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Who was the last honorable president in your opinion?

Reagan....he was treated like Trump is treated by the left and by the establishment....and the media.....
Anytime the people elect a man that can make life better for them the establishment gets together with the state run media and goes after him.....the way to tell if a president is Honorable and is working for the people is to watch the swamp and how they act...and to watch the media...when they lie like they are doing now you know we have a good man in the white house.....

globalasit piece of shit Reagan,seriously ? you should start a comedy club.,damn you have been brainwashed by our corrupt school system.:abgg2q.jpg::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:
I don't like you...you are an uneducated creep....you must be very young...and you are mostly wrong about most everything so go away kid.....go watch your lambs play football or something...

Rambunctious YOU are the uneducated sheep.:abgg2q.jpg:. You are the one that has been taken in by what our corrupt history classes and what hollywood has taught you.:abgg2q.jpg:

I am not the only one saying it either,many other educated posters have given me likes for that truthful post.Unlike you,I lived through the reagan years,I remember vividly all the lower class familys telling me how they lost their jobs back then because of Reagan policys how he hurt americans.:rolleyes:

sorry the truth hurts and you cant handle it that you have been brainwashed by our corrupt school system.:itsok:

Coming from someone who was stupid enough to root for the Raiders AFTER they gave you the middle finger,no surprise here in your ignorance.:itsok::abgg2q.jpg:

You have been so brainwashed by fake news over the years and our school system you dont even realise the fact Reagan ran the most corrupt administration ever at the time back then and held that honor till Clinton came along having the most officials in his administration indicted.dont you ever get tired of me owning you and checkmating you on this all the time?:iyfyus.jpg::itsok::itsok:

By the end of his term, 138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, had been indicted, or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations. In terms of number of officials involved, the record of his administration was the worst ever
List of Reagan administration convictions.

sorry pesky little facts hurt your feelings.:abgg2q.jpg::itsok:

I also see I struck a nerve with one of USMB's resident trolls who always posts a funny when he cant counter my pesky facts.are you going to start acting childish like him and do the same?:laugh:
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You guys lie about Obama and watch Trump go everything you lie about Obama doing and love it,

I pick Obama, and then Carter.

English, do you speak it.

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He does ebonics. It's a pigeon form of English.

Obama could speak it and Crooked Hillary picked up a few words when she was kowtowing to blacks.
Trump speaks and writes at a fourth grade level

Sorry you are disappointed. Just don’t vote for him again.

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I won’t vote bigly
You guys lie about Obama and watch Trump go everything you lie about Obama doing and love it,

I pick Obama, and then Carter.

English, do you speak it.

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He does ebonics. It's a pigeon form of English.

Obama could speak it and Crooked Hillary picked up a few words when she was kowtowing to blacks.

Hillary was quoting a person & spoke like he did. Quit being such an asshole
When reading an excerpt from a book you don’t correct the language

Above the intellectual paygrade of most conservatives
Jimmy Carter. The man still lives in less than a $200K home and is still out building houses with Habitat for Humanity.

Maybe not a good president but that wasn't the question.
Most Honorable easy Jimmy Carter

Much better than all the other asswipe mass murdering clowns we have had SINCE then at least.

Indeed,our last NON corrupt president we had.

waits for USMB'S resident troll to post a funny knowing he is butthurt he cant counter this.LOL:abgg2q.jpg:
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Honorable? I would say Obama. He was and is in tune with what the United States is all about. Dubya might have been had he not surrounded himself with the likes of Cheney and Rumsfeld and ceded the presidency to them, but I don't think that Dubya is very bright. He fell victim to PNAC and the Ayn Rand people. He was too weak.
Yes, we are all about arming terrorists, giving them billions of dollars, bombing multiple multiple countries and spying on our allies.


Looks like she has reading comprehension problems ,she obviously did not grasp a word of what you just said after you owned her and took her to school.LOL.
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Wish I had time to go back and forth all day, with this ludicrous game. Bathroom reading time is done. Hopefully your butt heals before the next election.

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Honorable? I would say Obama. He was and is in tune with what the United States is all about. Dubya might have been had he not surrounded himself with the likes of Cheney and Rumsfeld and ceded the presidency to them, but I don't think that Dubya is very bright. He fell victim to PNAC and the Ayn Rand people. He was too weak.
Na, not really.
He was a fucking globalist control freak and a piece of shit to the greatest degree...
All career politicians are fucking morons...
In all 57 states and under sniper fire…

So shut the fuck up

No. YOU shut the fuck up.
Obama is a gentleman, scholar, honorable leader, good family man, as is his vice president Joe Biden. Now we have in their places two ignorant white-trash whores, the basic gutter-filth of our country, neither of whom is worth my spit. You love your whores, don't you. These two POS are trying to trash my country. No honor there.

Obama is a Stalinist gangster, Hysteria. He is the most putrid pile of shit to ever disgrace the office of the presidency.

Nixon was forced from office for merely threatening to use the IRS on political enemies. Obama did it for years and corrupt fucks like you applaud him for it.

Your hatred of America blinds you to any sense of what honor is.
Pure bullshit. Obama had zero to do with the IRS nonsense..which was a non-scandal in any event
Obama is a fucking piece of shit, he tried destroying people that he disagreed with all of the time. So shut the fuck up you fucking moron


this post should be directed at the moron nutcase who said that about Nixon as well cause it describes DICK Nixon to a tee as well.:D
You guys lie about Obama and watch Trump go everything you lie about Obama doing and love it,

I pick Obama, and then Carter.

funny you would mention that piece of shit mass murderer Obomination with the non corrupt carter.:abgg2q.jpg:Nobody here has lied about Obama.Its only you die hard democrats who refuse to look at his corruption just like the idiot brainwashed reagannuts always ignore reagans corruption.:abgg2q.jpg:
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Bush senior imo.

The Bush family are probably corrupt as fuck. From WWII, relations with Hitler, JFK's death, and possibly 9-11 too. They're major players among an elite class that turns shit upside down for cash, power and control.

IMO, the answer is Reagan. Before that Carter. Before that JFK.

I know that was a misprint there when you put in that mass murdering Reagan in there with Carter and JFK.:abgg2q.jpg: Get rid of that misprint on Reagan,and this is the best damn post on this thread, hands down no contest.:yes_text12:that is what i said way back as well several pages back that got ignored everything you said there except for the nutty part on criminal reagan of course.:D
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You guys lie about Obama and watch Trump go everything you lie about Obama doing and love it,

I pick Obama, and then Carter.

Obama is a con-man, plain and simple. He sells PC, racism, and divide under a tone of false integrity. It's trickery. That or he's just dumb, ultra-sensitive & nuts, pick one. Obama is the worst social POTUS in my lifetime, and I've been around since Kennedy.

His administration was CORRUPT AS FUCK, Sec. of State, IRS, Justice Dept., FBI They had the media under their supervision, and that's just an example.

He's also narcissistic and who knows why. He's half as intelligent as he thinks he is, but then again he is a con.
Then you were obviously living on a deserted Island when Reagan was president the fact you have such a poor memory that at the TIME until Clinton came along,he ran the most corrupt administration ever. :abgg2q.jpg: somehow just because i am the MESSENGER of the truth on this,i always get attacked by immature posters on here like Rambuntious who the truth obviously hurts.LOL . guess it feels good to shoot the messenger instead of researching the facts or trying to remember them.:abgg2q.jpg:

By the end of his term, 138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, had been indicted, or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations. In terms of number of officials involved, the record of his administration was the worst ever
List of Reagan administration convictions.
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The Great Obama was an honorable man
You may disagree with him politically but he is a great family man, respected leader and Nobel Prize Winner

No bigger honor than a Nobel Prize

Wow are you a dupe.

Obabble is a slick, plausible con man. In the immortal words of Plugs Biden:

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”
How do you define "honorable"? Does it make a politician "dishonorable" if he ever had consensual sexual relations with a bimbo when he was a civilian? An honorable politician is an elected official who tries his best to live up to his campaign promises in spite of death threats and unrelenting harassment from the media and timid members of his own party. In that case it makes President Donald Trump the most honorable president in modern history.
Reagan....he was treated like Trump is treated by the left and by the establishment....and the media.....
Anytime the people elect a man that can make life better for them the establishment gets together with the state run media and goes after him.....the way to tell if a president is Honorable and is working for the people is to watch the swamp and how they act...and to watch the media...when they lie like they are doing now you know we have a good man in the white house.....

Reagan did a lot of damage and his new tax code created the greatest transfer of wealth to the top 10% the world has ever seen.

Prior to Reagan’s tax code, the US economy was a rising tide lifting all boats. Combined with his destruction of worker unions, worker wages have stagnated ever since. This generation is the first since WWII to be economically worse off than their parents.

Most the work of the New Deal has been undone by 40 years of Republican tax codes. The working class has no equity, the middle class is being squeezed into non-existence with many more falling into poverty than are rising into wealth.

Reagan should be vilified.
Reagan....he was treated like Trump is treated by the left and by the establishment....and the media.....
Anytime the people elect a man that can make life better for them the establishment gets together with the state run media and goes after him.....the way to tell if a president is Honorable and is working for the people is to watch the swamp and how they act...and to watch the media...when they lie like they are doing now you know we have a good man in the white house.....

Reagan did a lot of damage and his new tax code created the greatest transfer of wealth to the top 10% the world has ever seen.

Prior to Reagan’s tax code, the US economy was a rising tide lifting all boats. Combined with his destruction of worker unions, worker wages have stagnated ever since. This generation is the first since WWII to be economically worse off than their parents.

Most the work of the New Deal has been undone by 40 years of Republican tax codes. The working class has no equity, the middle class is being squeezed into non-existence with many more falling into poverty than are rising into wealth.

Reagan should be vilified.

That's a load of crap.

The Misery Index (Inflation plus Unemployment) was sky high when Reagan took office. He is the most successful president since the mid 20th century in improving the overall conditions for Americans. The only reason that Obabble's is high as it is due to the Fed's adherence to ZIRP throughout his Reign of Malignant Incompetence.


America’s misery index: a presidential ranking
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The Great Obama was an honorable man
You may disagree with him politically but he is a great family man, respected leader and Nobel Prize Winner

No bigger honor than a Nobel Prize

Wow are you a dupe.

Obabble is a slick, plausible con man. In the immortal words of Plugs Biden:

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”
Biden was right

Obama was a rock star........articulate, respectful, intelligent

Traits we used to admire in a President........before Crooked Donnie

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