Who was the best founding father of America? (poll)

Who was the best founding father of America?

  • George Washington

  • Alexander Hamilton

  • Benjamin Franklin

  • Thomas Jefferson

  • John Adams

  • James Madison

  • Donald Jonathan Trump

Results are only viewable after voting.
Who did the most to influence the creation of America?
What Native American tribe are you discussing?

Which Native American tribe helped draft the Constitution?

We are talking about the founding, not the occupation.

There was no country called United States of America when the natives migrated to this land...

So the founding of this country and it laws would not pertain to them seeing they had nothing to do with the creation of our constitution...

In fact many tribes fought to keep this from happening...
Who did the most to influence the creation of America?
Madison created most of the Constitution that laid the framework for America
Madison was a big ol' nerd
Not very big
Slightly over five feet tall[/QUOT
Who did the most to influence the creation of America?
Madison created most of the Constitution that laid the framework for America
Madison was a big ol' nerd
Not very big
Slightly over five feet tall

And a brain
George Washington because he set the standard for how a Constitutional government works.

When offered the Kingship of the country he declined. That makes him the best by far.

I agree, I chose GW as well for that same reason. I just agreed with westwall. Did someone feel the earth shudder?
Who did the most to influence the creation of America?
Madison created most of the Constitution that laid the framework for America

Being from the largest, wealthiest, and most powerful state helped a lot with that, plus he was not an ideologue and could reason with all the factions. Nobody would have trusted Jefferson so it's just as well he wasn't there.
True, but since the question was who was the BEST founding father and I had to pick one, I went with Ben Franklin for his moral guidance. Washington and Madison were tied for number 2 and Jefferson probably for Number 3 though I might have liked to have seen a few other names on the list like John Jay and Roger Sherman, the only person to actually sign and ratify all four Organic Laws of the USA.

I also choose Ben Franklin... The only thing I question re: toob's comments is the morality question... Ben had a saying when it came to the ladies, 8 to 80 blind, crippled or crazy... :11:

In 1776, Franklin was on the five-member committee that helped craft the Declaration of Independence. Later that year, Congress sent Franklin to France and he gained their support against the English. The French agreed to provide money soldiers, Guns supplies and Lawyers money for the colonial war effort...

I know it is not popular to say but if it wasn't for Ben Franklin and the French, we might still be fighting the Revolutionary War...
True, but since the question was who was the BEST founding father and I had to pick one, I went with Ben Franklin for his moral guidance. Washington and Madison were tied for number 2 and Jefferson probably for Number 3 though I might have liked to have seen a few other names on the list like John Jay and Roger Sherman, the only person to actually sign and ratify all four Organic Laws of the USA.

I also choose Ben Franklin... The only thing I question re: toob's comments is the morality question... Ben had a saying when it came to the ladies, 8 to 80 blind, crippled or crazy... :11:

In 1776, Franklin was on the five-member committee that helped craft the Declaration of Independence. Later that year, Congress sent Franklin to France and he gained their support against the English. The French agreed to provide money soldiers, Guns supplies and Lawyers money for the colonial war effort...

I know it is not popular to say but if it wasn't for Ben Franklin and the French, we might still be fighting the Revolutionary War...

Good ol' Ben, he was an early advocate of colonial unity, was a foundational figure in defining the U.S. ethos and exemplified the emerging nation's ideals.

A worthy read:
Benjamin Franklin - Wikipedia

A true American Hero.
All of them?

A bunch of social libtards who loved guns /slaves And woman barefoot pregnant in the kitchen
I guess you don't know much about History to make that statement. If you look at the Friends Church you will find many of the Females acted as Preachers, Judges, and other positions though out their History. Blanket statements just does not do much in show knowledge. But then the educators don't really go in depth in the Subject.
True, but since the question was who was the BEST founding father and I had to pick one, I went with Ben Franklin for his moral guidance. Washington and Madison were tied for number 2 and Jefferson probably for Number 3 though I might have liked to have seen a few other names on the list like John Jay and Roger Sherman, the only person to actually sign and ratify all four Organic Laws of the USA.

I also choose Ben Franklin... The only thing I question re: toob's comments is the morality question... Ben had a saying when it came to the ladies, 8 to 80 blind, crippled or crazy... :11:

In 1776, Franklin was on the five-member committee that helped craft the Declaration of Independence. Later that year, Congress sent Franklin to France and he gained their support against the English. The French agreed to provide money soldiers, Guns supplies and Lawyers money for the colonial war effort...

I know it is not popular to say but if it wasn't for Ben Franklin and the French, we might still be fighting the Revolutionary War...

Well, to be fair, while Franklin's lobbying for support and money was important, the French offered hard cash credit based on Robert Morris's reputation as a banker and financier. Unlike a lot of 'Founders', he risked his own wealth and ships supplying the Revolution.
Well, to be fair, while Franklin's lobbying for support and money was important, the French offered hard cash credit based on Robert Morris's reputation as a banker and financier. Unlike a lot of 'Founders', he risked his own wealth and ships supplying the Revolution.

No doubt that Mr. Morris's wealth and reputation was an ace up Ben's sleeve... Ben's reputation kept him in the aristocratic circles at the time when (before Golf Courses) where money traveled... Mr.Morris stayed back in Pennsylvania minding the cigar box... Oh by the way he had a fortune and he made quite a bit of it through a Military-Industrial Complex...
Well, to be fair, while Franklin's lobbying for support and money was important, the French offered hard cash credit based on Robert Morris's reputation as a banker and financier. Unlike a lot of 'Founders', he risked his own wealth and ships supplying the Revolution.

No doubt that Mr. Morris's wealth and reputation was an ace up Ben's sleeve... Ben's reputation kept him in the aristocratic circles at the time when (before Golf Courses) where money traveled... Mr.Morris stayed back in Pennsylvania minding the cigar box... Oh by the way he had a fortune and he made quite a bit of it through a Military-Industrial Complex...

He risked quite a bit as well, and he didn't make nearly as much as his political enemies at the time claimed. He also set up the Bank Of America, and made a great success out of it, the only bank the French and many others, including American states, would make deposits in and stayed in business for many many decades after. It was set up so that no one could own more than 50 shares or so, including the founders.
Who did the most to influence the creation of America?
None of the guys you listed.
It was Thomas Paine.
His leaflets prior/during the revolution fired up the people against the repressive English kingdom.
Professional rabble-rouser. Loved revolution so much that went and helped the French with theirs....Tom Paine would be Antifa today.
Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton in a dead heat. They represented the two different schools of political philosophy that still exist today in this country and the amalgam of their views IS America.

I picked Jefferson in the poll because he wrote the Declaration of Independence.
Washington......he was offered total power and turned it down..... changed the human political experience for all time.
Paine wasn't a Founder, and the French Revolution was led by genocidal psychopaths; even the leader Robespierre got guillotined by his own fellow nut jobs. It was a disaster, not a 'Great Revolution'. Tom Paine would now be what he ended up as in real life, forgotten when his propaganda was no longer worth anything, died in obscure poverty. Better than his friends like James Otis, though, who got deported.

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