .etc..etc
and if they released those 84 pentagon videos it wouldnt change a thing

really ....so why dont they release them ..????????????....what is your diveconspiracy to explain away this ?????
they dont give a shit about you troofers

honestly, i wish they would release ALL of them
but it wont change anything
you morons will STILL claim it was an inside job and the 95% of the rest of the population will still think you guys are fucking idiots
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hey terral, where is the jet in this crash site?

terral, here is a REAL jet crash site answer this one

Hey, the DiveCon Man actually posted a picture of something! Miracles do happen and the DiveCon Man must be very proud of himself. You are posting a picture of the crash location of ValuJet Flight 592 (Wiki) that developed a fire in the cargo hold from improperly stored oxygen canisters that severed the control cables causing the crash in swampy terrain near Miami, Florida on May 11, 1996 (link).


This is the picture of one engine recovered from the crash site.


This is a picture of the fuselage recovered from the crash site.



These are just two pictures of hanger bays filled with Jetliner debris that was recovered from the crash site. However, here is the clincher: You are looking at Jetliner debris from a McDonnell Douglas DC-9-32 that weighs about 50 tons (specs), or less than half the size of a Boeing 757-200 (specs) that somehow vanished into the little empty Shanksville hole. BTW, again, the little Shanksville hole was already cut into the empty field even 'before' (April 20, 1994 pic) ValuJet 592 crashed near Miami back in 1996. :0)

Try to show us pictures of hangers filled with Jetliner debris from your fantasy 100-ton Jetliner outside Shanksville . . . and, No, I am 'not' holding my breath . . . :0)


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wow thats a real logical intelligent answer..its because they don't give a shit about troofers ? and people think we are crazy....thats your pathetic answer ?
wow thats a real logical intelligent answer..its because they don't give a shit about troofers ? and people think we are crazy....thats your pathetic answer ?
you asked, i answered
more than likely those videos don't show a damn thing
nothing more than what they have already released
thus it would not answer your questions
that is my hypothesis
Hi Biz:

Poll Options
Do you support The Official 9/11 Gov't Cover Stories?
Yes. I believe the Gov't explanations for the 9/11 attacks.
No. The evidence does not match the Gov't explanations.

Nothing like preparing a poll with loaded questions in order to obtain skewed results.

AllBiz either believes the Gov't explanations for the 9/11 attacks (Yes), OR the evidence simply does NOT match the Gov't explanations (No). The OP Poll is based upon the fact that some people believe the Official Cover Story LIES for some reason having NOTHING whatsoever to do with 'the evidence,' which means you might fit into that category.


Sorry.... The answers you've provided pre-suppose a Gov't COVER Story, otherwise your poll question would not have included the adjective.

BTW, I haven't reviewed the results of your little poll.... I doubt that Pew or Gallup would approve the phrasing though....
If all you're going to do is copy and paste the same stuff over and over and over again, then just forget it.

He has to paste it over and over again cause you ignore it and are too arrogant to admit you have been proven wrong.:cuckoo:
I think I have made a point here that any sane, rational person can see.

yeah a deluded dis in fo agent like yourself or Big D maybe.LOL

9/11 conspiracy theorists are not in search of the truth or even answers.

yeah you 9/11 conspiracy theorists-the Bush dupes are NOT in search of the truth.

Rather, they take a tragedy such as 9/11 and attempt to conform it to their extreme paranoia of anything remotely resembling authority.

Lame ass come back since you havent debunked anything we have asked you to.just because you cant debunk it doesnt mean we are paranoid.:cuckoo:

Therefore, they become oblivious to facts no matter how often they destroy their arguments.

you need to look in the mirror on this comment.

Consequently, it progresses into a state of delusion; practically a separation from reality.

yeah you ARE delusional,us truth seekers all know that.

And there really is no sense that can be driven into these people.

yeah you 1 Bush dupes have no sense,we all know that.

They have their worldview and anything that contradicts that worldview cannot be accepted by them.

yeah we know you do.you paid dis in fo agent.

I will now take DiveCon's advice and conclude that debating Terral is nothing more than a waste of time.

yeah listen to your Bush dupe who has been brainwashed because it IS a waste of time debating with you Bush dupes. good day.

Good day.[/QUOTE]
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Hi Eots:

wow thats a real logical intelligent answer..its because they don't give a shit about troofers ? and people think we are crazy....thats your pathetic answer ?

All these Loyal Bushie Liars/DUPES have is one pathetic answer after another and the sad story remains the same. Here is a picture of the North Tower . . .


. . . where you can see a big fat impact hole with wingtips spanning end to end and the whole 9 yards.


This is a picture of the Pentagon where these cartoon characters want to say a real 100-ton Jetliner crashed going 530 miles per hour. :0)


Then the Loyal Bushie LIARS whine and cry about posting the same pictures over and over again, that prove beyond all doubt that THEY ARE LYING. This is not rocket science 'and' the evidence simply does NOT even begin to match the Official 'Cover Story.' Period.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKhBzAh_eeA"]These Experts All Agree![/ame]

If the Bush/Obama Administrations are going to lie directly into my face, at least have the wherewithal to come up with something that begins to match THE EVIDENCE. This is also not a case of the Gov’t telling little white lies about one aspect of these 9/11 Inside-Job Attacks, because NONE of the evidence matches the Official Cover Stories!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LD06SAf0p9A"][/ame][ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwjmqkjwnvQ&NR=1"]WTC-7 CD Incriminating Evidence[/ame]

Who in their right mind ‘before’ 9/11 would even try to tell the Loyal Bushie/Obama LIE that this represents the video clip of a 47-story skyscraper burning to the ground? Nobody! And yet, We have many registered members willing to LIE to these readers and to themselves with claims that they believe the Gov’t explanation for each of these 9/11 cases. And, guess what? . . .


. . . That’s right! The little empty Shanksville hole is still empty. Here is the deal for all of the Loyal Bushie LIARS/DUPES:

These people run like Forrest Gump to this USMB Conspiracies Forum every day to convince everyone that ‘no conspiracy exists,’ because these United States Of America are being primed for utter destruction ‘and’ that is exactly what We The People deserve. That is the reason that so few of these registered members are willing to stand with 9/11 inside job, eots, Peejay, sylverfoxx and Terral to simply tell ‘the’ 911Truth told by all the ‘evidence.’ This is perfect proof that I should refrain from standing before the throne of God making intercession for a bunch of Loyal Bushie LIARS that are obviously in the majority and numbered among the very ‘many’ (Matt. 7:13-14). Very well then. From this day forward I shall plead to the Lord God NO MORE for the preservation of this once-great country, because what is coming on the horizon like a freight train is what the majority here really deserves.

GL because you need it,

something else that I just thought of that cracks me up about these loyal Bush dupes Terral and how disinformation agents like C-101 make themselves look like fools is the government says the reason there was no plane wreakage at the pentagan is that it was vaporized.you got to be on drugs to fall for THAT explanation.LOL well if the plane was vaporized,funny how all that PLANTED evidence c-101 keeps showing all of a sudden appeared isnt it? They cant even get their stories straight with their lies and coverups,but these moron Bush dupes blindly swallow it.pathetic isnt it? LOL.
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something else that I just thought of that cracks me up about these loyal Bush dupes Terral and how disinformation agents like C-101 make themselves look like fools is the government says the reason there was no plane wreakage at the pentagan is that it was vaporized.you got to be on drugs to fall for THAT explanation.LOL well if the plane was vaporized,funny how all that PLANTED evidence c-101 keeps showing all of a sudden appeared isnt it? They cant even get their stories straight with their lies and coverups,but these moron Bush dupes blindly swallow it.pathetic isnt it? LOL.
ah, so all that plane debris seen around the pentagon was planted
something else that I just thought of that cracks me up about these loyal Bush dupes Terral and how disinformation agents like C-101 make themselves look like fools is the government says the reason there was no plane wreakage at the pentagan is that it was vaporized.you got to be on drugs to fall for THAT explanation.LOL well if the plane was vaporized,funny how all that PLANTED evidence c-101 keeps showing all of a sudden appeared isnt it? They cant even get their stories straight with their lies and coverups,but these moron Bush dupes blindly swallow it.pathetic isnt it? LOL.
No, this is not Star Trek where you can vaporize people or objects into molecules.

The word I used was disintegrate, which means to decompose or break down into small fragments/components. To lose cohesion to put it literally.

Huge difference, Trekkie.
something else that I just thought of that cracks me up about these loyal Bush dupes Terral and how disinformation agents like C-101 make themselves look like fools is the government says the reason there was no plane wreakage at the pentagan is that it was vaporized.you got to be on drugs to fall for THAT explanation.LOL well if the plane was vaporized,funny how all that PLANTED evidence c-101 keeps showing all of a sudden appeared isnt it? They cant even get their stories straight with their lies and coverups,but these moron Bush dupes blindly swallow it.pathetic isnt it? LOL.
ah, so all that plane debris seen around the pentagon was planted

why after all these years don't they release the tapes..it would be that easy the answer the question ..why don't they have a investigation where all pentagon whiteness give sworn testomony under oath with cross examination like they would in any other criminal investigation ???? instead of just disseminating the the unworn testomony that fits the official version...???...somethings not right

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