Who’s Looking Out For Black Americans?

What have Republicans done for Black Americans?

I will wait
Lincoln freed them, that was the first Republican to ever try to do anything to benefit African Americans. The next move made to "free" African Americans was the Democrat Party's President, Harry Truman, who integrated our Armed Forces. However, the Southern Democrats rebelled when Strom Thurmond ran against President Truman under the banner of the State's Rights Party.

The last Republican President to work in the best interests of African Americans was IKE, See, EO 10730, below:

Who freed the slaves...Oh, right.....the Republican President and his party against the Democrat iteration, the Confederacy.

Who gave those freed slaves the right to vote? Oh....yes, the Republicans.

I'll provide a history lesson that they neglected to teach you in government school:

1. The Democrats are, and have always been, the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship, the party that stood in schoolhouse doors to block black school children….until Republicans sent in the 101st airborne

2. It is the party of Jefferson Davis, the KKK, Planned Parenthood, concentration camps for American citizens, and restrictions on free speech.

3. It is the party of Mao ornaments on the White House Christmas tree, and of James Hodgkinson, and of Communist Bernie Sanders, of pretend genders.

4. The Democrat Party is the oldest racist organization in America, the trail of tears, the author of Jim Crow and the bigotry of low expectations, filibustered against women getting the vote and killed every anti-lynching bill to get to Congress

5. The Democrat Party is the number one funder of the Islamic Revolution in Tehran….to the tune of $100 billion to the Ayatollahs….and gave Hezbollah the go-ahead to sell cocaine in America.

6. It is the party of anti-Semitism and Louis Farrakhan, and of the first Cabinet member ever to be held in contempt of Congress.

7. It is the party that admits its future depends on flooding the country with illegal aliens, and telling them to vote.

8. It is the party that couldn't suck up to the Castro Brothers enough, and treats the Bill of Rights like a Chinese menu..

9. The Democrats got us into the Civil War…Jefferson Davis .... Woodrow Wilson, WWI….FDR, WWII……Truman, Korean War….VietNam, JFK and LBJ…..yet they want to weaken our military.

10. The Democrats are the party that looks at the mayhem their gun laws have produced in Chicago, ……and this is their model for the nation.

11. I should mention that the Democrat Party was used as a model by Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Party….another ‘feather’ in the party’s cap?

12. The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism.

13. It's the party of felons over law-abiding actual citizens

Don't be stupid your entire life......take a day off.
1. It must be the Democrat Party, ‘cause that’s their claim to fame, isn’t it? They’re there for minorities!

And about time, too!

The party must be out to recompense black Americans for supporting slavery, blocking every anti-lynching bill that got to Congress. Of course, endorsing illegal immigration with the competition illegals present for blacks looking for work, well….it’s just a mistake.

2. And speaking of mistakes…

The greater mistake is in Democrat’s obliterating the educational opportunities of the black community in the way that bad parents allow their children to stay up late, or eat the wrong foods, as though they were pals, and not parents.
One glaring example is the senseless Obama ‘Promise Program’ that kept minority thugs and delinquents in school, restricting the opportunity for actual students to learn, and preventing teachers from teaching.

Here’s the result of Obama’s ‘educational’ policy: “In Tampa Bay, Fla., 66% of teachers said that the new policy did not make schools more orderly. In Santa Ana, Calif., as well, 66% of teachers said the new system was not working. In Denver, Colo., 75% of teachers said that the new system did not improve student behavior. In Madison, Wis., only 13% of teachers thought that discipline reform was having a positive effect. But in Baton Rouge, La., 60% of teachers said there was an increase in violence or violent threats from students, and in Syracuse, N.Y., two-thirds of teachers said they were worried about their safety at work.

…Marc Bruno, a teacher who got kicked in the head by a student said: “We have fights here almost every day.... The kids walk around and say, ‘We can’t get suspended — we don’t care what you say.’”

…. schools have become less respectful, more disorderly places for millions of students. The bitter irony is that the effort to limit the “school-to-prison pipeline” has likely only increased its flow.

The Obama administration issued “guidance” coercing school districts to second-guess their teachers’ judgment on how to maintain discipline and order. The Trump administration should rescind that mis-guidance, ….’” Obama admin made schools more dangerous: Column

3. What could be the explanation for the Democrat Party not focusing on the reason for the educational achievement gap between blacks and Hispanics, versus whites and Asian?

Things like this:
The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.

Gee…..it’s almost as though the Democrats don’t believe their minority constituents are capable of living up to the same standards as they can…..
And wouldn't that be 'the bigotry of low expectations'?


Please state what you claim is a lie, so I can smash a custard pie in your ugly kisser.
1. It must be the Democrat Party, ‘cause that’s their claim to fame, isn’t it? They’re there for minorities!

And about time, too!

The party must be out to recompense black Americans for supporting slavery, blocking every anti-lynching bill that got to Congress. Of course, endorsing illegal immigration with the competition illegals present for blacks looking for work, well….it’s just a mistake.

2. And speaking of mistakes…

The greater mistake is in Democrat’s obliterating the educational opportunities of the black community in the way that bad parents allow their children to stay up late, or eat the wrong foods, as though they were pals, and not parents.
One glaring example is the senseless Obama ‘Promise Program’ that kept minority thugs and delinquents in school, restricting the opportunity for actual students to learn, and preventing teachers from teaching.

Here’s the result of Obama’s ‘educational’ policy: “In Tampa Bay, Fla., 66% of teachers said that the new policy did not make schools more orderly. In Santa Ana, Calif., as well, 66% of teachers said the new system was not working. In Denver, Colo., 75% of teachers said that the new system did not improve student behavior. In Madison, Wis., only 13% of teachers thought that discipline reform was having a positive effect. But in Baton Rouge, La., 60% of teachers said there was an increase in violence or violent threats from students, and in Syracuse, N.Y., two-thirds of teachers said they were worried about their safety at work.

…Marc Bruno, a teacher who got kicked in the head by a student said: “We have fights here almost every day.... The kids walk around and say, ‘We can’t get suspended — we don’t care what you say.’”

…. schools have become less respectful, more disorderly places for millions of students. The bitter irony is that the effort to limit the “school-to-prison pipeline” has likely only increased its flow.

The Obama administration issued “guidance” coercing school districts to second-guess their teachers’ judgment on how to maintain discipline and order. The Trump administration should rescind that mis-guidance, ….’” Obama admin made schools more dangerous: Column

3. What could be the explanation for the Democrat Party not focusing on the reason for the educational achievement gap between blacks and Hispanics, versus whites and Asian?

Things like this:
The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.

Gee…..it’s almost as though the Democrats don’t believe their minority constituents are capable of living up to the same standards as they can…..
And wouldn't that be 'the bigotry of low expectations'?


It appears I've put a cork in your pie hole.

Saved yourself a beating, huh?
8. “Examples of academic underachievement can be seen at predominantly black public schools across the nation, but that's only part of the story. The strangest part of this is that poor academic performance is accepted and tolerated by black politicians, civil rights organizations and white liberals. Poor performance is often blamed on finances; however, the poorest performing schools have the highest per pupil spending. New York, Washington, D.C., and Baltimore rank among the nation's highest in per pupil educational spending.

The underachievement story is compounded by the gross dishonesty of colleges that admit many of these students. I cannot imagine that students who are not proficient in reading and math can do real college work. In a futile attempt to make up for 12 years of rotten education, colleges put these students in remedial courses. They also design courses with little or no true academic content. Colleges have their own agendas. They want the money that comes from admitting these students. Also, they want to make their diversity and multiculturalism administrators happy.” Rotten Education Isn't Preordained

Which part of the above actually helps black Americans…..excusing antisocial and destructive behavior, or pretending that they will learn in college?

The real agenda is evident: it is to keep black Americans in bondage to the Democrat Party.
1. It must be the Democrat Party, ‘cause that’s their claim to fame, isn’t it? They’re there for minorities!

And about time, too!

The party must be out to recompense black Americans for supporting slavery, blocking every anti-lynching bill that got to Congress. Of course, endorsing illegal immigration with the competition illegals present for blacks looking for work, well….it’s just a mistake.

2. And speaking of mistakes…

The greater mistake is in Democrat’s obliterating the educational opportunities of the black community in the way that bad parents allow their children to stay up late, or eat the wrong foods, as though they were pals, and not parents.
One glaring example is the senseless Obama ‘Promise Program’ that kept minority thugs and delinquents in school, restricting the opportunity for actual students to learn, and preventing teachers from teaching.

Here’s the result of Obama’s ‘educational’ policy: “In Tampa Bay, Fla., 66% of teachers said that the new policy did not make schools more orderly. In Santa Ana, Calif., as well, 66% of teachers said the new system was not working. In Denver, Colo., 75% of teachers said that the new system did not improve student behavior. In Madison, Wis., only 13% of teachers thought that discipline reform was having a positive effect. But in Baton Rouge, La., 60% of teachers said there was an increase in violence or violent threats from students, and in Syracuse, N.Y., two-thirds of teachers said they were worried about their safety at work.

…Marc Bruno, a teacher who got kicked in the head by a student said: “We have fights here almost every day.... The kids walk around and say, ‘We can’t get suspended — we don’t care what you say.’”

…. schools have become less respectful, more disorderly places for millions of students. The bitter irony is that the effort to limit the “school-to-prison pipeline” has likely only increased its flow.

The Obama administration issued “guidance” coercing school districts to second-guess their teachers’ judgment on how to maintain discipline and order. The Trump administration should rescind that mis-guidance, ….’” Obama admin made schools more dangerous: Column

3. What could be the explanation for the Democrat Party not focusing on the reason for the educational achievement gap between blacks and Hispanics, versus whites and Asian?

Things like this:
The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.

Gee…..it’s almost as though the Democrats don’t believe their minority constituents are capable of living up to the same standards as they can…..
And wouldn't that be 'the bigotry of low expectations'?
Question is why do they need looking out for by anyone? Isn't that concept racist in and of itself?

I believe a little cuttin' of slack is in order.

Who knows how many of us would succumb to the propaganda if we were told by the schools, the media, pop culture, that we couldn't succeed without the Democrat's help, that everyone was against us, that we were oppressed, that we weren't responsible for our own ambition, and any lack of success wasn't out fault.....

I bet it's comforting to have the excuses the Democrats provide.

This is a major reason why we must wrest the schools away from the Democrats/Liberal as earlier Republicans pried their slaves away from them.......essentially doing the same thing now.
All of that simply perpetuates the problem. Racism will cease once it's ignored and then it will fade away and die as it should.

I didn't say I was for it, I was giving one possible explanation for it.

Some years ago I had a discussion with a Jewish man who lost most of his family in the Holocaust, who made a persuasive argument that normal people could be made into Nazis.

We all have a dangerous ability to rationalize what works to our advantage.

We have largely a Fascist Media that solely supports the Fascist Democrat Party. Also now a Far Left Education system K - 12 and Universities. Add most of Government, Entertainment, Social Media and much of Corporate America singing the same "Progressive" song and it is easy to see how INDOCTRINATED and Brainwashed people have become. Yes it can and DOES happen. It is happening now.
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The sooner you people learn that no one is looking out for you the better off you'll be.

"....you people..."??????

To whom are you addressing this?
Everyone who thinks anyone else is looking out for them

Y'all need to grow up

Wow, Captain Obvious....you must have studied under Agent Starling!

Now, how about explaining the abysmal state of education in the black community.

Why should I?

I lived it what the fuck do you know about it?

You want to know why it's so shitty?

Because as much as blacks tell you they hate the white man they are still waiting for the white man to look out for them
1. It must be the Democrat Party, ‘cause that’s their claim to fame, isn’t it? They’re there for minorities!

And about time, too!

The party must be out to recompense black Americans for supporting slavery, blocking every anti-lynching bill that got to Congress. Of course, endorsing illegal immigration with the competition illegals present for blacks looking for work, well….it’s just a mistake.

2. And speaking of mistakes…

The greater mistake is in Democrat’s obliterating the educational opportunities of the black community in the way that bad parents allow their children to stay up late, or eat the wrong foods, as though they were pals, and not parents.
One glaring example is the senseless Obama ‘Promise Program’ that kept minority thugs and delinquents in school, restricting the opportunity for actual students to learn, and preventing teachers from teaching.

Here’s the result of Obama’s ‘educational’ policy: “In Tampa Bay, Fla., 66% of teachers said that the new policy did not make schools more orderly. In Santa Ana, Calif., as well, 66% of teachers said the new system was not working. In Denver, Colo., 75% of teachers said that the new system did not improve student behavior. In Madison, Wis., only 13% of teachers thought that discipline reform was having a positive effect. But in Baton Rouge, La., 60% of teachers said there was an increase in violence or violent threats from students, and in Syracuse, N.Y., two-thirds of teachers said they were worried about their safety at work.

…Marc Bruno, a teacher who got kicked in the head by a student said: “We have fights here almost every day.... The kids walk around and say, ‘We can’t get suspended — we don’t care what you say.’”

…. schools have become less respectful, more disorderly places for millions of students. The bitter irony is that the effort to limit the “school-to-prison pipeline” has likely only increased its flow.

The Obama administration issued “guidance” coercing school districts to second-guess their teachers’ judgment on how to maintain discipline and order. The Trump administration should rescind that mis-guidance, ….’” Obama admin made schools more dangerous: Column

3. What could be the explanation for the Democrat Party not focusing on the reason for the educational achievement gap between blacks and Hispanics, versus whites and Asian?

Things like this:
The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.

Gee…..it’s almost as though the Democrats don’t believe their minority constituents are capable of living up to the same standards as they can…..
And wouldn't that be 'the bigotry of low expectations'?
Question is why do they need looking out for by anyone? Isn't that concept racist in and of itself?

I believe a little cuttin' of slack is in order.

Who knows how many of us would succumb to the propaganda if we were told by the schools, the media, pop culture, that we couldn't succeed without the Democrat's help, that everyone was against us, that we were oppressed, that we weren't responsible for our own ambition, and any lack of success wasn't out fault.....

I bet it's comforting to have the excuses the Democrats provide.

This is a major reason why we must wrest the schools away from the Democrats/Liberal as earlier Republicans pried their slaves away from them.......essentially doing the same thing now.
All of that simply perpetuates the problem. Racism will cease once it's ignored and then it will fade away and die as it should.

I didn't say I was for it, I was giving one possible explanation for it.

Some years ago I had a discussion with a Jewish man who lost most of his family in the Holocaust, who made a persuasive argument that normal people could be made into Nazis.

We all have a dangerous ability to rationalize what works to our advantage.

We have largely a Fascist Media that solely supports the Fascist Democrat Party. Also now a Far Left Education system K - 12 and Universities. Add most of Government, Entertainment, Social Media and much of Corporate America signing the same "Progressive" song and it is easy to see how INDOCTRINATED and Brainwashed people have become. Yes it can and DOES happen. It is happening now.

The term 'Fascist' is appropriate for Democrats.
They want to control what words citizens use.

In this latest resolution by Kamala Harris and this other nutjob, Hirono, they call for the arrest of any who use terms they don't authorize:

"...(B) to collect data to document the rise of 11 incidents of hate crimes relating to COVID–19; 12 and 13 (C) to hold the perpetrators of those 14 crimes, incidents, or threats accountable and 15 bring such perpetrators to justice, including 16 through investigation and prosecution; and 17 (5) recommits the United States to serving as 18 a world leader in building more inclusive, diverse, 19 and tolerant societies— 20 (A) by prioritizing language access and 21 inclusivity in communication practices; and ..."
The sooner you people learn that no one is looking out for you the better off you'll be.

"....you people..."??????

To whom are you addressing this?
Everyone who thinks anyone else is looking out for them

Y'all need to grow up

Wow, Captain Obvious....you must have studied under Agent Starling!

Now, how about explaining the abysmal state of education in the black community.

Why should I?

I lived it what the fuck do you know about it?

You want to know why it's so shitty?

Because as much as blacks tell you they hate the white man they are still waiting for the white man to look out for them

Sorry.....I thought you were an adult, until I saw the language you learned in the 3rd grade boys room.

Get lost.
The sooner you people learn that no one is looking out for you the better off you'll be.

"....you people..."??????

To whom are you addressing this?
Everyone who thinks anyone else is looking out for them

Y'all need to grow up

Wow, Captain Obvious....you must have studied under Agent Starling!

Now, how about explaining the abysmal state of education in the black community.

Why should I?

I lived it what the fuck do you know about it?

You want to know why it's so shitty?

Because as much as blacks tell you they hate the white man they are still waiting for the white man to look out for them

Sorry.....I thought you were an adult, until I saw the language you learned in the 3rd grade boys rook.

Get lost.

Piss off.

You don't shit about most of the stuff you post about
9. “Poor black education is not preordained. Dr. Thomas Sowell has examined schools in New York City and student performance on the NY State English Language Arts Test in 2016-17. Thirty percent of Brooklyn's William Floyd elementary school third graders scored well below proficient in English and language arts, but at Success Academy charter school in the same building, only one did.

At William Floyd, 36% were below proficient, with 24% being proficient and none testing above proficient. By contrast, at Success Academy, only 17% of third graders were below proficient, with 70% being proficient and 11% being above proficient. Among Success Academy's fourth graders, 51% and 43%, respectively, scored proficient and above proficient, while their William Floyd counterparts scored 23% and 6%, respectively. Similar high performance can be found in some other Manhattan charter schools such as KIPP Infinity Middle School.

There's little question that many charter schools provide superior educational opportunities for black youngsters.

Black people cannot afford to buy into any attack on education alternatives. Charter schools across the nation offer a way out of the educational abyss.
Rotten Education Isn't Preordained

10. Trump ran to wrest American children from the clutches of the Liberal indoctrination industry...
"School choice: Trump picks billionaire Betsy DeVos, school voucher advocate, as education secretary" Trump picks billionaire Betsy DeVos, school voucher advocate, as education secretary

Trump, for school choice, Trump picks billionaire Betsy DeVos, school voucher advocate, as education secretary https://www.washingtonpost.com/loca...3ebab6bcdd3_story.html?utm_term=.b990cddd44a8

Which party is better for the success of black Americans?
9. “Poor black education is not preordained. Dr. Thomas Sowell has examined schools in New York City and student performance on the NY State English Language Arts Test in 2016-17. Thirty percent of Brooklyn's William Floyd elementary school third graders scored well below proficient in English and language arts, but at Success Academy charter school in the same building, only one did.

At William Floyd, 36% were below proficient, with 24% being proficient and none testing above proficient. By contrast, at Success Academy, only 17% of third graders were below proficient, with 70% being proficient and 11% being above proficient. Among Success Academy's fourth graders, 51% and 43%, respectively, scored proficient and above proficient, while their William Floyd counterparts scored 23% and 6%, respectively. Similar high performance can be found in some other Manhattan charter schools such as KIPP Infinity Middle School.

There's little question that many charter schools provide superior educational opportunities for black youngsters.

Black people cannot afford to buy into any attack on education alternatives. Charter schools across the nation offer a way out of the educational abyss.
Rotten Education Isn't Preordained

10. Trump ran to wrest American children from the clutches of the Liberal indoctrination industry...
"School choice: Trump picks billionaire Betsy DeVos, school voucher advocate, as education secretary" Trump picks billionaire Betsy DeVos, school voucher advocate, as education secretary

Trump, for school choice, Trump picks billionaire Betsy DeVos, school voucher advocate, as education secretary https://www.washingtonpost.com/loca...3ebab6bcdd3_story.html?utm_term=.b990cddd44a8

Which party is better for the success of black Americans?

Like I said you don't know anything about it
9. “Poor black education is not preordained. Dr. Thomas Sowell has examined schools in New York City and student performance on the NY State English Language Arts Test in 2016-17. Thirty percent of Brooklyn's William Floyd elementary school third graders scored well below proficient in English and language arts, but at Success Academy charter school in the same building, only one did.

At William Floyd, 36% were below proficient, with 24% being proficient and none testing above proficient. By contrast, at Success Academy, only 17% of third graders were below proficient, with 70% being proficient and 11% being above proficient. Among Success Academy's fourth graders, 51% and 43%, respectively, scored proficient and above proficient, while their William Floyd counterparts scored 23% and 6%, respectively. Similar high performance can be found in some other Manhattan charter schools such as KIPP Infinity Middle School.

There's little question that many charter schools provide superior educational opportunities for black youngsters.

Black people cannot afford to buy into any attack on education alternatives. Charter schools across the nation offer a way out of the educational abyss.
Rotten Education Isn't Preordained

10. Trump ran to wrest American children from the clutches of the Liberal indoctrination industry...
"School choice: Trump picks billionaire Betsy DeVos, school voucher advocate, as education secretary" Trump picks billionaire Betsy DeVos, school voucher advocate, as education secretary

Trump, for school choice, Trump picks billionaire Betsy DeVos, school voucher advocate, as education secretary https://www.washingtonpost.com/loca...3ebab6bcdd3_story.html?utm_term=.b990cddd44a8

Which party is better for the success of black Americans?

Like I said you don't know anything about it

I told you to get lost.

Don’t make me break a nail on your noggin.

You're not doin' a very good job.

You're fired.
..it's not my job...you can't help someone who doesn't listen---they concentrate on idiotic crap like WHITE COPS!!!!!!!!!

You said you were lookin' out for them.....now you say it's not your job.
Soooo.....what is it ....a hobby???

But, of course, you are correct about the error of where the attention is directed.

Unfortunately, I don't see any way back.
They have been despoiled.

You're not doin' a very good job.

You're fired.
..it's not my job...you can't help someone who doesn't listen---they concentrate on idiotic crap like WHITE COPS!!!!!!!!!

You said you were lookin' out for them.....now you say it's not your job.
Soooo.....what is it ....a hobby???

But, of course, you are correct about the error of where the attention is directed.

Unfortunately, I don't see any way back.
They have been despoiled.
I LOVE them!!! and want the best for them
1. It must be the Democrat Party, ‘cause that’s their claim to fame, isn’t it? They’re there for minorities!

And about time, too!

The party must be out to recompense black Americans for supporting slavery, blocking every anti-lynching bill that got to Congress. Of course, endorsing illegal immigration with the competition illegals present for blacks looking for work, well….it’s just a mistake.

2. And speaking of mistakes…

The greater mistake is in Democrat’s obliterating the educational opportunities of the black community in the way that bad parents allow their children to stay up late, or eat the wrong foods, as though they were pals, and not parents.
One glaring example is the senseless Obama ‘Promise Program’ that kept minority thugs and delinquents in school, restricting the opportunity for actual students to learn, and preventing teachers from teaching.

Here’s the result of Obama’s ‘educational’ policy: “In Tampa Bay, Fla., 66% of teachers said that the new policy did not make schools more orderly. In Santa Ana, Calif., as well, 66% of teachers said the new system was not working. In Denver, Colo., 75% of teachers said that the new system did not improve student behavior. In Madison, Wis., only 13% of teachers thought that discipline reform was having a positive effect. But in Baton Rouge, La., 60% of teachers said there was an increase in violence or violent threats from students, and in Syracuse, N.Y., two-thirds of teachers said they were worried about their safety at work.

…Marc Bruno, a teacher who got kicked in the head by a student said: “We have fights here almost every day.... The kids walk around and say, ‘We can’t get suspended — we don’t care what you say.’”

…. schools have become less respectful, more disorderly places for millions of students. The bitter irony is that the effort to limit the “school-to-prison pipeline” has likely only increased its flow.

The Obama administration issued “guidance” coercing school districts to second-guess their teachers’ judgment on how to maintain discipline and order. The Trump administration should rescind that mis-guidance, ….’” Obama admin made schools more dangerous: Column

3. What could be the explanation for the Democrat Party not focusing on the reason for the educational achievement gap between blacks and Hispanics, versus whites and Asian?

Things like this:
The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.

Gee…..it’s almost as though the Democrats don’t believe their minority constituents are capable of living up to the same standards as they can…..
And wouldn't that be 'the bigotry of low expectations'?

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