Who would like to be a Who's Who?

First, Thank you for thinking of me Syrenn, you are very thoughtful and always trying to be inclusive of everyone. I really appreciate that about you. :smiliehug:

There a few people already mentioned that I would love to know more about. [MENTION=42649]Gracie[/MENTION], [MENTION=29697]freedombecki[/MENTION], [MENTION=18990]Barb[/MENTION], [MENTION=20450]MarcATL[/MENTION], [MENTION=31918]Unkotare[/MENTION], [MENTION=20285]Intense[/MENTION], [MENTION=40540]Connery[/MENTION].

There are some I did not see mentioned, I know that they are not liked by half the board perhaps, but since I am acquainted with a different side and invited to participate with my opinion I am going to put their names out there. [MENTION=26838]Ropey[/MENTION], [MENTION=15512]Dante[/MENTION]

Will there be one interviewer asking the question or can people submit questions to be asked?

The one person I most would like to see interviewed is my good friend Emily, she is quite a deep thinker and philosopher. [MENTION=22295]emilynghiem[/MENTION] :cool:

Who me?

[ame=http://youtu.be/4MNANgFCYpk]Julie Andrews - Getting to know you - YouTube[/ame] :tongue:

Getting to know you,
Getting to know all about you.
Getting to like you,
Getting to hope you like me.

Getting to know you,
Putting it my way,
But nicely,
You are precisely,
My cup of tea.

I actually watched and listened to the whole clip.

Good one!

:lol: :clap2:
What I've seen done in the past was board conference calls.

Anyone can set up a conference call online and post the number for the members to join in.

That seemed to be fun back in the day.

I'm sure it would still be a hootnanny today.

Now that sounds like work. Sign me up if a conference call arises

No work at all.

How it happened on this old board I used to frequent.

One day some regular poster came up w/the bright idea and posted a conference number.

It was an instant hit. Most everyone on the board instantly dialed in and joined the call.

From the first time it was done, other posters did the same at different times.

This occurred off-and-on for a year or two, perhaps about once every month or two, sometimes more than once in a single month for about 2 years.

This was back in '03/'04. At that time I wasn't as politically aware and I was on other types of boards.

Yes, there was some drama on the phone w/posters who had beef w/each other, but it was a to a minimum. Whenever and/or if the drama got to be too much, everyone just got off the call.

Fun times.
What I've seen done in the past was board conference calls.

Anyone can set up a conference call online and post the number for the members to join in.

That seemed to be fun back in the day.

I'm sure it would still be a hootnanny today.

Now that sounds like work. Sign me up if a conference call arises

No work at all.

How it happened on this old board I used to frequent.

One day some regular poster came up w/the bright idea and posted a conference number.

It was an instant hit. Most everyone on the board instantly dialed in and joined the call.

From the first time it was done, other posters did the same at different times.

This occurred off-and-on for a year or two, perhaps about once every month or two, sometimes more than once in a single month for about 2 years.

This was back in '03/'04. At that time I wasn't as politically aware and I was on other types of boards.

Yes, there was some drama on the phone w/posters who had beef w/each other, but it was a to a minimum. Whenever and/or if the drama got to be too much, everyone just got off the call.

Fun times.

That would be fun to listen in on :tongue:


So that means you will decide the questions and you will interview all those who agree to participate?

I already sent questions to Dante to answer before I asked you. :lol:

I guess I should have asked you what the process is going to be first.

Yes, that is how it will go. :tongue:

I think Dante.... gotcha.

I'm sorry I didn't ask first.


helping it along. please folks, try and keep up wilya wilma? :lol:

Now that sounds like work. Sign me up if a conference call arises

No work at all.

How it happened on this old board I used to frequent.

One day some regular poster came up w/the bright idea and posted a conference number.

It was an instant hit. Most everyone on the board instantly dialed in and joined the call.

From the first time it was done, other posters did the same at different times.

This occurred off-and-on for a year or two, perhaps about once every month or two, sometimes more than once in a single month for about 2 years.

This was back in '03/'04. At that time I wasn't as politically aware and I was on other types of boards.

Yes, there was some drama on the phone w/posters who had beef w/each other, but it was a to a minimum. Whenever and/or if the drama got to be too much, everyone just got off the call.

Fun times.

That would be fun to listen in on :tongue:
Yes, there were lots of lurkers too.

Goes w/the territory.
Sure, I'm game.
Just no trick questions like "have you always hated haters? if so, do you include yourself as a hater?"

And please be careful not to ask things like "can government even define what is or isn't a "religious belief" protected under the Constitution without regulating religion itself"
unless you want me to fill up the entire internet trying to answer and be fair to all groups!

Thanks to everyone for your encouraging words and helpful posts,
and the edifying contributions you make to the community here! Thanks!

PS some suggestions for questions:
A. what issue, conflict, or problems are you most interested in resolving by getting involved directly?
EX: I would like to reform X by replacing it with Y
or I would like to work directly in ______ reform or education/training in ______

B. what groups or types of people do you find most negative, difficult, or challenging to work with you would like help to address?

C. what are your greatest strengths and skills you would like to offer or develop to help society
(or also, what are your worst weaknesses you appreciate help to correct or overcome?)

D. which groups, leaders, solutions, or programs already existing do you promote as models to replicate?

E. what do you find most valuable out of USMB and what would you like to see improved, more of, less of, etc.
EX: what are the most helpful things you learned or knowledge/ideas you gained
or what are the most critical things that changed your mind, or corrected myths, misinformation or misperceptions you had
Last edited:
Ive started a New thread all about Who's Who on USMB.


The "interview" process consists of some 10 or 12 (?) pm's of questions and answers.... and one final run through for your final approval before posting.

If you are interested in being a Who's Who of Usmb.... please say so here in the thread.

If there are any who you would love to see do a Who's Who..... throw them into the mix!

As always, my all inclusive everyone is welcome @vite list never complete. If i have missed you, i am sorry. If you would like to be included or dropped off of the list, please let me know.

[MENTION=19441]Big Black Dog[/MENTION]
@C_Clay_ Jones
[MENTION=21665]Dont Taz Me Bro[/MENTION]
[MENTION=28132]Dot Com[/MENTION]
[MENTION=3136]Dr Grump[/MENTION]
[MENTION=26011]Ernie S.[/MENTION]
[MENTION=30538]Grampa Murked U[/MENTION]
[MENTION=16291]Harry Dresden[/MENTION]
[MENTION=9370]jon_berzek [/MENTION]
[MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION]
[MENTION=20594]Mr Clean[/MENTION]
[MENTION=11735]Mr. President[/MENTION]
[MENTION=20704]Nosmo King[/MENTION]
[MENTION=19507]Political Junky[/MENTION]
[MENTION=23420]Quantum Windbag[/MENTION]
[MENTION=24036]R.C. Christian[/MENTION]
[MENTION=23063]Rat in the Hat[/MENTION]
[MENTION=18645]Sarah G[/MENTION]
[MENTION=20241]Soggy in NOLA[/MENTION]
[MENTION=25837]squeeze berry[/MENTION]
[MENTION=11674]Sunni Man[/MENTION]
[MENTION=28505]The Professor[/MENTION]
[MENTION=21679]william the wie[/MENTION]
[MENTION=20297]Wry Catcher[/MENTION]
I dont mind . I have nothing to hide. Unlike some I am not ashamed of my life .if a question is to personal i just wont answer it
Ive started a New thread all about Who's Who on USMB.


The "interview" process consists of some 10 or 12 (?) pm's of questions and answers.... and one final run through for your final approval before posting.

If you are interested in being a Who's Who of Usmb.... please say so here in the thread.

If there are any who you would love to see do a Who's Who..... throw them into the mix!

As always, my all inclusive everyone is welcome @vite list never complete. If i have missed you, i am sorry. If you would like to be included or dropped off of the list, please let me know.

I dont mind . I have nothing to hide. Unlike some I am not ashamed of my life .if a question is to personal i just wont answer it

Ive started a New thread all about Who's Who on USMB.


The "interview" process consists of some 10 or 12 (?) pm's of questions and answers.... and one final run through for your final approval before posting.

If you are interested in being a Who's Who of Usmb.... please say so here in the thread.

If there are any who you would love to see do a Who's Who..... throw them into the mix!

As always, my all inclusive everyone is welcome @vite list never complete. If i have missed you, i am sorry. If you would like to be included or dropped off of the list, please let me know.

I dont mind . I have nothing to hide. Unlike some I am not ashamed of my life .if a question is to personal i just wont answer it


I am definitely not ashamed of my life, but privacy is privacy and some people value it more than others. Just saying. People who are not interested in doing an interview may simply be private people.
I dont mind . I have nothing to hide. Unlike some I am not ashamed of my life .if a question is to personal i just wont answer it


I am definitely not ashamed of my life, but privacy is privacy and some people value it more than others. Just saying. People who are not interested in doing an interview may simply be private people.

And that's fine. There's no reason for you to need to defend it, it simply is.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmeUuoxyt_E]Nickelback - Rockstar [OFFICIAL VIDEO] - YouTube[/ame]
Of course you like Nickleback

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
Of course you like Nickleback

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
And long walks on the beach, moonlit make-out sessions, and high mountain vales....also the Entire Fringe story....

Not necessarily in that order.
So who is going to interview Syrenn then?


Exactly my question. Ya beat me to it.

I just came across this query (I rarely ever look up mentions). I think Mister Beale needs to be added, if he consents. He's interesting. I also would find interesting scathing exposés on the enigmatic BlackSand, Emily, Waltky and perhaps some insight on why everything jon_berzerk posts comes out a haiku.

Me, I guess I'll answer what I'll answer. But absolutely no questions about you know, that time, in that place, with that thing.

Here, I'll save you time and give you the answers first:

1 - "42"

2 - Herb Alpert.

3 - a bit higher, to the right, and do it like you mean it.

4 - if you say so.

5 - Not without a paycheck and written approval from the Scottish midget.

6 - Herb Alpert's ass.

7 - Not since I was banned from the royal polo grounds.

8 - Woudn't that get stuck?

9 - 8:30, 10:30 and twice on Tuesdays

10 - you can't prove that, nobody saw it

11 - what?

12 - Which kind -- African or European?

13 - Herb Alpert.
So who is going to interview Syrenn then?


Exactly my question. Ya beat me to it.

I just came across this query (I rarely ever look up mentions). I think Mister Beale needs to be added, if he consents. He's interesting. I also would find interesting scathing exposés on the enigmatic BlackSand, Emily, Waltky and perhaps some insight on why everything jon_berzerk posts comes out a haiku.

Me, I guess I'll answer what I'll answer. But absolutely no questions about you know, that time, in that place, with that thing.

Here, I'll save you time and give you the answers first:

1 - "42"

2 - Herb Alpert.

3 - a bit higher, to the right, and do it like you mean it.

4 - if you say so.

5 - Not without a paycheck and written approval from the Scottish midget.

6 - Herb Alpert's ass.

7 - Not since I was banned from the royal polo grounds.

8 - Woudn't that get stuck?

9 - 8:30, 10:30 and twice on Tuesdays

10 - you can't prove that, nobody saw it

11 - what?

12 - Which kind -- African or European?

13 - Herb Alpert.

I was just thinking about you earlier today Pogo.

Dreamy Pear Trifle | The Kind Life

[MENTION=22295]emilynghiem[/MENTION] she is really wonderful.

I would interview Syrenn :)

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