Who Thinks the Economy Will Be Back to January 2020 Levels by End of October This Year?

Where will the DJIA be by the end of this October, 2020?

  • Below 25000

    Votes: 8 57.1%
  • 25000 to 26000

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • 26000 to 27000

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • 27000 to 28000

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 28000 to 29000

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 29000 to 30000

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Over 30000

    Votes: 2 14.3%

  • Total voters
I think if Trump has the Economy back to Jan 2020 levels of performance, he wins the election in a cake walk.
Xi, Soros and the American Taliban have more cards to play to drive down the economy between now and November
They have quite a few, but I think Trump has more hole cards than they do.

With EOs Trump can do far more, and if he would avoid using certain buzzwords and phrases, the High Frequency Trading Algorythms wont be so quick to fall back.
You Baby Boomers are a bunch of 401K simpletons.

You are too kind. Boomers are not people, they are parasites, a plague of self-absorbed asshats that have no consideration for anyone or anything. When they were young they talked of peace and love, they talked about no more war. But that was because they were too damn lazy to work and too damn scared, and selfish, to fight for their country. Their parents did not discipline them, nor did they teach them even basic morality. They grew up thinking their shit didn't stink and were taught that the world revolved around them. Sadly, they never grew up. Today they are perfectly content borrowing from their grandkids to continue to perpetuate their life of excess. A clear example of their own selfishness is their refusal to wear a mask, or their insistence in wearing one.
The DJIA is NOT the "economy." The DOW can be sky-high while half of America is out of work.

If Biden wins, the DOW and the economy will remain flat and gradually work its way upward, but a full recovery to Trump Levels will take at least three years with Trump, and will never happen if Biden wins.

It takes time for new businesses to be created and to flourish, and employers who survive will fight tooth & nail to avoid bringing headcount to Trump levels. If they are able to do the same business with fewer people they will be more profitable than before.
Once political partisanship pollutes a discussion, the discussion is laid waste.

I could make a perfectly rational argument why the market (and/or the economy, which is not the same freaking thing) would improve or decline if either guy won.

So no one knows, not even the "experts". And they would admit it.

Silly stuff.
I guess you're talking about the DJIA; it climbed 149% under Obama and his supposedly anti-business regulations.

He had 8 years in which the DJIA grew in spite of Obama rather than because of Obama. Big difference. If an economy grows in spite of a President or political party’s power, it is usually over a long period of time, not short term.

Sure. So I guess the environmental restrictions had no effect on business if the DJIA climbed 149% (as it did). Right?

What did Obama do? What policies dod he pursue? His environmental restrictions and other egregious regulatory policies were met with companies reducing their workforce, cutting costs, working leaner. The DJIA growth did not accelerate until the end of Obama Reign when investors knew he could do no more harm. Cash sat on the sidelines for most of Obama’s two terms. Imagine how much better we would have been compared to 149 percent?
Introduced stability for one thing. While not flashy, it also calmed the markets which climbed steadily.

Bullshit... pursuing energy policies that necessarily increase costs and the radical healthcare industry takeover did not introduce stability. It delayed recovery.

Thats one sector of the economy. If you said it hurt other hospitals...okay. I didn't see that here in Phoenix. As someone who works in the administration of a hospital--national hospital corporation (listed on the DJIA), I know that we loved the ACA. We had more profits than ever a few years back under Obama. More insured people meant more traffic. Who'd a thunk it! LOL.

Corporate cronyism was at the heart of ACA so of course you loved it. Small businesses and consumers which are the engine for the economy, not so much after they were sold a bag of shit that their healthcare costs would go down.

Wow. Did you ever hear the old saw, better to keep thy mouth shut rather than opening it and revealing one's ignorance? The ACA had a profound positive effect on small businesses and spurred entrepreneurship. It may very well have been the engine that drove the economic recovery.

That is an opinion piece on why and how we should not get rid of ACA NOW. Before you throw out the the ignorant attacks, Go back and see the impact and reception from small businesses at the time of passage and state of the economy m. I would argue the ACA has become more small business friendly with Republicans picking at it and less punitive than it was under Obama and the Democrats at passage and implementation.
I think if Trump has the Ecopnomy back to Jan 2020 levels of performance, he wins the election in a cake walk.
The DOW is NOT the economy.... You know that, right?
Yes, I know that, but it is a measure of the investors confidence in future growth of the economy.

What objective metric would you use instead of the DJIA?
GDP, employment, etc...... What is happening on the ground...

Only about half of every day Joe Americans are even in the stock market.....

And I'd like to see it back to normal too....

but the stock market has not been stable since Trump arrived.... the huge swings up and huge swings down, on a dime, and much without reason, makes it pretty unstable, and not an indicator of anything but a Mood Ring of nonsense....
I think if Trump has the Ecopnomy back to Jan 2020 levels of performance, he wins the election in a cake walk.
The economy is not solely based on the DOW How about employment ? What about the virus numbers going through the roof in mainly red states now? DOW was murdered Friday and Monday doesn't look better We have no leader in the WH just an ass with no plans for next year and all he cares about is himself and his re election
And now the EU might not let Americans in?? How embarrassing for America AND Trump our so called leader
I think if Trump has the Economy back to Jan 2020 levels of performance, he wins the election in a cake walk.
Xi, Soros and the American Taliban have more cards to play to drive down the economy between now and November
They have quite a few, but I think Trump has more hole cards than they do.

With EOs Trump can do far more, and if he would avoid using certain buzzwords and phrases, the High Frequency Trading Algorythms wont be so quick to fall back.
"With EOs Trump can do far more"

Jesus Fucking Christ, dude. He's had 3.5 years to issue all the EOs that you greedily want, to do economics the way you want. And what did you get and what are you defending? A fucking idiot in the WH that started an unnecessary tariff war. Man, you people are really fucking stupid.
And now Trump is looking to kill Obama care?? What a great move while unemployment is so high and with a virus disaster at our door How can this lying sack of feces get 1 vote?
And now Trump is looking to kill Obama care?? What a great move while unemployment is so high and with a virus disaster at our door How can this lying sack of feces get 1 vote?
If that happens, that will be 20 million people stripped of health insurance. And some of those very same folks that lose their health insurance are the folks that voted for him, and will vote for him. There's his 1 vote.
And now Trump is looking to kill Obama care?? What a great move while unemployment is so high and with a virus disaster at our door How can this lying sack of feces get 1 vote?
And he can't answer the question of what his 2021 priorities will be?? This is republicans leader?? For shame
And now Trump is looking to kill Obama care?? What a great move while unemployment is so high and with a virus disaster at our door How can this lying sack of feces get 1 vote?
If that happens, that will be 20 million people stripped of health insurance. And some of those very same folks that lose their health insurance are the folks that voted for him, and will vote for him. There's his 1 vote.
"Stupid is as stupid does"
And now Trump is looking to kill Obama care?? What a great move while unemployment is so high and with a virus disaster at our door How can this lying sack of feces get 1 vote?
If that happens, that will be 20 million people stripped of health insurance. And some of those very same folks that lose their health insurance are the folks that voted for him, and will vote for him. There's his 1 vote.
"Stupid is as stupid does"
Unfortunately, yeah.

" Who Thinks the Economy Will Be Back to January 2020 Levels by End of October This Year?"

And by the way, JimBowie1958 is a fucking idiot.
It may have been a opinion piece but it clearly explained some of the effects of the ACA. Let's get something clear, the ACA did not fix America's health care problems, the Covid-19 pandemic has demonstrated that. But it was a step in the right direction. And yes, it improved the landscape for small businesses and entrepreneurs.

The uniquely American system of employer sponsored health insurance provides absolutely no benefit to the employee. What it does do is provide a built in competitive advantage for large companies, allows employers to entrap employees into a type of servitude, and provides insurance companies with a built in means of segmenting the market and grouping risk classifications.

The ACA's elimination of the pre-existing condition clause somewhat released the employees from their bondage. The employment participation rate took a hit that was reflected in the statistics often quoted by the Obama detractors. No longer was one spouse forced to work just to provide insurance for their self-employed partner. Literally thousands of women quit their job as their family sought health insurance on the government exchange. Thousands of more entrepreneurs cut those bonds of servitude and left companies to pursue their dream because, under the ACA, they could actually get affordable health insurance for themselves and their families without working for "the man".

But small businesses benefited the most. Under the ACA they could partner with other companies to seek health insurance plans that allowed them to better diversify their risk, which is the actual definition of insurance, diversifying risk. The ACA also provided those small businesses with incentives to encourage them to provide health insurance to their employees allowing them to better compete with large companies in the labor market.

Do not be fooled by the Republican's talk about choice, about rising premiums, about government intrusion. They have tried hard to eliminate the elimination of pre-existing conditions. Why? To renew that bond of servitude that trapped employees in jobs in order for them to have health insurance. They want to eliminate the ability of small companies to form partnerships with other small companies in order to return that competitive advantage in providing health insurance the large corporations maintained.

And the ACA did not go near far enough. In ways that I do not intend to explain to you, it still preserved some of that bondage, it still provided that same competitive advantage to large corporations, and it still made it difficult for the entrepreneur to break away from his employer. It only slightly reduced the competitive advantage, slightly loosened those bonds of servitude, and made it just a bit easier for the entrepreneur to break away and go on his own.

The truth is, a Republican attempted to destroy the dysfunctional relationship between employment and health insurance. He was roundly criticized. His name was John McCain.
I think if Trump has the Ecopnomy back to Jan 2020 levels of performance, he wins the election in a cake walk.
The DOW is NOT the economy.... You know that, right?
Yes, I know that, but it is a measure of the investors confidence in future growth of the economy.

What objective metric would you use instead of the DJIA?
GDP, employment, etc...... What is happening on the ground...

Only about half of every day Joe Americans are even in the stock market.....

And I'd like to see it back to normal too....

but the stock market has not been stable since Trump arrived.... the huge swings up and huge swings down, on a dime, and much without reason, makes it pretty unstable, and not an indicator of anything but a Mood Ring of nonsense....

The stock market is not a reflection of the economy. And putting money in the stock market is not investing, it is saving. And the stock market is at the level it is, not because of any fundamentals, but because, with interest rates damn near zero, it is the only place to put savings. It is at the level it is because wealthy individuals, who control most of the market, have been making out like bandits but have no real investment opportunities for their excess funds. So they "save" those funds by speculating in the market. The truth is, when real investment opportunities do show up, like when real income actually starts to grow, the stock market will tank as those wealthy individuals cash in their savings and invest in endeavors that create jobs and propel the frontier curve outward. At this point, a declining stock market is a better indicator of a healthy economy than one that continues to rise. A rising stock market indicates a dysfunctional economy that stifles small business and discourages real investment.

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