Whose Thanksgiving Bible...Hebrews Or Christians?

I see plenty of statements without a lot of supporting evidence. Tucker Carlson is welcome to his opinions but I don't give them much credence as he is a just another pundit and one that was kicked out of college and turned down for a government job.

You have already served the purpose you were born to serve: as proof of the stupidity and dishonesty programmed into their voters by the Democrat Party.

Your services are no longer required.
You have already served the purpose you were born to serve: as proof of the stupidity and dishonesty programmed into their voters by the Democrat Party.

Your services are no longer required.
What program were you created to run? You seem only capable of aggregating the works of others. I guess you're USMB's version of Google News.
What program were you created to run? You seem only capable of aggregating the works of others. I guess you're USMB's version of Google News.

Stop begging.....it won't help: you're not needed here.

We have filled our quota of liars and Democrat-pimps.
Clearly you didn't bother to read the post your linked to.

We are to give thanks......each and every day, not annually in honor of a man made tradition only. There is nothing wrong with Thanksgiving, its an American Tradition that is just as traditional as the 4th of July......etc., But Thanksgiving is not found in scripture as it is practiced today.

Clearly I did understand.

There is neither Jew nor Gentile. Why attempt to divide the word of God into 2 different covenants when clearly there is only, "One Body, and One Spirit, even as you are called in One Hope of your calling, ONE LORD, ONE FAITH, ONE BAPTISM, ONE GOD AND FATHER OF ALL, who is above all, and through all, and in you all." -- Eph. 4:4-6

The OLD LAW was nailed to the cross of Jesus. If you still live under the Old Law you must live by ALL THE LAW. Where are the animal sacrifices? If you are attempting to live under 2 Laws you are committing "spiritual adultery", (Romans 7:1-4)

To attempt to pull even one ordinance from the Old Law such as the command for circumcision, servers our relationship with Christ Jesus (Gal. 5:2-4)

There is a problem with the Old Law......it was limited in its application. God was not at fault......He offered salvation by the letter of the law, the problem was man and his continued sinful ways.

Example: the yearly animal sacrifice, i.e., atonement sacrifices that were offered each year for sins. This proves the fact there was no actual permanent atonement for sins......these annual sacrifices simply postponed the consequences. (Hebrews 10) Whereas the New Testament Covenant of Christ was built upon the ideology of One Perfect Sacrifice.....the death of Jesus Christ, who fulfilled the requirements of the Old Law to usher in the New Testament Covenant of Christ........that included the JEWS first and foremost as the gospel was preached exclusively to the Jews for the 1st 10 years of the infant church.

The first Gentile convert was a Roman Solider, a commander of a legion (1000 troops) by the name of Cornelius (Acts 10:1-48)

And just as God had saved a remanent before (Noah)....there was a faithful remanent of the Hebrew faith that accepted Jesus as the Messiah of prophecy.......the rest can be grafted back in when they are ready to accept Jesus as the Christ.

As far as their doctrine goes we are to treat the Jews as enemies of the faith (example: Paul confronting Peter, even the apostles were confronted when they attempted to accept parts of the Old Law in order to appease some of the masses -- Gal. 2:11-21)........but we always pray that one day their blindness might be removed so that they also can see. As easily as they were cut off because of a lack of faith......they can just as easily be grafted back in. We are all of ONE FAITH that has progressed over the generations. We are all seeds of Abraham through Christ Jesus. (Gal. 3:28)
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We are to give thanks......each and every day, not annually in honor of a man made tradition only. There is nothing wrong with Thanksgiving, its an American Tradition that is just as traditional as the 4th of July......etc., But Thanksgiving is not found in scripture as it is practiced today.

Clearly I did understand.

There is neither Jew nor Gentile. Why attempt to divide the word of God into 2 different covenants when clearly there is only, "One Body, and One Spirit, even as you are called in One Hope of your calling, ONE LORD, ONE FAITH, ONE BAPTISM, ONE GOD AND FATHER OF ALL, who is above all, and through all, and in you all." -- Eph. 4:4-6

The OLD LAW was nailed to the cross of Jesus. If you still live under the Old Law you must live by ALL THE LAW. Where are the animal sacrifices? If you are attempting to live under 2 Laws you are committing "spiritual adultery", (Romans 7:1-4)

To attempt to pull even one ordinance from the Old Law such as the command for circumcision, servers our relationship with Christ Jesus (Gal. 5:2-4)

There is a problem with the Old Law......it was limited in its application. God was not at fault......He offered salvation by the letter of the law, the problem was man and his continued sinful ways.

Example: the yearly animal sacrifice, i.e., atonement sacrifices that were offered each year for sins. This proves the fact there was no actual permanent atonement for sins......these annual sacrifices simply postponed the consequences. (Hebrews 10) Whereas the New Testament Covenant of Christ was built upon the ideology of One Perfect Sacrifice.....the death of Jesus Christ, who fulfilled the requirements of the Old Law to usher in the New Testament Covenant of Christ........that included the JEWS first and foremost as the gospel was preached exclusively to the Jews for the 1st 10 years of the infant church.

The first Gentile convert was a Roman Solider, a commander of a legion (1000 troops) by the name of Cornelius (Acts 10:1-48)

And just as God had saved a remanent before (Noah)....there was a faithful remanent of the Hebrew faith that accepted Jesus as the Messiah of prophecy.......the rest can be grafted back in when they are ready to accept Jesus as the Christ.

As far as their doctrine goes we are to treat the Jews as enemies of the faith (example: Paul confronting Peter, even the apostles were confronted when they attempted to accept parts of the Old Law in order to appease some of the masses -- Gal. 2:11-21)........but we always pray that one day their blindness might be removed so that they also can see. As easily as they were cut off because of a lack of faith......they can just as easily be grafted back in. We are all of ONE FAITH that has progressed over the generations. We are all seeds of Abraham through Christ Jesus. (Gal. 3:28)

"Why attempt to divide....."

Clearly you didn't.....and you still don't.
"Why attempt to divide....."

Clearly you didn't.....and you still don't.
There is ONE HOLY BIBLE and ONE COVENANT in effect.........the New Testament of Christ Jesus.

The Old Law is contained in that ONE BIBLE as a "schoolmaster" that leads the reader to the Messiah that is Jesus Christ.

"I became a minister according to the stewradship from God, which was given to me for you, how that by revelation He made known to me the mystery which in other ages was not made known to the sons of men as it has now been revealed by the Holy Spirit to His apostles and prophets." (Eph. 3:3-5)

The inspired New Testament writers Identified for us several characteristics of the Messianic Mystery.

1. The mystery revolves around the prophesied Messiah and the redemption of mankind. 2. The mystery is one that has been hidden in various ways from all generations of people prior to the time of the New Testament. 3. The various tenants of mystery are divinely revealed and made known only through divine communication as directed by the Holy Spirit of God.
4. During the times of the New Testament, God revealed the final piece of the mystery to the New Testament Apostles and prophets who recorded the scriptures.

The Old Testament predicted the preparation of the coming Messiah/Christ (Malachi 4:5-6 as validated by Matthew 3:1-17)

God promised Adam that He would send One who would bruise the hell of Satan (Genesis 3:15). God promised Abraham that He would make a great nation out of his family and out of that nation would come the Messiah (Genesis 12:3) When David was king God promised him that out of his seed would come the Messiah (2 Sam. 7:12-13).

Jesus claimed to have fulfilled those prophecies (John 5:39, Luke 24:44-45). The apostles also preached that Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies of a coming Messiah (Acts 3:18,21,24; 10:43; 13:27; 17:2-3)

The time of the Messiah's coming was clearly foretold in the Old Testament. Jesus the Christ would come in the last days before the people of Judah would cease to be distinct nation of peoples. (Isa. 2:2, Joel 2:28, Daniel 2:28) History shows us that Israel was destroyed in the 1st century by the Roman Empire and Biblical Israel has not existed for over 2000 years.
There is ONE HOLY BIBLE and ONE COVENANT in effect.........the New Testament of Christ Jesus.

The Old Law is contained in that ONE BIBLE as a "schoolmaster" that leads the reader to the Messiah that is Jesus Christ.

"I became a minister according to the stewradship from God, which was given to me for you, how that by revelation He made known to me the mystery which in other ages was not made known to the sons of men as it has now been revealed by the Holy Spirit to His apostles and prophets." (Eph. 3:3-5)

The inspired New Testament writers Identified for us several characteristics of the Messianic Mystery.

1. The mystery revolves around the prophesied Messiah and the redemption of mankind. 2. The mystery is one that has been hidden in various ways from all generations of people prior to the time of the New Testament. 3. The various tenants of mystery are divinely revealed and made known only through divine communication as directed by the Holy Spirit of God.
4. During the times of the New Testament, God revealed the final piece of the mystery to the New Testament Apostles and prophets who recorded the scriptures.

The Old Testament predicted the preparation of the coming Messiah/Christ (Malachi 4:5-6 as validated by Matthew 3:1-17)

God promised Adam that He would send One who would bruise the hell of Satan (Genesis 3:15). God promised Abraham that He would make a great nation out of his family and out of that nation would come the Messiah (Genesis 12:3) When David was king God promised him that out of his seed would come the Messiah (2 Sam. 7:12-13).

Jesus claimed to have fulfilled those prophecies (John 5:39, Luke 24:44-45). The apostles also preached that Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies of a coming Messiah (Acts 3:18,21,24; 10:43; 13:27; 17:2-3)

The time of the Messiah's coming was clearly foretold in the Old Testament. Jesus the Christ would come in the last days before the people of Judah would cease to be distinct nation of peoples. (Isa. 2:2, Joel 2:28, Daniel 2:28) History shows us that Israel was destroyed in the 1st century by the Roman Empire and Biblical Israel has not existed for over 2000 years.

In none of my post will you find any suggestion of any division between the Old and New Testaments.....you dunce.

Jesus makes that very statement in Matthew.
In none of my post will you find any suggestion of any division between the Old and New Testaments.....you dunce.

Jesus makes that very statement in Matthew.
No.......of course not.............Whose thanksgiving Bible "Hebrews or Christians"? Does not imply that Hebrews have one bible and Christians another bible. Yeah........I'm the DUNCE. :eusa_think: At least I can read and comprehend ENGLISH. :eusa_shhh:

Are you "blond"?

Bubble Head: See "air head".
No.......of course not.............Whose thanksgiving Bible "Hebrews or Christians"? Does not imply that Hebrews have one bible and Christians another bible. Yeah........I'm the DUNCE. At least I can read and comprehend ENGLISH. :eusa_shhh:

Learn to read beyond the title, dope.

The thread documents the very opposite.
Learn to read beyond the title, dope.

The thread documents the very opposite.
Again........are you blond? :question: Of course.......forgive me, THE TITLE WAS JUST AN ILLUSION. That's why I am here.......for the entertainment value alone. Its very entertaining when you allow one's own words to paint themselves into the proverbial corner and watch as they come spinning out like TAZ.
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You're a moron.

That's not an illusion.
So.........you admit that the title suggests there is a Hebrew Bible and a Christian Bible......Come on! Again.........are you blond TAZ? ;) Spin baby, Spin! Do you require a Dramamine, I know I do. :question: :safetocomeoutff: Headed toward the twister shelter.
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So.........you admit that the title suggests there is a Hebrew Bible and a Christian Bible......Come on! Again.........are you blond TAZ? ;) Spin baby, Spin! Do you require a Dramamine, I know I do. :question: :safetocomeoutff: Headed toward the twister shelter.

I don't suggest....I claim....that only a moron ......you.....would read the title only.

But it must save you lots of time at the library.
I don't suggest....I claim....that only a moron ......you.....would read the title only.

But it must save you lots of time at the library.
Inversely...........only a Fool would title something that contradicts the content. But really........Chill :cool: God loves ya. ;)

Dyslexia: See title. As I said, Grins and Giggles is why I post here.
"... don't even have books...."

Quite an inducement for Democrats, huh?

One more test, just to prove you're a true Democrat: knowing what we now know about Democrat's "achievements" since stealing the election.....

.....still copacetic with your vote????

You are uninformed. Do you access any websites other than hard right propagnda?
Inversely...........only a Fool would title something that contradicts the content. But really........Chill :cool: God loves ya. ;)

Dyslexia: See title. As I said, Grins and Giggles is why I post here.

The purpose was to entice readers.....but that was for literate individuals.....clearly not you.

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