Who’s crazier?

Ted Cruz’s father is 74-year-old Cuban emigré and fiery Christian Dominionist pastor Rafael Cruz, who genuinely believes that his son has been “anointed by God” to lead the United States back to the path of righteousness as its president. :uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:
Both sides have their crazy sides. ;) The fact that there's losereriterans running for the republican ticket does slightly lean the crazy train to the republican side.

Defunding our infrastructure and science programs is pure stupidity!
Once again the democrat party sets the bar too high so nut case Christian haters have to use phrases like "Jesus huffing" instead of arguing. Didn't you read Barry Hussein's book? It might have been ghost written by political supporter and former domestic terrorist Bill Ayers but it's clear that Barry's father was the king of the nut cases. The freaking communist couldn't stay off the booze even when he lost both legs in a drunken car accident. Was his hippie mother any better? How about Bill Clinton's old man? Who was Bill Clinton's old man? Some itinerant door to door salesman?
Both sides have their crazy sides. ;) The fact that there's losereriterans running for the republican ticket does slightly lean the crazy train to the republican side.

Defunding our infrastructure and science programs is pure stupidity!

go vote for the frikken Democrat and be done with it. or go back on your meds
It never occurred to me that you people would stoop to demonizing the parents of a candidate.

I didn't expect any morality, or decency, but it seems...by these tawdry posts about a man's parents, that you have nothing to say about the candidate himself.

You ought to be ashamed, but your excuse can be that you have been learning what you know about politics from the Chicago Branch of the Democratic Party for the last 7 years. And they learned form the old Bolsheviks.
It never occurred to me that you people would stoop to demonizing the parents of a candidate.

I didn't expect any morality, or decency, but it seems...by these tawdry posts about a man's parents, that you have nothing to say about the candidate himself.

You ought to be ashamed, but your excuse can be that you have been learning what you know about politics from the Chicago Branch of the Democratic Party for the last 7 years. And they learned form the old Bolsheviks.

You weren't on here for Governor Palin. Not only did they attack her with some of the sickest vile stuff they could dream up. but attacked all of her children, even the one with downs syndrome

You have seen ANYTHING yet.
Ted Cruz’s Jesus-huffing father vs Rand Paul’s gold-shilling doomsday dad?

Sens. Paul and Cruz have in common. They both have fathers who are completely bonkers and who could significantly impact each man’s campaign.

Who s crazier Ted Cruz s Jesus-huffing father vs Rand Paul s gold-shilling doomsday dad

Are radical lefties just stupid or are they off their rockers to use absolute offensive phrases like "Jesus huffing" when they have to know that the president's father was an anti-American bigamist communist alcoholic who finally killed himself in a drunken car accident?

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