Whose name do you use for the first commandment?

Yes, which is why knowing God is such a blessing.
Unfortunately many believe they know god when they do not even understand themselves. These are the people who cause so much havoc here on earth. Those who cannot see at all are their own worse enemies and do no one else any favors either.
I understand, and I agree with that part of it. The other side of religion is doing the work to actually know God, and who he is. Know God and judgment isn't very important.
Sound Familiar?

"He's making a list
And checking it twice
Gonna find out
Who's naughty or nice"

"He knows if you've been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake!"
Spirituality is nothing but a physical state of mind caused by and fully located in the physical system that is your brain.
So sayeth Farty. And because Farty so spoke, therefore in his “mind,” it must be so.
Spirituality is nothing but a physical state of mind caused by and fully located in the physical system that is your brain.
That is a very physical way to look at it and since we find ourselves visiting a physical world, it's a very pragmatic viewpoint. Fortunately we are much more than that.
No, all the evidence and every observation ever made shows it.

Put down your micropeen and read something once in a while, you freak.
You lie like an old rug.

Maybe get familiar with the topic next time so you don’t confirm your ignorance.

Although it is humorous to watch you flail.
He says, while millions of children die of preventable causes daily.

Thank God for that.
Physical death of the body we inhabit is our escape from this physical world; there is no death of the spirit. It is immortal as is the ONE.
Physical death of the body we inhabit is our escape from this physical world; there is no death of the spirit. It is immortal as is the ONE.
I find this type of philosophy to be immoral and unethical. It intentionally chepens the only life you will actually ever have. And presumably those of others
I find this type of philosophy to be immoral and unethical. It intentionally chepens the only life you will actually ever have. And presumably those of others
Believe whatever you wish. I simply have had more information given to me about our lives here.

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