Whose name do you use for the first commandment?

Whose name do you use for the first commandment?

Jesus who said “he comes to cure and not kill the afflicted”.

Yahweh says he will come to kill, not cure the afflicted.

The one who always kills, has some Jews calling Yahweh a evil god.

I think the term suits.

You could name Spirit, if you are a Trinitarian, but the spirit does not speak in the bible, except to those with a Jesus consciousness, or one who has risen to a Christ consciousness.

Gnostic Christians condemned Yahweh to hell way back when Christians had morals.

We put our myth against theirs and called their God evil, and then the good old inquisitions; instead of trying to win the argument.

Jesus and his Armageddon does not seem to be much better than the genocidal Yahweh.

Most who read this might not agree, --- but if you put any name other than yourself, --- as the spirit that judges the good or evil in the Christian God, --- then you might wonder why you venerate an evil God.

I name Spirit God as I will not go to hell where Yahweh and Jesus are bound to end.

Matthew 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be Matthew.

People hate moral questions.

We are all sinners, thank God; who will sin by accepting to follow one of the Christian Gods?

IMO, Christianity had the potential to be the worlds best religion. It changed and is now failing.

I think it a shame that they will drag Gnostic Christianity down with it.

Who do you name for Commandment # 1?

" Thou " another name for myself.
Mortals asked for this by rebelling. Its you who stand in opposition to God.
Indeed, as all moral people should.

Want to discussed the immoral thinking you do?

I did not think so as your ilk do not ever even attempt to justify your vile genocidal god theology.

Just look at the shit apologetics you have to resort to, stupid.

Mortals asked for this by rebelling. Its you who stand in opposition to God.
So we controlled what your prick of a god does.

As it should be, given that Jesus said he came to serve and not be served.

You are being very stupid and trolling.

Best to ignore me.

Is your goal to pry believers away from God?
Yes, if you are talking Yahweh, the genocidal Christian prick of a god.

Is genocidal Yahweh the prick you adore?

Or is the Armageddon bringing prick, Jesus?

Stop it. You're rambling on with rubbish. There is no God and you're delusional. Grow up.
I agree on God if you are talking the supernatural.

Now go away so that I can continue to try to educe the harm that the vile Christian God is doing.

Yes, if you are talking Yahweh, the genocidal Christian prick of a god.

Is genocidal Yahweh the prick you adore?

Or is the Armageddon bringing prick, Jesus?

Oh! Informative. Your “God,” whom some people call “Allah,” is not the one true God. He is a fiction brought to you by the Great Insane Pedophile scumbag, Mohammed (piss be upon him).

Islam is a hideous religion. Thought you should know.
Greatestlam, You may be thinking of this verse:
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
AOL failword "abundantly"
Oh! Informative. Your “God,” whom some people call “Allah,” is not the one true God. He is a fiction brought to you by the Great Insane Pedophile scumbag, Mohammed (piss be upon him).

Islam is a hideous religion. Thought you should know.
The same DNA as Christianity.

Secular law has just had more time to bring Christianity to heel.

Don't forget that if you are a right wing Christian father, you will have to hate your gay or girl children.

They are inferior to male in Abrahamic religions.

The same DNA as Christianity.

Secular law has just had more time to bring Christianity to heel.

Don't forget that if you are a right wing Christian father, you will have to hate your gay or girl children.

They are inferior to male in Abrahamic religions.

You know not whereof you speak.
Indeed, as all moral people should.

Want to discussed the immoral thinking you do?

I did not think so as your ilk do not ever even attempt to justify your vile genocidal god theology.

Just look at the shit apologetics you have to resort to, stupid.

He will resurrect the dead, this isnt the real death. But many will still follow satan in their lack of brains. Rev 20:7-10, and be destroyed forever and miss out on everlasting life.
Whose name do you use for the first commandment?

Jesus who said “he comes to cure and not kill the afflicted”.

Yahweh says he will come to kill, not cure the afflicted.

The one who always kills, has some Jews calling Yahweh a evil god.

I think the term suits.

You could name Spirit, if you are a Trinitarian, but the spirit does not speak in the bible, except to those with a Jesus consciousness, or one who has risen to a Christ consciousness.

Gnostic Christians condemned Yahweh to hell way back when Christians had morals.

We put our myth against theirs and called their God evil, and then the good old inquisitions; instead of trying to win the argument.

Jesus and his Armageddon does not seem to be much better than the genocidal Yahweh.

Most who read this might not agree, --- but if you put any name other than yourself, --- as the spirit that judges the good or evil in the Christian God, --- then you might wonder why you venerate an evil God.

I name Spirit God as I will not go to hell where Yahweh and Jesus are bound to end.

Matthew 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be Matthew.

People hate moral questions.

We are all sinners, thank God; who will sin by accepting to follow one of the Christian Gods?

IMO, Christianity had the potential to be the worlds best religion. It changed and is now failing.

I think it a shame that they will drag Gnostic Christianity down with it.

Who do you name for Commandment # 1?

The same name that Moses used, "I AM".....a name that is ultimately identified with Christ Jesus.

Moses was told to tell the people that I AM (God) has sent you. (Ex. 3:14). Jesus stated, Before Abrahma was I AM (John 8:48)

You are going to attempt to tell everyone that you worship the correct name "Yahweh". In reality that is a simple mistranslation of the Hebrew language for Lord. Translated into Greek and then English........it translates to I AM....the orginal Hebrew word was YHWH. Simple, not complex...........I AM. Jehovah simply means Lord and Lord is used throughout the Hebrew Bible as I AM/Lord.

Regardless. Jesus nailed the Old Law to the Cross (Col. 2:14)and everyone is under a New Covenant just as prophesied in Jer. 31:3-34. With Jesus having been given ALL AUTHORITY in heaven and on Earth (Matt. 28:18). Its proper to call our Lord Jesus.........Lord as the son of the great IAM. Thus Jesus used the same title when He declared, "Before Abraham was......I AM" -- John 8:48

As Jesus declared, "Ye blind guides, which strain on a gnat, and swallow a camel". In other words you want to denote your use of one word as a sign that you are the one true church.........you strain on a gnat and swallow a camel.

"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." -- 2 Tim 2:15

There is but one way to approach the God of Creation today........we must allow our high priest (Jesus Christ -- John 14:6) to intercede, stand between our sin and God. We are all members of a royal priesthood with Jesus being our High Priest, we offer all prayer through our "Lord/I AM" Christ Jesus. (1 Peter 2:9, Heb. 2:17)
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The same name that Moses used, "I AM".....a name that is ultimately identified with Christ Jesus.

Moses was told to tell the people that I AM (God) has sent you. (Ex. 3:14). Jesus stated, Before Abrahma was I AM (John 8:48)

You are going to attempt to tell everyone that you worship the correct name "Yahweh". In reality that is a simple mistranslation of the Hebrew language for Lord. Translated into Greek and then English........it translates to I AM....the orginal Hebrew word was YHWH. Simple, not complex...........I AM. Jehovah simply means Lord and Lord is used throughout the Hebrew Bible as I AM/Lord.

Regardless. Jesus nailed the Old Law to the Cross (Col. 2:14)and everyone is under a New Covenant just as prophesied in Jer. 31:3-34. With Jesus having been given ALL AUTHORITY in heaven and on Earth (Matt. 28:18). Its proper to call our Lord Jesus.........Lord as the son of the great IAM. Thus Jesus used the same title when He declared, "Before Abraham was......I AM" -- John 8:48

As Jesus declared, "Ye blind guides, which strain on a gnat, and swallow a camel". In other words you want to denote your use of one word as a sign that you are the one true church.........you strain on a gnat and swallow a camel.

"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." -- 2 Tim 2:15

There is but one way to approach the God of Creation today........we must allow our high priest (Jesus Christ -- John 14:6) to intercede, stand between our sin and God. We are all members of a royal priesthood with Jesus being our High Priest, we offer all prayer through our "Lord/I AM" Christ Jesus. (1 Peter 2:9, Heb. 2:17)

moses was a pathological liar - claimed also to have been given tablets etched in heaven and destroyed them rather than for the story to prove him a fool. and anyone that would believe him.
He will resurrect the dead, this isnt the real death. But many will still follow satan in their lack of brains. Rev 20:7-10, and be destroyed forever and miss out on everlasting life.
The supernatural is for the stupid.

I would hate to be walking your path.

well, in context their statement doesn't really seem to pertain to everyone.

* maybe, pseudo - supernatural would have been better.

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