Whose going to pay for that wall?

Who's going to pay?

I will.


So would any decent American.

Someone who's so stupid that they're unaware "whose" is a possessive adjective is unlikely to be aware of very much at all, let alone know anything about immigration law or national security.


Mexico will in the due course of time. They won't outright of course, and we can't wait 10 years, the wall will be built starting next year then the cost recouped from Mexico over time from increased trade costs. They really have no choice, without the USA, they are done.

No aid to Mexico until paid off.
A generous interest rate will be charged.
How will that put money back in your pocket specifically even if somehow it works?

If you don't send Mexico money it stays in your pocket.

Sounds like you went to public school.
When was the last time you sent money to Mexico and what does that have to do with you getting a refund from the tax dollars Drumpf is going to use to pay for the wall he said Mexico was going to pay for?
TRUMP was just on tv with the Finnish President . Wall came up and President Trump , yeah , the 'mex' will pay one way or the other . You and 'I ' will / may pay for the WALL , then we'll kick 'mex' azz financially so save your pennies Ace .
Not my problem he changed his story to save face. Unlike his illiterate followers I remember exactly what Drumpf said. Should I post a video of it or will that cause you to experience cognitive dissonance?

------------------------------------------------------------- YOU are silly , mex will pay for WALL one way or the other ACE . But hey , i don't care who pays , i want the WALL built for all the practical reasons that TRUMP , I and others point out . But hey , i also want the WALL built as an insult or poke in the eye to 'mexico' Ace . Ya think that the 'palis' are annoyed by the Israeli Wall ?? Just wait , watch and see the 'mex' reaction to the TRUMP WALL Ace . :afro:

You or Drumpf still havent been able to explain how Mex is going to pay for the wall one way or the other without you losing your job and Drumpf losing his businesses that import goods into the US. You got an explanation or are you just depending on your god Drumpf?

-------------------------------------------------------- many different ways and tey've been explained many time Ace .

No ones explained anything. I asked for an explanation. You guys are just parroting Drumpfs latest claim. "One way or the other" :laugh:
Who's going to pay?

I will.


So would any decent American.

Someone who's so stupid that they're unaware "whose" is a possessive adjective is unlikely to be aware of very much at all, let alone know anything about immigration law or national security.


Mexico will in the due course of time. They won't outright of course, and we can't wait 10 years, the wall will be built starting next year then the cost recouped from Mexico over time from increased trade costs. They really have no choice, without the USA, they are done.

No aid to Mexico until paid off.
A generous interest rate will be charged.
How will that put money back in your pocket specifically even if somehow it works?

And THERE IT IS. For all your blather, you have NO IDEA how economies really work.
There what is? I sure dont see an answer to my question. i do see a deflection. Was that what you were referring to when you said there it is?

Your lack of intelligence.
but like i said earlier , i want the WALL and i don't care who pays ACE .
Who's going to pay?

I will.


So would any decent American.

Someone who's so stupid that they're unaware "whose" is a possessive adjective is unlikely to be aware of very much at all, let alone know anything about immigration law or national security.


Mexico will in the due course of time. They won't outright of course, and we can't wait 10 years, the wall will be built starting next year then the cost recouped from Mexico over time from increased trade costs. They really have no choice, without the USA, they are done.

No aid to Mexico until paid off.
A generous interest rate will be charged.
How will that put money back in your pocket specifically even if somehow it works?

If you don't send Mexico money it stays in your pocket.

Sounds like you went to public school.
When was the last time you sent money to Mexico and what does that have to do with you getting a refund from the tax dollars Drumpf is going to use to pay for the wall he said Mexico was going to pay for?
Who's going to pay?

I will.


So would any decent American.

Someone who's so stupid that they're unaware "whose" is a possessive adjective is unlikely to be aware of very much at all, let alone know anything about immigration law or national security.


Mexico will in the due course of time. They won't outright of course, and we can't wait 10 years, the wall will be built starting next year then the cost recouped from Mexico over time from increased trade costs. They really have no choice, without the USA, they are done.

No aid to Mexico until paid off.
A generous interest rate will be charged.
How will that put money back in your pocket specifically even if somehow it works?

If you don't send Mexico money it stays in your pocket.

Sounds like you went to public school.
When was the last time you sent money to Mexico and what does that have to do with you getting a refund from the tax dollars Drumpf is going to use to pay for the wall he said Mexico was going to pay for?

Our country:

Wall_Expenses - Mexico_Aid = 0

Math is not your strong suit I see.
Mexico will in the due course of time. They won't outright of course, and we can't wait 10 years, the wall will be built starting next year then the cost recouped from Mexico over time from increased trade costs. They really have no choice, without the USA, they are done.

No aid to Mexico until paid off.
A generous interest rate will be charged.
How will that put money back in your pocket specifically even if somehow it works?

And THERE IT IS. For all your blather, you have NO IDEA how economies really work.
There what is? I sure dont see an answer to my question. i do see a deflection. Was that what you were referring to when you said there it is?

Your lack of intelligence.
So you admit you dont know but are trying to save face. What dumb sheep you are. :laugh:
TRUMP was just on tv with the Finnish President . Wall came up and President Trump , yeah , the 'mex' will pay one way or the other . You and 'I ' will / may pay for the WALL , then we'll kick 'mex' azz financially so save your pennies Ace .
Not my problem he changed his story to save face. Unlike his illiterate followers I remember exactly what Drumpf said. Should I post a video of it or will that cause you to experience cognitive dissonance?

------------------------------------------------------------- YOU are silly , mex will pay for WALL one way or the other ACE . But hey , i don't care who pays , i want the WALL built for all the practical reasons that TRUMP , I and others point out . But hey , i also want the WALL built as an insult or poke in the eye to 'mexico' Ace . Ya think that the 'palis' are annoyed by the Israeli Wall ?? Just wait , watch and see the 'mex' reaction to the TRUMP WALL Ace . :afro:

You or Drumpf still havent been able to explain how Mex is going to pay for the wall one way or the other without you losing your job and Drumpf losing his businesses that import goods into the US. You got an explanation or are you just depending on your god Drumpf?

-------------------------------------------------------- many different ways and tey've been explained many time Ace .

SAVE YOUR BREATH. Asclepias is a person that no matter what you feed him, it all still comes out the same--- ---horse poop.
Mexico will in the due course of time. They won't outright of course, and we can't wait 10 years, the wall will be built starting next year then the cost recouped from Mexico over time from increased trade costs. They really have no choice, without the USA, they are done.

No aid to Mexico until paid off.
A generous interest rate will be charged.
How will that put money back in your pocket specifically even if somehow it works?

If you don't send Mexico money it stays in your pocket.

Sounds like you went to public school.
When was the last time you sent money to Mexico and what does that have to do with you getting a refund from the tax dollars Drumpf is going to use to pay for the wall he said Mexico was going to pay for?
Mexico will in the due course of time. They won't outright of course, and we can't wait 10 years, the wall will be built starting next year then the cost recouped from Mexico over time from increased trade costs. They really have no choice, without the USA, they are done.

No aid to Mexico until paid off.
A generous interest rate will be charged.
How will that put money back in your pocket specifically even if somehow it works?

If you don't send Mexico money it stays in your pocket.

Sounds like you went to public school.
When was the last time you sent money to Mexico and what does that have to do with you getting a refund from the tax dollars Drumpf is going to use to pay for the wall he said Mexico was going to pay for?

Our country:

Wall_Expenses - Mexico_Aid = 0

Math is not your strong suit I see.
I dont think you understand how this works. You dont personally give money to Mexico. They tax you and send it to Mexico. They arent going to refund your taxes if somehow the wall is built. Are you pretending to be stupid or is this an actual full frontal display of your ignorance?
No aid to Mexico until paid off.
A generous interest rate will be charged.
How will that put money back in your pocket specifically even if somehow it works?

If you don't send Mexico money it stays in your pocket.

Sounds like you went to public school.
When was the last time you sent money to Mexico and what does that have to do with you getting a refund from the tax dollars Drumpf is going to use to pay for the wall he said Mexico was going to pay for?
No aid to Mexico until paid off.
A generous interest rate will be charged.
How will that put money back in your pocket specifically even if somehow it works?

If you don't send Mexico money it stays in your pocket.

Sounds like you went to public school.
When was the last time you sent money to Mexico and what does that have to do with you getting a refund from the tax dollars Drumpf is going to use to pay for the wall he said Mexico was going to pay for?

Our country:

Wall_Expenses - Mexico_Aid = 0

Math is not your strong suit I see.
I dont think you understand how this works. You dont personally give money to Mexico. They tax you and send it to Mexico. They arent going to refund your taxes if somehow the wall is built. Are you pretending to be stupid or is this an actual full frontal display of your ignorance?

If we cut Mexico's aid, where does that money go?
How will that put money back in your pocket specifically even if somehow it works?

If you don't send Mexico money it stays in your pocket.

Sounds like you went to public school.
When was the last time you sent money to Mexico and what does that have to do with you getting a refund from the tax dollars Drumpf is going to use to pay for the wall he said Mexico was going to pay for?
How will that put money back in your pocket specifically even if somehow it works?

If you don't send Mexico money it stays in your pocket.

Sounds like you went to public school.
When was the last time you sent money to Mexico and what does that have to do with you getting a refund from the tax dollars Drumpf is going to use to pay for the wall he said Mexico was going to pay for?

Our country:

Wall_Expenses - Mexico_Aid = 0

Math is not your strong suit I see.
I dont think you understand how this works. You dont personally give money to Mexico. They tax you and send it to Mexico. They arent going to refund your taxes if somehow the wall is built. Are you pretending to be stupid or is this an actual full frontal display of your ignorance?

If we cut Mexico's aid, where does that money go?
Not in your pocket. Is that what you think is going to happen?
Who's going to pay?

I will.


So would any decent American.

Someone who's so stupid that they're unaware "whose" is a possessive adjective is unlikely to be aware of very much at all, let alone know anything about immigration law or national security.


Mexico will in the due course of time. They won't outright of course, and we can't wait 10 years, the wall will be built starting next year then the cost recouped from Mexico over time from increased trade costs. They really have no choice, without the USA, they are done.

No aid to Mexico until paid off.
A generous interest rate will be charged.
How will that put money back in your pocket specifically even if somehow it works?
---------------------------------- feck money , America is more important than money except to whores that will do anything for money Ace .
Who's going to pay?

I will.


So would any decent American.

Someone who's so stupid that they're unaware "whose" is a possessive adjective is unlikely to be aware of very much at all, let alone know anything about immigration law or national security.


Mexico will in the due course of time. They won't outright of course, and we can't wait 10 years, the wall will be built starting next year then the cost recouped from Mexico over time from increased trade costs. They really have no choice, without the USA, they are done.

No aid to Mexico until paid off.
A generous interest rate will be charged.
How will that put money back in your pocket specifically even if somehow it works?
---------------------------------- feck money , America is more important than money except to whores that will do anything for money Ace .
Thanks for admitting you are cool with not getting your money back even though Drumpf said Mexico was going to pay for it. At least youre an honest sheep.
Why do we need a wall? Arrest, trial, prison, loss of business for any employer knowingly hiring an illegal (Canadians too).

I've done my part. I've dropped a dime on numerous business competitors.

If Sheriff Joe would have done this he wouldn't have been convicted. Of course he would have lost his political support.
We need a wall because symbolically it would make all the inbred white trash feel like its a white country.

SURPRISE JACK! It IS a white country! White people dominate it, white people run it, white people created it, White people wrote the DoI, White people wrote the Constitution, and White people created the BoR. Then White people turned around and freed slaves and invited everybody to come, become a citizen and to share in the greatest nation, highest standard of living and best opportunity in the world.

Had Black folks started the United States, no whites or anyone else would have ever been allowed, none would even WANT to come, there would be no freedom, no opportunities, no technology or military, just a lot of shooting each other for the slightest of reasons because someone looked at you wrong and partying, with a liquor store and a Planned Parenthood on every city block. By now, you would have long since spent all the nation's money away on cheap liquor and stanky women, run the country clear into the ground, and would have lost the country to some other conquering country who would have either KICKED YOU OUT or made you their bitches!
White people never did a damn thing without people of color helping, teaching and guiding them not just in this country but in europe as well. Its never been a white country and it never will be specifically because youre being bred out of existence.

There you go breathing carbon monoxide again.

idiot-gram ^^^
Who's going to pay?

I will.


So would any decent American.

Someone who's so stupid that they're unaware "whose" is a possessive adjective is unlikely to be aware of very much at all, let alone know anything about immigration law or national security.


Mexico will in the due course of time. They won't outright of course, and we can't wait 10 years, the wall will be built starting next year then the cost recouped from Mexico over time from increased trade costs. They really have no choice, without the USA, they are done.

Really, don't be too sure about that. T was speaking literally that Mexico will pay for the wall. He lied and you love it. Raise tariffs and guess who pays more , the taxpayers in the US.

You're an idiot. Mexico WILL pay for the wall, but no thinking person ever thought Trump meant that Mexico was going to hand us 6 billion dollars or whatever outright FIRST then we would build it. If you ever listened to his many speeches on that matter at campaign rallies on the road, he made that completely clear over and over. Whatever it costs us to build that wall we will ultimately get back from Mexico in additional trade revenue to pay us back for it once Trump renegotiates his trade agreements with Mexico as with most everyone else. He must have stated that 50 times during his election, which goes to show how much you know.

So lets start a trade war with Canada and Mexico. We are not an island onto ourselves. Since global corps are in Mexico , yes mainly from the USA, they will just raise prices on goods coming from Mexico and who is going to foot the bill, the US citizens. T is an idiot, no one wants the wall, T said Mexico will pay for, he was trying to sound like a tuff man, the campaign is over, time to get back into reality.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i believe that the wall will be built and that enemy mexico will pay for the wall , trade war is fine and for the next [supposedly] big deal , lets shut down USA Government Penny,
How the hell do you think Trump can force Mexico to pay?

You should never call anyone an idiot. You are clearly biddable (dictionary.com may help you understand what is meant by biddable). Though, given the theory of enough monkey's, you were correct: "no thinking person ever thought Trump meant that Mexico was going to hand us 6 billion dollars or whatever outright FIRST then we would build it."

Those of us who think, knew right off that when he said, "believe me" he was lying, and yet, when he asked his supporters at rally's, "who is going to pay for the wall?", they yelled in chorus, "MEXICO!"
Mexico's President told trump, again, last week that Mexico will not pay for the wall. And ex-President Vincente Fox has told the Orange Maggot to go fuck himself on several occasions. Other world leaders have said the same thing, in somewhat milder terms. And even gutless republicans in Congress are telling trump to go eat shit. No one cares what the Draft-Dodger in Chief says, anymore. He's a tweeting Twit, and everybody knows it.

And imposing tariffs on imports will only hurt American consumers. In a trade war we lose, because Americans want lower prices on everything.
poor babies , so you may be paying MORE for your mex made tortillas and mex grown lettuce eh Monk . Solution is , don't but mex lettuce or tortillas Monk .
Trump’s ‘wall’ is the perfect symbol of the right’s ignorance, stupidity, fear, bigotry, and hate.

How is wanting to keep out the illegals that shouldn't be here any of those things?

Border security is important, but fences can be tunneled under, climbed over, gone around and vandalized. Face it, the wall will not be paid for by Mexico, and I, for one, don't won't my tax dollars spent on a foolish promise by Trump.

Our nation has myriad problems, and we have an incompetent President, incompetent leadership in the Congress, and 3-5% of our population, the Neo Nazis, neo fascists and skin heads, creating chaos.

As a nation we are starved of leadership, and the longer the nation tolerates the do-nothing Congress and a know-nothing President we will remain on the road to becoming a banana republic. Someone needs to take charge, and the only one on the horizon who may have the skills to do so is the Sect. of State.
Border security is important, but fences can be tunneled under, climbed over, gone around and vandalized. Face it, the wall will not be paid for by Mexico, and I, for one, don't won't my tax dollars spent on a foolish promise by Trump.

Our nation has myriad problems, and we have an incompetent President, incompetent leadership in the Congress, and 3-5% of our population, the Neo Nazis, neo fascists and skin heads, creating chaos.

As a nation we are starved of leadership, and the longer the nation tolerates the do-nothing Congress and a know-nothing President we will remain on the road to becoming a banana republic. Someone needs to take charge, and the only one on the horizon who may have the skills to do so is the Sect. of State.


If your meat puppet faggot proposed an invisible force field that would let endangered species migrate through it but keep all non-citizens out at a cost of trillions of dollars bed wetting zealots like you would call it brilliant.

Eat shit and choke on it.

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