Who's Really Smarter And If It Matters


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Once in a while I stretch the rules and bring an entire post intact from a Blog.

But this one isn't just your average Blog, It's a MilBlog and it's written by some of the best and smartest people in the political World.

Some of whom you would recognize if they used their real names.

I think this belongs here because every election cycle, it comes up.

Invariably, some liberal will start a thread on how much smarter and more creative they are than the mundane Republicans among us.

I think it's a good read and applicable to politics....

Survey: More Democrats Think Astrology is "Scientific," Fewer Understand The Earth Revolves Around the Sun

Ably digested by Maet last night, a new survey suggests that The Party of Science may not be quite as firm on the concept of science as advertised.


I think this whole argument -- who's "smarter," as an enormous group -- is stupid. And I don't lay that at AllahPundit's feet nor at Maet's; it is the left which endlessly propagates their, um, propaganda that "We're smarter and we love science." Surveys such as this one are discussed on the right not to establish the contrary proposition ("no, we're smarter, and we love science") but to undermine the left's original claim.

It's a stupid argument made by stupid people. I look down on people who attempt to elevate themselves by associating themselves with a larger group which they claim to be "superior" or "elite." I laugh at Ku Klux Klanners who talk up, for example, the accomplishments of the White Race. Absolutely, I'd agree, members of the White race have achieved a great many good and important things, but what the hell has that to do with you, Grand Cyclops, drinking yourself into oblivion as you mutter darkly about how "The Blacks" are keeping you from opening that business you've been talking about for ten years?

The argument of Achievement by Association is always made by the least-achieved members -- and the lowest-ranking members -- of any particular group. It is a low-level MSNBC line producer who will say something along the lines of "Liberals (implicitly: "such as myself") are much more creative and talented, as proven by all the great liberal directors, such as Steven Spielberg."

You will never hear Steven Spielberg say "Liberals are much more creative and talented, as proven by this low-level MSNBC line producer I never heard of and doubt I ever will."

The entire argument is made from a position of, essentially, admitted failure, or at least of admitted non-achievement.

I cannot tell you how many times I've heard someone on the left say something along the lines of members of the left being superior, because there are so many funny comedians who are left-leaning.

This argument is nearly always made by someone who is resolutely unfunny, born with a congenital immunity to humorousness of any kind.

Many members of this sad clade believe that appending an exclamation point or three to any sarcastic sentence -- "Conservatives sure love kids before they're born!!!" -- transmutes it not only into a joke, but a joke that is strong enough to be written in a permanent medium and endure, if not forever, at least until we abandon the internet in favor of BrainGrams or whatever.

And here now the news that more liberals/Democrats seem to think that astrology just might have something to it, and maybe this Nicolaus Copernicus feller was all wet.

What accounts for this? Is it just that they don't understand the important difference a few letters make in the words "astrology" and "astronomy"? Even if that's the case, that's hideously embarrassing.

And what could possibly account for the failure to have heard, at this late, that the earth revolves around the sun, rather than the reverse?

The differences on these questions, by political ideology, are not great. The more important takeaway, I think, is this: "Holy Long Discredited Superstition, a large number of Americans believe in astrology."

One difference, I think, is this: I have known a fair number of very intelligent women who believe, sort of, in either astrology or some other nonsense magic or pseudoscience. It is my experience that men buy into this less, and women more.

And, as I say, smart women buy into this. Women I would never ever call "dumb" or anything like that. But there does seem to be (at least in my experience) and openness to Dumb Stuff like astrology among women, even women who are otherwise keenly intelligent and well-informed.

I imagine there is a large psychological factor here, rivaling other factors such as natural intelligence and education. And for whatever reason, women seem more psychologically primed to be willing to believe in New Agey type things.

That, I think, accounts for at least some of the difference, by ideology, given that women skew liberal.

So while I would not join the sad, unaccomplished left in plumping for "The Right's superior understanding of science," I will indulge myself in a Nelson Muntz "Ha, ha!" at the finding that the Party of Science What Loves Science and Sciencey Things is more likely than the general public to believe that astrology is a scientific science, and less likely than the general public to have gotten late word that Copernicus was right.
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Unfortunately a whole lot of people think that someone who is smart is to be trusted and believed. What political party has the smartest people? Who cares. There are plenty of smart people who are evil and rotten to the core. It's a bull shit statistic.
Not an hour goes by in here without some libturd making a snarky remark about how much smarter they are.

Yeah, right. Read what I posted about those claims are almost always made by the least accomplished.

Turns out, libturds are what I've always said they are -- Stupid. I mean, not knowing the earth revolves around the Sun?

Come on




Study: Democrats more likely to think astrology is scientific, less likely to know Earth revolves around the sun « Hot Air
Not an hour goes by in here without some libturd making a snarky remark about how much smarter they are.

Yeah, right. Read what I posted about those claims are almost always made by the least accomplished.

Turns out, libturds are what I've always said they are -- Stupid. I mean, not knowing the earth revolves around the Sun?

Come on

Study: Democrats more likely to think astrology is scientific, less likely to know Earth revolves around the sun « Hot Air



Study: Democrats more likely to think astrology is scientific, less likely to know Earth revolves around the sun « Hot Air

Franco, a 100% Obama/liberal/progressive who calls conservatives all sorts of names has told us that he has 2 masters and an IQ of 145.
Unfortunately a whole lot of people think that someone who is smart is to be trusted and believed. What political party has the smartest people? Who cares. There are plenty of smart people who are evil and rotten to the core. It's a bull shit statistic.

I totally agree.

But the reason I posted it isn't to say, "neener neener, I'm smarter than you (by association)"

I posted it to shut libturds up for a change.

And to let them know that they really aren't any smarter that anybody else.

But the truth is.... libturds really are stupid.

You gotta be to buy the snake oil that dimocrap politicians are selling
Not an hour goes by in here without some libturd making a snarky remark about how much smarter they are.

Yeah, right. Read what I posted about those claims are almost always made by the least accomplished.

Turns out, libturds are what I've always said they are -- Stupid. I mean, not knowing the earth revolves around the Sun?

Come on

Study: Democrats more likely to think astrology is scientific, less likely to know Earth revolves around the sun « Hot Air



Study: Democrats more likely to think astrology is scientific, less likely to know Earth revolves around the sun « Hot Air

Franco, a 100% Obama/liberal/progressive who calls conservatives all sorts of names has told us that he has 2 masters and an IQ of 145.

I think he was told he was a 'chronic masturbater' and took it the wrong way.
I think some confuse education and intelligence. Many college grads are educated by professors who have a clear agenda. They are trained, more like indoctrinated, and that does not equal intelligence.

And true that some very smart people use their intelligence to fool people.
There is an old joke about a guy who gets to heaven and he shouts hi to all of his old friends. They shush him and tell him to be quiet as the Church of Christ folks are next door and they think they're the only ones here. That is kind of like liberals claims of how much smarter and superior they are than everyone else. Let them have their delusion.
Who's Really Smarter And If It Matters

I am the smartest poster here at USMB. It might not matter to you but it matters to me - well, a little anyway.
Not an hour goes by in here without some libturd making a snarky remark about how much smarter they are.

Yeah, right. Read what I posted about those claims are almost always made by the least accomplished.

Turns out, libturds are what I've always said they are -- Stupid. I mean, not knowing the earth revolves around the Sun?

Come on

Study: Democrats more likely to think astrology is scientific, less likely to know Earth revolves around the sun « Hot Air



Study: Democrats more likely to think astrology is scientific, less likely to know Earth revolves around the sun « Hot Air

Franco, a 100% Obama/liberal/progressive who calls conservatives all sorts of names has told us that he has 2 masters and an IQ of 145.

I think he was told he was a 'chronic masturbater' and took it the wrong way.

Poor old francandbeans can't even type a coherent sentence.
I think some confuse education and intelligence. Many college grads are educated by professors who have a clear agenda. They are trained, more like indoctrinated, and that does not equal intelligence.

And true that some very smart people use their intelligence to fool people.

And some very smart people get fooled. I have been fooled many times. And so have you

But most of us learn after the first time or three. Especially when it's about the same thing.... :dunno:

It takes a real numbskull to get fooled time and time again and not figure it out.

It's why I call dimocraps psychologically impaired (aka; crazy stupid)


Their economic philosophy has been a proven failure every time it has ever been tried, but they keep wanting to try it again.

Professor Einstein must have known a lot of libturds
In my opinion, intelligence and political ideology are two completely different things. This regards intellect and religious belief or unbelief, too.

Intelligence is the acquisition and application of knowledge and skills. How quickly you get and use information. Atheists and religious people, the political Left and Right... EACH group does contain brilliant individuals.

The problem is trying to attach intelligence to political ideology.
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I think some confuse education and intelligence. Many college grads are educated by professors who have a clear agenda. They are trained, more like indoctrinated, and that does not equal intelligence.

And true that some very smart people use their intelligence to fool people.

And some very smart people get fooled. I have been fooled many times. And so have you

But most of us learn after the first time or three. Especially when it's about the same thing.... :dunno:

It takes a real numbskull to get fooled time and time again and not figure it out.

It's why I call dimocraps psychologically impaired (aka; crazy stupid)


Their economic philosophy has been a proven failure every time it has ever been tried, but they keep wanting to try it again.

Professor Einstein must have known a lot of libturds

I bet he did! That quote is one of my favorites of all time.

When it comes to socialism/communism, there is a pile of evidence from history that shows they don't work in the long run, yet each generation brings in new liberals who think they can make it work. They follow the same exact trail and act like they don't know what lies at the end.

"You disagree with me so you're dumb".

The standard argument of the partisan ideologue.

I've known some pretty dumb "smart" people, and vice versa.


The whole point of my thread is to lay waste to the dimocrap theme that they're smarter than we are.... Or anybody else for that matter.

I get tired of hearing it. Especially from the stupid.

It's a meme pushed on them by their masters to make them feel important and like they matter (they don't) and that dimocrap scum politicians and the socialist elite understand them.

And they're dumb enough to buy into it.

Or maybe it's naivete.... No. Dumb covers it
I don't think there's wisdom in any political group thinking it's smarter than other groups based on political ideology.
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On another thread someone says that one of the great things about the US is its good education system. I suggest that when around 50% of Americans think that astrology is scientific and only a slightly smaller number do not know that the earth revolves around the sun you need to start worrying - and not focus your concern on whether the Dems or the Reps are the more ignorant.

Btw in every European country it is the least educated who are more likely to vote left.
I don't think there's wisdom in any political group thinking it's smarter than other groups based on political ideology.

Yep, especially since adherence to a partisan ideology appears to literally distort critical thinking skills. It makes people incurious, which is antithetical to the process of acquiring knowledge and maintaining knowledge.

Existing in an intellectual vacuum ain't exactly smart, in other words.

To make it worse, partisan ideologues tend to be immodest, narcissistic and intellectually dishonest, which makes honest conversation essentially impossible. And since they're incurious, they just don't wanna hear it!


I don't know who came up with this, nor whether my memory has it right, but it goes like this:

He who knows, and knows that he knows, is lucky indeed, and will excel.

He who knows, but knows not that he knows, is unlucky, but highly useful.

He who knows not, but knows that he knows not, is lucky because he can learn.

He who knows not, and knows not that he knows not, is very unlucky, and ususally doomed.

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