Whose name do you use for the first commandment?

Without proof, you lie.
Prove that it isn't. You cannot., as I've said all along the illusion we live here is overwhelming. We do but not as we believe we do. Lies are futile , ask any decent person.
Prove that it isn't. You cannot., as I've said all along the illusion we live here is overwhelming. We do but not as we believe we do.
You are correct in that I cannot prove a negative. Only a positive.
I see you do not know, or like to use a logical fallacy and hide your inability to argue your position. Go get someone with your low I.Q. to pull your garbage on.
You are correct in that I cannot prove a negative. Only a positive.
I see you do not know, or like to use a logical fallacy and hide your inability to argue your position. Go get someone with your low I.Q. to pull your garbage on.
I've said nothing negative, only positive. The truth is a positive force , ignorance is not bliss , it's just the reality of moving through parallel universes.
I've said nothing negative, only positive. The truth is a positive force , ignorance is not bliss , it's just the reality of moving through parallel universes.
With your understanding level, you belong in the other universe.
Actually that is not the intent of the Creator entity. But I do understand your sarcasm and disbelief. It is of no consequence.
Neither is anything said by your absentee Creator entity. Like Yahweh, he is a deadbeat dad and does not deserve our respect just for that.

Dads who want to be relevant to their children pop up.
Neither is anything said by your absentee Creator entity. Like Yahweh, he is a deadbeat dad and does not deserve our respect just for that.

Dads who want to be relevant to their children pop up.
When you meet him, he will tell you he was always there.
Neither is anything said by your absentee Creator entity. Like Yahweh, he is a deadbeat dad and does not deserve our respect just for that.

Dads who want to be relevant to their children pop up.
You won't discover anything until you've shed your mortal life here. Don't worry , whatever your beliefs are will appear as such in the begining. You , like everyone else are eased into the transition.
Whose name do you use for the first commandment?

Jesus who said “he comes to cure and not kill the afflicted”.

Yahweh says he will come to kill, not cure the afflicted.

The one who always kills, has some Jews calling Yahweh a evil god.

I think the term suits.

You could name Spirit, if you are a Trinitarian, but the spirit does not speak in the bible, except to those with a Jesus consciousness, or one who has risen to a Christ consciousness.

Gnostic Christians condemned Yahweh to hell way back when Christians had morals.

We put our myth against theirs and called their God evil, and then the good old inquisitions; instead of trying to win the argument.

Jesus and his Armageddon does not seem to be much better than the genocidal Yahweh.

Most who read this might not agree, --- but if you put any name other than yourself, --- as the spirit that judges the good or evil in the Christian God, --- then you might wonder why you venerate an evil God.

I name Spirit God as I will not go to hell where Yahweh and Jesus are bound to end.

Matthew 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be Matthew.

People hate moral questions.

We are all sinners, thank God; who will sin by accepting to follow one of the Christian Gods?

IMO, Christianity had the potential to be the worlds best religion. It changed and is now failing.

I think it a shame that they will drag Gnostic Christianity down with it.

Who do you name for Commandment # 1?

Only a fool would believe in a supernatural creator.

Only an immoral person will think he cannot do better than your genocidal homophobic prick of a God.
Does it not take a "bigger fool" to accept as truth that the universe created itself from NOTING? Stephen Hawing declared that universe was self created by GRAVITY.....logic and reason proves based upon the laws of physics declares this concept as falsified by science. Gravity cannot exist void of mass and matter. If it gravity can exist void of energy, mass/matter.........prove it with your supposed science.

If you do not believe the universe is self creating .....simply explain how the universe came into existence based upon the laws of physics. Next question? Just where did your sense of "morality" come from.........since morality does not exist in nature, its survival of the fittest....no? Present one example of any life form on earth except man as having the capacity to think and reason based upon terms of morality. There is no morality in the animal kingdom. Next question? Is it not true that all examples of life on earth share a common dna link? All life is carbon based.......Thus there is no connection to animals and man because they all share a common dna........some dna was simply created more complex than other life forms. Because a chimp and a man share dna......does not prove anything......the reason there is no such link as a supposed missing link.

Pasteur proved that life can only be procreated within the same species........there is no such evidence to be found for abiogenesis........life cannot create itself from non living matter.
This agrees with the biblical example of LIFE..........each within its own species. (Genesis 1:24). Simply disprove Pasteur's law of biogenesis. Nature cannot create life from non living matter. Show us the scientific experiment that has created life from non living matter...if not, WHO IS THE FOOL?
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Your mother suffered your birth and you have likely been raised, poorly, by women. Not your father. So much for your loyalty and sense of duty. You must be a f -----ing believer in some supernatural, genocidal homophobe. Fathers help create us all, but duty and honor always put women and children above men. Without Satan, Yahweh's feminine side, Eden would have been a failure. That is why Yahweh gave her the extra power to deceive the whole world.

No scripture says this
Not the ones you read, as you like the Jesus and God who will kill instead of cure, even though they could do either.

Have you forgotten where Jesus is berated for hanging around the publicans by his followers.

What did he tell them, given that you know your Bible so well.

Fun fact for you. You cannot quote where Jesus is officially anointed to Christ.
Does it not take a "bigger fool" to accept as truth that the universe created itself from NOTING? Stephen Hawing declared that universe was self created by GRAVITY.....logic and reason proves based upon the laws of physics declares this concept as falsified by science. Gravity cannot exist void of mass and matter. If it gravity can exist void of energy, mass/matter.........prove it with your supposed science.

If you do not believe the universe is self creating .....simply explain how the universe came into existence based upon the laws of physics. Next question? Just where did your sense of "morality" come from.........since morality does not exist in nature, its survival of the fittest....no? Present one example of any life form on earth except man as having the capacity to think and reason based upon terms of morality. There is no morality in the animal kingdom. Next question? Is it not true that all examples of life on earth share a common dna link? All life is carbon based.......Thus there is no connection to animals and man because they all share a common dna........some dna was simply created more complex than other life forms. Because a chimp and a man share dna......does not prove anything......the reason there is no such link as a supposed missing link.

Pasteur proved that life can only be procreated within the same species........there is no such evidence to be found for abiogenesis........life cannot create itself from non living matter.
This agrees with the biblical example of LIFE..........each within its own species. (Genesis 1:24). Simply disprove Pasteur's law of biogenesis. Nature cannot create life from non living matter. Show us the scientific experiment that has created life from non living matter...if not, WHO IS THE FOOL?
As usual, when asked a moral question on his adoration of a genocidal homophobe, the Christian deflects to anything but moral issues.

Everyone sees it. You being a Christian Moral Coward.

You, if you had the power, would be using the inquisitors as you cannot argue for the immoral Christian theology.
Not the ones you read, as you like the Jesus and God who will kill instead of cure, even though they could do either.

Have you forgotten where Jesus is berated for hanging around the publicans by his followers.

What did he tell them, given that you know your Bible so well.

Fun fact for you. You cannot quote where Jesus is officially anointed to Christ.
You demons just make shit up and "quote" scriptures that don't exist.

You're a demonic fraud and liar and I will call you out Everytime you lie and pass the r off as fact.
Get thee behind me satan
You demons just make shit up and "quote" scriptures that don't exist.

You're a demonic fraud and liar and I will call you out Everytime you lie and pass the r off as fact.
Get thee behind me satan
Which quote, or is your childish demeanor all we get from your ilk?

Make your case, stupid.

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