Who Thinks the Economy Will Be Back to January 2020 Levels by End of October This Year?

Where will the DJIA be by the end of this October, 2020?

  • Below 25000

    Votes: 8 57.1%
  • 25000 to 26000

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • 26000 to 27000

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • 27000 to 28000

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 28000 to 29000

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 29000 to 30000

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Over 30000

    Votes: 2 14.3%

  • Total voters
As you have noticed the stock market is not an indicator of unemployment.
The market drops like a rock in a day. The real question is where will the debt be? This guy makes obama look fiscally responsible. No real conservative could support it.
He had 8 years in which the DJIA grew in spite of Obama rather than because of Obama. Big difference. If an economy grows in spite of a President or political party’s power, it is usually over a long period of time, not short term.
They very gradual climb in the Dow was in spite of that meat puppet faggot. Americans work for prosperity and to enhance their standard of living. The moonbat messiah's 8 years was the worst I've had as far as making more money. I had to stay stuck in a job I hated because there was nothing else available. Now I've been able to expand my career path and have optimism for the future.

This is because Trump deregulated the economy and worked to secure the border.

Obama’s crap nearly sunk a Fortune 500 company that I had worked at for 15 years. As it was they lost many countrywide warehouses/locations. Sending many jobs to India,The Philippines and Mexico.

Now democrats are destroying small businesses. Democrats are poison to the economy.
He had 8 years in which the DJIA grew in spite of Obama rather than because of Obama. Big difference. If an economy grows in spite of a President or political party’s power, it is usually over a long period of time, not short term.
They very gradual climb in the Dow was in spite of that meat puppet faggot. Americans work for prosperity and to enhance their standard of living. The moonbat messiah's 8 years was the worst I've had as far as making more money. I had to stay stuck in a job I hated because there was nothing else available. Now I've been able to expand my career path and have optimism for the future.

This is because Trump deregulated the economy and worked to secure the border.

Obama’s crap nearly sunk a Fortune 500 company that I had worked at for 15 years. As it was they lost many countrywide warehouses/locations. Sending many jobs to India,The Philippines and Mexico.

Now democrats are destroying small businesses. Democrats are poison to the economy.
Yeah repubs have done a great job. Just look at how great things are now. You must love HUGE deficits.
He had 8 years in which the DJIA grew in spite of Obama rather than because of Obama. Big difference. If an economy grows in spite of a President or political party’s power, it is usually over a long period of time, not short term.
They very gradual climb in the Dow was in spite of that meat puppet faggot. Americans work for prosperity and to enhance their standard of living. The moonbat messiah's 8 years was the worst I've had as far as making more money. I had to stay stuck in a job I hated because there was nothing else available. Now I've been able to expand my career path and have optimism for the future.

This is because Trump deregulated the economy and worked to secure the border.

Obama’s crap nearly sunk a Fortune 500 company that I had worked at for 15 years. As it was they lost many countrywide warehouses/locations. Sending many jobs to India,The Philippines and Mexico.

Now democrats are destroying small businesses. Democrats are poison to the economy.
You were replaced by people willing to work for less and you try to blame a president?
He had 8 years in which the DJIA grew in spite of Obama rather than because of Obama. Big difference. If an economy grows in spite of a President or political party’s power, it is usually over a long period of time, not short term.
They very gradual climb in the Dow was in spite of that meat puppet faggot. Americans work for prosperity and to enhance their standard of living. The moonbat messiah's 8 years was the worst I've had as far as making more money. I had to stay stuck in a job I hated because there was nothing else available. Now I've been able to expand my career path and have optimism for the future.

This is because Trump deregulated the economy and worked to secure the border.

Obama’s crap nearly sunk a Fortune 500 company that I had worked at for 15 years. As it was they lost many countrywide warehouses/locations. Sending many jobs to India,The Philippines and Mexico.

Now democrats are destroying small businesses. Democrats are poison to the economy.
Yeah repubs have done a great job. Just look at how great things are now. You must love HUGE deficits.
It was and is Democratic governors doing the majority of the damage.you apparently love Marxists and poverty.
I think if Trump has the Ecopnomy back to Jan 2020 levels of performance, he wins the election in a cake walk.

He won't.

The problem isn't where the Dow is at, it's where most people are at.

The only reason why unemployment hasn't gotten a HELL of a lot worse is Trump tripled the deficit to keep paying companies to keep people employed. That ends in August, and then all those companies are going to have to look long and hard about keeping people on the payroll they don't need.
I think if Trump has the Ecopnomy back to Jan 2020 levels of performance, he wins the election in a cake walk.
The DOW is NOT the economy.... You know that, right?
Yes, I know that, but it is a measure of the investors confidence in future growth of the economy.

What objective metric would you use instead of the DJIA?
GDP, employment, etc...... What is happening on the ground...

Only about half of every day Joe Americans are even in the stock market.....

And I'd like to see it back to normal too....

but the stock market has not been stable since Trump arrived.... the huge swings up and huge swings down, on a dime, and much without reason, makes it pretty unstable, and not an indicator of anything but a Mood Ring of nonsense....

The stock market is not a reflection of the economy. And putting money in the stock market is not investing, it is saving. And the stock market is at the level it is, not because of any fundamentals, but because, with interest rates damn near zero, it is the only place to put savings. It is at the level it is because wealthy individuals, who control most of the market, have been making out like bandits but have no real investment opportunities for their excess funds. So they "save" those funds by speculating in the market. The truth is, when real investment opportunities do show up, like when real income actually starts to grow, the stock market will tank as those wealthy individuals cash in their savings and invest in endeavors that create jobs and propel the frontier curve outward. At this point, a declining stock market is a better indicator of a healthy economy than one that continues to rise. A rising stock market indicates a dysfunctional economy that stifles small business and discourages real investment.
I'd like to agree with you but sadly we have differences Stocks tank , 100's of 1000's laid off and that brings on a healthy economy? What of all regular people with money in 401 K's or IRA's ? Saving for retirement ,seeing their investments crushed???
He had 8 years in which the DJIA grew in spite of Obama rather than because of Obama. Big difference. If an economy grows in spite of a President or political party’s power, it is usually over a long period of time, not short term.
They very gradual climb in the Dow was in spite of that meat puppet faggot. Americans work for prosperity and to enhance their standard of living. The moonbat messiah's 8 years was the worst I've had as far as making more money. I had to stay stuck in a job I hated because there was nothing else available. Now I've been able to expand my career path and have optimism for the future.

This is because Trump deregulated the economy and worked to secure the border.

Obama’s crap nearly sunk a Fortune 500 company that I had worked at for 15 years. As it was they lost many countrywide warehouses/locations. Sending many jobs to India,The Philippines and Mexico.

Now democrats are destroying small businesses. Democrats are poison to the economy.
Yeah repubs have done a great job. Just look at how great things are now. You must love HUGE deficits.
It was and is Democratic governors doing the majority of the damage.you apparently love Marxists and poverty.
IF trump had acted as a leader instead of looking for excuses this virus might not have caused half the damage it has Trump cares about re election That's all
He had 8 years in which the DJIA grew in spite of Obama rather than because of Obama. Big difference. If an economy grows in spite of a President or political party’s power, it is usually over a long period of time, not short term.
They very gradual climb in the Dow was in spite of that meat puppet faggot. Americans work for prosperity and to enhance their standard of living. The moonbat messiah's 8 years was the worst I've had as far as making more money. I had to stay stuck in a job I hated because there was nothing else available. Now I've been able to expand my career path and have optimism for the future.

This is because Trump deregulated the economy and worked to secure the border.

Obama’s crap nearly sunk a Fortune 500 company that I had worked at for 15 years. As it was they lost many countrywide warehouses/locations. Sending many jobs to India,The Philippines and Mexico.

Now democrats are destroying small businesses. Democrats are poison to the economy.
Yeah repubs have done a great job. Just look at how great things are now. You must love HUGE deficits.
It was and is Democratic governors doing the majority of the damage.you apparently love Marxists and poverty.
IF trump had acted as a leader instead of looking for excuses this virus might not have caused half the damage it has Trump cares about re election That's all
Wrong. The Democratic governors murdered seniors in nursing homes with their incompetence. Cuomo refused to shut down subways etc...and they have been allowing daily rioting for the past 5 weeks. Any upticks we are bound to see ( and we will ) are on them. Trump told them to curb it and they refused.
I think if Trump has the Ecopnomy back to Jan 2020 levels of performance, he wins the election in a cake walk.
The democrats are fighting the Dow very hard but I think like all of their election frauds it too will fail like all the other schemes have.
As soon as the people realize that they've been had with this covid bullshit, it will be over, stocks will soar and the democrats will crach, burn and die off never to be heard from again. Relegated to a footnote in history like the wig party and others that have died off.
I think if Trump has the Ecopnomy back to Jan 2020 levels of performance, he wins the election in a cake walk.
The DOW is NOT the economy.... You know that, right?
Yes, I know that, but it is a measure of the investors confidence in future growth of the economy.

What objective metric would you use instead of the DJIA?
GDP, employment, etc...... What is happening on the ground...

Only about half of every day Joe Americans are even in the stock market.....

And I'd like to see it back to normal too....

but the stock market has not been stable since Trump arrived.... the huge swings up and huge swings down, on a dime, and much without reason, makes it pretty unstable, and not an indicator of anything but a Mood Ring of nonsense....

The stock market is not a reflection of the economy. And putting money in the stock market is not investing, it is saving. And the stock market is at the level it is, not because of any fundamentals, but because, with interest rates damn near zero, it is the only place to put savings. It is at the level it is because wealthy individuals, who control most of the market, have been making out like bandits but have no real investment opportunities for their excess funds. So they "save" those funds by speculating in the market. The truth is, when real investment opportunities do show up, like when real income actually starts to grow, the stock market will tank as those wealthy individuals cash in their savings and invest in endeavors that create jobs and propel the frontier curve outward. At this point, a declining stock market is a better indicator of a healthy economy than one that continues to rise. A rising stock market indicates a dysfunctional economy that stifles small business and discourages real investment.
I'd like to agree with you but sadly we have differences Stocks tank , 100's of 1000's laid off and that brings on a healthy economy? What of all regular people with money in 401 K's or IRA's ? Saving for retirement ,seeing their investments crushed???

The Price Earnings Ratio of the DOW is 21.26. That makes no sense whatsoever. A stocks real value can be estimated through the capital growth model. Twenty years of earnings per share discounted for present value. A PE over 20 is not warranted for a large cap, mature company like those in the Dow Jones Industrial Average. If the DJIA was sitting at a PE of 15 it would not hurt employment one bit, and it would be much closer to the historical norm.

The only factor the stock market plays for normal Americans is their sense of wealth. If they have a ballooning IRA or 401K they "believe" that they have wealth. But it is nothing but paper and it is temporary. It only becomes real wealth when you cash it in and pay Uncle Sam. That is a non-issue now, most Americans have very little confidence in the future of our economy and the value of their 401K cannot change that perception.

Do you hear that huge sucking sound? It is the stock market, sucking out all the available capital from the economy and doing nothing with it. When Richie Rich sells his stock to build a toilet paper factory the market will drop and jobs will be created.
I think if Trump has the Ecopnomy back to Jan 2020 levels of performance, he wins the election in a cake walk.
The DOW is NOT the economy.... You know that, right?
Yes, I know that, but it is a measure of the investors confidence in future growth of the economy.

What objective metric would you use instead of the DJIA?
GDP, employment, etc...... What is happening on the ground...

Only about half of every day Joe Americans are even in the stock market.....

And I'd like to see it back to normal too....

but the stock market has not been stable since Trump arrived.... the huge swings up and huge swings down, on a dime, and much without reason, makes it pretty unstable, and not an indicator of anything but a Mood Ring of nonsense....

The stock market is not a reflection of the economy. And putting money in the stock market is not investing, it is saving. And the stock market is at the level it is, not because of any fundamentals, but because, with interest rates damn near zero, it is the only place to put savings. It is at the level it is because wealthy individuals, who control most of the market, have been making out like bandits but have no real investment opportunities for their excess funds. So they "save" those funds by speculating in the market. The truth is, when real investment opportunities do show up, like when real income actually starts to grow, the stock market will tank as those wealthy individuals cash in their savings and invest in endeavors that create jobs and propel the frontier curve outward. At this point, a declining stock market is a better indicator of a healthy economy than one that continues to rise. A rising stock market indicates a dysfunctional economy that stifles small business and discourages real investment.
I'd like to agree with you but sadly we have differences Stocks tank , 100's of 1000's laid off and that brings on a healthy economy? What of all regular people with money in 401 K's or IRA's ? Saving for retirement ,seeing their investments crushed???

My parents saved and made a couple of million in retirement without ever risking their money in the stock market.... They went through the late 70s and early 80s with CDs paying 10% and up interest.... No risks..... every handful of years they doubled their savings....

Interest rates are so low, people are forced to put it in the stock market, which is risky...more or less, a rolling Ponzi scheme....
I think if Trump has the Ecopnomy back to Jan 2020 levels of performance, he wins the election in a cake walk.
The democrats are fighting the Dow very hard but I think like all of their election frauds it too will fail like all the other schemes have.
As soon as the people realize that they've been had with this covid bullshit, it will be over, stocks will soar and the democrats will crach, burn and die off never to be heard from again. Relegated to a footnote in history like the wig party and others that have died off.
It’s working against them that so many companies can have employees work from home now. And several businesses can utilize online sales.
I think if Trump has the Ecopnomy back to Jan 2020 levels of performance, he wins the election in a cake walk.

He won't.

The problem isn't where the Dow is at, it's where most people are at.

The only reason why unemployment hasn't gotten a HELL of a lot worse is Trump tripled the deficit to keep paying companies to keep people employed. That ends in August, and then all those companies are going to have to look long and hard about keeping people on the payroll they don't need.
Actually the only real driver of the economy right now is those $600 a week unemployment checks that are slated to end after July. But no worries, it is almost certain they will be expanded. Trump will attempt to buy this election by borrowing from our grandkids. Not like that has not been his strategy all alone.
He had 8 years in which the DJIA grew in spite of Obama rather than because of Obama. Big difference. If an economy grows in spite of a President or political party’s power, it is usually over a long period of time, not short term.
They very gradual climb in the Dow was in spite of that meat puppet faggot. Americans work for prosperity and to enhance their standard of living. The moonbat messiah's 8 years was the worst I've had as far as making more money. I had to stay stuck in a job I hated because there was nothing else available. Now I've been able to expand my career path and have optimism for the future.

This is because Trump deregulated the economy and worked to secure the border.

Obama’s crap nearly sunk a Fortune 500 company that I had worked at for 15 years. As it was they lost many countrywide warehouses/locations. Sending many jobs to India,The Philippines and Mexico.

Now democrats are destroying small businesses. Democrats are poison to the economy.
You were replaced by people willing to work for less and you try to blame a president?

You are leaving out the other part of the problem where people are expecting to get paid a lot by US taxpayers for working little or none.
Jobs and small business are fucked ............Where I'm at the job losses will probably be til next year.............

I don't care about the Casino of the markets............which use the Federal Reserve to bet with and screw people on a regular basis.............

Wasn't meant to be that way..........Al Capone would be proud.

I think if Trump has the Ecopnomy back to Jan 2020 levels of performance, he wins the election in a cake walk.
The DOW is NOT the economy.... You know that, right?
Yes, I know that, but it is a measure of the investors confidence in future growth of the economy.

What objective metric would you use instead of the DJIA?
GDP, employment, etc...... What is happening on the ground...

Only about half of every day Joe Americans are even in the stock market.....

And I'd like to see it back to normal too....

but the stock market has not been stable since Trump arrived.... the huge swings up and huge swings down, on a dime, and much without reason, makes it pretty unstable, and not an indicator of anything but a Mood Ring of nonsense....

The stock market is not a reflection of the economy. And putting money in the stock market is not investing, it is saving. And the stock market is at the level it is, not because of any fundamentals, but because, with interest rates damn near zero, it is the only place to put savings. It is at the level it is because wealthy individuals, who control most of the market, have been making out like bandits but have no real investment opportunities for their excess funds. So they "save" those funds by speculating in the market. The truth is, when real investment opportunities do show up, like when real income actually starts to grow, the stock market will tank as those wealthy individuals cash in their savings and invest in endeavors that create jobs and propel the frontier curve outward. At this point, a declining stock market is a better indicator of a healthy economy than one that continues to rise. A rising stock market indicates a dysfunctional economy that stifles small business and discourages real investment.
I'd like to agree with you but sadly we have differences Stocks tank , 100's of 1000's laid off and that brings on a healthy economy? What of all regular people with money in 401 K's or IRA's ? Saving for retirement ,seeing their investments crushed???

My parents saved and made a couple of million in retirement without ever risking their money in the stock market.... They went through the late 70s and early 80s with CDs paying 10% and up interest.... No risks..... every handful of years they doubled their savings....

Interest rates are so low, people are forced to put it in the stock market, which is risky...more or less, a rolling Ponzi scheme....

And why were those CD rates so high? Interest rates reflect the value of money. During those times the demand for money to be used to actually invest was huge. Factories were being built, equipment was being purchased. Money was directed toward pushing the frontier curve outwards and productivity soared. With corporate tax rates high companies were incentivized to invest in themselves, to take risks, to make more pie. Today interest rates are near zero because money is not worth two shits. Corporate tax rates are low and companies are incentivized to seek rents, to take more of the pie that is already there rather than make more pie. Acceptable capital investments are almost non-existent. Corporations are sitting on trillions, trillions with a T, dollars. I mean this shit is so simple, it speaks to American's economic ignorance that everyone does not understand it.
He had 8 years in which the DJIA grew in spite of Obama rather than because of Obama. Big difference. If an economy grows in spite of a President or political party’s power, it is usually over a long period of time, not short term.
They very gradual climb in the Dow was in spite of that meat puppet faggot. Americans work for prosperity and to enhance their standard of living. The moonbat messiah's 8 years was the worst I've had as far as making more money. I had to stay stuck in a job I hated because there was nothing else available. Now I've been able to expand my career path and have optimism for the future.

This is because Trump deregulated the economy and worked to secure the border.

Obama’s crap nearly sunk a Fortune 500 company that I had worked at for 15 years. As it was they lost many countrywide warehouses/locations. Sending many jobs to India,The Philippines and Mexico.

Now democrats are destroying small businesses. Democrats are poison to the economy.
Yeah repubs have done a great job. Just look at how great things are now. You must love HUGE deficits.
WTF is your side is soooooo good do people run from your states......and the only reason your pops up is because of illegals...........

If your UTOPIA was so great ........people would flock to it.........no run away.......

You people are like Jehova's witnesses.....think people like them and bug the hell out of you............the last one that ever came here.........I told him that I was a Satanist......and asked him if he wanted to help me sacrifice a chicken..........

Not a single one has ever come here again..........MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.
He had 8 years in which the DJIA grew in spite of Obama rather than because of Obama. Big difference. If an economy grows in spite of a President or political party’s power, it is usually over a long period of time, not short term.
They very gradual climb in the Dow was in spite of that meat puppet faggot. Americans work for prosperity and to enhance their standard of living. The moonbat messiah's 8 years was the worst I've had as far as making more money. I had to stay stuck in a job I hated because there was nothing else available. Now I've been able to expand my career path and have optimism for the future.

This is because Trump deregulated the economy and worked to secure the border.

Obama’s crap nearly sunk a Fortune 500 company that I had worked at for 15 years. As it was they lost many countrywide warehouses/locations. Sending many jobs to India,The Philippines and Mexico.

Now democrats are destroying small businesses. Democrats are poison to the economy.
Yeah repubs have done a great job. Just look at how great things are now. You must love HUGE deficits.
It was and is Democratic governors doing the majority of the damage.you apparently love Marxists and poverty.
IF trump had acted as a leader instead of looking for excuses this virus might not have caused half the damage it has Trump cares about re election That's all

That’s not all. Consider the fact you people are looking to replace Trump with regime the capitulates to China and WHO. China caused COVID. China is the root cause abd tried to cover it up with its enabler, WHO.

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