Who’s Looking Out For Black Americans?

What have Republicans done for Black Americans?

I will wait

Freed the Slaves

Emancipation Proclamation

Granted Citizenship to African Americans via 14th Amendment

Gave Black Men the vote 15th Amendment

Lawdy, Lawdy

We gots ta go back 150 years to find when Republicans actually cared about blacks
Not really if you're looking but you just don't want to look because it exposes your bipullsit and lies. However we all know what the truth really is including you. Sticking your head up your ass isn't going to change history or current events one little bit. The only fool you're fooling is yourself. Come November you'll be forced to pull your head out of your ass and face the truth. Whatever will you do then?

Do you realize you are posting to one who never posts anything but lies, and if he approaches truth at any time, it is purely by accident???

.....starting from his avi.
You have never demonstrated a single lie on my part

My posts are perfect
What have Republicans done for Black Americans?

I will wait

Freed the Slaves

Emancipation Proclamation

Granted Citizenship to African Americans via 14th Amendment

Gave Black Men the vote 15th Amendment

Lawdy, Lawdy

We gots ta go back 150 years to find when Republicans actually cared about blacks
Not really if you're looking but you just don't want to look because it exposes your bipullsit and lies. However we all know what the truth really is including you. Sticking your head up your ass isn't going to change history or current events one little bit. The only fool you're fooling is yourself. Come November you'll be forced to pull your head out of your ass and face the truth. Whatever will you do then?

Do you realize you are posting to one who never posts anything but lies, and if he approaches truth at any time, it is purely by accident???

.....starting from his avi.
Yeah but like you I do like rubbing his nose in his own shit.
What have Republicans done for Black Americans?

I will wait

Freed the Slaves

Emancipation Proclamation

Granted Citizenship to African Americans via 14th Amendment

Gave Black Men the vote 15th Amendment

Lawdy, Lawdy

We gots ta go back 150 years to find when Republicans actually cared about blacks
What have the Progs done? All the taxes in the blue cities and the ghettos are larger.
What have we done?

Affirmative Action, minority set asides, education grants, jobs programs, food stamps, healthcare.....
  • Thanks
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And here is more from the modern day Harriet Tubman who is leading us black folk back into slavery.

What have Republicans done for Black Americans?

I will wait

Freed the Slaves

Emancipation Proclamation

Granted Citizenship to African Americans via 14th Amendment

Gave Black Men the vote 15th Amendment

Lawdy, Lawdy

We gots ta go back 150 years to find when Republicans actually cared about blacks
What have the Progs done? All the taxes in the blue cities and the ghettos are larger.
What have we done?

Affirmative Action, minority set asides, education grants, jobs programs, food stamps, healthcare.....
I get that. It is the endless payouts do to not enforcing responsible ways of living to people. Programs are abused. And people know it. Driving foreign designed/made cars and we use foreign made tech products and you see the results of all this. The American auto industry would be near death if we did not purchase truck based products. And mot of them are purchased by deplorables. China is our main competitor and has endless amount of people to use for employment in hard working production/manufacturing plants. All of these decades and where is the massive payoff on everything you typed? If our economy tanks it will not be very nice on the North American continent. Its like we are living in a surreal universe where government printed fiat debt money is the lifeblood of our economy with not much else. The Dutch and their Tulips......memory lane.
1. It must be the Democrat Party, ‘cause that’s their claim to fame, isn’t it? They’re there for minorities!

And about time, too!

The party must be out to recompense black Americans for supporting slavery, blocking every anti-lynching bill that got to Congress. Of course, endorsing illegal immigration with the competition illegals present for blacks looking for work, well….it’s just a mistake.

2. And speaking of mistakes…

The greater mistake is in Democrat’s obliterating the educational opportunities of the black community in the way that bad parents allow their children to stay up late, or eat the wrong foods, as though they were pals, and not parents.
One glaring example is the senseless Obama ‘Promise Program’ that kept minority thugs and delinquents in school, restricting the opportunity for actual students to learn, and preventing teachers from teaching.

Here’s the result of Obama’s ‘educational’ policy: “In Tampa Bay, Fla., 66% of teachers said that the new policy did not make schools more orderly. In Santa Ana, Calif., as well, 66% of teachers said the new system was not working. In Denver, Colo., 75% of teachers said that the new system did not improve student behavior. In Madison, Wis., only 13% of teachers thought that discipline reform was having a positive effect. But in Baton Rouge, La., 60% of teachers said there was an increase in violence or violent threats from students, and in Syracuse, N.Y., two-thirds of teachers said they were worried about their safety at work.

…Marc Bruno, a teacher who got kicked in the head by a student said: “We have fights here almost every day.... The kids walk around and say, ‘We can’t get suspended — we don’t care what you say.’”

…. schools have become less respectful, more disorderly places for millions of students. The bitter irony is that the effort to limit the “school-to-prison pipeline” has likely only increased its flow.

The Obama administration issued “guidance” coercing school districts to second-guess their teachers’ judgment on how to maintain discipline and order. The Trump administration should rescind that mis-guidance, ….’” Obama admin made schools more dangerous: Column

3. What could be the explanation for the Democrat Party not focusing on the reason for the educational achievement gap between blacks and Hispanics, versus whites and Asian?

Things like this:
The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.

Gee…..it’s almost as though the Democrats don’t believe their minority constituents are capable of living up to the same standards as they can…..
And wouldn't that be 'the bigotry of low expectations'?


"Van Jones: Forget the KKK, it's the 'white, liberal Hillary Clinton supporter' we should worry about

CNN’s Van Jones said Friday it’s not the Ku Klux Klan members who wear racism on their sleeves but the white liberals who pretend they’re not racist who pose the real threat to black Americans.

“It’s not the racist white person who’s in the Ku Klux Klan that we have to worry about,” the former Obama adviser said Friday. “It’s the white, liberal Hillary Clinton supporter walking her dog in Central Park.”

Mr. Jones was referring to the white woman in New York’s Central Park who was fired from her job this week after a now-viral video showed her calling the police on a black man, telling them an “African American man” was threatening her."
1. It must be the Democrat Party, ‘cause that’s their claim to fame, isn’t it? They’re there for minorities!

And about time, too!

The party must be out to recompense black Americans for supporting slavery, blocking every anti-lynching bill that got to Congress. Of course, endorsing illegal immigration with the competition illegals present for blacks looking for work, well….it’s just a mistake.

2. And speaking of mistakes…

The greater mistake is in Democrat’s obliterating the educational opportunities of the black community in the way that bad parents allow their children to stay up late, or eat the wrong foods, as though they were pals, and not parents.
One glaring example is the senseless Obama ‘Promise Program’ that kept minority thugs and delinquents in school, restricting the opportunity for actual students to learn, and preventing teachers from teaching.

Here’s the result of Obama’s ‘educational’ policy: “In Tampa Bay, Fla., 66% of teachers said that the new policy did not make schools more orderly. In Santa Ana, Calif., as well, 66% of teachers said the new system was not working. In Denver, Colo., 75% of teachers said that the new system did not improve student behavior. In Madison, Wis., only 13% of teachers thought that discipline reform was having a positive effect. But in Baton Rouge, La., 60% of teachers said there was an increase in violence or violent threats from students, and in Syracuse, N.Y., two-thirds of teachers said they were worried about their safety at work.

…Marc Bruno, a teacher who got kicked in the head by a student said: “We have fights here almost every day.... The kids walk around and say, ‘We can’t get suspended — we don’t care what you say.’”

…. schools have become less respectful, more disorderly places for millions of students. The bitter irony is that the effort to limit the “school-to-prison pipeline” has likely only increased its flow.

The Obama administration issued “guidance” coercing school districts to second-guess their teachers’ judgment on how to maintain discipline and order. The Trump administration should rescind that mis-guidance, ….’” Obama admin made schools more dangerous: Column

3. What could be the explanation for the Democrat Party not focusing on the reason for the educational achievement gap between blacks and Hispanics, versus whites and Asian?

Things like this:
The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.

Gee…..it’s almost as though the Democrats don’t believe their minority constituents are capable of living up to the same standards as they can…..
And wouldn't that be 'the bigotry of low expectations'?

One must wonder at what Joe Biden meant, here:

What have Republicans done for Black Americans?

I will wait
Lincoln freed them, that was the first Republican to ever try to do anything to benefit African Americans. The next move made to "free" African Americans was the Democrat Party's President, Harry Truman, who integrated our Armed Forces. However, the Southern Democrats rebelled when Strom Thurmond ran against President Truman under the banner of the State's Rights Party.

The last Republican President to work in the best interests of African Americans was IKE, See, EO 10730, below:

"Those Democrats must know that slavery was some eight generations back, and no one alive picked cotton except out of an aspirin bottle."

Tell that to your republican buddies that keep talking about how the democratic party is the party of slavery. Now since the issue includes more than slavery you might be wise to make sure you don't get beat up by a white republican who blames you for COVID19.

Internalized racism is defined by Dr. Karen D. Pike as, the "internalization of racial oppression by the racially subordinated."

It must be the Democrat Party, ‘cause that’s their claim to fame, isn’t it? They’re there for minorities!

Asians are 5.6 percent of the American population and this fool talkS about blacks as minorities. And as she is supposed to be Korean, she's even a smaller minority in this country.

People of color who suffer from internalized racism believe and promote negative stereotypes of their own race. They will adopt white beliefs and thinking. This is the literal meaning of acting white and it has nothing to do with getting good grades or going to college.

When you are Asian and refer to a party helping blacks like you are not a minority yourself, you suffer from internalized racism and that is a mental condition that requires professional help.
What is white beliefs and thinking?
1. It must be the Democrat Party, ‘cause that’s their claim to fame, isn’t it? They’re there for minorities!

And about time, too!

The party must be out to recompense black Americans for supporting slavery, blocking every anti-lynching bill that got to Congress. Of course, endorsing illegal immigration with the competition illegals present for blacks looking for work, well….it’s just a mistake.

2. And speaking of mistakes…

The greater mistake is in Democrat’s obliterating the educational opportunities of the black community in the way that bad parents allow their children to stay up late, or eat the wrong foods, as though they were pals, and not parents.
One glaring example is the senseless Obama ‘Promise Program’ that kept minority thugs and delinquents in school, restricting the opportunity for actual students to learn, and preventing teachers from teaching.

Here’s the result of Obama’s ‘educational’ policy: “In Tampa Bay, Fla., 66% of teachers said that the new policy did not make schools more orderly. In Santa Ana, Calif., as well, 66% of teachers said the new system was not working. In Denver, Colo., 75% of teachers said that the new system did not improve student behavior. In Madison, Wis., only 13% of teachers thought that discipline reform was having a positive effect. But in Baton Rouge, La., 60% of teachers said there was an increase in violence or violent threats from students, and in Syracuse, N.Y., two-thirds of teachers said they were worried about their safety at work.

…Marc Bruno, a teacher who got kicked in the head by a student said: “We have fights here almost every day.... The kids walk around and say, ‘We can’t get suspended — we don’t care what you say.’”

…. schools have become less respectful, more disorderly places for millions of students. The bitter irony is that the effort to limit the “school-to-prison pipeline” has likely only increased its flow.

The Obama administration issued “guidance” coercing school districts to second-guess their teachers’ judgment on how to maintain discipline and order. The Trump administration should rescind that mis-guidance, ….’” Obama admin made schools more dangerous: Column

3. What could be the explanation for the Democrat Party not focusing on the reason for the educational achievement gap between blacks and Hispanics, versus whites and Asian?

Things like this:
The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.

Gee…..it’s almost as though the Democrats don’t believe their minority constituents are capable of living up to the same standards as they can…..
And wouldn't that be 'the bigotry of low expectations'?

Campaign Ad: Black Lives Don't Matter To Democrats


“No one -- not a single solitary person defended or excused the death of George Floyd, so why is this rioting happening? Because that is what the media wanted….BLACK AMERICA, WAKE UP. ENLIGHTEN YOURSELVES. DO NOT BE OWNED BY A MAINSTREAM MEDIA AGENDA.”

“One of the big #FakeNews narratives is that ‘institutional,’ ‘structural’ and ‘systemic’ racism remain a major problem in America, when, in fact, race has never been a more insignificant barrier to success in America.”

“There is nothing white liberals fear more than a God fearing, educated, black man.”
No my friends...there is no systemic racism in America...just Systemic “Marxist Elitism”...an EVIL that uses, abuses and discards anyone for POWER.”

"Don’t let the Media fool you! The majority of Americans support the police. Do not support the destroying of their city.
The biggest problem with growing up black in America… IS not racism, police brutality, or black on black crime… It’s the Mental Brainwashing.”

"Black activists and white progressives stress racism because it serves their own interests, not because it actually improves the station of blacks.”

"Jason Whitlock: White Liberals Are The Actual Bigots, "Liberalism Is The New KKK Hood"
...denounced white liberals as bigots in an interview with FOX News host Tucker Carlson on Wednesday. Whitlock, a columnist at 'Outkick,' said calling yourself a liberal is the "new KKK hood," it allows you to be "as bigoted as you want to be."

"White liberals, I'm sorry, they're the actual bigots."

"I know that's going to blow a lot of people's minds but liberalism to me is now the new KKK hood," Whitlock said. "Bigots use to hide under hoods, now they hide under the label of being a liberal end of progressive and that allows you to be as bigoted as you want to be. If you want to call yourself an antifascist and support of Black Lives Matter as a white person, that means you can go out into the streets, tear down neighborhoods, harass people, say all kinds of disrespectful stuff to white and black people, and it's all good because allegedly, you're fighting racism. Allegedly, you're on the side of black people."
1. It must be the Democrat Party, ‘cause that’s their claim to fame, isn’t it? They’re there for minorities!

And about time, too!

The party must be out to recompense black Americans for supporting slavery, blocking every anti-lynching bill that got to Congress. Of course, endorsing illegal immigration with the competition illegals present for blacks looking for work, well….it’s just a mistake.

2. And speaking of mistakes…

The greater mistake is in Democrat’s obliterating the educational opportunities of the black community in the way that bad parents allow their children to stay up late, or eat the wrong foods, as though they were pals, and not parents.
One glaring example is the senseless Obama ‘Promise Program’ that kept minority thugs and delinquents in school, restricting the opportunity for actual students to learn, and preventing teachers from teaching.

Here’s the result of Obama’s ‘educational’ policy: “In Tampa Bay, Fla., 66% of teachers said that the new policy did not make schools more orderly. In Santa Ana, Calif., as well, 66% of teachers said the new system was not working. In Denver, Colo., 75% of teachers said that the new system did not improve student behavior. In Madison, Wis., only 13% of teachers thought that discipline reform was having a positive effect. But in Baton Rouge, La., 60% of teachers said there was an increase in violence or violent threats from students, and in Syracuse, N.Y., two-thirds of teachers said they were worried about their safety at work.

…Marc Bruno, a teacher who got kicked in the head by a student said: “We have fights here almost every day.... The kids walk around and say, ‘We can’t get suspended — we don’t care what you say.’”

…. schools have become less respectful, more disorderly places for millions of students. The bitter irony is that the effort to limit the “school-to-prison pipeline” has likely only increased its flow.

The Obama administration issued “guidance” coercing school districts to second-guess their teachers’ judgment on how to maintain discipline and order. The Trump administration should rescind that mis-guidance, ….’” Obama admin made schools more dangerous: Column

3. What could be the explanation for the Democrat Party not focusing on the reason for the educational achievement gap between blacks and Hispanics, versus whites and Asian?

Things like this:
The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.

Gee…..it’s almost as though the Democrats don’t believe their minority constituents are capable of living up to the same standards as they can…..
And wouldn't that be 'the bigotry of low expectations'?


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