Who wrote the bible?

Hear ye hear ye..only those who are willing to support all needy children are allowed to speak out against the murder of children.

If you can't support them, you must step aside and let the baby killers chop them up. Move to the side.

Well, alright then. That pretty well sums up the "argument" of the other side.

Being wholly illogical and adamantly unreasonable never deters them from making their absurd arguments.
> In tracing the origin of the Bible, one is led to AD 325, when
> Constantine the Great called the First Council of Nicaea, composed of
> 300 religious leaders. Three centuries after Jesus lived, this council
> was given the task of separating divinely inspired writings from those
> of questionable origin.
> The actual compilation of the Bible was an incredibly complicated
> project that involved churchmen of many varying beliefs, in an
> atmosphere of dissension, jealousy, intolerance, persecution and
> bigotry.
> At this time, the question of the divinity of Jesus had split the
> church into two factions. Constantine offered to make the little-known
> Christian sect the official state religion if the Christians would
> settle their differences. Apparently, he didn't particularly care what
> they believed in as long as they agreed upon a belief. By compiling a
> book of sacred writings, Constantine thought that the book would give
> authority to the new church.
Here's a second version of the same idea:

> The references in the Christian religion of reincarnation, I am told,
> were removed by the Council of Nicea. (See Note A)
The Council of Nicaea (Nicea) and the Bible
> The references in the Christian religion of reincarnation, I am told,
> were removed by the Council of Nicea. (See Note A)
The Council of Nicaea (Nicea) and the Bible

"This idea may derive from some confused statements in Shirley MacLaine, Out on a Limb, Elm Tree Books, London (1983), ISBN p-241-11106-6. Unfortunately the book seems to be a fictionalised autobiography, so all the personae are more or less fictional, as a note on the frontispiece makes clear. (MacLaine is apparently a New Age propagandist). The book is without any footnotes, index or bibliography. "
How dare people defend those who can't defend themselves, how DARE they *impose their beliefs* upon people who want to butcher and kill, by lawfully introducing a bill for approval.

The bastards. Somebody needs to prevent them from imposing their beliefs upon people...take away their right to lobby and submit bills! That's it...make it illegal for them to talk about it! Cuz they're trying to impose their beliefs and we don't like what they say! Shut those fuckers down! They shouldn't be allowed to voice an opinion that we're murdering pieces of shit, they must be prevented from recognizing babies as people!

Yeah.........and a big part of that personhood bill states that a fertilized egg is a "person" somehow, which puts a ban on hormonal birth control, which is used not only for birth control, but also as a way to help women who have ovarian cysts.

Nope, sorry, but the personhood bill is a radical extremist view that is slowly being imposed on the country unless we make the voices of rational humans louder than the hyperbolic fringe retards such as yourself.
In my opinion...growing up Catholic may have been your downfall. Did you ever try any other Christian church and teachings? I don't believe in what Catholics believe, where you pray for intersession or whatever to the saints (or statues). My opinion is they are idol worshippers and i have a hard time with alot of their beliefs. I know many Catholics that think they can do whatever they want, as long as they go to confession each week and tell a Priest what they've done and are sorry for it,,, then they turn around and do it again the next week. Not ALL are like that, but i know quite a few that are. It sounds to me like you let "people" turn you away from Him. That's one of the ways Satan works on people....normally the weak minded.

No one turned me away from superstition and stupidity but me, guy. Sorry. That's not how I roll.. I'm a contrarian by nature.

You know when I started to have doubt about it? It's when the nasty old nun told us about Noah's Ark... and when I asked why God would drown all the babies, she said, "Because they were wiiiiiiiiicked!"

Now, admitably, that was a particularly ass-poundingly stupid thing to say, but the thing is, I've talked to Catholics, Protestants, Evangelicals, Mormons etc about things religious, and not a one of them could come up with a better excuse as to why God (who let's not forget is the good and merciful one) killed EVERY BABY IN THE WORLD while Satan in the whole bible only kills ten people. (He kills the children of Job in a bar bet with God.)

It's really what the nuns didn't tell me about what's in the bible. They pretty much Disneyfied the Bible as much as possible, which means they only told the stories that made God look good. They never told the story of Jephthah butchering his daughter as a sacrifice to God or God sending bears to rip children to shreds because they made fun of a Prophet's bald head.


You know........it really helps to have the OT translated directly from Hebrew to English, because then you would know the real story.

There are references where it states that the Sons of God came down and mated with the daughters of man, resulting in what was called the nephilim, which was a hybrid of angel and human.

God saw that wasn't what He'd wanted, so He decided to find someone (Noah) who was not corrupted in his bloodline by the nephilim, which is why He saved him.

Kinda like a re-start on an experiment that had been contaminated.
You're drunk, aren't you...

Sheesh just pass out and spare us.
In my opinion...growing up Catholic may have been your downfall. Did you ever try any other Christian church and teachings? I don't believe in what Catholics believe, where you pray for intersession or whatever to the saints (or statues). My opinion is they are idol worshippers and i have a hard time with alot of their beliefs. I know many Catholics that think they can do whatever they want, as long as they go to confession each week and tell a Priest what they've done and are sorry for it,,, then they turn around and do it again the next week. Not ALL are like that, but i know quite a few that are. It sounds to me like you let "people" turn you away from Him. That's one of the ways Satan works on people....normally the weak minded.

No one turned me away from superstition and stupidity but me, guy. Sorry. That's not how I roll.. I'm a contrarian by nature.

You know when I started to have doubt about it? It's when the nasty old nun told us about Noah's Ark... and when I asked why God would drown all the babies, she said, "Because they were wiiiiiiiiicked!"

Now, admitably, that was a particularly ass-poundingly stupid thing to say, but the thing is, I've talked to Catholics, Protestants, Evangelicals, Mormons etc about things religious, and not a one of them could come up with a better excuse as to why God (who let's not forget is the good and merciful one) killed EVERY BABY IN THE WORLD while Satan in the whole bible only kills ten people. (He kills the children of Job in a bar bet with God.)

It's really what the nuns didn't tell me about what's in the bible. They pretty much Disneyfied the Bible as much as possible, which means they only told the stories that made God look good. They never told the story of Jephthah butchering his daughter as a sacrifice to God or God sending bears to rip children to shreds because they made fun of a Prophet's bald head.

Oh yes, someone did turn you away from the truth, his name is satan. You are the one full of S#$%.

Again, God kills millions in the bible. And he's going to kill everyone who is left at the end of the world.

Satan only killed 10 people. On a bar bet with God.

I'm trying to figure out which one is "evil" again.
In my opinion...growing up Catholic may have been your downfall. Did you ever try any other Christian church and teachings? I don't believe in what Catholics believe, where you pray for intersession or whatever to the saints (or statues). My opinion is they are idol worshippers and i have a hard time with alot of their beliefs. I know many Catholics that think they can do whatever they want, as long as they go to confession each week and tell a Priest what they've done and are sorry for it,,, then they turn around and do it again the next week. Not ALL are like that, but i know quite a few that are. It sounds to me like you let "people" turn you away from Him. That's one of the ways Satan works on people....normally the weak minded.

No one turned me away from superstition and stupidity but me, guy. Sorry. That's not how I roll.. I'm a contrarian by nature.

You know when I started to have doubt about it? It's when the nasty old nun told us about Noah's Ark... and when I asked why God would drown all the babies, she said, "Because they were wiiiiiiiiicked!"

Now, admitably, that was a particularly ass-poundingly stupid thing to say, but the thing is, I've talked to Catholics, Protestants, Evangelicals, Mormons etc about things religious, and not a one of them could come up with a better excuse as to why God (who let's not forget is the good and merciful one) killed EVERY BABY IN THE WORLD while Satan in the whole bible only kills ten people. (He kills the children of Job in a bar bet with God.)

It's really what the nuns didn't tell me about what's in the bible. They pretty much Disneyfied the Bible as much as possible, which means they only told the stories that made God look good. They never told the story of Jephthah butchering his daughter as a sacrifice to God or God sending bears to rip children to shreds because they made fun of a Prophet's bald head.


You know........it really helps to have the OT translated directly from Hebrew to English, because then you would know the real story.

There are references where it states that the Sons of God came down and mated with the daughters of man, resulting in what was called the nephilim, which was a hybrid of angel and human.

God saw that wasn't what He'd wanted, so He decided to find someone (Noah) who was not corrupted in his bloodline by the nephilim, which is why He saved him.

Kinda like a re-start on an experiment that had been contaminated.

I've heard this theory, and it's kind of interesting, except for a few problems.

First, God is omniscient. He knew this was going to happen. he let it happen anyway. And the whole notion of angels with penises is kind of silly in and of itself.

Now, it might be said that this story is how the ancient bronze age savages explained huge fossiles of creatures they didn't recognize. "Wow. Look at those bones! That thing must have been huge! God must have drowned these giants for some reason."

And frankly, I find it hard to believe that Noah and Noah alone was untouched, or that really, the best thing an onmipotent being could come up with was, "Well, let's drown everyone. Even the babies. And the Puppies. And Kitties!"

Final point. This story and stories like this are probalby an oral tradition of that period after the last ice age when flash floods were common. It's believed that the Black Sea was once a freshwater lake, until water poured in from the Mediterrean Seat through the Bospurus. So, yes, I can see how a myth can be exaggerated by a need to explain things and retelling of stories.

But the ugliness of the story they finally came up with is kind of telling.
No one turned me away from superstition and stupidity but me, guy. Sorry. That's not how I roll.. I'm a contrarian by nature.

You know when I started to have doubt about it? It's when the nasty old nun told us about Noah's Ark... and when I asked why God would drown all the babies, she said, "Because they were wiiiiiiiiicked!"

Now, admitably, that was a particularly ass-poundingly stupid thing to say, but the thing is, I've talked to Catholics, Protestants, Evangelicals, Mormons etc about things religious, and not a one of them could come up with a better excuse as to why God (who let's not forget is the good and merciful one) killed EVERY BABY IN THE WORLD while Satan in the whole bible only kills ten people. (He kills the children of Job in a bar bet with God.)

It's really what the nuns didn't tell me about what's in the bible. They pretty much Disneyfied the Bible as much as possible, which means they only told the stories that made God look good. They never told the story of Jephthah butchering his daughter as a sacrifice to God or God sending bears to rip children to shreds because they made fun of a Prophet's bald head.

Oh yes, someone did turn you away from the truth, his name is satan. You are the one full of S#$%.

Again, God kills millions in the bible. And he's going to kill everyone who is left at the end of the world.

Satan only killed 10 people. On a bar bet with God.

I'm trying to figure out which one is "evil" again.

Probably the one who introduced us to death in the first place.

And the one who tries to divert us from heaven by lying to us.
Hear ye hear ye..only those who are willing to support all needy children are allowed to speak out against the murder of children.

If you can't support them, you must step aside and let the baby killers chop them up. Move to the side.

Well, actually, it's none of your business in any event.

Human rights violations are everybody's responsibility.

I know you're okay with it. That's fine, you go right ahead and justify and ignore it.

But I won't.
I leave for 2 days and the topic has warped into something without any relation to the main topic.

Who wrote the bible is the topic, right? How did this turn into an issue about human rights?
Oh yes, someone did turn you away from the truth, his name is satan. You are the one full of S#$%.

Again, God kills millions in the bible. And he's going to kill everyone who is left at the end of the world.

Satan only killed 10 people. On a bar bet with God.

I'm trying to figure out which one is "evil" again.

Probably the one who introduced us to death in the first place.

And the one who tries to divert us from heaven by lying to us.

YOu are drawing a lot of interpretations from what the bible actually says. If anything, God lied to Adam and Eve. He said that they would die if they ate from the Magic Tree. They went on to live for another 900 years. (Or Adam did, anyway....)

There's no real proof that the Talking Snake in Genesis was Satan. I mean, people have drawn that interpretation, but there's really nothing more there than it being a snake. (Except of course, it can talk, but there are other examples of talking animals in the Bible).

And this is kind of the problem. God is going to punish ALL of humanity because, hey, someone ate from a magic tree. Until he decides to come down to earth and do the whole "self-sacrfice" thingee...
How dare people defend those who can't defend themselves, how DARE they *impose their beliefs* upon people who want to butcher and kill, by lawfully introducing a bill for approval.

The bastards. Somebody needs to prevent them from imposing their beliefs upon people...take away their right to lobby and submit bills! That's it...make it illegal for them to talk about it! Cuz they're trying to impose their beliefs and we don't like what they say! Shut those fuckers down! They shouldn't be allowed to voice an opinion that we're murdering pieces of shit, they must be prevented from recognizing babies as people!

Yeah.........and a big part of that personhood bill states that a fertilized egg is a "person" somehow, which puts a ban on hormonal birth control, which is used not only for birth control, but also as a way to help women who have ovarian cysts.

Nope, sorry, but the personhood bill is a radical extremist view that is slowly being imposed on the country unless we make the voices of rational humans louder than the hyperbolic fringe retards such as yourself.

No fringers here. I think you've established beyond a shadow of a doubt you're the shrieking lunatic in this room.
Again, God kills millions in the bible. And he's going to kill everyone who is left at the end of the world.

Satan only killed 10 people. On a bar bet with God.

I'm trying to figure out which one is "evil" again.

Probably the one who introduced us to death in the first place.

And the one who tries to divert us from heaven by lying to us.

YOu are drawing a lot of interpretations from what the bible actually says. If anything, God lied to Adam and Eve. He said that they would die if they ate from the Magic Tree. They went on to live for another 900 years. (Or Adam did, anyway....)

There's no real proof that the Talking Snake in Genesis was Satan. I mean, people have drawn that interpretation, but there's really nothing more there than it being a snake. (Except of course, it can talk, but there are other examples of talking animals in the Bible).

And this is kind of the problem. God is going to punish ALL of humanity because, hey, someone ate from a magic tree. Until he decides to come down to earth and do the whole "self-sacrfice" thingee...

No one turned me away from superstition and stupidity but me, guy. Sorry. That's not how I roll.. I'm a contrarian by nature.

You know when I started to have doubt about it? It's when the nasty old nun told us about Noah's Ark... and when I asked why God would drown all the babies, she said, "Because they were wiiiiiiiiicked!"

Now, admitably, that was a particularly ass-poundingly stupid thing to say, but the thing is, I've talked to Catholics, Protestants, Evangelicals, Mormons etc about things religious, and not a one of them could come up with a better excuse as to why God (who let's not forget is the good and merciful one) killed EVERY BABY IN THE WORLD while Satan in the whole bible only kills ten people. (He kills the children of Job in a bar bet with God.)

It's really what the nuns didn't tell me about what's in the bible. They pretty much Disneyfied the Bible as much as possible, which means they only told the stories that made God look good. They never told the story of Jephthah butchering his daughter as a sacrifice to God or God sending bears to rip children to shreds because they made fun of a Prophet's bald head.


You know........it really helps to have the OT translated directly from Hebrew to English, because then you would know the real story.

There are references where it states that the Sons of God came down and mated with the daughters of man, resulting in what was called the nephilim, which was a hybrid of angel and human.

God saw that wasn't what He'd wanted, so He decided to find someone (Noah) who was not corrupted in his bloodline by the nephilim, which is why He saved him.

Kinda like a re-start on an experiment that had been contaminated.

I've heard this theory, and it's kind of interesting, except for a few problems.

First, God is omniscient. He knew this was going to happen. he let it happen anyway. And the whole notion of angels with penises is kind of silly in and of itself.

Now, it might be said that this story is how the ancient bronze age savages explained huge fossiles of creatures they didn't recognize. "Wow. Look at those bones! That thing must have been huge! God must have drowned these giants for some reason."

And frankly, I find it hard to believe that Noah and Noah alone was untouched, or that really, the best thing an onmipotent being could come up with was, "Well, let's drown everyone. Even the babies. And the Puppies. And Kitties!"

Final point. This story and stories like this are probalby an oral tradition of that period after the last ice age when flash floods were common. It's believed that the Black Sea was once a freshwater lake, until water poured in from the Mediterrean Seat through the Bospurus. So, yes, I can see how a myth can be exaggerated by a need to explain things and retelling of stories.

But the ugliness of the story they finally came up with is kind of telling.

Well, like I said, it helps to have the OT translated directly from Hebrew to English, as there are lots of nuances and context in how they use certain words. Depending on a Bible that was translated from Hebrew to Greek to Latin to English loses all that other meaning, which is why if you're depending on a KJV or later Bible to figure things out? You're gonna miss a lot of the story.
If the King James Bible is the literal word of God, then surely God must be an Englishman whose name was Francis Bacon.
Hear ye hear ye..only those who are willing to support all needy children are allowed to speak out against the murder of children.

If you can't support them, you must step aside and let the baby killers chop them up. Move to the side.

Well, actually, it's none of your business in any event.

Human rights violations are everybody's responsibility.

I know you're okay with it. That's fine, you go right ahead and justify and ignore it.

But I won't.

Big talk, but if you burn down an abortion clinic, they WILL throw your ass in jail.

And if you are doing anything less than that, you are kind of a phony and a hypocrite.

I mean, if you really think the Women's Health Center is the equivlent to Dachau, you should be attacking it. Even at the cost of your own freedom.

But you're not, because you know Abortion is legal and part of our society. So it isn't about helping the "babies"*, it's about feeling morally superior.

(*-kidney-bean sized embryoes are NOT babies, BTW.)
Riiight. Because in order to be a true champion of human rights, I have to burn down abortion clinics.

And if I don't adopt Chinese babies, I don't have a *right* to discuss the topic.

You guys just get crazier and crazier.

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