Who would you trust to investigate Biden's failed withdrawl?

Exactly what are you "investigating"?
Did you just immerge from a month long hibernation?

You can start here with a nice left leaning source and Democrats calling for an investigation into the utter and complete failure of Biden's withdrawal.

And this was BEFORE American servicemen were killed.

When you are caught up with current events...feel free to rejoin the conversation.
Hahahaha. 19 years of failure at Nation Building from Bush, Obama, and Trump.

As I said earlier, it was W and Os fiasco. One started it, the next one nurtured it, loved it, spread it and extended it. Trump set the end date and biden screwed that up by extending it with no evacuation contingency plans.
Did you just immerge from a month long hibernation?

You can start here with a nice left leaning source and Democrats calling for an investigation into the utter and complete failure of Biden's withdrawal.

And this was BEFO
RE American servicemen were killed.

When you are caught up with current events...feel free to rejoin the conversation.

Sure would be nice if the US had complete control over the Taliban, Afghan Security Forces, Warlords and Afghan Mafia, wouldn't it, sissy boy..
I don't trust them on a PR standpoint to report everything that happened to the world. I also don't think thats necessary. They need to fix this internally. It is in their best interest to do so. They will be out of power in a few years anyway and a new admin will be taking over and then it will be their responsibility.
Understood...you are referring to an internal review.

I am referencing an investigation that informs the governed...the people...us.

Who could you and I agree on to credibly publicly investigate this debacle?

That is the question.
Understood...you are referring to an internal review.

I am referencing an investigation that informs the governed...the people...us.

Who could you and I agree on to credibly publicly investigate this debacle?

That is the question.
I don't know what else we the people need to see. These investigations and hearings have turned into a media circus. We the people are ignorant pawns playing the partisan hate game. Unfortunately keeping an open book to the people only causes drama and fights not productive outcomes. We all saw the misjudgment and mismanagement from Biden and he will be judged come Election Day. At some point we need to let the elected officials work. If they do something illegal then there needs to be accountability but I'm not seeing law breaking going on here, just poor intel and poor judgement.
As I said earlier, it was W and Os fiasco. One started it, the next one nurtured it, loved it, spread it and extended it. Trump set the end date and biden screwed that up by extending it with no evacuation contingency plans.
Trump did more than set the date. He freed twice as many captured Taliban fighters than he left behind in US troops. During Trumps surrender negotiations the Afghans and their Army were shut out of talks. So it's no wonder that they folded so quickly.
Why do we need an investigation? We already know who is responsible, don't we?
Yes...I believe based on what is known that the assignment of blame is not in question. If the left leaning media has no choice but to report that Biden had intelligence assessments in July that intimated a total collapse within a month AND that Biden refused the recommendations of the military to keep a force in-country to ensure the stability of the country AND there was no contingency plan to evacuate American and Allied personnel and civilians...IMO the conclusion that Biden is clearly at fault is not only obvious but also unavoidable.

That doesn't mean the left will not do all they can to obscure and obfuscate this conclusion.
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These days an investigation by anybody is nothing more than a political opportunity to demagogue the other side. Nothing changes and rarely does anyone go to jail or even get kicked out of office; it's all political theater, designed to influence voters in the next election. Nobody gives a fuck about justice or the public's trust in gov't, it's all about money and power.
We all saw the misjudgment and mismanagement from Biden and he will be judged come Election Day

I think you are agreeing with my supposition in a decidedly backhanded manner.

That today there is no person or institution that is trusted by both sides to investigate arrive at an honest conclusion that both sides would accept was determined fairly and unbiasedly.

That is a monumental problem.

I disagree that the Governed...the People...have no vested interest in an open investigation. The government has no power but that of representatives of the People...and the People have a right to know the circumstances of the "misjudgements and mismanagement" of those they empower.
I think you are agreeing with my supposition in a decidedly backhanded manner.

That today there is no person or institution that is trusted by both sides to investigate arrive at an honest conclusion that both sides would accept was determined fairly and unbiasedly.

That is a monumental problem.

I disagree that the Governed...the People...have no vested interest in an open investigation. The government has no power but that of representatives of the People...and the People have a right to know the circumstances of the "misjudgements and mismanagement" of those they empower.
I think opening the books of operational processes to the public is a bad idea for any organization. Ever heard the term "too many cooks in the kitchen"? It is a recipe for gridlock and misinformation. I'm a believer in letting the experts and leaders do their job. If they don't produce results then they need to explain themselves and risk being replaced by somebody who is more competent.

I agree in your skepticism from government statements/investigations. But unlike you I do not think them necessary in this case. All the calls for investigations are politically motivated.
A withdrawal wouldn't have been necessary without what came before it was decided to withdraw.
And Biden's already accepted responsibility for what happened yesterday. Just as I would expect any competent, honest leader to do.
Yeah... and the car collision wouldn't have happened if no one built the car.

But the car was built... the road was laid...the laws were made...and the driver took the wheel with full knowledge of the responsibilities he was assuming.

When his actions result in disaster... it's far too late to blame Toyota...
Investigation now a days are mostly about making political statements. With all the misinformation floating around it gives congress something they think is gives their statements more credibility than the Fox or MSNBC interviews that they do and that most people ignore.

Biden knows he fucked up and he knows that the blood of dead soldiers are on his hands. Thats what he has to live with and it is the burden of being a leader. There is no need for a politicized investigation by the Jim Jordan turds. Biden made a bad call. That isn't criminal, it is just poor judgement that I hope he learned from and won't do again.
12 dead and you hope he learned a lesson???

Is that a fucking serious response ffs?
My committee would be:

1) Dwayne Johnson
2) Bill Maher
3) Ben Shapiro
4) Joe Rogan
5) Jason Whitlock
6) Caitlyn Jenner
7) Jon Voigt

Pretty balanced
I'd go with:

Jethro Gibbs
Abby Sciuto
Dr. John Watson
Fox Mulder
Dana Scully
Ricardo Tubbs
and Magnum PI
I think opening the books of operational processes to the public is a bad idea for any organization. Ever heard the term "too many cooks in the kitchen"? It is a recipe for gridlock and misinformation.
That is exactly why the trusted investigator is so critical.

They are our unbiased eyes and ears that can deliberate over classified operational data without the need for widespread release...which makes the question even more prudent...

Who is left that all the public trust to give a fair, impartial judgement to the People as to what led to this failure?

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