Who's a Good Little Nazi?

still not convinced-------where does she advocate FORCED sterilization? In fact where does she state
that she wants to do AWAY with black people in the USA. She does not even mention sanctions against
blacks for having "too many" children------What she does say----in sum and substance is----try to get
black religious leaders to advocate for contraception because there are too many VERY IMPOVERISHED
and SUFFERING and DEPRIVED black kids. ----it should be noted that she felt the same way about
large Irish catholic families. As to supporting eugenics way back in the early 1930s-----Adolf et al
presented VERY SANITIZED descriptions of their programs ----------not grabbing people and slicing them
up YET
This thread isn't about Sanger specifically. The info is there.

Google is your friend (though I now prefer Bing.com)

BS----neither "birth control" not "eugenics" as SYNONYMS for nazism
National socialism is a vapid empty ideology. It reminds me of Isis, "Da'esh" these Muslims that have the same blind lemming follow the leader mentality. And the libs, this so called anti fascist groups are becoming exactly the thing they are fighting. Intolerant and violent thugs with a huge chip on their shoulder looking to hurt people for their cause. If only they knew how ironic they are.
FDR initially endorsed the same points very quietly. Hence the refusal to take Jewish refugees.

Not quite true. The U.S. had ended unrestricted immigration beginning in 1920 and further in 1924. Jews were let in according to the quotas laid out in the immigration laws at the time. We had quotas for everybody in those years. We were also still letting in immigrants during a major Depression. We took in literally millions of Jews, and everybody else, before 1920, so nobody gets to whine and cry about da evul U.S. when it comes to being the dumping ground for the rest of the world's problems; we did then and do now far more than our share. Start whining about something genuine for once. We owe nobody any explanations or apologies; more Jews live here than anywhere else.


History of the Jews in the United States - Wikipedia
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The Democrats supported all the tyrants of the world.
"The Nordic races certainly seem to be superior to the Romans," the 21-year-old Kennedy wrote during a tour through the Rhineland.

The controversial remarks did not end there, notes the Daily Mail.

In an August 1937 diary entry, Kennedy proposed that the world’s hostility toward Nazi Germany stemmed from a jealousy for what the regime had accomplished rather than the actual actions of Hitler and the Nazis.

"The Germans really are too good — therefore people have ganged up on them to protect themselves," he wrote.

Kennedy also asks in his diary, "What are the evils of fascism compared to communism?"At one point it appears the Kennedy believes Fascism was right for Germany at that time, when he concludes: "Fascism? The right thing for Nazi Germany."
Kennedy also praises Hitler's autobahns as "the best roads in the world."

View attachment 147399

What the Hitler pictures says.


First of all, learn to crop. Seriously.

Second, why are you sharing that particular Hitler quote? I don't think I'm understanding your meaning.
do you have a citation for supporting your allegation that Margaret Sanger was an admirer of
Adolf I am not REFUSING to believe you------it is just NEWS TO ME
Start at 4:25 if you think it's too long to listen to the whole thing

Hitler encouraged "Aryan" births actually, remember invading the USSR and other countries was for 'living space'. Certainly inferiors not exterminated or worked to death, would be involuntary sterilized; the video is a mishmash of various persons at different times, it is not history, just pureed nonsense.

Now, promise openly you will not use even a condom, or the "bad days/good days" method, and think about money to feed, house and clothe unwanted children and the mothers awaiting birth. THAT will help lower the rate of abortions and birth control you find immoral. Publicize the dangers of unmarried pregnancies, start NOW.
still not convinced-------where does she advocate FORCED sterilization? In fact where does she state
that she wants to do AWAY with black people in the USA. She does not even mention sanctions against
blacks for having "too many" children------What she does say----in sum and substance is----try to get
black religious leaders to advocate for contraception because there are too many VERY IMPOVERISHED
and SUFFERING and DEPRIVED black kids. ----it should be noted that she felt the same way about
large Irish catholic families. As to supporting eugenics way back in the early 1930s-----Adolf et al
presented VERY SANITIZED descriptions of their programs ----------not grabbing people and slicing them
up YET
The Democrats supported all the tyrants of the world.
"The Nordic races certainly seem to be superior to the Romans," the 21-year-old Kennedy wrote during a tour through the Rhineland.

The controversial remarks did not end there, notes the Daily Mail.

In an August 1937 diary entry, Kennedy proposed that the world’s hostility toward Nazi Germany stemmed from a jealousy for what the regime had accomplished rather than the actual actions of Hitler and the Nazis.

"The Germans really are too good — therefore people have ganged up on them to protect themselves," he wrote.

Kennedy also asks in his diary, "What are the evils of fascism compared to communism?"At one point it appears the Kennedy believes Fascism was right for Germany at that time, when he concludes: "Fascism? The right thing for Nazi Germany."
Kennedy also praises Hitler's autobahns as "the best roads in the world."

View attachment 147399

What the Hitler pictures says.


First of all, learn to crop. Seriously.

Second, why are you sharing that particular Hitler quote? I don't think I'm understanding your meaning.

Because that is a screen capture from a video where a kid made a speech consisting entirely of Hitler quotes and the anti-Trump protesters clapped like the fascists that they are.
still not convinced-------where does she advocate FORCED sterilization? In fact where does she state
that she wants to do AWAY with black people in the USA. She does not even mention sanctions against
blacks for having "too many" children------What she does say----in sum and substance is----try to get
black religious leaders to advocate for contraception because there are too many VERY IMPOVERISHED
and SUFFERING and DEPRIVED black kids. ----it should be noted that she felt the same way about
large Irish catholic families. As to supporting eugenics way back in the early 1930s-----Adolf et al
presented VERY SANITIZED descriptions of their programs ----------not grabbing people and slicing them
up YET
The Democrats supported all the tyrants of the world.
"The Nordic races certainly seem to be superior to the Romans," the 21-year-old Kennedy wrote during a tour through the Rhineland.

The controversial remarks did not end there, notes the Daily Mail.

In an August 1937 diary entry, Kennedy proposed that the world’s hostility toward Nazi Germany stemmed from a jealousy for what the regime had accomplished rather than the actual actions of Hitler and the Nazis.

"The Germans really are too good — therefore people have ganged up on them to protect themselves," he wrote.

Kennedy also asks in his diary, "What are the evils of fascism compared to communism?"At one point it appears the Kennedy believes Fascism was right for Germany at that time, when he concludes: "Fascism? The right thing for Nazi Germany."
Kennedy also praises Hitler's autobahns as "the best roads in the world."

View attachment 147399

What the Hitler pictures says.


First of all, learn to crop. Seriously.

Second, why are you sharing that particular Hitler quote? I don't think I'm understanding your meaning.

Because that is a screen capture from a video where a kid made a speech consisting entirely of Hitler quotes and the anti-Trump protesters clapped like the fascists that they are.


Just so you know, more than half of that "speech" wasn't Hitler quotes - they were quotes by Gregor Strasser - the leader of the "socialist" faction of the Nazi party that Hitler had murdered during Night of the Long Knives.

But that's beside the point.
The Democrats supported all the tyrants of the world.
"The Nordic races certainly seem to be superior to the Romans," the 21-year-old Kennedy wrote during a tour through the Rhineland.

The controversial remarks did not end there, notes the Daily Mail.

In an August 1937 diary entry, Kennedy proposed that the world’s hostility toward Nazi Germany stemmed from a jealousy for what the regime had accomplished rather than the actual actions of Hitler and the Nazis.

"The Germans really are too good — therefore people have ganged up on them to protect themselves," he wrote.

Kennedy also asks in his diary, "What are the evils of fascism compared to communism?"At one point it appears the Kennedy believes Fascism was right for Germany at that time, when he concludes: "Fascism? The right thing for Nazi Germany."
Kennedy also praises Hitler's autobahns as "the best roads in the world."

View attachment 147399

What the Hitler pictures says.


First of all, learn to crop. Seriously.

Second, why are you sharing that particular Hitler quote? I don't think I'm understanding your meaning.

First of all when you can fix my mousepad and pay for it I WILL. :2up:
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