Who will be the first to tattle about getting 2 negs in less than 48?

Uh-huh. Honey, if you think you're setting some kind of standard around here, you are gravely mistaken.
Says the woman who had to have the standards changed to get a foothold, after her failed pos-rep abuse campaign.
it's okay, your condensed program of study in this thread is more than enough.

now run along, those coffee pots aren't going to fill themselves, dear.

See? You're transferring again, dear. You've posted in this thread much more than I have. So which one of us is obsessed?

and yet i never said anyone was obsessed. do you often have visual hallucinations?

maybe it's the caffeine, dear, try the decaf.

black, no sugar.

How del takes his men. :thup:


If you want to be stupid and insulting enough within a 48 hour time period, it'll probably be me. I have standards and see no reason to change them for a rep rule.
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Ravi said:
Who will be the first to tattle about getting 2 negs in less than 48?
I dont think you can!!!!

If someone gives someone POS OR NEG REP,they cannot give rep to that person again UNTIL THEY SPREAD SOME REPUTATION AROUND!! (I dont know what the threshold is set to here)
All this junior high choosing up sides for basket ball shit is just too childish. Kinda nice since I had mine deleted.

Neg all you want, rw's. Means less than nothing.

GROW UP already.
All this junior high choosing up sides for basket ball shit is just too childish. Kinda nice since I had mine deleted.

Neg all you want, rw's. Means less than nothing.

GROW UP already.
Personally, I think when someone who doesn't have the wherewithal to disable their own reps and notification; who doesn't have the wherewithal not to look at rep comments on their CP; and who needs to have someone take that ability away from them, that someone is not in the greatest position to tell anyone to grow up.
All this junior high choosing up sides for basket ball shit is just too childish. Kinda nice since I had mine deleted.

Neg all you want, rw's. Means less than nothing.

GROW UP already.
Personally, I think when someone who doesn't have the wherewithal to disable their own reps and notification; who doesn't have the wherewithal not to look at rep comments on their CP; and who needs to have someone take that ability away from them, that someone is not in the greatest position to tell anyone to grow up.

This forum will never have a shortage of people who fail to grasp the obvious.
We have a winner! Much to my surprise, it wasn't mal, it was Full Auto.

I'd like to thank rat boy, Full-Auto. Somehow he baited me into neg repping him. It turns out to be the second in 48 hours (I thought the software dealt with that), so he ratted me out. It's a liberating feeling. I look at all your headers, and see nothing below the thanks line.

Too bad for him, it's his crew that can't do anything but use rep points, since they're ignorant pinheads.

Poor little WillowTree, Diamond Dave, Dr. House, California Girl, etc.. No more of your pathetic negative reps. So parade around with all your Il Duce medals, and know that your strategy is lost.

Cream I Feel Free - YouTube
What a fucking weanie!
Do we know he was the first or was dick tuck just the first reportee to whine about being reported? I would have guessed uncensored or lumpy, personally.
We have a winner! Much to my surprise, it wasn't mal, it was Full Auto.

I'd like to thank rat boy, Full-Auto. Somehow he baited me into neg repping him. It turns out to be the second in 48 hours (I thought the software dealt with that), so he ratted me out. It's a liberating feeling. I look at all your headers, and see nothing below the thanks line.

Too bad for him, it's his crew that can't do anything but use rep points, since they're ignorant pinheads.

Poor little WillowTree, Diamond Dave, Dr. House, California Girl, etc.. No more of your pathetic negative reps. So parade around with all your Il Duce medals, and know that your strategy is lost.

Cream I Feel Free - YouTube
What a fucking weanie!

I encourage all newbies who are being repped into oblivion to report it but Full Auto is a big fat hypocrite. He negs the shit out of people then reports someone with tiny rep.
Do we know he was the first or was dick tuck just the first reportee to whine about being reported? I would have guessed uncensored or lumpy, personally.

As far as I can tell, no one else has had their rep deleted without requesting it.

Not everything is a whine.
Do we know he was the first or was dick tuck just the first reportee to whine about being reported? I would have guessed uncensored or lumpy, personally.

As far as I can tell, no one else has had their rep deleted without requesting it.

Not everything is a whine.


You're such a dishonest twat it's truly remarkable.

As if you wouldn't be singing the opposite tune if it went the other way around. :thup:
Oh dear, I forgot about manifold.

Aside from manifold, I know of no one else that lost their rep without requesting it.

Do we know he was the first or was dick tuck just the first reportee to whine about being reported? I would have guessed uncensored or lumpy, personally.

As far as I can tell, no one else has had their rep deleted without requesting it.

Not everything is a whine.

So, if full auto had lost his rep for failing to follow neg rep rules, you wouldn't be laughing your butt off? Obvious whines are obvious.
All this junior high choosing up sides for basket ball shit is just too childish. Kinda nice since I had mine deleted.

Neg all you want, rw's. Means less than nothing.

GROW UP already.
Personally, I think when someone who doesn't have the wherewithal to disable their own reps and notification; who doesn't have the wherewithal not to look at rep comments on their CP; and who needs to have someone take that ability away from them, that someone is not in the greatest position to tell anyone to grow up.
But all this whining is so priceless. It's almost as good as being in the full moon with the local wild dog pack is talking...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbKgWrE8l2I"]Lunar Eclipse to dogs howling- Dec 10 2011- dog training - YouTube[/ame]

Nothing like a good, old-fashioned USMB Pity Party!
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We have a winner! Much to my surprise, it wasn't mal, it was Full Auto.

I'd like to thank rat boy, Full-Auto. Somehow he baited me into neg repping him. It turns out to be the second in 48 hours (I thought the software dealt with that), so he ratted me out. It's a liberating feeling. I look at all your headers, and see nothing below the thanks line.

Too bad for him, it's his crew that can't do anything but use rep points, since they're ignorant pinheads.

Poor little WillowTree, Diamond Dave, Dr. House, California Girl, etc.. No more of your pathetic negative reps. So parade around with all your Il Duce medals, and know that your strategy is lost.

Cream I Feel Free - YouTube
What a fucking weanie!

This means that right now, as it stands, all conservatives are the biggest whiners of all-time and that Barack Obama will automatically win the election and that during the Inauguration parade, while riding on a giant float shaped like Chris Cristy, hand out EBT cards funded by money confiscated from Mitt Romney's amnestied off-shore accounts.
Do we know he was the first or was dick tuck just the first reportee to whine about being reported? I would have guessed uncensored or lumpy, personally.

As far as I can tell, no one else has had their rep deleted without requesting it.

Not everything is a whine.

So, if full auto had lost his rep for failing to follow neg rep rules, you wouldn't be laughing your butt off? Obvious whines are obvious.
I'd certainly laugh but I would still think whomever did it was a first class wuss.

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