who will run against Trump in 2020


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
i guess it's wide open. rumor has it hillary still wants to be thought of as relevant. will it be a woman ? picking kaine sort of suggests they've run out of qualified men. pocahontas is a lightning rod. wasserman's cooked. so who's up and coming ? booker ?
i guess it's wide open. rumor has it hillary still wants to be thought of as relevant. will it be a woman ? picking kaine sort of suggests they've run out of qualified men. pocahontas is a lightning rod. wasserman's cooked. so who's up and coming ? booker ?

Who knows.... let it be Warren, that's be a hoot.
i guess it's wide open. rumor has it hillary still wants to be thought of as relevant. will it be a woman ? picking kaine sort of suggests they've run out of qualified men. pocahontas is a lightning rod. wasserman's cooked. so who's up and coming ? booker ?
/---- Maxine Waters is the most gifted, intelligent and qualified Democrat to run against him.
Trump will be gone by then, and no one has an idea who will run against Pence or whoever will be the GOP candidate.
Irrelevant, Wall Street, Goldman Sachs and the usual money changers are always in place; it's utterly bipartisan.
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i guess it's wide open. rumor has it hillary still wants to be thought of as relevant. will it be a woman ? picking kaine sort of suggests they've run out of qualified men. pocahontas is a lightning rod. wasserman's cooked. so who's up and coming ? booker ?

Who knows.... let it be Warren, that's be a hoot.
i think she might be the best they've got. i think the dems are going to clean house.
i guess it's wide open. rumor has it hillary still wants to be thought of as relevant. will it be a woman ? picking kaine sort of suggests they've run out of qualified men. pocahontas is a lightning rod. wasserman's cooked. so who's up and coming ? booker ?

any number of people are a thousand times more qualified than the orange sociopath.

but I'm pretty sure it's a little early for that
Booker voted against lowering drug prices or something. The Bernie bros hate him, IIRC.

He voted for the Cures Act. Obama signed it with much fanfare. It was a huge giveaway to the drug industry. Funny thing, they promoted it because it included expanded funding for the opiate epidemic and yet the same act ALLOWS off-label use marketing by the drug companies, not to the doctors, but to the insurance companies. Hell, it was off label use that got us in to this pain-killer over prescriping opiate epidemic cycle to start with.
i guess it's wide open. rumor has it hillary still wants to be thought of as relevant. will it be a woman ? picking kaine sort of suggests they've run out of qualified men. pocahontas is a lightning rod. wasserman's cooked. so who's up and coming ? booker ?

any number of people are a thousand times more qualified than the orange sociopath.

but I'm pretty sure it's a little early for that
i want to help you guys all i can. you have to do something, because that last one was so in the bag. the price of champagne plummeted.
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i guess it's wide open. rumor has it hillary still wants to be thought of as relevant. will it be a woman ? picking kaine sort of suggests they've run out of qualified men. pocahontas is a lightning rod. wasserman's cooked. so who's up and coming ? booker ?
Chelsea Clinton? Who cares? But if I had to guess... it would be some kind of a socialist. Maybe they ought to stop pretending and just run Bernie.
For 2020?

Smart money is on Fauxahontas but her run would depend on Bernie Sanders passing quietly away so she could have the corpse skinned and made into a costume she could wear (leave off the feathers, Lizzie, they'd be a dead giveaway) on the campaign trail of tears.

How could Jake fail to take up her banner?
Trump won't be the candidate in 2020 for many reasons..
One... this fat fuck will be 74 years old and lives on fast food.
He's a stroke waiting to happen.
Two.. he already has the lowest rating in history for a new president.
And it will be all downhill from there.
Three... his presidency is already scandal ridden. In four long years
the scandals will mount and neither he nor the republicans will want any part of him running in 2020.
Four... the country is already weary of his daily lies. After 2-4 more years of these lies the country will be exhausted.

Sorry. No soup for you deplorables.
i guess it's wide open. rumor has it hillary still wants to be thought of as relevant. will it be a woman ? picking kaine sort of suggests they've run out of qualified men. pocahontas is a lightning rod. wasserman's cooked. so who's up and coming ? booker ?
Chelsea Clinton? Who cares? But if I had to guess... it would be some kind of a socialist. Maybe they ought to stop pretending and just run Bernie.
i love that bernie's not even a democrat and he's their best guy.

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