Who's occupying who ?


Gold Member
Dec 26, 2015
A declaration of war was offered in 1948 which states the following


Which places the participants actions within the conflict under the auspices of the Geneva conventions.

III Geneva convention

  • Art 2. In addition to the provisions which shall be implemented in peace time, the present Convention shall apply to all cases of declared war or of any other armed conflict which may arise between two or more of the High Contracting Parties, even if the state of war is not recognized by one of them.
  • The Convention shall also apply to all cases of partial or total occupation of the territory of a High Contracting Party, even if the said occupation meets with no armed resistance.
  • Although one of the Powers in conflict may not be a party to the present Convention, the Powers who are parties thereto shall remain bound by it in their mutual relations. They shall furthermore be bound by the Convention in relation to the said Power, if the latter accepts and applies the provisions thereof.
End Quote

As such the occupation of any mandate area designated for the creation of a national Jewish homeland by hostile Arab Muslim forces or colonists is illegal and any settlements intended or constructed as a result of the declaration of war May 15 1948 must be removed.

Its really pretty basic. The entire palestinian narative is dead backwards and all the rhetoric they imbue the situation with is directly applicable to themselves much more so than the Israeli's
A declaration of war was offered in 1948 which states the following


Which places the participants actions within the conflict under the auspices of the Geneva conventions.

III Geneva convention

  • Art 2. In addition to the provisions which shall be implemented in peace time, the present Convention shall apply to all cases of declared war or of any other armed conflict which may arise between two or more of the High Contracting Parties, even if the state of war is not recognized by one of them.
  • The Convention shall also apply to all cases of partial or total occupation of the territory of a High Contracting Party, even if the said occupation meets with no armed resistance.
  • Although one of the Powers in conflict may not be a party to the present Convention, the Powers who are parties thereto shall remain bound by it in their mutual relations. They shall furthermore be bound by the Convention in relation to the said Power, if the latter accepts and applies the provisions thereof.
End Quote

As such the occupation of any mandate area designated for the creation of a national Jewish homeland by hostile Arab Muslim forces or colonists is illegal and any settlements intended or constructed as a result of the declaration of war May 15 1948 must be removed.

Its really pretty basic. The entire palestinian narative is dead backwards and all the rhetoric they imbue the situation with is directly applicable to themselves much more so than the Israeli's
Good read. Thanks for the link.
Between the Geneva conventions, the mandate text and the 1948 declaration of war its kinda no brainer who's occupying who.

The Arab league forces are still occupying land intended for the creation of a national Jewish homeland
Between the Geneva conventions, the mandate text and the 1948 declaration of war its kinda no brainer who's occupying who.

The Arab league forces are still occupying land intended for the creation of a national Jewish homeland

That is true.
149. This seems to have been the basic assumption, but it proved to be a false one, since the history of the last twenty-five years has established the fact that not only the creation of a Jewish State but even the continuation of the building of the Jewish National Home by restricted immigration could be implemented only by the use of some considerable force. It cannot be properly contended that the use of force as a means of establishing the National Home was either intended by the Mandate or implied by its provisions. On the contrary, the provisions of the Mandate should preclude any systematic use of force for the purpose of its application. In its preamble, the Mandate states that the Principal Allied Powers agreed to entrust Palestine to a mandatory Power for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations.147/ The guiding principle of that Article was the well-being of peoples not yet able to stand by themselves.

150. It has been suggested that the well-being of the indigenous population of Palestine might be ensured by the unfettered development of the Jewish National Home, "Well-being" in a practical sense, however, must be something more than a mere objective conception; and the Arabs, thinking subjectively, have demonstrated by their acts their belief that the conversion of Palestine into a Jewish State against their will would be very much opposed to their conception of what is essential to their well-being. To contend, therefore, that there is an international obligation to the effect that Jewish immigration should continue with a view to establishing a Jewish majority in the whole of Palestine, would mean ignoring the wishes of the Arab population and their views as to their own well-being. This would involve an apparent violation of what was the governing principle of Article 22 of the Covenant.

A/364 of 3 September 1947
Your post is nothing more than a recommendation of some committee to the general assembly of the UN and carries absolutely zero weight in international law.

That and your post isn't even remotely on topic.

Maybe you could delete it and try again.
Well thats the lie the terrorist sympathizers would like us to believe.

But a careful examination of the facts reveals the exact opposite to be true.

The Arab league announced its invasion of Israel in 1948 ( document provided ) The war has never ended according to the Geneva conventions definition ( document provided ) And the UN has clearly specified the area west of the Jordan as being reserved for the creation of a national Jewish homeland ( document provided )

Ergo any Arab Muslim colonists maintaining a combatant stance against the state of Israel within the area specified by the mandate as being for the creation of an Jewish national homeland are enemy combatants and guilty of occupying Israeli territory
Well thats the lie the terrorist sympathizers would like us to believe.

But a careful examination of the facts reveals the exact opposite to be true.

The Arab league announced its invasion of Israel in 1948 ( document provided ) The war has never ended according to the Geneva conventions definition ( document provided ) And the UN has clearly specified the area west of the Jordan as being reserved for the creation of a national Jewish homeland ( document provided )

Ergo any Arab Muslim colonists maintaining a combatant stance against the state of Israel within the area specified by the mandate as being for the creation of an Jewish national homeland are enemy combatants and guilty of occupying Israeli territory
The Arab league announced its invasion of Israel in 1948 ( document provided )​

This document?

5 Arab League declaration on the invasion of Palestine- 15 May 1948

Where does say anything about invading Israel?
The Arab league refused even today to recognize the state of Israel, so they incorrectly referred to the area of the mandate they invaded by its phony name. "palestine"
The Arab league refused even today to recognize the state of Israel, so they incorrectly referred to the area of the mandate they invaded by its phony name. "palestine"
Palestine has been a state since the Treaty of Lausanne.

Do you have anything that says different?
The Arab league refused even today to recognize the state of Israel, so they incorrectly referred to the area of the mandate they invaded by its phony name. "palestine"
Palestine has been a state since the Treaty of Lausanne.

Do you have anything that says different?

If I recall correctly, you have been told about 96 times the Treaty of Lausanne has been superseded.
Or was that 96,000 times?
What paragraph of the outdated Treaty are you referencing?
The Arab league refused even today to recognize the state of Israel, so they incorrectly referred to the area of the mandate they invaded by its phony name. "palestine"
Palestine has been a state since the Treaty of Lausanne.

Do you have anything that says different?

If I recall correctly, you have been told about 96 times the Treaty of Lausanne has been superseded.
Or was that 96,000 times?
What paragraph of the outdated Treaty are you referencing?
By what?
The Arab league refused even today to recognize the state of Israel, so they incorrectly referred to the area of the mandate they invaded by its phony name. "palestine"
Palestine has been a state since the Treaty of Lausanne.

Do you have anything that says different?

If I recall correctly, you have been told about 96 times the Treaty of Lausanne has been superseded.
Or was that 96,000 times?
What paragraph of the outdated Treaty are you referencing?
By what?
Read the link; it won't take nearly as long as your 2 hour videos.
The Arab league refused even today to recognize the state of Israel, so they incorrectly referred to the area of the mandate they invaded by its phony name. "palestine"
Palestine has been a state since the Treaty of Lausanne.

Do you have anything that says different?

Modern Genocide
The SHORTEST LIVED of the Treaties ending WWI.
The Treaty of Sevres was never ratified. It was replaced by the Treaty of Lausanne which was ratified.
The Arab league refused even today to recognize the state of Israel, so they incorrectly referred to the area of the mandate they invaded by its phony name. "palestine"
Palestine has been a state since the Treaty of Lausanne.

Do you have anything that says different?

Modern Genocide
The SHORTEST LIVED of the Treaties ending WWI.
The Treaty of Sevres was never ratified. It was replaced by the Treaty of Lausanne which was ratified.

Rinse, Wash, Repeat Bullshit...
Modern Genocide
The SHORTEST LIVED of the Treaties ending WWI.

Will you continue to show yourself for the intellectual fraud you are?
The Arab league refused even today to recognize the state of Israel, so they incorrectly referred to the area of the mandate they invaded by its phony name. "palestine"
Palestine has been a state since the Treaty of Lausanne.

Do you have anything that says different?

Modern Genocide
The SHORTEST LIVED of the Treaties ending WWI.
The Treaty of Sevres was never ratified. It was replaced by the Treaty of Lausanne which was ratified.

Rinse, Wash, Repeat Bullshit...
Modern Genocide
The SHORTEST LIVED of the Treaties ending WWI.

Will you continue to show yourself for the intellectual fraud you are?
You are incorrect. The treaty of Lausanne replaced the Treaty of Sevres.

Look it up.

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