Who's Gonna Pay For Corzine's Medical Bills?

You know, I'm a busy person, as are many people here. Do the police void our speeding tickets if we are late for meetings? No. Why should Corzine be allowed to speed just to get to a meeting? Such high speeds cause accidents. He endangered many people just because he thinks his time is far more valuable than the Hoi Poloi's. This type of hubris is at the root of Elite Abuse of Power.

you were the one who asked the rhetorical question as to what possible justification he had to speed to a meeting with Imus...I merely point out that if you are not privy to the governor's schedule, you really don't have any idea.
So do you think that the State Trooper, also injured in the accident, shouldn't be covered by his insurance because he was traveling 91 MPH?
you were the one who asked the rhetorical question as to what possible justification he had to speed to a meeting with Imus...I merely point out that if you are not privy to the governor's schedule, you really don't have any idea.

His being "Late! Late! for a Very Important Date" is no reason to endanger the public.
So do you think that the State Trooper, also injured in the accident, shouldn't be covered by his insurance because he was traveling 91 MPH?

The one who drove is at fault as well. He should have refused to speed.

Any other passengers who were wearing seatbelts are innocent victims of Corzine's ego.
Why does he get to speed when he is late for a meeting and the rest of us have to endure getting speeding tickets?
why does the president get to ride around DC in a big green helicopter and the rest of us have to use cars?

So you are okay with government officials endangering the public by driving at high speeds?

In the case of a presidential motorcade, advance cars usuallly clear the road so that public safety is not put at risk. I don't think that Corzine bothered with this precaution.
So you are okay with government officials endangering the public by driving at high speeds?

In the case of a presidential motorcade, advance cars usuallly clear the road so that public safety is not put at risk. I don't think that Corzine bothered with this precaution.

you don't think or you don't know? and I am not OK with what happened....I am merely not filled with false outrage like you are. If this event fills you with this much outrage, you should be apoplectic with anger over the waste in Iraq. but you're not. so this is political bullshit..... and my guess is that if Corzine were a republican, we wouldn't be hearing about it from you.

I find this little fracas to be rather indicative of what is wrong with our political system today. An Elite Elected Official believes that his time is so much more valuable than us Common Folks to the extent that he is willing to put public safety at risk to get to a meeting with a Shock Jock and some college basket ball players.
oh! the faux outrage! Let's get all up in arms about a government employee who pays into his health insurance every paycheck actually having to use that policy to pay for injuries incurred while on official business....

but let's not give a FUCK about a trillion dollars flushed down the shitter...let's not give a FUCK about 28K dead and wounded Americans.....

let's make a big fucking deal about THIS!

Let's not give a fuck about the funding to murder millions of little Americans because they were inconvenient for their carrier(certainly no mother). Your faux outrage about volunteer warriors being killed in a war they wanted to go too, but gladly parroting your bloody party's talking points, hypocritical at the least. Your two top candidates are in favor of killing innocent full term babies.....you must be so very proud.
Let's not give a fuck about the funding to murder millions of little Americans because they were inconvenient for their carrier(certainly no mother). Your faux outrage about volunteer warriors being killed in a war they wanted to go too, but gladly parroting your bloody party's talking points, hypocritical at the least. Your two top candidates are in favor of killing innocent full term babies.....you must be so very proud.

I am perfectly OK with the ban on late term abortions...but I understand those who worry that it is a slippery slope that will lead to the reversal of Roe v. Wade...and that, I do have a problem with.

ANd know this: the only way that the candidate for president from my party will think exactly the way I think about ALL the issues that confront America is if I, myself, get the nomination...and I am not a candidate.

So...right from the git-go, I KNOW that whoever is nominated by the democratic party will NOT share every single one of my beliefs...but I also KNOW that there is abso-fucking-lutely NO DOUBT that whoever is nominated by the democratic party will share a shitload MORE of my core beliefs that whoever the fuck is nominated by the republican party.

So...put yourself in MY shoes....who would YOU vote for?
I am perfectly OK with the ban on late term abortions...but I understand those who worry that it is a slippery slope that will lead to the reversal of Roe v. Wade...and that, I do have a problem with.

ANd know this: the only way that the candidate for president from my party will think exactly the way I think about ALL the issues that confront America is if I, myself, get the nomination...and I am not a candidate.

So...right from the git-go, I KNOW that whoever is nominated by the democratic party will NOT share every single one of my beliefs...but I also KNOW that there is abso-fucking-lutely NO DOUBT that whoever is nominated by the democratic party will share a shitload MORE of my core beliefs that whoever the fuck is nominated by the republican party.

So...put yourself in MY shoes....who would YOU vote for?

My guess? I would bet you would vote for the token candidate, that very empty suit, the guy that isn't really black but kinda sorta enough to make you feel like you really aren't a racist even though you live in one of the whitest states in the country.


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My guess? I would bet you would vote for the token candidate, that very empty suit, the guy that isn't really black but kinda sorta enough to make you feel like you really aren't a racist even though you live in one of the whitest states in the country.

I will vote for the democrat, regardless of his or her race.

and I will continue to vote for democrats until either 1.) I die or 2.) some other party's platform more closely approximates my political philosophy.
Wrong-O Kidd-O. If any elected official had broken the law, caused a similar accident, and then expected taxpayers to foot the bill, I would not want to see the taxpayers foot the bill for his medical care.

What possible justification was there for him to be speeding at 91 MPH with the emergency lights blazing to meet with DON IMUS?

You have yet to demonstrate that the taxpayer will foot the bill. Please take the time to elaborate and to explain how the taxpayer will foot the bill and provide facts to back up this time.
don't hold your breath ed!

I'm not holding my breath and I rarely do for people who are so moronic. He is very unlikely to back up his claim or provide evidence to support his claim and that is why it is a waste of time to debate the fucking moron and that is why I refuse to debate with most of these idiots instead preferring to let them make fools of themselves.

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