Who's Killing The Black Men??????

Every day black men are getting shot and possibly killed in America. The facts of the situation don't seem to matter all that much.

I'm forced to watch CNN at the food court while waiting for my wife to show up and I see yet another street thug being dragged off to a squad car in handcuffs. The media wants to know why??????

Well, if he hadn't resisted he probably wouldn't have even been cuffed and stuffed. But instead he chose to listen to Obama and Al Sharpton. Now he's in jail...or maybe even dead.

A cop can't do anything without liberals crawling all over the crime scene. Trayvon beats the crap out of a Hispanic....who cares. Said Hispanic shoots him......Al Sharpton wants to see some indictments. No justice.....no peace. Hands Up ... Don't shoot!!!

So who really caused so many blacks to attack police officers? And why is the fact that hundres of blacks are attacking other blacks and whites in even greater numbers?

Which somehow justifies the number of unarmed black men being shot by police on a regular basis.
Every group can have a few bad apples, but black men killing black men (black on black crime) is very common. As a matter of fact, it's probably the leading cause of death to black men other than disease or old age.

Why don't you run along and organize a protest against black males?

And please show them how to find the DMV and get a free ID while you're at it, since the Democrats insists blacks are too dumb to figure out how....
Feel free to explain how black on black crime justifies police shootings of unarmed suspects.

Mike Brown did not have a firearm or a knife, yet killing him was dead center within sound moral (thus validly legal) justification. In that Brown was clearly intent upon injuring the individual that inevitably killed him. Had that been me, he would have died right there at the car, when he reached inside on the initial assault.

Not possessing a weapon does not excuse intent to injure. You're right to your life, is not a license to injure an innocent. In point of fact, the right to one's life is a license to kill those who are intent to injure or take that innocent life.
Every day black men are getting shot and possibly killed in America. The facts of the situation don't seem to matter all that much.

I'm forced to watch CNN at the food court while waiting for my wife to show up and I see yet another street thug being dragged off to a squad car in handcuffs. The media wants to know why??????

Well, if he hadn't resisted he probably wouldn't have even been cuffed and stuffed. But instead he chose to listen to Obama and Al Sharpton. Now he's in jail...or maybe even dead.

A cop can't do anything without liberals crawling all over the crime scene. Trayvon beats the crap out of a Hispanic....who cares. Said Hispanic shoots him......Al Sharpton wants to see some indictments. No justice.....no peace. Hands Up ... Don't shoot!!!

So who really caused so many blacks to attack police officers? And why is the fact that hundres of blacks are attacking other blacks and whites in even greater numbers?

Which somehow justifies the number of unarmed black men being shot by police on a regular basis.
Every group can have a few bad apples, but black men killing black men (black on black crime) is very common. As a matter of fact, it's probably the leading cause of death to black men other than disease or old age.

Why don't you run along and organize a protest against black males?

And please show them how to find the DMV and get a free ID while you're at it, since the Democrats insists blacks are too dumb to figure out how....
Feel free to explain how black on black crime justifies police shootings of unarmed suspects.

Mike Brown did not have a firearm or a knife, yet killing him was dead center within sound moral (thus validly legal) justification. In that Brown was clearly intent upon injuring the individual that inevitably killed him. Had that been me, he would have died right there at the car, when he reached inside on the initial assault.

Not possessing a weapon does not excuse intent to injure. You're right to your life, is not a license to injure an innocent. In point of fact, the right to one's life is a license to kill those who are intent to injure or take that innocent life.
Doesn't even begin to address the question. As cowardly and evasive as all the other answers.
Black people kill black people. Simple answer on your question, also proved by many official stats.
And this is not only their problem, but the problem of our government too, i'm surprised that they still did nothing to fix this.
Yes, and when was the civil rights bill? I never did blame it on the cops, I typed a sentence wrong, bravo.
What the hell does that have to do with today?
everything! those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.

Remembering the past doesn't mean we have to allow it to rule our lives, nor does it mean that special considerations must be made for a demographic because of injustices of the distant past. If anyone alive today was a slave or owned a slave, sure....they deserve reparations or condemnation respectively. My ancestors were Huguenots who came to the New World to escape persecution. Should I sue France because Louis XIV issued the Edict of Fontainebleau in 1685?
no not for that
The rest is irrelevant.

Why not? The Huguenots were jailed, killed, beaten, tortured...what's the difference? Why do blacks have a right to bitch about injustices done to their ancestors, but the same things that were done to mine are irrelevant?
Your ancestors were not slaves
it's a false comparison.
What the hell does that have to do with today?
everything! those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.

Remembering the past doesn't mean we have to allow it to rule our lives, nor does it mean that special considerations must be made for a demographic because of injustices of the distant past. If anyone alive today was a slave or owned a slave, sure....they deserve reparations or condemnation respectively. My ancestors were Huguenots who came to the New World to escape persecution. Should I sue France because Louis XIV issued the Edict of Fontainebleau in 1685?
no not for that
The rest is irrelevant.

Why not? The Huguenots were jailed, killed, beaten, tortured...what's the difference? Why do blacks have a right to bitch about injustices done to their ancestors, but the same things that were done to mine are irrelevant?
Your ancestors were not slaves
it's a false comparison.

Oh so slavery deserves reparations but mass slaughter and torture doesn't. Bummer for the Jews I guess, huh?
everything! those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.

Remembering the past doesn't mean we have to allow it to rule our lives, nor does it mean that special considerations must be made for a demographic because of injustices of the distant past. If anyone alive today was a slave or owned a slave, sure....they deserve reparations or condemnation respectively. My ancestors were Huguenots who came to the New World to escape persecution. Should I sue France because Louis XIV issued the Edict of Fontainebleau in 1685?
no not for that
The rest is irrelevant.

Why not? The Huguenots were jailed, killed, beaten, tortured...what's the difference? Why do blacks have a right to bitch about injustices done to their ancestors, but the same things that were done to mine are irrelevant?
Your ancestors were not slaves
it's a false comparison.

Oh so slavery deserves reparations but mass slaughter and torture doesn't. Bummer for the Jews I guess, huh?

Bummer? The Jews get billions from the US every year. I guess its a bummer since they could be getting Trillions or something.
Remembering the past doesn't mean we have to allow it to rule our lives, nor does it mean that special considerations must be made for a demographic because of injustices of the distant past. If anyone alive today was a slave or owned a slave, sure....they deserve reparations or condemnation respectively. My ancestors were Huguenots who came to the New World to escape persecution. Should I sue France because Louis XIV issued the Edict of Fontainebleau in 1685?
no not for that
The rest is irrelevant.

Why not? The Huguenots were jailed, killed, beaten, tortured...what's the difference? Why do blacks have a right to bitch about injustices done to their ancestors, but the same things that were done to mine are irrelevant?
Your ancestors were not slaves
it's a false comparison.

Oh so slavery deserves reparations but mass slaughter and torture doesn't. Bummer for the Jews I guess, huh?

Bummer? The Jews get billions from the US every year. I guess its a bummer since they could be getting Trillions or something.

You are missing my point. Daws is apparently suggesting that only slaves from the United States have an ancestral claim regarding injustices done to them in the past. I am attempting to get him to explain why, in his view, blacks get special consideration but no one else does.
no not for that
The rest is irrelevant.

Why not? The Huguenots were jailed, killed, beaten, tortured...what's the difference? Why do blacks have a right to bitch about injustices done to their ancestors, but the same things that were done to mine are irrelevant?
Your ancestors were not slaves
it's a false comparison.

Oh so slavery deserves reparations but mass slaughter and torture doesn't. Bummer for the Jews I guess, huh?

Bummer? The Jews get billions from the US every year. I guess its a bummer since they could be getting Trillions or something.

You are missing my point. Daws is apparently suggesting that only slaves from the United States have an ancestral claim regarding injustices done to them in the past. I am attempting to get him to explain why, in his view, blacks get special consideration but no one else does.

No you brought up suing France for something France did and saying since France didnt get sued why should the US.

If Reparations are so bad then why do the Jews get it out of our pockets and why did France get it from Haiti?

Dont answer the France part...ignore it. But we're talking about the US...If you want to sue France go for it
Why not? The Huguenots were jailed, killed, beaten, tortured...what's the difference? Why do blacks have a right to bitch about injustices done to their ancestors, but the same things that were done to mine are irrelevant?
Your ancestors were not slaves
it's a false comparison.

Oh so slavery deserves reparations but mass slaughter and torture doesn't. Bummer for the Jews I guess, huh?

Bummer? The Jews get billions from the US every year. I guess its a bummer since they could be getting Trillions or something.

You are missing my point. Daws is apparently suggesting that only slaves from the United States have an ancestral claim regarding injustices done to them in the past. I am attempting to get him to explain why, in his view, blacks get special consideration but no one else does.

No you brought up suing France for something France did and saying since France didnt get sued why should the US.

If Reparations are so bad then why do the Jews get it out of our pockets and why did France get it from Haiti?

Dont answer the France part...ignore it. But we're talking about the US...If you want to sue France go for it

I assume you are referring to Israel. We don't pay Israel reparations. We give them a ton of money like we give a lot of nations a ton of money, but it's not because we are paying them back for wrongs we did to them.
Your ancestors were not slaves
it's a false comparison.

Oh so slavery deserves reparations but mass slaughter and torture doesn't. Bummer for the Jews I guess, huh?

Bummer? The Jews get billions from the US every year. I guess its a bummer since they could be getting Trillions or something.

You are missing my point. Daws is apparently suggesting that only slaves from the United States have an ancestral claim regarding injustices done to them in the past. I am attempting to get him to explain why, in his view, blacks get special consideration but no one else does.

No you brought up suing France for something France did and saying since France didnt get sued why should the US.

If Reparations are so bad then why do the Jews get it out of our pockets and why did France get it from Haiti?

Dont answer the France part...ignore it. But we're talking about the US...If you want to sue France go for it

I assume you are referring to Israel. We don't pay Israel reparations. We give them a ton of money like we give a lot of nations a ton of money, but it's not because we are paying them back for wrongs we did to them.

Yeah, and I'm reminded of the phrase "A rose (reparations) by any other name would smell just as sweet"

Slap whatever label you want on it...Jews get it without issue. Blacks dont and white people scream like hell at the possibility of it happening
Oh so slavery deserves reparations but mass slaughter and torture doesn't. Bummer for the Jews I guess, huh?

Bummer? The Jews get billions from the US every year. I guess its a bummer since they could be getting Trillions or something.

You are missing my point. Daws is apparently suggesting that only slaves from the United States have an ancestral claim regarding injustices done to them in the past. I am attempting to get him to explain why, in his view, blacks get special consideration but no one else does.

No you brought up suing France for something France did and saying since France didnt get sued why should the US.

If Reparations are so bad then why do the Jews get it out of our pockets and why did France get it from Haiti?

Dont answer the France part...ignore it. But we're talking about the US...If you want to sue France go for it

I assume you are referring to Israel. We don't pay Israel reparations. We give them a ton of money like we give a lot of nations a ton of money, but it's not because we are paying them back for wrongs we did to them.

Yeah, and I'm reminded of the phrase "A rose (reparations) by any other name would smell just as sweet"

Slap whatever label you want on it...Jews get it without issue. Blacks dont and white people scream like hell at the possibility of it happening

Dude we give money to TONS of nations for various reasons including defense, humanitarian aid, blah, blah, blah. Reparations are what you pay because you did something to fuck them in the past. What did we ever do the Israel that would require us to pay them back for wrongdoing? NOTHING. We give them money primarily to keep them well armed against terrorist organizations. Good God
Bummer? The Jews get billions from the US every year. I guess its a bummer since they could be getting Trillions or something.

You are missing my point. Daws is apparently suggesting that only slaves from the United States have an ancestral claim regarding injustices done to them in the past. I am attempting to get him to explain why, in his view, blacks get special consideration but no one else does.

No you brought up suing France for something France did and saying since France didnt get sued why should the US.

If Reparations are so bad then why do the Jews get it out of our pockets and why did France get it from Haiti?

Dont answer the France part...ignore it. But we're talking about the US...If you want to sue France go for it

I assume you are referring to Israel. We don't pay Israel reparations. We give them a ton of money like we give a lot of nations a ton of money, but it's not because we are paying them back for wrongs we did to them.

Yeah, and I'm reminded of the phrase "A rose (reparations) by any other name would smell just as sweet"

Slap whatever label you want on it...Jews get it without issue. Blacks dont and white people scream like hell at the possibility of it happening

Dude we give money to TONS of nations for various reasons including defense, humanitarian aid, blah, blah, blah. Reparations are what you pay because you did something to fuck them in the past. What did we ever do the Israel that would require us to pay them back for wrongdoing? NOTHING. We give them money primarily to keep them well armed against terrorist organizations. Good God

How many of those nations we give to did we carve out a piece of land just for them also?
no not for that
The rest is irrelevant.

Why not? The Huguenots were jailed, killed, beaten, tortured...what's the difference? Why do blacks have a right to bitch about injustices done to their ancestors, but the same things that were done to mine are irrelevant?
Your ancestors were not slaves
it's a false comparison.

Oh so slavery deserves reparations but mass slaughter and torture doesn't. Bummer for the Jews I guess, huh?

Bummer? The Jews get billions from the US every year. I guess its a bummer since they could be getting Trillions or something.

You are missing my point. Daws is apparently suggesting that only slaves from the United States have an ancestral claim regarding injustices done to them in the past. I am attempting to get him to explain why, in his view, blacks get special consideration but no one else does.
Because they are a large voting block.
Why else would they?
Every day black men are getting shot and possibly killed in America. The facts of the situation don't seem to matter all that much.

I'm forced to watch CNN at the food court while waiting for my wife to show up and I see yet another street thug being dragged off to a squad car in handcuffs. The media wants to know why??????

Well, if he hadn't resisted he probably wouldn't have even been cuffed and stuffed. But instead he chose to listen to Obama and Al Sharpton. Now he's in jail...or maybe even dead.

A cop can't do anything without liberals crawling all over the crime scene. Trayvon beats the crap out of a Hispanic....who cares. Said Hispanic shoots him......Al Sharpton wants to see some indictments. No justice.....no peace. Hands Up ... Don't shoot!!!

So who really caused so many blacks to attack police officers? And why is the fact that hundres of blacks are attacking other blacks and whites in even greater numbers?

Which somehow justifies the number of unarmed black men being shot by police on a regular basis.
Every group can have a few bad apples, but black men killing black men (black on black crime) is very common. As a matter of fact, it's probably the leading cause of death to black men other than disease or old age.

Why don't you run along and organize a protest against black males?

And please show them how to find the DMV and get a free ID while you're at it, since the Democrats insists blacks are too dumb to figure out how....
Feel free to explain how black on black crime justifies police shootings of unarmed suspects.

Mike Brown did not have a firearm or a knife, yet killing him was dead center within sound moral (thus validly legal) justification. In that Brown was clearly intent upon injuring the individual that inevitably killed him. Had that been me, he would have died right there at the car, when he reached inside on the initial assault.

Not possessing a weapon does not excuse intent to injure. You're right to your life, is not a license to injure an innocent. In point of fact, the right to one's life is a license to kill those who are intent to injure or take that innocent life.
Doesn't even begin to address the question. As cowardly and evasive as all the other answers.

It literally addressed the issue, the entire issue and nothing BUT the issue; and it did so in irrefutable terms.

But I loved the cowardly evasion ya used in responding to such, lamenting cowardly evasion.

Because I just ADORE the sweeter ironies... .
everything! those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.

Remembering the past doesn't mean we have to allow it to rule our lives, nor does it mean that special considerations must be made for a demographic because of injustices of the distant past. If anyone alive today was a slave or owned a slave, sure....they deserve reparations or condemnation respectively. My ancestors were Huguenots who came to the New World to escape persecution. Should I sue France because Louis XIV issued the Edict of Fontainebleau in 1685?
no not for that
The rest is irrelevant.

Why not? The Huguenots were jailed, killed, beaten, tortured...what's the difference? Why do blacks have a right to bitch about injustices done to their ancestors, but the same things that were done to mine are irrelevant?
Your ancestors were not slaves
it's a false comparison.

Oh so slavery deserves reparations but mass slaughter and torture doesn't. Bummer for the Jews I guess, huh?
hey captain ignorance the Jews were slaves too.
A Huguenot (/ˈhjuːɡənɒt/ or /hɡəˈn/; French: [yɡno], [yɡəno]) is a member of a French Protestant group descended from 16th and 17th century Protestant Reformed Church of France. Historically, "Huguenots" were French Protestants inspired by the writings of John Calvin (Jean Calvin in French) in the 1530s, who became known by that originally derisive designation by the end of the 16th century.

Huguenot numbers peaked near an estimated two million by 1562, concentrated mainly in the southern and central parts of France, about one-eighth the number of French Catholics. As Huguenots gained influence and more openly displayed their faith, Catholic hostility grew, in spite of increasingly liberal political concessions and edicts of toleration from the French crown, most notably the Edict of Nantes.

A series of religious persecutions followed, culminating in the Edict of Fontainebleau revoking the Edict of Nantes and pressuring Huguenots to convert. While nearly three-quarters eventually submitted, roughly 500,000 Huguenots fled France by the late 17th and early 18th centuries.

The bulk of Huguenot emigres relocated to Protestant European nations such as England, Wales, Scotland, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, the Dutch Republic, the Electorate of Brandenburg and Electorate of the Palatinate in the Holy Roman Empire, the Duchy of Prussia, the Channel Islands, and Ireland. They also spread beyond the Old World to the Dutch Cape Colony in South Africa, the Dutch East Indies, the Caribbean, and several of the English colonies of North America, where they were accepted and allowed to worship freely.

Persecution of Protestants diminished in France after 1724, finally ending with the Edict of Versailles, commonly called the Edict of Tolerance, signed by Louis XVI in 1787. Two years later, with the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen of 1789, Protestants gained equal rights as citizens.[1]

Today, most Huguenots have been assimilated into various societies and cultures, but small remnant communities in the Alsace and Cévennes, France, and a diaspora of French Australians, still retain their Huguenot religious tradition.

seem like a religious between to Christian factions aka Schism
[ ˈs(k)izəm ]
noun: schism · plural noun: schisms

  1. a split or division between strongly opposed sections or parties, caused by differences in opinion or belief.
sorry it's still a false comparison
no not for that
The rest is irrelevant.

Why not? The Huguenots were jailed, killed, beaten, tortured...what's the difference? Why do blacks have a right to bitch about injustices done to their ancestors, but the same things that were done to mine are irrelevant?
Your ancestors were not slaves
it's a false comparison.

Oh so slavery deserves reparations but mass slaughter and torture doesn't. Bummer for the Jews I guess, huh?

Bummer? The Jews get billions from the US every year. I guess its a bummer since they could be getting Trillions or something.

You are missing my point. Daws is apparently suggesting that only slaves from the United States have an ancestral claim regarding injustices done to them in the past. I am attempting to get him to explain why, in his view, blacks get special consideration but no one else does.
your explanation like your justification is ignorant.

Since most (if not all) of the recent stories involving black men and cops involve resisting arrest, it's fair to wonder if this is some kind of intra-cultural issue.

Don't resist arrest, maybe you'll be safer. Amazing that such a thought even needs mentioning, but here we are.

I don't give them grief.......I have been told thank you several times for being courteous...

you poor lwer, you kneel and submit to all those in authority...
Every day black men are getting shot and possibly killed in America. The facts of the situation don't seem to matter all that much.

I'm forced to watch CNN at the food court while waiting for my wife to show up and I see yet another street thug being dragged off to a squad car in handcuffs. The media wants to know why??????

Well, if he hadn't resisted he probably wouldn't have even been cuffed and stuffed. But instead he chose to listen to Obama and Al Sharpton. Now he's in jail...or maybe even dead.

A cop can't do anything without liberals crawling all over the crime scene. Trayvon beats the crap out of a Hispanic....who cares. Said Hispanic shoots him......Al Sharpton wants to see some indictments. No justice.....no peace. Hands Up ... Don't shoot!!!

So who really caused so many blacks to attack police officers? And why is the fact that hundres of blacks are attacking other blacks and whites in even greater numbers?

Which somehow justifies the number of unarmed black men being shot by police on a regular basis.

Except they aren't. For your edification. Read it, learn it, live it.

Black Murderers Matter RealClearPolitics
Why not? The Huguenots were jailed, killed, beaten, tortured...what's the difference? Why do blacks have a right to bitch about injustices done to their ancestors, but the same things that were done to mine are irrelevant?
Your ancestors were not slaves
it's a false comparison.

Oh so slavery deserves reparations but mass slaughter and torture doesn't. Bummer for the Jews I guess, huh?

Bummer? The Jews get billions from the US every year. I guess its a bummer since they could be getting Trillions or something.

You are missing my point. Daws is apparently suggesting that only slaves from the United States have an ancestral claim regarding injustices done to them in the past. I am attempting to get him to explain why, in his view, blacks get special consideration but no one else does.
Because they are a large voting block.
Why else would they?
oh no! not the Jews control US politics ploy!
CNN's Izzy Lemberg filed this report from Jerusalem:

In the last 12 months, the evangelical Christian community in the United States has given $100 million to charitable causes in Israel, according to Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, Founder and President of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews.

Eckstein made his comments this week at a soup kitchen his evangelical group funds in Jerusalem’s Mahane Yehuda market, situated in one of the city's underprivileged neighbourhoods.

It was the first stop in a press tour the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews organized to highlight their activities.

Next on the itinerary was a Jewish religious school for girls, where the mostly evangelical organization funds educational programs aimed at helping Ethiopian immigrants integrate into Israeli society. Jerusalem is one of 160 Israeli cities in which the organization is active.

The group's 200 active projects have been supported by contributions from 350,000 mostly evangelical donors in the last year, Eckstein said, and the group's broader donor list numbers nearly one million. The average donation is $77.

Why do evangelical Christians would be so devoted to Israel’s welfare? According to Eckstein, who has nurtured the relationship between Christians and Jews since he founded the group in 1983, it’s all in the Bible.

“God promises Abraham those who bless Israel and the Jewish people will be blessed and those who curse them will be cursed," he says, citing Genesis.

But it is not only that religious commandment that is motivating this very large segment of American society.

Evangelicals see the creation of Israel in 1948 as the fulfilment of biblical prophesy, Eckstein says.

”The Jewish narrative are the same prophesies that Christian turn to... about the day when the Jewish people scattered around the world would be gathered into the Land of Israel," he says. "I believe in that and millions of other Jews believe that 1948 and the birth of the state of Israel was a miracle. It reflects the hand of God."

The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews have identified three main aims of their work, which they say have biblical roots. The Bible speaks of the scattered Jewish people returning to Israel "on the wings of eagles," so the group contributes to chartering planes that bring immigrants to Israel.

Scripture commands that the hungry be fed and the naked clothed, so the group gives to needy Jews around the world, most notably in the former Soviet Union, where it says it assists 100,000 people.
in short if Israel was not the alleged place for the return of Jesus it would not get jack shit from Christians in the USA.

Since most (if not all) of the recent stories involving black men and cops involve resisting arrest, it's fair to wonder if this is some kind of intra-cultural issue.

Don't resist arrest, maybe you'll be safer. Amazing that such a thought even needs mentioning, but here we are.

I don't give them grief.......I have been told thank you several times for being courteous...

you poor lwer, you kneel and submit to all those in authority...
and you don't ?

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