Whoa!!! Beto Says The Party Cannot Run On Defeating Trump...


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
... And that Biden is "a return to the past."

It's gratifying to find a Democrat who understands that hatred for the current POTUS is not a rational electoral strategy but discouraging to find almost none of 'em understand that socialism is not the answer to our probs.
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... And that Biden is "a return to the past."

It's gratifying to find a Democrat who understands that hatred for the current POTUS is not a winning electoral strategy but discouraging to find almost none of 'em understand that socialism is not the answer to our probs.
Getting rid of them is the answer to our problems.
... And that Biden is "a return to the past."

It's gratifying to find a Democrat who understands that hatred for the current POTUS is not a winning electoral strategy but discouraging to find almost none of 'em understand that socialism is not the answer to our probs.

It's gratifying to see them begin to eat each other.
The democrooks can't beat Trump.

Watching them follow Occasional Cortex and Bernie down the red brick road to bolshevism is somewhat delightful. I'm hoping the donor class that used the DNC as a buffer to keep the nanny state bed wetters contained starts funding the CPUSA and the GOP becomes a centrist party, with a much stronger and more influential libertarian party keeping the federal government and globalists at bay.

I don't really like the idea of a 3 party system, because the UK is a shit hole and I think the reason is because resistance to the left is watered down. If the left gets watered down instead, we may see the sort of prosperity and upward economic mobility we once had return. We certainly do need the DNC destroyed because it is a criminal enterprise full of sociopaths and sexual deviant freaks that should be locked up in asylums, not paraded around or pandered to with a third bathroom.

The Democratic party definitely should not run on defeating Trump.

They should impeach him and force the Senate to remove him long before the election.
Beto the fake Mexican is 100% correct.

The entire Democrat party platform is "Hate Trump".

Other than that, the Dem's have no coherent agenda except free everything, and to hell with the cost or how to pay for it. ... :cool:
The Democratic party definitely should not run on defeating Trump.

They should impeach him and force the Senate to remove him long before the election.
The senate can't be forced to remove Trump. The democrats should impeach him and then suffer the wrath of the voters.

Unless the demoscum wants to remove both Trump and the senate by force. Convince demoscum that's doable. It will be your good deed.
... And that Biden is "a return to the past."

It's gratifying to find a Democrat who understands that hatred for the current POTUS is not a rational electoral strategy but discouraging to find almost none of 'em understand that socialism is not the answer to our probs.
Biden has been already anointed by the party elites. The choice is made.

Beta is done...
... And that Biden is "a return to the past."

It's gratifying to find a Democrat who understands that hatred for the current POTUS is not a rational electoral strategy but discouraging to find almost none of 'em understand that socialism is not the answer to our probs.
Biden has been already anointed by the party elites. The choice is made.

Beta is done...
Beto is desperate to get up to 1% in the polls and get into the 1st debate.
The Democratic party definitely should not run on defeating Trump.

They should impeach him and force the Senate to remove him long before the election.
Force the Senate?

What then? Force the American people to like it?

Good luck with that, Einstein.
Beto the fake Mexican is 100% correct. The entire Democrat party platform is "Hate Trump".
Other than that, the Dem's have no coherent agenda except free everything, and to hell with the cost or how to pay for it. ... :cool:
Not true. The Democrat Socialist Party 2020 platform:
1) Hate Trump
2) Expensive new gov't programs
3) Humongous new taxes
4) Hate Trump
Biden can whip himself for his whiteness and tell us all how slavery is really, really bad. A true progressive chained to the past.
... And that Biden is "a return to the past."

It's gratifying to find a Democrat who understands that hatred for the current POTUS is not a rational electoral strategy but discouraging to find almost none of 'em understand that socialism is not the answer to our probs.
They also can't run on open borders and commie bullshit. So, they're kind of screwed.

Hate Trump as a strategy hmmm

I do believe that was Trump strategy and it seemed to work in getting elected with the help of his brothers in arm. I do believe a "thank you comrade" is owed to them

hate Ob
hate Clinton
hate demo
Just don't get Putin to hate you

Sounds like a strategy
Hate Trump as a strategy hmmm

I do believe that was Trump strategy and it seemed to work in getting elected with the help of his brothers in arm. I do believe a "thank you comrade" is owed to them

hate Ob
hate Clinton
hate demo
Just don't get Putin to hate you

Sounds like a strategy

Hate the enemies of the country, love the country... that does sell every time. A mega... or should I say MAGA hit classic.

Hate the country and love the enemies, not as much.
The Democratic party definitely should not run on defeating Trump.

They should impeach him and force the Senate to remove him long before the election.
The senate can't be forced to remove Trump. The democrats should impeach him and then suffer the wrath of the voters.

Unless the demoscum wants to remove both Trump and the senate by force. Convince demoscum that's doable. It will be your good deed.

Once the House has gathered the full evidence and submitted a long, long list of impeachable offenses in the articles of impeachment, the Republican senators are going to either vote to remove Trump OR their going to have to explain to the people of their State why they voted to keep a President that's a crook.

With 22 Republicans up for reelection in 2020 their chances of reelection will be nil if they choose the latter.
Once the House has gathered the full evidence and submitted a long, long list of impeachable offenses in the articles of impeachment, the Republican senators are going to either vote to remove Trump OR their going to have to explain to the people of their State why they voted to keep a President that's a crook.

With 22 Republicans up for reelection in 2020 their chances of reelection will be nil if they choose the latter.
Yeah.. Long list of crimes.

Not colluding with Russia
Not obstructing justice
Historic cooperation with the Mueller probe
Wages for Americans finally going up
ISIS Caliphate destroyed
America once more respected by world leaders
Unemployment historically low

Good luck.
Beto: ‘Immigrants Didn’t Do That to You, the Big Corporations Did That to You’

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