Who's Fault Is The Debt Ceiling Crisis?

A POLITICO/Morning Consult poll from late February underscored the volatility of the situation — and the current disincentive for either party to cave: Asked whom they would blame if the U.S. defaulted, a plurality of voters, 37 percent, said they’d hold both parties equally responsible. Another 30 percent said Democrats would be most to blame, while 24 percent said the GOP would be.


So, what cards are Biden holding in his hands in this poker game?

Don't give a crap whose fault it is because the only people who do care if their precious government shuts down are Democrats who bitch about it and squishy Republicans who give in to the Democrats.

Shut it the fuck down and let it all burn to the ground. Let's get the party started.

Exactly. If democrats wanted to, they could call the Republican's bluff and cut spending. But, Democrats don't want to cut spending, which is why they refuse to call the bluff.

Nobody really wants to cut spending. It wasn't when the GOP ran things and it's not going to actually be cut now.
A POLITICO/Morning Consult poll from late February underscored the volatility of the situation — and the current disincentive for either party to cave: Asked whom they would blame if the U.S. defaulted, a plurality of voters, 37 percent, said they’d hold both parties equally responsible. Another 30 percent said Democrats would be most to blame, while 24 percent said the GOP would be.


So, what cards are Biden holding in his hands in this poker game?
Yes, but only the GOP will get blamed once they default, whenever that will be.
The GOP run House has done it's job and passed a debt ceiling bill....the Dems and Xiden have refused to act....this tyrants in the Demafascsit party are holding the full faith and credit of the United States hostage.

The GOP ability passed by one vote and contains a Poison Pill
Of course it will fail
A POLITICO/Morning Consult poll from late February underscored the volatility of the situation — and the current disincentive for either party to cave: Asked whom they would blame if the U.S. defaulted, a plurality of voters, 37 percent, said they’d hold both parties equally responsible. Another 30 percent said Democrats would be most to blame, while 24 percent said the GOP would be.


So, what cards are Biden holding in his hands in this poker game?

The fault would lie at the feet of the only one of the two Parties yet to produce a plan, and insisting on no flexibility or wiggle room whatsoever.

And that would be the Socialist radicals still pretending to be "Democrats".
The fault would lie at the feet of the only one of the two Parties yet to produce a plan, and insisting on no flexibility or wiggle room whatsoever.

And that would be the Socialist radicals still pretending to be "Democrats".

Biden has presented his 2024 budget request and his plan for raising the deficit ceiling……raise it
Did we have this issue last year when the GOP wasn't in power? Nope. Suddenly they are...and we have this problem.

No shit Sherlock. When the Dems had monopolistic control over the govt., they could shove their agenda down our throats without having to negotiate.

Now that the people have put the other Party in charge of the House, the supposed Party of "Democracy!" and responsible govt. don't even want to engage in a dialogue.

What a fuckin' sham.

But I'll rest assured mindless partisans like you will continue to shovel their refuse.
Biden has presented his 2024 budget request and his plan for raising the deficit ceiling……raise it

Something that has literally never happened when there are two parties involved.

Speaking of mindless partisans, you're another one.

Congrats on being a close minded hack who works backwards from your preconceived conclusions.
Something that has literally never happened when there are two parties involved.

Speaking of mindless partisans, you're another one.

Congrats on being a close minded hack who works backwards from your preconceived conclusions.

We have had budgets for 230 years

Why won’t Republicans pass one?
No shit Sherlock. When the Dems had monopolistic control over the govt., they could shove their agenda down our throats without having to negotiate.

Now that the people have put the other Party in charge of the House, the supposed Party of "Democracy!" and responsible govt. don't even want to engage in a dialogue.

What a fuckin' sham.

But I'll rest assured mindless partisans like you will continue to shovel their refuse.

Biden has repeatedly offered to negotiate the 2024 budget with McCarthy
He refuses
A POLITICO/Morning Consult poll from late February underscored the volatility of the situation — and the current disincentive for either party to cave: Asked whom they would blame if the U.S. defaulted, a plurality of voters, 37 percent, said they’d hold both parties equally responsible. Another 30 percent said Democrats would be most to blame, while 24 percent said the GOP would be.


So, what cards are Biden holding in his hands in this poker game?
Both Democrats and Republicans are responsible.
It is criminal to just raise the Debt Ceiling.
Any national debt at all is stealing from our children.
It is criminal not to

The budget has already passed and the money spent
Refusing to pay your bills is criminal
Biden has repeatedly offered to negotiate the 2024 budget with McCarthy
He refuses

You literally just made that up.

Just a week and a half ago Biden was refusing to even speak with McCarthy, to the point where his own Party was calling the old man out.

He finally caved and is meeting with Biden tomorrow.

You're full of shit, and have zero integrity.

Either that or you know very little of that which you speak.

Take your pick.
That is where you lose

WHY are Republicans tying spending cuts to raising the debt ceiling? Because they know they can’t do it as part of the normal budget process
If Dems concede to Republican extortion now, they will have to deal with it EVERY YEAR (unless a Republican is President)

This is just another way for Republicans to rule from a minority

The majority should not be able to incur debt (except in emergencies), since it is inherently illegal.
It is spending money that is not yours to spend.
The majority should not be able to incur debt (except in emergencies), since it is inherently illegal.
It is spending money that is not yours to spend.

That is ridiculous
It is criminal not to

The budget has already passed and the money spent
Refusing to pay your bills is criminal

Does not at all matter if other criminal things were also done, like pass a flawed budget.
Adding debt is not "paying your bills", it is making our children pay them.
You literally just made that up.

Just a week and a half ago Biden was refusing to even speak with McCarthy, to the point where his own Party was calling the old man out.

He finally caved and is meeting with Biden tomorrow.

You're full of shit, and have zero integrity.

Either that or you know very little of that which you speak.

Take your pick.
Biden has made his position on raising the debt ceiling perfectly clear……Non-negotiable

Just like every President before him
Biden has presented his 2024 budget request and his plan for raising the deficit ceiling……raise it

Obviously the national debt is already the single biggest threat this country has ever faced, and it seems most likely we are not going to survive it.
So anyone raising the debt ceiling is a traitor who will destroy us all.

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