Who the hell is Kamala Harris and why the hell is she running for President?

You conveniently ignore the 14th Amendment. Do us all a favor and shut up!

it just shows how ignorance is not only a character trait for liberals.
The 14th Amendment was intended for ex slaves, but was twisted to include everyone born here. That wasn't the original intent. Research the authors.

It doesn't matter the intent. What matters is the interpretation Don't like it? Amend the Constitution. Problem solved..
And where has what the founders intended been ammended?

My God, you're as thick as a 9/11 truther!

The 14th Amendment, dumbass!
Where does it say anything about presidents qualifications.

Please! This has been beaten to death for the last 10 years regarding Obama and McCain. Why don't you just admit that you are wrong and give it a rest? Is proving you are ignorant such a need for you?
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Her birth certificate is the one that matters. Stop trotting out this tired old tactic. She is an American citizen by birth,
Yes, she is but by the founding fathers, she is not eligible to be president..
But it really doesnt matter what the founders wanted!

No, the Founding Fathers were overruled by several amendments to the Constitution. Please drop your ridiculous assertion and let's just agree that she is a libtard that shouldn't even be considered.
amended? Quote them as pertaining to be president!

Please! I am so tired of trying to teach the apparently unteachable. This topic has been beaten like a dead horse. You are going nowhere and showing yourself to be just a stupid hack.
Good, I hope I annoy you, quote the SCOTUS CASE that deals with presidential standing...please quote me anything on Oboma being constitutional...and please stop looking like a know it all, which you are far from!

Take it to SCOTUS if you think you have that kind of money and time. We will all just sit back and laugh!
The Democrats must be really desperate to have all these no name people running for President.

And gosh, it's January 2019. The first primary is MORE THAN A YEAR FROM NOW.
Whatever. From what I've seen so far Harris is a cackling idiot. And she isn't nearly as sexy as she thinks she is.

She is a MILF type without the "L" unless maybe you are Willie Brown.
The Democrats, apparently, have no real options if Kamala Harris is considered a serious candidate.

I think the Democrats are just going to renominate Hillary Clinton. They are sticking to the myth that Mrs. C was somehow "cheated" in 2016 because of the apocryphal "russian collusion " hoax.

If Clinton was indeed cheated, that makes her the uncrowned President, and she should be able to defend her title in 2020. After all, if she would have won, she would be nominated no questions asked.

I think the far Left has taken over the Democrat party. They are now the Socialist Party.

As much of a moronic Progressive as Clinton was I don't think even a "mainstream" Democrat like her could make it through the Moon Bat Primary nowaday. Just look at some of those commie idiots that were elected to Congress last November.

Harris could win the Moon Bat Primary just like that asshole Obama did in 2008. There are enough of bat shit crazy Moon Bats in this country to do it.
No, we're not hypocrites. Republicans voted for Kagan and Sotomayor. No one accused them of anything. They disagree, but both judges were qualified. Democrats invented accusations against Kavenaugh to destroy him simply because they didn't have the votes to stop his confirmation. Democrats are despicable nasty filthy jackals. Sick fuckung scum.

Yes they are...and so are you for adopting their same tactics.
I haven't made up false accusations against Harris. She deliberately slandered a good man. You're just ignoring the facts because you can't handle the truth.
So what, he put her in those positions after he "DATED" her. He got to know her so he thought she'd be good at it. You are the one who jumped to fantasy for no reason except that you don't like her politics. Or her color. Or her gender. I don't know which.

Under Kamala's leadership HUNDREDS of cases were overturned when it was discovered evidence was fabricated to convict the defendants. Do you really want someone like that leading the country? She's Hillary 2.0 another Dem with a track record of corruption and failures.
Sure wouldn't be any worse than what we've got leading the country right now? Are you serious?
But I didn't jump into this thread to talk about that. I'm just p.o.'d that some of you folks are smearing her as a slut for an affair with a separated man thirty years ago. Jesus.

I'm focused on her track record of corruption and failure, cross this candidate off the list.
Trumps corruption and bankruptcy’s don’t bother you?

The trump foundation for example because it was nothing more than a slush fund. That don’t bother you? You people now live in a glass house. You got nothing.

But but but...TRUUUUMP :anj_stfu: idiot.
So what, he put her in those positions after he "DATED" her. He got to know her so he thought she'd be good at it. You are the one who jumped to fantasy for no reason except that you don't like her politics. Or her color. Or her gender. I don't know which.

Under Kamala's leadership HUNDREDS of cases were overturned when it was discovered evidence was fabricated to convict the defendants. Do you really want someone like that leading the country? She's Hillary 2.0 another Dem with a track record of corruption and failures.
It might be that she is a slick and corrupt politician--I don't know that, but I highly doubt that you know that either. I'd like a link, please to the hundreds of cases overturned because of fabricated evidence. Please.

This is a matter of public record its not speculation, come on OldLady.
No, we're not hypocrites. Republicans voted for Kagan and Sotomayor. No one accused them of anything. They disagree, but both judges were qualified. Democrats invented accusations against Kavenaugh to destroy him simply because they didn't have the votes to stop his confirmation. Democrats are despicable nasty filthy jackals. Sick fuckung scum.

Yes they are...and so are you for adopting their same tactics.
Willie's jimmy ran deep. Repubs are decades behind you in your tactics. You went from dignity to absolute rule.
did you see Kamala stating no funding for a wall? she claims it isn't needed. The experts say it's needed. Is she therefore saying if president she won't listen to experts to make decisions? Doh!!!!!

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