Who Would You *vote Off The Island?

Mexifornia is going broke and it won't be long before it has more illegals than legals. And getting rid of Mexifornia gets rid of Pelosi!
Did you see that bitch yesterday ? Some reporter asked her a question about illegal aliens. I don't remember what the actual question was, but Pelosi refused to use the term and even asked the reporter if she meant to say "undocumented workers".
She of course knew what she meant.

She is an ass.
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Fox News Poll Voters reveal which state they want kicked out of the union Fox News

But it’s a lot more talk than anything else, according to a Fox News national poll that asked voters if they would support their state splitting off from the United States. Just nine percent said they would.

The poll also gave people another option: What if you could boot other states out of the union?

Nearly twice as many -- 17 percent -- liked that idea.

Which state would be the first voted out? California. Of the voters willing to ditch a state or two, 53 percent pick the Golden State.

Next out the door is New York (25 percent), followed by Texas (20 percent) and Florida (11 percent). Respondents were allowed to name multiple states they wanted out of the union.

Democratic pollster Chris Anderson says voters who want to kick out a state appear to have presidential politics in mind.

“The top four states targeted for expulsion,” he observed, “are also the four most electorally rich states in the country.” Anderson conducts the Fox News poll with Republican pollster Daron Shaw, who for his part approvingly noted the first two states on the chopping block are solid blue.

One reason more Democratic states end up on the chopping block is Republicans (21 percent) are more likely than Democrats (13 percent) to want to vote a state out of the union.

In addition, Republicans (12 percent) and independents (13 percent) are three times as likely as Democrats (4 percent) to want their state to secede. Nearly one in four voters who are part of the Tea Party movement would vote for their state to split off (23 percent).

The Fox News poll is based on landline and cell phone interviews with 1,049 randomly chosen registered voters nationwide and was conducted under the joint direction of Anderson Robbins Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R) from September 28-30, 2014. The full poll has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points.


Looking at the actual poll results is actually pretty interesting.

*Apologies for the title as I've never actually seen the show.
Who Would You *vote Off The Island?

Whatever state the following reside in

Fakey Jakey
Twat com
plasma butt
Sea Hag
Silly Jilly
that is all......4 now
Easily California #1....a no brainer. New York #2.......Illinois #3. Have to consider Minnesota of course......they elected Al Franken. A lot of America-haters in these states. Fuck 'em......tens of millions of Americans would be overjoyed if California left the union......we have some mental cases from that state on this message board like Wry Catcher, who lives in the most racist city in the country.
I'd rather my own state secede and have autonomy than get rid of a state.

Easily California #1....a no brainer. New York #2.......Illinois #3. Have to consider Minnesota of course......they elected Al Franken. A lot of America-haters in these states. Fuck 'em......tens of millions of Americans would be overjoyed if California left the union......we have some mental cases from that state on this message board like Wry Catcher, who lives in the most racist city in the country.
You are right about the no brainer part. You dont have a brain if California is your #1 choice.
Interesting poll not surprising California was the top, Hispanics chose California and Blacks chose Texas. Democrats vote off Texas and Republicans and Independents vote off California. The ability to get rid of Pelosi, Feinstein, Boxer, Brown and Hollywood is very tempting.
No one needs to vote off Texas, they are going to secede all by themselves.
Easily California #1....a no brainer. New York #2.......Illinois #3. Have to consider Minnesota of course......they elected Al Franken. A lot of America-haters in these states. Fuck 'em......tens of millions of Americans would be overjoyed if California left the union......we have some mental cases from that state on this message board like Wry Catcher, who lives in the most racist city in the country.

Are you saying there are a majority of Republicans living in CA, NY and IL... and MN?

If you had bothered to read the poll before putting your foot in your mouth, you would have noticed that 3X (12% to 4%) more Republicans voted to break up the land of spacious skies, amber waves of grain and purple mountain majesties than Democrats and-----and since you didn't bother to read the poll's details you are probably ignorant of the fact that before a poll participant could move on to the question, which state they would kick out of our Grand Union, they had to first answer the question: [would they bust up the land of the free and home of the brave?]

Now-----now do you see why CA and NY were the leading vote getters to be voted "off the island"? If you answered, because Fox suppressed the Democratic vote by knowingly allowing only anti-American seditionists to vote, you'd be barking up the right tree. Now that Fox has proven to you that 3X more Republicans than Democrats want to break or at least compartmentalize America, who do you think the America haters are?
Mexifornia is going broke and it won't be long before it has more illegals than legals. And getting rid of Mexifornia gets rid of Pelosi!
Did you see that bitch yesterday ? Some reporter asked her a question about illegal aliens. I don't remember what the actual question was, but Pelosi refused to use the term and even asked the reporter if she meant to say "undocumented workers".
She of course knew what she meant.

I'm fine with the term ....
illegal undocumented people....

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