Who wrote the bible?

I really don't think he has what he says. There's something wrong with cammmmpbell. Happy 77 y.o. men with wonderful loving families and lots of money don't spend their time attacking Chrsitians online.
Books of the NT:

"Their authors were associates of Jesus or his immediate followers, men to whom Jesus had entrusted the leadership of the early church. The Gospel writers Matthew and John were some of Jesus' closest followers. Mark and Luke were companions of the apostles, having access to the apostles' account of Jesus' life.
The other New Testament authors had immediate access to Jesus as well: James and Jude were half-brothers of Jesus who initially did not believe in him. Peter was one of the 12 apostles. Paul started out as a hater of Christianity, but he became an apostle after he had a vision of Christ. He was also in communication with the other apostles."

These are not Roman or Greek philosophers. Though some of the bible was written in Greek.

"Our modern translations are confirmed by a huge number of ancient manuscripts in both Hebrew and Greek, including the mid-20th century discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls. These scrolls hold the oldest existing fragments of almost all of the Old Testament books, dating from 150 B.C. The similarity of the Dead Sea manuscripts to hand copies made even 1,000 years later is proof of the care the ancient Hebrew scribes took in copying their scriptures."

Who Wrote the Bible - Is the Bible Reliable?

Catholics did.
Someone isn't "smart" because they have to go to a food pantry to eat??? :cuckoo:
I've worked at the same place for 20 yrs now...i've been blessed to have a good job and good place to work. I never had to "wait" for my God to take care of me, he does it all the time, without my asking.

I've been mocking your sky pixie for 30 years, and my life is blessed, too.

Which means he's kind of fuckin' irrelevent.
Someone isn't "smart" because they have to go to a food pantry to eat??? :cuckoo:
I've worked at the same place for 20 yrs now...i've been blessed to have a good job and good place to work. I never had to "wait" for my God to take care of me, he does it all the time, without my asking.

I've been mocking your sky pixie for 30 years, and my life is blessed, too.

Which means he's kind of fuckin' irrelevent.

No, your life isn't blessed. Because only God can bless it, and you have stated you don't believe in God. And if you don't believe in God, he won't extend his blessing.

So whatever it is you've experienced...it isn't a blessing.
Someone isn't "smart" because they have to go to a food pantry to eat??? :cuckoo:
I've worked at the same place for 20 yrs now...i've been blessed to have a good job and good place to work. I never had to "wait" for my God to take care of me, he does it all the time, without my asking.

I've been mocking your sky pixie for 30 years, and my life is blessed, too.

Which means he's kind of fuckin' irrelevent.

No, your life isn't blessed. Because only God can bless it, and you have stated you don't believe in God. And if you don't believe in God, he won't extend his blessing.

So whatever it is you've experienced...it isn't a blessing.

The sarcasm is lost on you. I'll make it simple for you.

There is no God. Never was a God. Bowing down before an imaginary sadist because you are afraid of death is just kind of pathetic, and I have no respect for it.
I've been mocking your sky pixie for 30 years, and my life is blessed, too.

Which means he's kind of fuckin' irrelevent.

No, your life isn't blessed. Because only God can bless it, and you have stated you don't believe in God. And if you don't believe in God, he won't extend his blessing.

So whatever it is you've experienced...it isn't a blessing.

The sarcasm is lost on you. I'll make it simple for you.

There is no God. Never was a God. Bowing down before an imaginary sadist because you are afraid of death is just kind of pathetic, and I have no respect for it.

Sure there is.

And I'm certainly not afraid of death. I know what comes after, it holds no horror for me. As far as your respect, I have no use for it and don't want it. There's no value in the respect of a person who spits on God and those who believe in God. Because ultimately, you're just showing your disdain for humankind as well, and who wants the respect of someone who hates people?
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Either God isn't or is.
Either Jesus is God's full revelation to us or he isn't.
If you give positive assent to the above,here's another one: if God is àll powerful, why should he not have given us his version of events and ensured it would never be distorted by humanity or the passage of time?

Why would He do that? You can't have free will - but then strip people of free will when it comes to issues of religion, God and His Word which defeats the whole purpose of free will. If God insured His Word would never be distorted, misused, perverted, abused, twisted and misinterpreted-it could only be done by stripping man of free will. Man does these these things to His Word-sometimes by honest errors but often deliberately. Would you rather be stripped of free will with no choice but to believe and worship God like a bird has no choice about what kind of nest to build? Worship without free will is meaningless to God and man alike.
This is what comes of people who think that God has to accomodate their lack of understanding.

We have free will. Otherwise, everybody would believe and love God. You have the freedom to reject him if you choose.
Sure there is.

And I'm certainly not afraid of death. I know what comes after, it holds no horror for me. As far as your respect, I have no use for it and don't want it. There's no value in the respect of a person who spits on God and those who believe in God. Because ultimately, you're just showing your disdain for humankind as well, and who wants the respect of someone who hates people?

Of course, you are terrified of death. that's why you are willing to deny yourself enjoyment in order to make sure you get the E-ticket to ride on God's cloud with him...

And you take great pleasure in those "sinners" getting theirs in the afterlife.

Of course, your God is laughable on his face. He's an omnipotent busybody who is in everyone else's business. It's just too funny.
Sure there is.

And I'm certainly not afraid of death. I know what comes after, it holds no horror for me. As far as your respect, I have no use for it and don't want it. There's no value in the respect of a person who spits on God and those who believe in God. Because ultimately, you're just showing your disdain for humankind as well, and who wants the respect of someone who hates people?

Of course, you are terrified of death. that's why you are willing to deny yourself enjoyment in order to make sure you get the E-ticket to ride on God's cloud with him...

And you take great pleasure in those "sinners" getting theirs in the afterlife.

Of course, your God is laughable on his face. He's an omnipotent busybody who is in everyone else's business. It's just too funny.

Excuse me, you're the one who is telling me what I should believe and who is telling me what I think and feel.

Who's the busy body here? God, who you claim isn't real, or the person who races around telling people who have faith what they *really* think and feel?

I don't deny myself enjoyment at all. People who live debauched lives are not happy. You are the one who takes pleasure in attacking people for their faith...I get no joy at all from the thought of people in hell. Regardless of what you say.

Ultimately, you're just another lying anti-Christian, a tool of Satan, and a bigot. You are one of a multitude. We pity you.
For someone who has to go to a food pantry to eat, like you admitted in another thread, you don't sound so smart to me.

As hard as things have been, I've kept working.

Because I don't wait for a magic sky friend to take care of me.

Someone isn't "smart" because they have to go to a food pantry to eat??? :cuckoo:
I've worked at the same place for 20 yrs now...i've been blessed to have a good job and good place to work. I never had to "wait" for my God to take care of me, he does it all the time, without my asking.

You're blessed...........I'm lucky. Thing is I'm 77 years old and have been in near perfect health all my life. With a high school education I retired after 41 years working for the same company and moved to a 4br brick rancher on the lake. I have a dock, pontoon boat, irrigation system, two storage buildings, a small scuppernong vineyard, a $9,000 dollar garden tractor, a new F150 truck and my wife who is 15 years younger than I drives a 2009 Lincoln Towncar. Everything I have is paid for and we have money in the bank and two IRA's which haven't been touched.

Two of my three children have masters degrees and the other one is a project manager for the DOE earning six figures. My eight grandchildren and one great grandchild are healthy and smart.

I served in the military and spent six years in the TN national guards and discharged as a tank commander on an M-48 Medium Patton Tank. When I was born during the depression the life expectancy for a White male in the U S was 61 years. The way I see it I'll take luck over your blessing anytime.
Thing is, you are a idiot who keeps spouting the same old bull, who cares.
Someone isn't "smart" because they have to go to a food pantry to eat??? :cuckoo:
I've worked at the same place for 20 yrs now...i've been blessed to have a good job and good place to work. I never had to "wait" for my God to take care of me, he does it all the time, without my asking.

I've been mocking your sky pixie for 30 years, and my life is blessed, too.

Which means he's kind of fuckin' irrelevent.
No, means he has already decided you are not worth his time. Good luck, get a lot of sun tan lotion. You can mock him all you want, in the end you will see the truth and cry baby tears.
Someone isn't "smart" because they have to go to a food pantry to eat??? :cuckoo:
I've worked at the same place for 20 yrs now...i've been blessed to have a good job and good place to work. I never had to "wait" for my God to take care of me, he does it all the time, without my asking.

You're blessed...........I'm lucky. Thing is I'm 77 years old and have been in near perfect health all my life. With a high school education I retired after 41 years working for the same company and moved to a 4br brick rancher on the lake. I have a dock, pontoon boat, irrigation system, two storage buildings, a small scuppernong vineyard, a $9,000 dollar garden tractor, a new F150 truck and my wife who is 15 years younger than I drives a 2009 Lincoln Towncar. Everything I have is paid for and we have money in the bank and two IRA's which haven't been touched.

Two of my three children have masters degrees and the other one is a project manager for the DOE earning six figures. My eight grandchildren and one great grandchild are healthy and smart.

I served in the military and spent six years in the TN national guards and discharged as a tank commander on an M-48 Medium Patton Tank. When I was born during the depression the life expectancy for a White male in the U S was 61 years. The way I see it I'll take luck over your blessing anytime.
Thing is, you are a idiot who keeps spouting the same old bull, who cares.

You sure seem to care a lot.
Why else would you respond to him?
Sure there is.

And I'm certainly not afraid of death. I know what comes after, it holds no horror for me. As far as your respect, I have no use for it and don't want it. There's no value in the respect of a person who spits on God and those who believe in God. Because ultimately, you're just showing your disdain for humankind as well, and who wants the respect of someone who hates people?

Of course, you are terrified of death. that's why you are willing to deny yourself enjoyment in order to make sure you get the E-ticket to ride on God's cloud with him...

And you take great pleasure in those "sinners" getting theirs in the afterlife.

Of course, your God is laughable on his face. He's an omnipotent busybody who is in everyone else's business. It's just too funny.

I don't know one true Christian that is terrified of death. If someone is afraid of dying, then that's because they really aren't as Christian as they think they are. And i don't know one Christian that takes any pleasure in what non-believers are going to get when they die! If we didn't care about you, we'd tell you to just leave and mind you own business. We wouldn't bother to share the truth with you.
Let me clarify..not afraid of death...

I know plenty who are afraid of the process of DYING. But that's not fear of death, that's fear of pain.
I don't know one true Christian that is terrified of death.

How does a true Christian know he's a true Christian? I know people who think they're true Christians, but I think they're satanic (Zionists and Liberals). Anyway, one reason, maybe the mean reason, people become Atheists is to escape fear of death, to escape fear of holy judgement.
A true Christian knows they are true Christian because their hearts tell them so. If they have questions about it, they consult the word of God.

Ultimately, though, it's just between them and God. It's really nobody else's business if other people are "true" christians or not. True Christians leave that determination to God and the individual.
Books of the NT:

"Their authors were associates of Jesus or his immediate followers, men to whom Jesus had entrusted the leadership of the early church. The Gospel writers Matthew and John were some of Jesus' closest followers. Mark and Luke were companions of the apostles, having access to the apostles' account of Jesus' life.
The other New Testament authors had immediate access to Jesus as well: James and Jude were half-brothers of Jesus who initially did not believe in him. Peter was one of the 12 apostles. Paul started out as a hater of Christianity, but he became an apostle after he had a vision of Christ. He was also in communication with the other apostles."

These are not Roman or Greek philosophers. Though some of the bible was written in Greek.

"Our modern translations are confirmed by a huge number of ancient manuscripts in both Hebrew and Greek, including the mid-20th century discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls. These scrolls hold the oldest existing fragments of almost all of the Old Testament books, dating from 150 B.C. The similarity of the Dead Sea manuscripts to hand copies made even 1,000 years later is proof of the care the ancient Hebrew scribes took in copying their scriptures."

Who Wrote the Bible - Is the Bible Reliable?

Five books of the old testament were supposed to have been written by Moses yet most of that is written in third person. Who was that mystery writer who stood there and watched and listened to god and Moses and saw the burning bush

Pretty obvious that somebody imagined or made up that crock of shit

It could also be a recounting and collaboration of the story by people that heard it.

The basis of story can be tue, but the elaborative parts maybe included for several reasons.
1)To bridge the known parts of the story with unknown parts
2)to make the story more interesting
3)To promote Hebrew culture and God over other cultures and gods

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